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Author Topic: Winter-breaker Snowflake  (Read 1618 times)

Offline Delfos

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Winter-breaker Snowflake
« on: January 14, 2008, 04:46:25 AM »
Cold and silent, everyone was either at sleep or at work-station.
NDS U-2: "Alpha-0, We're arriving to the way-point, blowing ballasts...opening periscope and antennas, waiting for geo'pos'sat confirmation."
NDS Alqizir: "Alpha-2, Five degrees up, silent running, 5 minutes to readiness for reconnaissance process. How's Alpha-4?"
NDS Walrus: "Alpha-0, Alpha-4 here, the vector is far, but ready for reconnaissance process."
NDS U-1: "Alpha-2, Alpha-1 here, ready when you are."
NDS U-2: "Confirmation completed, we're at scheduled position, or actually early. I'll start the transmission."
NDS U-2 Commander: "Send this: Nile-Delta-Nile-Foxtrot 001092, Romeo-Snow Alpha-2 in position, ready for Snowflake."
NDS Alqizir: "Alpha-2, Alpha-0 in 1 degree, stabilizing, ready."
NDS U-2 Com-specialist: "Here sir."
NDS U-2 Commander: "Nice, that was quick."
NDS U-2: "Romeo-Snow, start when ready, Snowflake is on."
NDS U-1 Commander: "Boost those sensors, I need the target position where it should."
NDS U-1 Navigation: "We're on track, it should be right ahead."
NDS U-1 Sensors: "We have the signature right ahead, marked in the computer."
NDS U-1 Commander: "Give me those calculations as soon as possible!"
NDS U-1 Targeting Cew: "We have it input."
NDS U-1 Commander: "Send! Target spotted, We're ready to fire."
NDS U-1: "Alpha-2, Alpha-1 with target, ready to fire."
NDS U-2: "Romeo-Snow, fire at will."

With several kilometers of distance between them, whole Romeo-Snow part of the operation fired when ready. NDS U-3 had several problems, most of the tubes wouldn't come out, and when ejected they wouldn't behave as expected, declaring informatic or conneciton failure. Only one of the tubes fired with alternative system worked, the tube arrived the surface and opened, the missile came out as expected and the final result was "Impact!".
Most of any other worked well, only NDS Alqizir had problems with missiles not coming out of the tubes.
But the real deal was reserved to the last operative member, NDS U-2 was ready to demonstrate the power of the attack.

NDS U-2: "Alpha-2 firing."

The single tube was different, it was a converted missile for under-water launch. As soon it reached the surface it flew low and stayed near the surface flying almost straight to the objective. All submarines were in surface now, just to witness the event, the crew members were all trying to get a spot to see.

NDS U-2: "5km to impact...2km...impact."

The explosion was immense, if anyone else was watching, they would say it was a nuclear bomb. Although, the spectacle was quick, the fireball and impact wave was strong and large enough to move the clouds around.
Everyone applauded and cheered...

NDS Alqizir Sensors: "Contact! Unidentified Flying Object coming towards us! Very fast sir, I can't get a good reading!"
NDS Alqizir Commander: "Send the Alert, Start Emergency Diving Sequence!"

The alarms sounded on all submarines, the crewmen quickly thrown themselves into the hatch, there was even some getting pretty bad falls, helped by their comrades to get up and run to the front bow.
NDS Alqizir Crew: "MOVE FASTER!"
The whole crew, even the ones that stayed inside the sub during the blast, were throwing themselves into the front bow. NDS Alqizir was reaching the 30 degrees in seconds, great performance, but the crew was worried.
Messages started to flow reporting the object whereabouts.

NDS U-2: "Romeo-Snow, be ready for total silence in 1 minute, flying objects bearing 162...low altitude, silence sequence, see you..."

NDS U-2 Commander: "Stabilize paddles, to 5 degrees, shut all engines, shut down all systems, emergency generator and systems only...shhhh" Whispering "Shut down all coms for 5 minutes..."


Offline Delfos

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 03:54:34 AM »
"Romeo-Snow, report in...Romeo-Snow, this is Frost-Hound, report in..."
"Frost-Hound, are they replying?"
"No sir, they are still playing hide&seek."
"How much fuel do you have?"
"Enough until they come up."
"We're arriving the location, come land on the Navirsk Carrier."
"Will do, moving to cross-leg."
"You're free to land, Kazjko-Tiger is lifting off."


NDS U-2 commander: "Is he gone? Switch the sensors in minimum power."
NDS U-2 sensors specialist: "Sir, contact, bearing 357, large shape, possibly a light aircraft carrier."
NDS U-2 commander: "uff...they have arrived. Our exercise was well done, congratulations everyone."
NDS U-2 crew: "Will we go up now?"
NDS U-2 commander: "No, they have to find us, although they already know where we are."


"Alfa-Snow, this is Kazjko Tiger, deploying gadgets into the water."
"Approved, go on."
*Pluf* The sensors landed on the water, very close to the submarines...*POOOONG*
NDS U-2 Commander: "That was too close, evading actions, break com!"
NDS U-2: "All Romeo-Snow, evade the sensors!"
NDS U-1: "Roger, getting into position to fire."
NDS U-2: "Clear that, to fire? What is the target?"
NDS U-1: "Our commander wants to shoot down sensor."
NDS U-2: "Are you mad!?"
NDS U-1: "Torpedo released."

Anti-Sub helicopter: "Torpedo in the water, 5 subs detected, Kazjko-Tiger requesting approval for action."
NDS Navirsk Carrier: "Permission granted, shoot the blanks."

