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Author Topic: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic  (Read 9241 times)

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2007, 08:11:35 PM »
ooc: Oh, I see some of the locals REALLY don't like you there. General Vassa has already disbanded the army and he has established a PEACEFUL political movement vying for independence. Hence, he has no control over any part of the former army. It seems that Delfos has resulted to making false accusations against a political opponent they can't deal with. Talk about oppression against democracy.

Insurgents? Rebellion? I'm sorry, but such false accusations are uncalled for here. FRM does not in any way organize or support armed resistance against occupational forces in Valhene, and any that exist probably are operated by civilians of their own accord. As stated in the FRM Charter, we do NOT believe that violence and arms are a key to dispelling foreign occupation. Our mission is clear: To initiate the preservation of democracy and autonomy in the Republic by means of peaceful protest and ballot campaigning.

Also be aware that State Guards personnel were responsible for purchasing their own equipment from private vendors, including any weapons to used in combat. Also, do note that every State district arsenal has been either destroyed or capture by occupation forces, hence any weapons that we used to have are now under monitor by you.

Also please note, neither the State Congress nor State Guard Army has surrender to any party of the occupational force. Hence, in a legal standpoint, Valhene is still an independent entity, and the terms "rebellion" and "insurgents" are misleading. 
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2007, 08:33:45 PM »
ooc: I've got proof.

anyway, everything you said just makes my point, armed cops against coalition forces from your fake *democratic* (Where?) 'republic' that opose to occupation forces before the original goal is complete makes you the leader of the oppositions, means you're responsible for any insurgent forces, any of the actions of the '(Valhene) state police', and everything I said has proof. If it's fake or not, well, that's for someone else to judge, right now you're playing with fire, and I'm quite amused ruining your amateur fun fest.
(hahaha, don't call me amateur again)

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2007, 08:43:17 PM »
Can someone please get a translator for our Delfos representative here? I had not a clue on the what he said right about now. Again I will state, the FRM is not responsible for any armed resistance against occupational forces. We stand on that fact.
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Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2007, 09:18:50 PM »
Maybe we all could settle down here and talk things over gentlemen.
I would like for the Delfos delegate to present his proof, if only for the eyes of the IPO delegates.
Also what exactly seems to be the problem here?

I don't know nothing of what is happening at the road block.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2007, 09:34:13 PM »
ooc: Read Op. Ironhide if you want to learn more, shortly an ex-General forms a Republic of his own in one of the Dysanii regions whole the same region is being occupied by the Coaltion, his 'State Police' thinks they have their own constitution and laws already and are trying to gain the upper hand, saying the coalition forces have no juristiction.

ic: The information I have is that, as an occupational force, we are responsible for the civilian security and peace keeping, but there's some riots and insurgents against the Coalition forces. The goal is to take charge of the region until a democratic government with the IPO's over-view takes control of Dysanii, we do not yet or maybe never recognise the single state 'Valhene Republic' as independent. All armed forces must be disarmed and surrender to the Coalition Forces until IPO recognizes their legitimity and allows them having their own armed security forces.
Ex-General Louis Vassa is the leader of this 'fake' government that was installed for his own purposes and uses their ex-Dysanii Police as Valhene Republic Police to start trouble with Coalition Forces, break checkpoints, hassle civilians with their fake laws and rebel against Coalition Forces.

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2007, 09:58:37 PM »
Before I ask for the Generals statement to these accusations I would like to remind the delegates that this is not a tribunal but a formal meeting.
I think we should look for a solution to these problems.
I have an idea on how to ease the tensions but  would like to hear your opinions on the situation before I present my proposal.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2007, 10:12:11 PM »
ooc: Obviously, Delfos still thinks Valhene is some backwater territory in the Middle East or Eastern Europe. Valhene is more of an American Midwest, and I modeled it on that model. Think Kansas or Alabama. Also, when I use the word State, I meant it as provincial level of government, such as the American ones.

If you are referring the Interstate 88 standoff, all I know is that a couple of Highway Patrol officers were involved. These men ARE operating on a constitution and set of laws, one that is supported by the Valhene public, as set by the senators and presidents that were VOTED in by them before your invasion. The legitimacy of this democratic establishment beats the use of force by military overlords any day.

Also, I must correct you on your label of Chairman Vassa as the "leader" of Valhene. This is completely obscured, as the FRM is NOT in anyway a point of authority for the state district of Valhene, and is only a civilian political group campaigning for the return of independent government here in Valhene. The leader of Valhene can ONLY be decided by a proper election by Valhene citizens, as stated in our constitution.
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"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2007, 10:40:44 PM »
May I propose that those roadblock put up by the occupation forces to search for contraband be also manned by one IPO Peace force officer and a officer of the Valhene police then.
This would make it easier for all involved.
The people would respect the searches if they were supported by their own police. Also it would be easier to handle the citizens if they did not have the feeling of being pushed around by what they percieve as a foreign occupation.

