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Author Topic: VOTE: Constitutional Amendment  (Read 16576 times)

Offline Khem

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VOTE: Constitutional Amendment
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:08:56 PM »
Discussion has taken place HERE. Vote your conscience. This vote will last for 5 days. Remember we need at least 2/3 to amend the Constitution. Should this pass we will do a second round of voting on it.
Quote from: Constitutional Amendment
Constitution of Taijitu

Taijitu adopts this minimal constitution to preserve the direct democracy of the Ecclesia unless sufficient consensus exists to replace it.
[in]The Ecclesia
1. The Ecclesia will consist of all citizens of Taijitu.
2. The Ecclesia may adopt, amend, propose or repeal laws by a majority vote.
3. The Ecclesia may remove any government official by a majority vote.
4. The Ecclesia may amend this constitution by two two-thirds majority votes held no less than a week apart.
5. The Ecclesia may regulate foreign, domestic and military policy by law.[/in]

Taijituan Bill of Rights

1. All persons are guaranteed equal protection under the law regardless of any aspect of their person or persona.
2. No person may be deprived of access the Regional Forums necessary to exercise their other rights.
3. No person may be subjected to inquiry into their private affairs absent reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
4. No person may be charged for a crime that was no crime at the time of commission.
5. No person may be kept in ignorance of charges against them, nor be deprived of a swift, fair and public trial.
6. No person may be deprived of representation at trial.
7. No person may be compelled to bear witness against themselves.
8. No person may be deprived of an unenumerated right that is nevertheless applicable to their case.
9. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to hold and exercise beliefs.
10. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to express opinions, to disseminate information and to urge action.
11. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to associate with others.
12. All citizens are guaranteed the right to participate in any election.
13. All citizens are guaranteed the right to run for and hold public office.
14. No citizen may be ejected from Taijitu or limited in their access to the Regional Forums absent criminal charges.
Quote from: original text
Constitution of Taijitu

Taijitu adopts this minimal constitution to preserve the direct democracy of the Ecclesia unless sufficient consensus exists to replace it.[st]
The Ecclesia will be a body consisting of all citizens of Taijitu.
The Ecclesia and it alone may legislate.
To legislate changes to this constitution or the bill of rights, the Ecclesia must agree in two separate votes by a two thirds majority to do so.[/st]

Taijituan Bill of Rights

1. All persons are guaranteed equal protection under the law regardless of any aspect of their person or persona.
2. No person may be deprived of access the Regional Forums necessary to exercise their other rights.
3. No person may be subjected to inquiry into their private affairs absent reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
4. No person may be charged for a crime that was no crime at the time of commission.
5. No person may be kept in ignorance of charges against them, nor be deprived of a swift, fair and public trial.
6. No person may be deprived of representation at trial.
7. No person may be compelled to bear witness against themselves.
8. No person may be deprived of an unenumerated right that is nevertheless applicable to their case.
9. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to hold and exercise beliefs.
10. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to express opinions, to disseminate information and to urge action.
11. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to associate with others.
12. All citizens are guaranteed the right to participate in any election.
13. All citizens are guaranteed the right to run for and hold public office.
14. No citizen may be ejected from Taijitu or limited in their access to the Regional Forums absent criminal charges.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 07:38:44 PM by Khem »

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai:

Offline Khem

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Re: VOTE: Constitutional Amendment
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 10:56:52 PM »
Round 1 has passed Round 2 can be found HERE.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai: