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Author Topic: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada  (Read 11643 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2007, 09:23:33 PM »
New Ship Class in the Imperial Navy

The commissioning of a new class of warship in the Navy was the excitement today. The Brandenburg-class frigate is an anti-submarine frigate that will also contribute anti-air capibilites. The unique thing to this ship is that it is stealth. This vessel will be built and issued to all the fleets, but the first ships will be given to the High Seas Fleet. This vessel is will also be used in the Defense Fleet, hunting the coasts for enemy subs. the Kaiser has remarked about the ships, saying that they will be a great addtition to the under-powered defense fleet. The Brandenburg frigates will be the backbone of the Canadian fleets.

Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

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Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2007, 08:51:33 PM »
New Military Bill Has Passed in Parliament

The Parliament has passed the Military Conscription Act today. This bill has been created in response to the near depression the country is feeling right now. The Act will lower the military to three million professional soldiers and will only go up in response to a war. The high-tech equipment that the military has is also making military service the doorway into poverty. The Navy will retire all aged ships like the Toronto-class battlecruisers. The Command Fronts will also be taken. The High Command will from now on lead the combined military together and not have separate fronts. The soldiers who will be retired will hereby be placed in the Conscription Corps. So in time of war, these citizen-soldiers can be called upon to fight again. The retired soldiers will be given jobs according to their current positions. Combat soldiers however will be placed in the Mandatory Job Skills Corps or the MJSC. There they will have good paying jobs until they can go out and find new ones.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 08:55:35 PM by Canada-Quebecois Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2007, 10:39:07 PM »
A New Princess

The Kaiserin Selene who was not seen lately gave birth last week to Alia Artorion, the Crown Princess of the Empire. Celebrations broke out all over the empire and even on the war fronts. When Hoshi takes the throne, she will be the first ruling Kaiserin and Empress in Canadian history. The Kaiser and the Kaiserin are going to have a party in their summer house in Halifax. Diplomats and monarchs are all invited. This party will be the princess's coming-out party. The special guests are the princess's grandparents and the emperor and empress of Fenexia. The Empire is deeply proud of their royal family and this new princess is recieved by the nation as if it is their child. This has earned Alia the title "the People's Princess."

« Last Edit: November 13, 2007, 05:52:25 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2007, 07:18:40 PM »
Wedding in Christstan, Queen Jordan is Marrying the Heir to the Throne of Christstan

The Emperor of Christstan and Kaiser Paul have both announced the marriage of Queen Jordan of Quebec to the Crown Prince of the Holy Empire of Christstan. The wedding is due to happen soon. The Imperial Family will be going to the wedding and so will many other monarchs and world leaders. After the wedding, the Emperor's daughter will then marry the Emperor of Myroria. In consquence, the various empires and kingdoms of Taijitu will now be linked together by bloodline. This is indeed a day to remember. The day that Christstan and Canada-Quebec become closer than ever.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2007, 07:35:23 PM »
Eastern Utopia Under New Management

The First Paratrooper Army under the command of General Thomas Richards arrived in eastern Utopia and claimed it part of the Canada-Quebecois Empire. The new Viceroy will arrive in a few days after the region is firmly under Canada-Quebec's control. This move was made in response to the New Delfo's and the Empire of Salestia's claims in western Utopia. A name for the new region is still in progress. After the UASS started to fall apart, the region of Utopia, which was basiclly a puppet nation of the alliance, became a race by former UASS nations to claim as much territory as possible. The Canada-Quebecois Empire however is not a former member of UASS. But they were welcomed to take eastern Utopia by Empress Barga of Salestia.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2007, 03:51:19 PM »
The Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Loyalist Has Been Created

In the aftermath to the war in Chinese Loyalist and the final destruction of the nation, Loyalist refugees fled to it's long-time ally, Canada-Quebec. The Canadian and Quebecois governments have allowed the creation of a provisional government in their nation. Many officals have commited war crimes and are being arressted and will be tried by the Canadian Supreme Court and then later will be handed over to the PI Council to be tried. However at this time over 40 million refugees have showen up in the nation's shores. The country is at this time mourning for the loss of their once-close ally and friend. But now there might still be hope, the Canadian government is thinking of moving the provisional government to a colony to have their own home. But right now the Provisional Government is trying to bring the Loyalists together. Our hearts go out to those that we lost.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2007, 07:40:38 PM »
Chancellor Xie Found in Canada-Quebec

