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Author Topic: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic  (Read 9238 times)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2007, 02:35:22 AM »
This has nothing to do with that. Your region is being occupied, you have to submit to the occupation authority, such authority that for security reasons creates checkpoints for contraband, and you without any authority are defying ours. There is no government of Valhene, your fake attempt have failed. Surrender your forces or be seen as a rebel, you're just continuing the fight before the coup.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2007, 02:36:12 AM »
They are just continuing the previous fight, war continues.

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2007, 05:40:29 AM »
This has nothing to do with that. Your region is being occupied, you have to submit to the occupation authority, such authority that for security reasons creates checkpoints for contraband, and you without any authority are defying ours. There is no government of Valhene, your fake attempt have failed. Surrender your forces or be seen as a rebel, you're just continuing the fight before the coup.

What you have is occupational presence. If the people do not wish to submit to your authority, there is nothing you can do to stop us from continuing on our independence and autonomy.
"Why won't you surrender?"

"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2007, 08:30:54 AM »
Talman Yar leaned back in his chair putting the palm of his hands together.

“I propose the following terms for the deployment of IPO peace-keepers.
The IPO will take over the roadblocks and searches together with the Dysanii police force members as liaison and contact to the civilian populace. Their officers need not be armed as they will be protected by IPO peace keepers.
Only IPO personal from countries not involved in this war will be deployed.

As soldiers have proven to be of rather doubtful use in these matters I will ask the Terrangan gouverment and those of other nations to send members of Military and civilian police units instead.

Soldiers will be deployed only during disarmament of the Dysanii nation with the troop strength reduced to pre-war peace time levels.

According to the Generals statement that he has no control of the government and his party has no political power, an interim goverment will be formed from ALL political parties in Valheen except those that have members of the former govenment.
The IPO will accept this government as the ruling body of Valheen until democratic elections can be held to establish a government by the people.

Also the interim governments issue will be to put up ballot for independence which will be organized and controlled together with IPO observers as well as take up talks with Canada who will be involved in this matter.

If the Delfos delegate or anyone else wishes for a trial of war crimes or such they will do this the official way.
All documents and facts will be presented to the IPO for review and proof of validity.
Based upon the information gathered in this way a tribunal will be created or not,.
After the creation of a tribunal all involved will present their cases.
I will not have a show trial or an act of revenge.

You will agree to these terms or the IPO peace keepers will stay were they are.

He leaned forward.

“And off the record gentlemen. Just for your information.
In my personal opinion the only people having valid reasons to be in Dysanii are the Canadians and their allies from Pax Imperium
I think we all can agree that Canada has been the victim of an unjust attack.
Everyone who joined later may have done so to assist the Canadians but the truth is they did it so they could cut out a piece of the Dysanii cake for themselves.
If these mercenary nations get NOTHING out of this for the soldiers they have sacrificed then the better. Maybe this way they will learn something for the future.”

As the General has stated that he holds no political power of yet and Canada being the victim of this war I hereby close these talks until an interim Dysanii government can be created and talks can be held with Canada.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 09:21:43 AM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
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"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2007, 08:36:44 AM »
ooc: I love you Pachamama

We will accept all these terms. They are fair and meet our democratic principles.

On a side note Mr. Yar, Louis Vassa has asked that we stop referring him as general. He resigned from the military the day the FVM was created.
"Why won't you surrender?"

"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2007, 09:02:17 AM »
There is a serious matter of corruption within the police forces of Valhene. So far, in each protest that turned to riots, it has always been the police to create them by inciting the crowds.

Despite what the insurgents want you to believe, only a minority of the citizens in Valhene want independence. What we have found is that most of the protesters move from place to place. They'll protest in one city, move into another and protest there, and it only gives the illusion that they are semi wide spread. Also, soldiers from Collosea, Delfos, and Validus can testify from living in the nation and manning check points in their cities that the majority do not agree with their views and do not want independence.

If you want to send your own observers in to verify these claims, be my guest. IPO peacekeepers will not solve anything. The people of Dysanii are highly nationalistic and will oppose to any foreign soldiers. Collosea, Delfos, and Varkour; the three of us ARE IPO members you know and we all have forces there to maintain the peace.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2007, 09:13:21 AM »
You are making a mistake, this administration doesn't seem any better than the Loyan one. You're calling the shots without even consulting the delegates opinion. You are running for interests of PI and this madman Vassa. You rather trust a liar than your own members.
Our mission since the war began have not yet been completed. We have the goal to achieve peace and return home after Dysanii establish a democratic government in interest shared by everyone. That haven't yet happened, nations haven't yet decided what to do with Dysanii and this fake governments are only governing for their own interests.
The Coalition forces will not rest until the goal is fulfilled or we declare the abandon of the war. This firefights, insurgents and riots only continue the previous case during the war. A Dysaniian government is still there, corrupted, irresponsible, targeting Canadians and now Coalition forces, and breaking the peace. If breaking the peace and supporting this madmen is what you want, delegate of Terrangar, than you are in the wrong organization.
If the support and recognition of this government and it's armed forces isn't lifted I suggest your resignation from Administrator of IPO.
(Which should have happened already...)

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2007, 09:21:18 AM »
Mr. Yar, you're taking the word of this one single person over all of the rest of the IPO delegates?

The whole reason I agreed to send troops was to do exactly what the IPO refused to do and try and make peace in the region. Collosea had been for an expanded IPO mission since it began by building up what was intended for Winter Shield. Since that never even got off the ground, we took the first chance we had at attempting what the IPO failed to do.

