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Author Topic: Citizenship  (Read 1495 times)

Offline Delfos

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« on: September 30, 2007, 07:16:53 PM »
What can a Citizen do generally with the current taijitu system?
Can we propose Laws?
Can we vote in Laws?
Can we petition any kick out?
Can we demand referendum?
Can we smuggle drugs?
Can we vote in Delegates?
Can we make a petition against an election?
Can we make a petition in favor of an election?
Can we revolt?

things like that...some of this questions i *might* know the answer but at least everyone gets black&white.

Offline Khablan

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Re: Citizenship
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 06:06:00 AM »
All citizens can vote in the Delegate elections, as long as they've registered to vote.  You can find that in our Elections section.

To propose and vote on laws, you need to become a Senator.  You can find out how to do that in Requirements for Political Offices.

If by a kick out, you mean to have someone banned from the forum, you can bring a case before the Supreme Court if you feel someone's broken the laws or violated the Constitution.

Smuggle drugs?  Sure, right here.

Petitions?  Well you can always start a thread in General and ask people to sign it. 

And as for revolt, well that all depends on what you mean.  People get hot under the collar about things sometimes, and if they want to make their concerns known, they can do that.  If things get way out of hand with a huge flamewar, then an admin might have to crack down on it.
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