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Author Topic: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu  (Read 7552 times)

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2007, 07:55:49 PM »
Imperial Communication

His Divinity is aware of the Gallipoli Question currently being discussed by the IPO. His Most Charitable Excellency wishes to make clear that the Gallipoli are residents of the Empire of Xyrael, and as such are subject to every law instituted by His Insightful Majesty. As such, the Empire has commited no crimes against their human dignity or life, and wishes to stress that any discussion of intervention will serve only to turn the Empire against the IPO.

He wishes instead to bring to the attention of the IPO the Moacian-Ozian Conflict. Should the IPO wish to discuss conflict, then it should concern itself with real matters. The Esteemed Sovereign of the Eternal Land of Xyrael is disgusted with the fact that this International Peace Organization has not yet observed the use of biological warfare against Moacian citizens. The Empire of Xyrael will handle this problem as we see fit, but requests humanitarian aid be provided to alleviate the plight of the Moacians. The Empire has noted that the biological agent was an extremely large application of potent anthrax to a river source. This river has infected the most fertile farmlands of Moacia, and the Empire has unknowingly delivered several infected shipments of grain to the esteemed nation of Loyan. The Empire has taken steps to ensure that further spread of this agent are contained, but requires supplies of food to ensure that the citizenry do not starve or thirst.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 08:03:59 PM by Xyrael »
I have become, again and again.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2007, 07:58:43 PM »
Though I don't like it, I have to agree with thr Xyraeli government. We need to be less concerned with the separatists and we need to discuss how we are going to deal with this....biological agent. And we need to act quickly.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2007, 08:52:49 PM »
TO: Esteemed Sovereign of the Eternal Land of Xyrael
From: Ipod of New Delfos, Yuri Papovish.

The Ipod and government of New Delfos want to invite His Divinity for a meeting in Boyengrado, or if you could kindly invite our Ipod to visit your motherland. This meeting is to inform our government and IPO Delegate about the confronts in your colonies and their threats to your sovereignty.

Offline Union

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2007, 09:14:57 PM »
General Order
Issue by the Ipod of Loyan

As administrative head of IPO, I have imposed temporary sanctions against Moacia in face of it's recent use of biological agents against civilians. No member of IPO is allow to supply capital or any sorts of product or service to these criminals for any reason.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2007, 11:20:51 PM »
"Perfect, thanks chap"
Ian Blaine, His Imperial Majesty's Ambassador to the IPO, pulled a £10 note from his pocket and handed it to the workman who had just hung the portrait of HIM George VII behind his new desk. Overall he liked his new IPO office.
It was a little bland, only the Union Jack flag and the portrait, as well as the coat of arms added to the front of the door, were distinctively Inglo-Scotian. 
Still, the room felt right for what it was suppose to be, a neutral place.

He wasn't entirely happy with his new position, however. Apparently he would be an "Ipod" instead of an Ambassador. He wasn't exactly sure what "Ipod" meant.

None the less he had work to do.

He noticed an icon on his computer screen that read "Internal Ipod Connection."
After accessing it he realized it was a network connected to all the Ipods, a way to issue statements when the assembly wasn't meeting....

TO: Representatives of IPO-affiliated states
From: His Imperial Majesty's Ambassador to the International Peace Organization, Ian Blaine

It is the wish of His Imperial Majesty's government that the IPO take immediate action to raise sanctions against the Empire of Xyrael, and recognize the independence of both the Gallipoli and Ozian states.
I have obtained transcripts of the general assembly's discussion of these matters and I believe I speak for His Imperial Majesty and his government when I say it's time to stop playing cards with human lives.
While the possibilities of neutral observers are discussed, as Ipods squabble over the realities of the Xyraeli government's crimes against humanity, more and more innocents die.
The time for action is now. I pray the majority of IPO nations come to see the excessive brutality that exists within the Xyraeli regime.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 12:05:19 AM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2007, 11:54:31 PM »
To The Esteemed Sovereign of the Eternal Land of Xyrael
Relayed trough Talman Yar Terrangan Delegate to IPO

To:The Esteemed Sovereign of the Eternal Land of Xyrael
From: Dr Moccha Chairman of IHAO

It has come to our organizations attention that the country of Moacia has been the place of an Anthrax outbreak.
We would like to offer our assistance in fighting this disease.
We request information of the current situation to prepare humanitarian aid but are willing to send  first assistance in the form of doctors and medical equipment, as well as drugs, food and water purification equipment.
As we have no contact trough a embassy of your country or that of Moacia we have relayed this message trough our IPO delegate.

To: The IPO Delegate from Loyan
From Terrangan IPO DelegateTalman Yar

Your honor.
I request that the ban against Moacia is lifted in the case of the IHAO to give humanitarian assistance to the civilians victimized by the deployment of biological agents.
Also I ask for permission to send a small group of IPO observers to Moacia.
Please contact me on this matter.