After all the alliance should be aware of the saying "One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it. "
A riot like the one you mentioned General is a seed for further trouble and lead up to more violent incidents that will help no one.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

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but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2007, 10:53:57 PM »
This is a good idea. However, We prefer that all checkpoints be managed by only IPO peace keepers from countries not involved in the occupation force. Delfos and Validus are attempting to discredit our democratic movement in the eyes of the international community, so we hope that IPO involvement in monitoring Valhene will bring more transparency of our campaign.

Also, I suggest that the Allies remove their presence from civilian populations if they are indeed committed to minimizing violence and casualties. What they have is a military victory, but they are far from gaining any recognition of authority from our people.   
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2007, 11:36:43 PM »
We cannot allow any armed forces to manage the security of Valhene for security reasons. You must understand that the Coalition forces have more things to do than to watch their backs while this Vassa guy foments riots against our own forces. He officially requested in public television for civilians to rise against our authority, how do you expect to maintain peace and order under that circunstances?
Stop the lying propaganda and call those civilians home, make your security forces surrender themselves and their weapons and maybe we can let them take care of unarmed juridical proceedures. Otherwise you are to be judged leader of those armed rebels and supporting those insurgents.
THAT would make thingseasier for all involved.

On top of that, we already have casualities from the riots you provoked. You are a menace to the security and peace of Valhene region.

If IPO wants to have a word about this security why haven't those Peace-Keepers arrived yet? Otherwise IPO is just letting this fake government taking care of business without any authority and supporting all those groups what are breaking the peace of Valhene region and Dysanii.

ooc: What are you thinking? Your region is OCCUPIED by a foreign COALITION, don't try to make things more complicated than they are. Wherever this region is, is the same thing in any part of the world. Just because it's modeled as American doesn't mean it's going to be double trouble for the occupation forces.
And how do you install a democratic republic, make elections that no one knows about, make a constitution and already have it in practice with your own police and all while your region is occupied, you must think you are leading with 3rd world army against the smartest and brightest oppositors. You're undervaluing the coalition army and overvaluing Dysanii civilians, they're not even yours. Gas masks for everyone? Why not vibrators and confettis?

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2007, 12:03:12 AM »
We do not control the police or any former security groups inside Valhene, we are a peaceful protest group with not legitimate control of any former element of the State government. We are not responsible for any insurgents that may show their displease towards your forces independently! We encourage our fellow citizens to stir away from armed violence and make use of peaceful processes that have endure for hundreds of years here in our democracy! Until Delfos can accept this fact, I feel I can not make any progress with IPO with a imperialistic and authoritative Delfos sitting at this table.   

oooc: The power of democracy endures in the face of oppression.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2007, 12:16:17 AM »
What a joke, an ex-General with a fake elected republic telling a diplomat of New Delfos we are imperialist and authoritarian. This should count as an insult. You say you have no control but they answer to your government, you call injured soldiers by riots peaceful protesting?

Is this peaceful?

Is this peaceful?
Until you do not apologise for what you said and make your forces surrender to the Coalition forces, we will not recognize your government and we will continue to see you as a fraud, if so, I expect to see you in International Court.

Offline Republic of Valhene

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2007, 12:30:08 AM »
You have the luxury to blame us for our problems, problems that you created and can't solve. We stand by our mission and principles. no matter how much you and your allies scapegoat us. The truth stands, if Valideans haven't established that road block, everything would had gone without trouble. You blame us for inciting riots against you, yet you continue to trample over our liberties and democratic traditions. While I do not know that status-quo in Delfos, in Dysanii, we hold our freedom of speech dearly, and we will make use of this right.

And don't put these pictures in front of me and hope it will strengthen your cause for imperialism. My son died when one of your bombs fell on a power station he was working in. If we tally up the score, you have killed more of our citizens then we to yours. I will not submit to the murderers of our sons and daughters.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 12:58:24 AM by Free Republic Movement »
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"It's call Democracy. There's only two things that can kill a democracy..............nuclear war and global warming."

Offline Myroria

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2007, 02:30:20 AM »
Statement from the Myrorian Government,

Myroria recognizes the existance of a republic in Valhene. Leave the bloated morass of the IPO, friend, and come to PI.
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Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Appeal for Recognition of a Valhene Republic
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2007, 02:31:36 AM »
What are we going to do with the Murphy and his terrorists?
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4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

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