*BOOM* The sensor got offline, the wreck jumped out of the water and water spatter almost hit the chopper.

NDS U-1: "Impact, sensor is destroyed."

"Are they mad? They are using live ammunition! Release the torpedoes."
"Torpedoes away."

NDS U-2: "Torpedo Torpedo, increasing number of torpedoes are being deployed in this area, we need the counter measure."
NDS Alqizir: "Firing the AA missile."

"SAM coming to surface!"
"Alfa-Snow, Kazjko Tiger requesting immediate support on SAM launch!"
"Kazjko-Tiger, don't worry, we're on it."
NDS Navirsk Carrier aimed it's AA guns to the incoming launch, started to fire right away. The gun was so great, when the launch surfaced, the gun shots immediately disabled it.

The torpedoes were almost at the target, lucky them, they were enough into the water, they speed up to come to surface.
NDS U-2: "Be ready to blow ballasts."
NDS Walrus: "Alright, we're getting level."
NDS U-2: "Blow ballasts."

"Alfa-Snow, Kazjko Tiger reporting, torpedoes haven't hit the target."
Seconds later they surfaced, big dark wolves em merged from the deep sea...

The training was complete, all they had was to reach Port Gordon in the North of Templarios' island.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 04:04:24 AM »
The small fleet was already inside Templarios' control area, the target got half melted, was a huge iceberg, and everyone was happy. Port Gordon, where they had to dock, was almost empty, with alot of people waiting. When they docked, several officials were led to the edge of the dock where they could meet the delfian officials. It was very formal, many handshakes, priests in full vests talking to the submarines, giving them good luck.

The submarine officials got ahead the carrier and escorts and said, "Well, this is what we need, circuits to replace our own, and diesel for our tanks and the tanker. About torpedoes and missiles, we have our supplies in the carrier."

The carrier commander then spoke: "We brought a couple of fighters and a few helicopters, it's not close to full capacity so we expect your forces to deploy whatever you got into the carrier. Our pilots and crew, and official of course, will come along in this first mission, when we reach Validus it can be all yours."

Offline Templarios

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 07:40:31 PM »
As the final mass to dedicate the new carrier to God and the church finished, Admral Blandy turned to his adjutant;
"Have the sub got all the circuits they need and fueled up ready to go?"
"Yes sir," he replied.
"Is the carrier ready for operations?"
"Yes sir", again he replied.

Good, he thought, as he finished the sign of the cross.


*8 hours till task force Lodge leaves*

The message came over the loudspeaker as the Midshipman Kerr was helping load the final containment of rounds.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

Citzen since 08.10.07 ¦ Senator since 08.12.07 ¦ Second Speaker pro-Temp.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 08:45:01 PM »
"We have to rush out, we don't want to be late to the party. Subs are going ahead."
"1 third ahead!"
"See you admiral Blandy."
The delfian crew were all on top of the submarines, they had received the orders, they couldn't be late. Their recon training was the preparation of something big. Soon Snowflake would end when they reach Valideen waters, only to be replace to some other more important event...
"I thought we could meet templarion snow angels..."
"You've been watching too much PlayBoy."
"Alright, it's freezing here, I'm going back to the can."
speaker: "All crew to positions, we're entering the seas."
"You two, and you, to the watch crew."
"2 thirds ahead!"

And the delfian submarines were moving...

The Captains of the NDS Avalon and NDS Goal approached Admiral Blandy who was in the docks, Captain Magalhães spoke to him: "Admiral Blandy, we're going to escort Navirsk Carrier until Valideen waters where we will join the 3rd delfian strike fleet. We're refueled and all packed. Ready when you are."

Offline Templarios

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 10:44:50 PM »
"Inform the fleet we heading for Trade Waters Beta with the Delfian subs"
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

Citzen since 08.10.07 ¦ Senator since 08.12.07 ¦ Second Speaker pro-Temp.

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Offline Templarios

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2008, 07:08:03 PM »
"Admral, we have arrive at the end of Trade Waters Beta, orders?"
"Thank you," answered Admral Blandy, "leave the partol ships here and continue to the edge of Valideen waters."

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In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

Citzen since 08.10.07 ¦ Senator since 08.12.07 ¦ Second Speaker pro-Temp.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2008, 07:33:23 PM »
ooc: we'll get a topic for that

NDS U-2 "COM check, this is Blue Marlin 1st November Delta Sierra Foxtrot Uniform Two, over?"
Other subs replied, everything was in progress, they would arrive Valideen waters in no time.

Offline Templarios

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Re: Winter-breaker Snowflake
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2008, 11:19:09 PM »
OOC: Cant we just continue it here?

"Sir, Resurrection and Viper are setting off on pre-arranged independent courses"
"Thank you Commander Vallis," said Admiral Blandy. "Distance Resurrection are ahead of us?"
"35 miles Sir"
"Tell then to stay within 30 minutes sailing time please" order the Admiral as he pondered the situation. This was Templarios first big naval operation in years and he did not want to be remembered as the admiral that got it all wrong like Admiral Carter in 1879.
If he was honest with himself, he was worried due to the lack of intel but at least they were within a few hours sailing of safe waters. Seemed like hours until he took command of that carrier but once he had control over it he would be happier, but everything would be fine.

"And the position of the Delfian ships?" breaking his train of thoughs.
"5 miles to the west of us, Sir. Problem sir?" asked Commander Vallis
"No, nothing" he answered.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

Citzen since 08.10.07 ¦ Senator since 08.12.07 ¦ Second Speaker pro-Temp.

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