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Author Topic: September Foreign Update  (Read 9513 times)

Offline El Fiji Grande

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September Foreign Update
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:43:23 PM »
September 2016 Foreign Update
[region]International Northwestern Union[/region]
Produced by Minister of Foreign Affairs Albiorix et al.

Salutations to our interregional friends from everyone within the INWU community. Our staff at the INWU Foreign Affairs Department places a priority on maintaining our oft-tenuous links, to enable more opportunities and iniatives. In keeping with this vision, we invite you to peruse the Foreign Update of September 2016.

During the past five months, we have posted periodic updates in the form of the regional newspaper, The NorthWest Star. However, the newspaper, owing to its reader-contributor structure, often addressed topics irrelevant to our foreign directive. Oftentimes, the newspaper was heavily formatted and required significant edits in order to conform to the various forum formats used by our allies.

That being said, we would still like to provide our foreign readers with a link to the newspaper dispatch.

Early this month, our regional election campaigns reached fever pitch as every candidate strived to attain more votes than their competitors. Two candidates with extensive experience launched their campaigns in mid-to-late August, complementing each other for the offices of World Assembly Delegate and Chancellor. They ran on identical platforms, promising complete legislative overhauls and the removal of old, broken systems. Initially, these candidates were seen as favorites; however, after a public discussion session was held for the establishment WAD candidate, few began to question the veracity of his claims, especially regarding the activity of the Regional Council. The few slowly became many, and the stranglehold these early candidates held seemed to loosen, paving the path for our current delegate, Savalen, to win the election. The stage was set for a close election, one that hadn't been seen in nine months.

As the election crept closer, however, Savalen's opponent, beset by a stream of setbacks, began losing faith in the region's ability to accept change, and consequently, his platform's ability to succeed. After a fit of anger on the RMB which essentially destroyed his campaign, he dropped out of the race, walking away from Savalen and a few other fringe candidates. With a bit of help from our Village Fool, Savalen was elected WAD of the INWU. Similarly, the Chancellor candidate abandoned his campaign and left to lead The Hanover Republic. Othelos was elected Chancellor after a brief day of campaign, representing Savalen's allies.

Soon after, unfortunately, Othelos was forced to resign due to personal reasons. Emergency elections were held, and our current Chancellor Grothbord was elected in mid-September.

Our roleplay activity looks to be picking up this month, after Tracian Empire was elected Minister of Roleplay largely uncontested. Many rules and regulations have been clarified in various forum discussions, and many roleplay ideas have been brought into consideration this month. The Royal Court RP with citizens of The Hanover Republic has shown the potential of similar events in the future; and a full-scale interregional RP with The Independent Order is being worked on by the MRP and the Roleplay Council as well as the Foreign Department. We've also opened embassies with [region]Equilism[/region], [region]Albion[/region], and others this month.

That concludes our September Foreign Update. If you have any questions, please contact your respective ambassadors, our Delegate Savalen, or our Minister of Foreign Affairs Albiorix.

Until next month,
The INWU Foreign Department

Offline Khem

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Re: September Foreign Update
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2016, 09:37:05 PM »
Thanks for the update :D

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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