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Author Topic: Unwelcome Visitors  (Read 15583 times)

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #60 on: June 30, 2007, 09:31:25 PM »
"Base A, this is Division C! We're being bombard by Dassie artillery! Request permission to engage!"
What? "We were order not to bombard Dassie territory, why are they retaliating?"
"I don't know! But I got two regiments already wipe out, and our air defense is gone!"
"I'll relaying a dispatch to HQ, requesting to suspend the Non-Aggression."
"Do it quick!"
"Get some cover and wait out the storm! I'm sending in an air strike."

"You're all fuel up and loaded! Go get them Ris!"

60 J-17 in Base B were rush on to the runway and launch. Loaded guided munition and iron bombs, they receive a emergency operation to take out the Dassie arties at all cost in their sector.

"Dragonfire on route!"
"Gemfire on route!"
"Roger ground squadrons! Your mission checkpoints are on your comp, you're to take out those arties!"
"Roger Air Two, 7 minutes ETA."
"We got air squadrons and G-C nav squadrons distracting the Fucker-22s, but watch out for SAMs."
"Dragonfire, we got you cover with RHMs!"
"Lets get them boys!"

The two ground attack squadrons jetted their way towards the enemy artillery positions bombarding UASS troops.  They had to work fast, each minute pass meant more of their troops kill and the higher the risk of running into F-22s.

"I got arties 28 km ahead!"
"SAMs detected!"
"Gemfire, firing Radiation homers!"
"SAMs are out!"
"We're coming up onto battery!"
"Bombs away!"
"Bombs away"
"Two away!"

The iron bombs fell from 8 000 feet, dispersing thier their cluster of bomblets as they near the ground. Explosion ripped through the battery of enemy artillery as the bomblets hit the ground.

"Hit! Hit!"
"They're out, move on to next battery!"

While the ground attack squadrons did their job, the air squadrons fought a losing battle with the Dassie F-22s.

"He went off the radar again!"
"Afterburners! Catch up with him!"
"It came from there!"
"I got him on screen!"
"Chaffs away!"
"Pull up!!! Pull up!!!"
"FUCK! FUCK!...shhhh"
"Air One! My wingman's dead! Requesting backup!"
"Negative Hawk squadron, all nearby squadrons are engage at present."
"Fuck! I lost him again!"

The stealthy F-22s score heavy damage on Loyalist air squadrons. The only way to deal with the invisible killers was waiting for the F-22s to open their weapon's bay (which compromises their invisibility) and attempt to race with full-afterburners to the position of the brief blimp on the radar. Only by closing in with the F-22s could they effectively detect and fire at their formidable foes. Even then, at ranges of 1000 to 2000 m, the Loyalist J-17s struggle to take down their enemy with thier short range AAMs and cannons.

"Fuck! Miss!"
"How's he moving like that!"
"He's trying to tail us! Don't let him!"
"I can't get lock! He's moving too fast!"
"Attention all attack divisions! HQ has clear the NAH, we are at total war with the enemy! Engage enemy through clear corridor."
"Roger Base A, the arties stop, we know where to go."
"Llanydern and Delfian troops will support you. Hinds are available for close support."
"Battery A, we need you to bombard the corridor to clear any mines!"

The attack divisions consisted of 10 000 hand pick men order to conduct guirella warfare on the enemy positions.  The Loyalist artillery had left some jungle areas untouch for this purpose.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 11:25:53 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Mor'os

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #61 on: June 30, 2007, 10:55:45 PM »
Conversation, bickering and debate flew back and forth across the vast, nay, cavernous hall that housed the still young Assembly of Petitioners. The body and the ruling Shinchi Party had concerned themselves from the point of their election with continuing to implement reform after reform in the spirit of the Emperor, who of course more than happily agreed to each and every petition. Today though the many assembled Petitioners, all wearing a colorful array of robes in their respective parties' colors over the increasingly popular foreign shirt and tie, were gathered to discuss not domestic but foreign policy. Mor'os was now in regular contact with the outside world, and taking a keen interest in just what was happening. The war across the ocean had grabbed particularly keen interest; word was that the nation of Myroria, embodiment of every ill that the Ar had stood for, was aiding others in waging wars against innocents. Chasmor from the head of the chamber shouted into his microphones to call for the attention of all those assembled.