Chancellor Xie, former leader of the People's Republic of Loyalist was found in a refugee camp in Canada-Quebec. He has surrendered to the Canadian government and has thanked them for trying to rebuild his nation. Documents from Chancellor Xie have been given to the Canadian government showing that he had no idea that a nucleur attack had been launched. Chancellor Yuri has allowed Chancellor Xie to return to his post and he is now the current Chancellor of the Provisional Government of the People's Republic in Ottawa. He is currently working to reunite his people in Canada-Quebec. The Acting Chancellor Jade has been moved from that post and is now Defense Minister and the Commander-in-Chief of the People's Army of the Provisional Government.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2007, 11:32:00 PM »
New Stealth Ships To Replace Battleships

The first two ships of the Zumwalt destroyer class have been delivered to the Canadian Navy by the Delfian Shipyards. They have been named Ottawa and the Quebec City after the capitals of the Dual Monarchy. These ships will replace the Ontario battleships that the Canadian Navy prides themselves off. The Zumwalt destroyers are fast and sleek like a destroyer but have the power of a battleship and a missile cruiser. They are around 600 feet long and are well armed.The Canadian Naval Development and the Delfian shipyards have paired together to create better versions. The Canadian Navy was so impressed with these ships that they have ordered twenty more.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2007, 09:21:51 PM by Canada-Quebecois Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2007, 04:24:10 AM »
A New Home For Loyalist Refugees

The Canadian and Quebecois governments have set aside a large piece of land between the borders of the two regions for use by the Provisional Government of Loyalist and the refugees from the war-torn country. This new land will be run by the Provisional Government and will be given home-rule by the Imperial government. Corperations and building busnisses are offering their services to create Loyalist towns and cities. Construction of the first city and the future capital of this new state has begun. It will be named New Anyia in honor of the capital of the Loyalist. These constructions will take between five to ten years. The Canadian government is appealing to the other members of PI for help in financing and constructing these cities. This plan was met with cheers by both Canadians and Loyalists. The region has yet to be given a name but the Free People's Republic of Loyalist is the current name that is used. For the time being, the Loyalists are living in camps near the Canadian cities and some have even earned enough money to move into the cities. In Halifax, where the largest refugee camp is, a Loyalisttown was set up right in the city. The government foresees more of these Loyalisttowns being created. The Loyalist flag flies over this Loyalisttown and with these refugees will their culture and people survive.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Canada-Quebecois
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2007, 01:10:11 AM »
The Province of Sonjan Is Created

In an unanimous vote in the Provisional Government of Loyalist, the Provisional Loyalist Area has now taken it's place as a province of the Canada-Quebecois Empire. The reactions from the Loyalists has been mixed. SOme believe that this will extingush their culture and way of life. Others believe that this is a new beginning for their people. The Chancellor said this. "We will not allow the Loyalist way of life to vanish. They are a unique people, who desearve to survive. The Provisional Government will continue to govern over their people as the Sonjan Provincal Government. They will be given the same rights as Canadians, but we will help them to keep their fragile culture intact." Theis was met with great ethusisaism across the country. Now the Loyalists and Canadians are no longer comrades-in-arms, they are brothers. Forever together in the path to greatness.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada
« Reply #40 on: September 05, 2007, 07:24:54 PM »
War!!! The Third American-Canadian War Begins!!

The Democratic States of America has declared war on the Greater Canadian Empire and has launched three attacks bent of destroying the empire and incorporating it into the DSA. The city of Vancouver is now being fought over by the American Seventh Army and the Canadian Fourth Army led by General Arthur Currie. For three weeks, the Americans' main target was Vancouver. If Vancouver falls, so falls the most important harbor in western Canada. The allies of Canada would have to start to land troops in Prince Rupert and Anchorage farther north. While the city of Vancouver is holding, the Americans are making great progress in the Manitoban Front, slowly pushing back the Third Army to Winnipeg, the center of the Canadian railroads. Winnipeg is currently not under siege, but if the Third Army doesn't hold them, then it will be. The third front is Toronto in Ontario. Toronto is faring better then it's western counterparts because the Americans are more focused in taking the more strategically based cities of Winnipeg and Vancouver. The Imperial Family, by order of Parliament has been flown out of the country to the Empress's home nation of Fenexia. God speed to the Imperial Family and may God be with the rest of us.

Destruction of Vancouver
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 03:46:48 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2007, 07:51:01 PM »
Battlefields Halt to Stalemates

The battles of Winnipeg and Vancouver had resulted in the Canadian and Inglish armies pushing the Americans back. In Vancouver, the Americans fell back to the States while the American army in WInnipeg was pushed back, but not run out of the country. But now tactics have changed, the Americans are now focusing on Toronto and the industrial center of the country. The First Shock Army under Field Marshal Frank Worthington, has been fighting for Toronto. The civilians of the city have also taken up arms to defend their city. The Great Lake Fleet has also moved in to help defend Toronto and also attack Chicago and Detroit. The nation is now in a stalemate. The Americans are holding and so are the Canadians.

