This is exactly what I mean. And if those reporters were arrested or not is of no meaning to the people.
For those that were there and those that will see those pictures it will not matter who and how it started.
It will only matter how it was ended by whom.
The Valideen forces simply gave the initiative out of their hands and into those of the police. They allowed it to escalate.
Whoever uses the police to create this incident and manipulate the public opinion was successful. He played those soldiers like a piano.
I do not blame the Valedeen soldiers as such as they reacted the way all soldiers are teached to react to force, by applying a counter force. He knew this and he used it to his advantage against you.
My proposal still stands.
The IPO will take over the roadblocks and searches together with the Dysanii police force members as liaison and contact to the civilian populace. Their officers need not be armed as they will be protected by IPO peace keepers.
Only IPO personal from countries not involved in this war will be deployed.
As soldiers have proven to be of rather doubtful use in these matters I will ask the Terrangan gouverment and those of other nations to send members of Military and civilian police units instead.
Soldiers will be deployed only during disarmament of the Dysanii nation with the troop strength reduced to pre-war peace time levels.
According to the Generals statement that he has no control of the government and his party has no political power, an interim goverment will be formed from ALL political parties in Valheen except those that have members of the former govenment.
The IPO will accept this government as the ruling body of Valheen until democratic elections can be held to establish a government by the people.
Also the interim governments issue will be to put up ballot for independence which will be organized and controlled together with IPO observers as well as take up talks with Canada who will be involved in this matter.
And I agree with the Delfian delegate that no other forces should be allowed inside this territory. Including all non IPO forces.
Believe me or not I saw this coming the moment the police appeared at the outpost, Same picture every time. Seems to be much more difficult to play peace than play war isn't it.
Well as I like to say. You need two people to make a peace but only one man to make a war.