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News: Be vigilant: Anticitoyens could be behind any corner.

Author Topic: Parsanali National News  (Read 1180 times)

Offline Parsanali

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Parsanali National News
« on: March 09, 2007, 01:48:58 AM »
Coronation of Khedive Cyrus III

Today, Colonel Cyrus Zathuri, oldest son of the late Khedive, was crowned as the next Khedive of Parsanali. The ceremony occupied much of the morning, and was attended by nearly all the top officials in the country. The royal procession and military bands were an amazing sight to behold. The real attraction, however, was the Khedive's speech afterword. He mapped out his plan for a new, modern Parsanali, that has spent years isolated from the outside world. Accorting to Khedive Cyrus III, the key to Parsanali's future success is in in expansion; economic and territorial expansion will be the road to Parsanali's future. How this will play out on the world's stage is any one's guess.