Thank you very much.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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Offline Cantr

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2007, 03:36:33 PM »
To: All Ipods
From: Liu Hanshen, Ipod of Cantr

I am not yet willing to take sides on the issue of Xyrael's potentially oppressive and brutal government, but for the sake of discussion, let us assume that the worst of their accusations are completely true and that they are abusing nearly every human right IPO's current charter supposedly protects.  If Xyrael's acts against humanity prove to be true, will we continue to suffer their presence in IPO?
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2007, 05:30:45 PM »
To: All Ipods
From: Talman Yar , IPOD of Terrangar

Instead of basing decisions and actions on mere  assumptions we should do what a organization like ours is supposed to do.
Sending in neutral observers from member countries to gather evidence.

OOC If you don't know what observer means check here

A delegate in an organization that is sent to observe and report on the proceedings of an assembly or a meeting but that can not vote or otherwise participate.
Or in our case
A delegate in an organization that is sent to observe and report on the proceedings of an armed conflict. but that can not interfere on behalf of any side.

So sorry. No guns here, But free transport in brightly colored cars for everyone.
And field glasses, oh and cameras.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Prydania

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2007, 06:37:33 PM »
From: Ian Blaine, IPOD of the Empire of Inglo-Scotia

Why waste human life? Why gamble away the lives of more innocent Gallipoli and Ozians, to preserve the notion of diplomacy? While we play these foolish games the tyrannical Xyraeli regime kills more and more innocents.
I again repeat the request from His Imperial Majesty's government that the IPO recognize the independence of the Gallipoli and Ozian states, and enact sanctions against the Empire of Xyrael.

Offline Cantr

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2007, 07:29:13 PM »
To: All Ipods
From: Liu Hanshen

I support the recognition of the rebel states but am hesitant to support taking action against Xyrael.  However, if we do take action to save the lives of innocents, we must be willing to do whatever it takes, even if that means invasion.  We cannot do this half-way.  We must either be ready to commit totally or not commit at all.  This, primarily, is why I am hesitant to intervene in Xyrael.  The Cantr Wars are not yet a year old, and I am loathe to support any military action.

Nonetheless, Cantr will never hold its own well-being so high as to ignore the blood of a million innocent martyrs for the sake of our own peace.  I will not act until I know that Xyrael has committed these crimes.
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2007, 07:41:53 PM »
I hate going on like a broken record.
Terrangar will NOT support any move against Xyrael until the matter is investigated by the IPO first.
Only when there is proof that the accusations brought forward are true will we change this decision according to fact not fiction.
We will not blindly support any action of any kind based on assumptions and presumptions alone.
In the time we discuss this we already could have assembled a team of observers and send them to gather information on which to base our actions.
Also Terrangar will not support the notion of IPO being used to fight wars of independence for others.
This decision is final and will enter any further vote .
I ask those assembled here to support the deployment of observers to gather facts.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 08:34:29 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Osamafune

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #56 on: October 29, 2007, 08:21:20 PM »
To: All IPODs
From: Bakoyannis VI, IPOD of the Collosean Federation

The IPO is not a tool to fight other people's wars. If it was, we should be deploying to Canada right now. Most IPO members either voted against or abstained in that vote.

Collosea will not give recognition to any of the Xyraeli territories any time soon and will not support any kind of intervention.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 08:24:44 PM by Osamafune »

Offline Cantr

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2007, 01:15:52 AM »
From: Liu Hanshen
To: All Ipods

I am in agreement with Terrangar.  We should first send an investigation team.  If the IPO will not do this, then I will collaborate with Terrangar and any other willing nations to do it myself.
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2007, 03:49:38 PM »
FROM: Samuel Jefferson, IPOD of the Democratic States

The internal policies of the Empire of Xyrael are the business of Xyrael and Xyrael alone. When did dictating the terms of how a nation should govern itself become a principal of the IPO?
Not only should this organization disregard the Inglo-Scotian IPOD's ridiculous call to conflict, but I call for the IPO to cease any discussion to send observers to Xyrael or its colonies.
It is not the IPO's place to dictate terms of governance to independent and sovereign states.

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Meeting: Seperatism in Gelibolu
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2007, 04:23:33 PM »
To: Samuel Jefferson, IPOD of the Democratic States
From: Talman Yar, IPO Delegate of Terrangar

It is as you may be well aware the sole purpose of this organization to promote peace and assist waring nations as a third and neutral party in finding diplomatic, non-violent ways to solve there conflicts.
As such we are an outside party to any conflict as we could not keep our neutrality and third person view to help other countries in any other way.
As such it should be clear that IPO involvment is always and outside involvment, this si why we confer with both sides of the conflict.
In regard to the government of Xyrael I assure you that we will contact them on any decision beforehand and send observers in conjunction with their government.
As you are well educated to show us what we can not do, then maybe you might enlighten us as to how we should proceed.
However I ask you to wait until the IPO has made a decision as a whole body on how to proceed in this matter and after we have contacted the Xyraeli government on this decision.
Also I would like to inform you that Xyrael is a member of IPO so I believe we should hear what the Xyrael delegate has to say in this matter.
As far as I have the honor to personally know the Xyraeli delegate he seems. at least to me, quite able to speak for himself on behalf of his government.
But I may stand corrected by you on this matter.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 04:27:53 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"