"Please, that is enough! We are here to make progress, and speech like this will not do. Now, what are we to do?" From the Shinchi sea of red a voice cried out.

"This cannot stand! Mor'os is a nation of the world now, and bound not only to fight the Ar here but whatever form they may take anywhere else. So long as they live, even outside of this nation we live in danger!" Immediately the entire Shinchi membership and quite a few from other parties broke out into noisy agreement. The lonely Ar in gold made a point of remaining silent, until one risked speaking.

"This is none of our business. I don't see what we have to do traveling across entire oceans-" A wave of boos and hisses forced him back into his seat in silence. In the opinion that all of the bickering that had already ensued was enough debate on the matter, Chasmor waited for the silence to descend again before speaking.

"I think that is enough talk. All in favor of petitioning his Divinity to declare war against the nation of Dysanii and to halt the Ar influence they represent from spreading further still?" The roar that followed made it quite clear that the ayes had it. The Emperor was again quick in honoring the wishes of the Shinchi dominated Assembly. The brief but effective decree was issued:

In this 2214th Year of Unification, I by the will and grace of Heaven declare that the Empire of Mor'os pledges its aid to the people of Gallipoli-China, Llanydern, Uichi Ryu, TUMP and Chinese Loyalist against the aggression of the Empire of Dysanii and considers itself to be at war with the Empire of Dysanii until these hostilities have been halted, the people of Gallipoli-China, Llanydern, Uichi Ryu, TUMP and Chinese Loyalist's safety secured and proper reparations paid for this. Those soldiers necessary will be prepared and mobilized immediately.
"Ul dé mur e nez dí zhìn bu sà."
"Don't trust the rats, they're working for the wolves."
Shauas Tadom, age 6,  commenting on national security.

"Kar-dav on shí dí dor yé. Zat téi he!"
"I really like His Divinity's tail. It tickles!"
Nasme Ūtum, age 5, commenting on imperial policy.

Offline The Empire

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #62 on: June 30, 2007, 11:36:09 PM »
All over Mor'os, selected reservists recived notices by express telegram that they were to report to their nearest town hall for transportation to their activated units to return to service as defencive forces.
At over a thousand, other regiments, the regulars had reciver other orders and was packing their gear onto whatever trucks and cargo train cars that were availiable or could be comandeered. thousands of howizers, heavy mortars, field guns, FLAKs, tanks and armoured cars were packed up along with huge ammounts of foodstuffs, both grain, flour and livestock were transported to the larger, most modernized ports along the coast. After the heavy equipment came the troop cars, most of the soldiers had been massed in livestock box-cars and were not the happiest bunch when they got out at the various ports. The ports themselves bustled of life, soldiers were everywhere, much to the joy of local girls and the detriment of their fathers and the local boys.

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2007, 12:18:49 AM »
Grand Imperial Residence, Myroria

"Come to the party tonight, Ælar! There will be girls there!"

"No sire, really, I can't!"

"Please, call me Meneldur! I'm your brother, not your king! Well, I guess I am your king! But I am also your brother! Call me Meneldur." Meneldur trailed off about balancing a plate on your lap, but was cut short by his secretary.

"Just a moment, Ælar. What's that you say, Gretchen?"

"Your Majesty, RADAR stations in the south of County Ryazania have detected Gallipoli-Chinese ships on the shores of County Dysanii-Ryazania."

"What? They never bothered to negotiate? Hahaha. Well, if its fight they want, it's a fight they'll get. Order Admiral Yale to send some ships from Nova Novrith. And then order Marschall Maarten to send down some troops from Northern Ryazania. We'll trap them from both sides."