And NOW you want to send peacekeepers!? After the war has raged for god knows how long and took countless lives!?

Collosea whole-heartedly supports Delfos's motion to have Terrengar's resignation. We will not pull out our troops, and we will continue to hunt down these insurgents in suits.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 09:26:38 AM by Osamafune »

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #38 on: December 07, 2007, 09:27:57 AM »
Even so i resign I will still forward this motion.
Also I have heard nothing of my delegate colleagues except accusations and rants.
If you can come up with a better idea to prevent these riots than arresting police officers and attacking upset civilians then I will be happy to hear about it.
it would be welcome if you would simply stop playing into the hands of any resistance or apposition.
And I saw the TV news about the arrest of those two reporters. Now THAT was a clever idea.
Very much proves the point of the people.
Also i am still in administration because no one has stepped forward yet to take the position and you can not expect the administrator to leave the seat empty.

A occupation force that only creates dissent by opressing anything and anyone and a population that is willing to fight them.
This entire situation reminds me of something. If I JUST could remember.
Hmm, maybe all the people ranting about the American/ Irak war could help my memory a bit.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #39 on: December 07, 2007, 09:33:16 AM »
Furthermore, we're fighting under IPO reasons, as our treaty clearly states, we're the sword of IPO. Until peace isn't achieved in Dysanii, and Peaceful democratic government or governments are installed, there's nothing we can do but try to stop the armed attacks. We're still the authority in Valhene, as Canada is the authority in Acadia. People can't defy us for the reason of security, until the job is done, we cannot recognize any other armed force in the region.
Now IPO Administrator, despite not consulting with other delegates, is unilaterally recognizing a rogue state and it's armed forces, that supports the fight against Coalition forces, those forces that fought for their freedom already.

Arresting the Press? That's against our protocols and have not ever happened.

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2007, 09:46:39 AM »
I believe I know what Terrengar is referring to. There were some police officers arrested, but they were also the ones instigating the riots. This is the footage of the incident you are referring too:

Dysanii Freedom Broadcast.

"We now broadcast this video showing Valhene rebels turning violent against Coalition forces."

Delfian patrol just arrived to help the Valideen forces.

Delfian Riot Specialized troops arrived trying to create a barrier between the Valhene rebels and the injured troops.

A delfian soldier crumbling trying to reach his comrades after being hit by several rocks.

Delfian Riot Specialized troops trying to cool the scene down arresting one of the many aggressors.

One of the soldiers that was carried to the Armored Personal Carrier vehicle for medical assitance in presence of several evidences of brutal beat up.

The soldier that was carried in emergency by helicopter after being resqued by Valideen forces from the hands of those Valhene rebels. He's still in critical condition on the Central Campaign Hospital of the Coalition forces.
As you can see, no reporters were arrested.

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2007, 11:38:43 AM »
If private citizens wish to join in civil protest, they have the right to do so under the constitution of the Republic. You can not deny the fact that Valhene's citizens do not want you in Valhene. Even with all these accusations of police inciting riots, armed insurgents, or the FRM funding violence...there is the simple fact, you are trespassing on our country and ignoring our rights and freedoms.

And since Delfos accuses the Republic of being a threat to peace, I suggest the IPO set out a parameters to limit the size of our future military. I'm sure the future government will be happy to comply.
"Why won't you surrender?"

"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2007, 12:41:00 PM »
This is exactly what I mean. And if those reporters were arrested or not is of no meaning to the people.
For those that were there and those that will see those pictures it will not matter who and how it started.
It will only matter how it was ended by whom.
The Valideen forces simply gave the initiative out of their hands and into those of the police. They allowed it to escalate.
Whoever uses the police to create this incident and manipulate the public opinion was successful. He played those soldiers like a piano.
I do not blame the Valedeen soldiers as such as they reacted the way all soldiers are teached to react to force, by applying a counter force. He knew this and he used it to his advantage against you.
My proposal still stands.

The IPO will take over the roadblocks and searches together with the Dysanii police force members as liaison and contact to the civilian populace. Their officers need not be armed as they will be protected by IPO peace keepers.
Only IPO personal from countries not involved in this war will be deployed.

As soldiers have proven to be of rather doubtful use in these matters I will ask the Terrangan gouverment and those of other nations to send members of Military and civilian police units instead.

Soldiers will be deployed only during disarmament of the Dysanii nation with the troop strength reduced to pre-war peace time levels.

According to the Generals statement that he has no control of the government and his party has no political power, an interim goverment will be formed from ALL political parties in Valheen except those that have members of the former govenment.
The IPO will accept this government as the ruling body of Valheen until democratic elections can be held to establish a government by the people.

Also the interim governments issue will be to put up ballot for independence which will be organized and controlled together with IPO observers as well as take up talks with Canada who will be involved in this matter.

And I agree with the Delfian delegate that no other forces should be allowed inside this territory. Including all non IPO forces.

Believe me or not I saw this coming the moment the police appeared at the outpost, Same picture every time. Seems to be much more difficult to play peace than play war isn't it.
Well as I like to say. You need two people to make a peace but only one man to make a war.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2007, 12:48:12 PM »
ooc:wrong account
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2007, 12:50:58 PM »
I admire your level of respect for the democratic process, Representative. Terranger must be a very successful democracy. We agree to the terms.
"Why won't you surrender?"

"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."