Fellow members of the IPO, imagine with me for a moment. Imagine someone in your land, rightfully governed for more centuries than you can remember, decides to declare himself independent. Imagine they start a movement which kills your soldiers, which kills your police, and endangers the innocent both "of their ethnicity" and of your nation. I would construe these men as self-serving, power hungry individuals who use ethnic self determination as a facade for anarchy. How are we to define what an ethnic group is? How are we to prevent any man from declaring himself independent of a nation? Where do we set this precedent?
Please, realize the importance of stability. Must every nation sacrifice it's dignity at the call of some madmen with a hollow ideal of nationalist pride covering a truly malevolent intention?
As for the Pachamama delegate, the Imperial Illuminate will allow IPO observers to the following districts: Istanbul, Kirkareli, Edirne. Mounting instability within the Tekirdag district leads us to believe that these men have set up their headquarters here. If you wish to judge the character of the Gallipoli people as subjects of the Empire, and as individuals in their own right, then you need only to examine the moderates. Radicals have no place in governance.