"Yes, sire. I will draft the telegram immediately."

Cassidy Yale dropped the paper on a dashboard in the command tower of the HAIMS Traval, one of two superaircraftcarriers in the fleet, which consisted of:

Two superaircraft carriers (HAIMS Traval and HAIMS Ivorheart, with 140 aircraft)
Twenty U-boats (U-90 through U-111 (U-107 was docked for repairs))
Seven destroyers (HAIMS Horst, Ludger, Gottfried, Kayetan, Olivier, Rochus, Vilhelmus)
Three cruisers (HAIMS Titanic, Formidable, Undefeatable)

Holding his cigarette in his mouth so tight the tobacco nearly poured out the back, he looked through the window at one end of the command tower, and caught his first glimpse of the Gallipoli-Chinese ships.

"Ensign! Send a message to the Uichi Ryan ships as follows:

'This is Admiral Cassidy Yale of the Nova Novrith fleet. You are in Myrorian waters. Withdraw your forces immediately or my ships will make you withdraw.'

If they don't reply, we'll begin the bombardment."

Horst Maarten also was clutching tobacco in his mouth, but this time it was a cigar. He was riding in an armored Mercedita convertible, radioing orders and pep talks to his men in Humvees and ULTRA APs.

"All right men! These PUR freaks think the women in their army are better than you! Are they?"

"NO SIR!" yelled the radio.



Horst grinned and floored the gas pedal.

(OOC: Think of Maarten as a Sherman type (when it comes to his men, he's not gonna burn his own county's land. Sherman, like Maarten, was more of the uncle type to his men on his march), and Yale as a Rommel type.)

« Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 12:42:11 AM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2007, 12:27:32 AM »
OOC: Sorry, but references to G-C ships in Myrorian waters are IGNORED.  They are, and will in all likelyhood stay, in Llanydern waters.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #65 on: July 01, 2007, 12:37:48 AM »
Wait. Didn't you say you were landing in the north of Southern Ryazania? Or am I just stupid?
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2007, 12:40:40 AM »
OOC: I'm RPing PUR's forces for some reason.  Those are hers.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #67 on: July 01, 2007, 12:41:41 AM »
Oh. Ok.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Talmann

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #68 on: July 01, 2007, 02:21:54 AM »
After travelling all this way, Will had finally made it. After sighting land, someone aboard said, "Sir! A ship!"
"Relax, friend. Store and hide all munitions. I'll handle this. Hopefully, it's just Dysaniian. What's that flag, Jung?!"

OOC: Whoever calls it gets to name the ships nationality. Still, I'd like it to be Dysaniian.
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #69 on: July 01, 2007, 02:45:45 AM »
ooc: Operation Sweet Vodka is before this whole thing.


"Precs, get ready for weaponry check!"

All Precs got out of the canteen, picked up their G36s and moved to the shooting range. Some as support had MG36s and RPKs, others had AK101 and G3.
A chaotic shooting started, some testing firing modes other aiming, everything seemed a go. All cleaned the tubes and got fresh ammo. They started to pack things. First Sergeant Holmed and Captain Silva were pairing.
"let's start with the bag, flashlight?" "check"
"Multi-purpose goggles" "check"
"small hidden map" "check"
"small med kit" "check"
"full ammo" "check"
"VCScreen" "you have it" "check"
"communication kit" "check"
"squad radio" "check"
"ration kit" "4 or 6?" "4" "check"
"protection vest" "check"
"cammo kit" "check"
"laser designator" "check"
"grenades" "check"
"side-gun, MR.444 for you 446 for me" "check"
"side-gun ammo" "check"
"scope" "check"
"binoculars for me" "check"
"universal ammo kit for you" "check"
"helmet" "check"
"thermal vest" "check"
"uniform" "ain't we going to use desert one?" "no, the dark one with greens" "check"
"UAV screen for you" "check"
"Weapon" "G36K for me, you shot with a AK101 in the training are you gonna take it?" "No, i changed with Cp. Malato, I'm taking my G36E." "check then"
"Now something you cannot forget, parachute!" "check"
"ok, take your air sickness pill, get your stuff and come to the yard where they will brief us, i already got my share, gonna command squad2, see you there." "see you"


Transmission via radio to the location of the bombers, air transports and front line bases.
«Attention all UASS forces, we're reaching Alfa for Sweet Vodka, prepare for debrief.»