Fall has come early this year. Winter has been thought to start perhaps mid-October, meteorologists say***In response to the war and the absence of the Imperial Family, Parliament has changed the political title of Chancellor of the Empire to Lord Protector of the Realm. Xavier Rommel has accepted this new position with this. "The government is here to help the people, this title will remind those after me of their duty."***Fenexian troops are landing in Halifax. they will be heading south to fortify Toronto.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 09:51:20 PM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2007, 04:08:38 AM »
The TIde has Turned

The defeat of the DS Army at Toronto has forced them back from the metropolis and south towards Queenston. The snowfall all along the IC Front has caused the DS Army to fall back from it's positions south. The Canadian Army and it's allies there are chasing the Americans. Word had come that frozen American tanks and artillery pieces were found all along the front. The war had finally turned in favor of the Allies. This is the beginning of the end for the American war machine. Lord Protector Rommel spoke before Parliament, stating this. "We have held out and now we hold the winning cards. If Kennedy thinks that he can win this war, then he is a damn fool. If he was a brave President, he would surrender his armies and retreat across his borders with an intact army. But if I don't recieve a surrender from him, then we will continue our advance. I am not asking him by telegram or by the phone to surrender. He must surrender without having someone giving him that option. Until then, the Canadian Army and it's brave allies will continue to force the enemy south. Ladies and gentlemen of Parliament, victory is within our grasp. When we force the Democratic States to surrender, then we will return to our position as the sole power on this continent." When asked about the Dysanii buildup on the border, he said this. "If the Parliamentary Republic of Dysanii wishes to luanch a war of imperialism on this continent, they will have to get through us. To have two powers living on this continent will cause war and death, so if the Dysanii government just stands down and respects Canadian poweress in this region, then we will have no problems. But if they wish to fight a war, then they will find us more then willing to fight back. Dysanii has a well trained military, but they have never seen combat, while the Canadian military has. No matter how hard you tarin your military, you can never win a war against a battle-hardened army as the DSA are learning now. I send this message to the Dysanii Parliament. We wish not to bring the fires of war against any nation here on the continent. Do not make yourselves seen as the fanatic imperialist on the American continent. We have no quarrel with you."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada
« Reply #43 on: October 09, 2007, 07:37:36 PM »
The Provisional Government Has Liberated Pentiction

Yesterday, the Provincial Army of IC was able to liberate the city of Pentiction during a daring attack on an American regiment. The Provisional Government has so far been able to liberate Kamloops, Kelowna, Cache Creek and Ashcroft. These small towns have risen up in the last few months and have attacked American supply lines. Only recently have they been able to meet the Americans in true combat instead of guerrilla actions. All around southern IC, partisan armies had been brought together. In Vancouver, the Free Sons of New Beaconsfield have done many espionage and bombings on American outposts and collaborators. The Free Sons support the Provisional Government, as do the Quesnel Liberation Army and others. The Provisional Government has only recently been in touch with the Canadian government and the General Staff. General Currie has remarked that he will send a paratrooper regiment to help them as well as special  forces. The Provisional Government has said that aas soon as the Canadian Army arrives, they will hand power of the province over to General Currie, but the general has said that since partisans have been instrumental in the liberation of southern IC, they can stay and continue to fight. The Canadian Imperial Government will soon recognize the Provisional Government as the real provincial government in Inglish Columbia. So far there are seven partisan groups.

List of partisan groups:

1.The Provisonal Government of Inglish Columbia- Inglish Columbian Provincial Army
2. Quesnel Liberation Army
3. Free Sons of New Beaconsfield
4. Haida Nation Army
5. The Blue and Reds
6. Inglish Columbian Freedom Fighters
7. Fraser River Privateers
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 07:56:22 PM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Le Soleil Impérial Du Le Plus Grand Canada
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2007, 09:11:18 PM »
The Battle for Southern Inglish Columbia is Almost Over

The joint Inglish-Canadian army has arrived outside of Vancouver to liberate the final piece of Canadian territory. With the liberation of Vancouver, Lord Protector Rommel has stated that he will be able to force terms on the DSA. Word has come that Field Marshal Frank Worthington has taken command of the important front. Also Field Marshal Andrew Theriot of the Empire of Inglo-Scotia has come to lead the Inglish army in IC, while General Wellington was moved to the quiet Manitoban Front. The Third Battle of Vancouver will begin soon and we all pray that the forces will be able to end this conflict. Int eastern IC, Christstan and Canadian soldiers have met up with the Provisional Government of Inglish Columbia and now the combined forces of the regulars and partisans are now chasing the eastern American army south. But an army of Pentiction and Ashcroft volunteers was able to hold a southern line thus making the Christstans and Canadians able to capture over 200,000 American soldiers. 
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007