Offline The Empire

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #70 on: July 01, 2007, 01:08:26 PM »
OOC: Umm... Garth... Remember this: http://forum.taijitu.org/voting/greater-ryazania-and-hupprecht-colony/0/
And this: http://forum.taijitu.org/proposals-and-discussion/nation-ooc-handover-ban/0/

According to those, Northern Ryazania DOES NOT EXIST at least not under your control. Thereby, ANY and ALL posts referring to an assumed Myrorian ownership of that area can be IGNORED across the board. /OOC

In the capital districts, Hanna was combining work with studies where she supported her fiancé with the mobilization efforts while eduring the tedious efforts of learning the Mor'osi language in both speech and writing. The wedding had been postponed until further notice due to this conflict but still, she wasn't too bothered. After all, Osmar was hers wether she had his colours around her wrist as the Mor'osi mariage tradition ordained or not.
Right now, she was organizing some of the activated reserve regiments to pose as regulars in a parade through the capital. All in an effort to try to decive any foreign spies or observers that Mor'os was a longer away from actually joining the fray than they really were.

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #71 on: July 01, 2007, 02:12:02 PM »
OOC: Umm... Garth... Remember this: http://forum.taijitu.org/voting/greater-ryazania-and-hupprecht-colony/0/
And this: http://forum.taijitu.org/proposals-and-discussion/nation-ooc-handover-ban/0/

According to those, Northern Ryazania DOES NOT EXIST at least not under your control. Thereby, ANY and ALL posts referring to an assumed Myrorian ownership of that area can be IGNORED across the board. /OOC

OOC: I bought Southern Ryazania off Myroria. If he doesn't have any ownership over Northern Ryazania, then I never had any ownership over Southern Ryazania, and therefore there is no conflict...making this entire war void.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #72 on: July 01, 2007, 05:07:14 PM »
After that vote, everyone still recognized it. Most everyone who voted against are inactive, and even those who voted against have recognized my control over it. Besides, that was the RP Council, which doesn't exist anymore. Even Oz put Ryazania under my control, and getting it on the map virtually makes it exist.

Secondly, your second thread was never voted on, thus, it was just a proposal that was nulled after the RP Council disbanded. As far as everyone is concerned, I own Ryazania, and some old vote isn't going to change that.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #73 on: July 01, 2007, 05:51:32 PM »
"Dammit Ein, this is not our war!"

The Chancellor pounded his fist hard on the table.

Chancellor: You had no authority on suspending the Non-Aggression, you exercised against my orders.
Ein Cao: Sir, if we don't fight back, they'll bombard our troops to ashes. We can't play defensive forever.
Chancellor: I will not allow anymore needless deaths...
Ein Cao: Chancellor, there's not much choice in the matter. We must fight on.
Chancellor: No, there is a choice. I want all our troops withdraw immediately.
Ein Cao: I don't think that's possible, Chancellor.
Chancellor: ...what do you mean?...

 At that instant, eight men in Army uniform rush into the room. They surrounded the Chancellor, with stun batons in hand. Ein Cao calmly handed a white folder to the Chancellor.

Ein Cao: This is a petition...it has the signatures of five District Generals, sixteen Battalion Commanders, and various prominent officers in the Defense department, including my own...We didn't want it to come to this.
Chancellor: I see...this is a coup?
Ein Cao: Yes, this is a military coup, I'm sorry Chancellor, but we can't withdraw now. Doing so will open our State to the aggression of others. We can't look weak now. I hope you can forgive us.
Chancellor: Why are you doing this? This isn't like you Ein. You always said the Army was a tool of peace, not war.
Ein Cao: I have my reasons...I'll be taking control of our military operations from here on. I won't declare martial law and I'll leave Parliament intact. Of course, we will ignore any bill to end this war. Once we crush these Dysanians and Myrorians, we will restore power to you and the people. You have my word on this...
Chancellor: You won't get away with this!
Ein Cao: Only time will tell. I have most of the military on my side, and those that refused have been place under house arrest since this morning. We are doing this for the good of the State! You must understand Chancellor, we must show the world that we are capable of protecting ourselves and defeating aggression! We must not let these foreign dogs look down on us! We will crush them, with all the might of the State and people!
Chancellor: Heaven, have you gone crazy? Have you forgotten the words of our ancestors! Peace and Harmony must be upheld over all!
Ein Cao: There can't be peace without war, a westerner once said. Please Chancellor, you must leave it to us to carry out our country's destiny... the people will trust us in this matter, I'm sure of it. Even your sister, Elis, has supported this.
Chancellor: Elis? Why will she...what is she thinking?!?
Ein Cao: I have place her as the head officer of the LAW. Here is a letter she ask me to pass to you... I'm sorry Sir. Your other family members have been place under house arrest as well...but I assure we mean them no harm. Please Chancellor, you must understand our mission...
Chancellor: Heaven's...
Ein Cao: (to a soldier) Take him back to the Residence.

Two of the soldiers took the Chancellor in both arms. "Please forgive us, Chancellor..." one of them said. They took him out the door. As of that moment, the Loyalist government was now under the control of the Military.
To the Exalted members of the UASS and the Citizens of Loyalist

As of today, the Loyalist Republic is officially under the authorities of the Loyalist Military Council. We are committed to this war effort in our valiant cause. We are prepare to wage total war against the aggressors that threaten the peace of this continent. We will eradicate these Imperialists, and bring peace to Easteros!

Long Live the Loyalist State!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 06:04:45 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #74 on: July 01, 2007, 09:01:09 PM »
Seeing military events unfold around them a pace never thought possible, the Dysanian leadership were glad to be able to take a deep breath, now the line was thoroughly cemented. The war was far from over...the invasion was far from over.

The long awaited trained reserves from Dysanii were nearing their destination, thank god. With those ever so valuable 3,000,000 men, the war would be taken to shores of the members of the UASS and any who opposed the Empire. No one involved would come out unscathed. The first diverted troops from operation PUR from Metz Minor would also be landing very soon...operation 'Ravage' would be coming into fruitation. As the bulk of the Dysanii armies could now hug their near-impenetrable lines across the Llanydern border, divisions of regulars from the reserve lines began moving back towards the north, to bring the Myrorian plan of entrapment of the Gallipoli-Chinese forces between the Dysanii regulars and the fresh Myrorian armies. The Dysanian Empire would strain every resource at its disposal to bring death and destruction to its enemies.


The waves made resounding crashes against the bows of the heavy Dysanian frigates as they broke the waters near the mist shrouded Chinese Loyalist port. Positioned in the tried and tested arrow formation, the dozen frigates and several larger destroyers pushed forward as the solid barrier, behind them the amphibious assault craft, the large bulbous ships crammed with their special cargo of Dysanian marines - hard to come by in these times of war. The destroyers fired first, their huge cannons throwing projectiles at the sprawling port, whilst the frigates concentrated their fire on any naval units present.


More Dysanian ships thundered forward through the waves, however before them was open sea. The Dysanian navy had, since the beginning of the war, enjoyed alot of naval freedom, the majority of the UASS ships focused on Southern Ryazania. With this freedom, this collection of ships, an entire flotilla in fact, and the 1,000,000 troops assigned to this campaign, pressed onwards towards the distant shores of Mor'os.