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Author Topic: Unwelcome Visitors  (Read 15580 times)

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #75 on: July 02, 2007, 01:04:19 AM »
"They haven't replied, sir."

Yale put out his cigarette into a glass and grinned.

"Have the ships with guns aim at the Uichi Ryan fleet, and the U-boats ready their torpedoes. And I will tell the supercarriers to prepare their aeroplanes."

"Yes, sir."

"I've recieved confirmation that the ships are ready to fire, sir."

"Thank you ensign. Please hand me the handset. Thank you."

"Attention all ships. Fire your torpedoes or guns on my mark.



Quick bursts yelled out in quick succession, and long lines of the disturbed water became visible.

So it begins. So it begins.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2007, 02:45:43 AM »
OOC: does anybody who knows what they're doing want to take control of this thrice-damned military?

IC: (I'm putting the naval war with Myroria on hold, as the mods are discussing The Empire's proposal among ourselves, and we have yet to come to a consensus.  References to ships being able to negotiate the Strait of Atl without encountering UASS ships are hereby IGNORED).

Less than a kilometer north of the Dysanii lines, the Uichi Ryan troops halted for a few moments.  They could hear the Dysanii forces, and beyond, they knew, stood their allies.  Before they surged forward again, smiles played around the lips of the soldiers.  They would see how "impenetrable" the Dysanii lines were from behind.  To the chorus of the Dysanii guns and the fainter UASS guns were now added the dulcet tones of the Uichi Ryan howitzers.  Fortifications, designed to withstand frontal assault and bombardment weakened; a few collapsed outright.

Knowing it would take a long time for the Dysanii guns to be rotated to face them, the Uichi Ryan MBTs advanced on the line without fear, while most of the infantry remained behind to guard the guns from any attack from the rear.  Most were involved in preparing entrenchments, others, after a few moments, followed the tanks.  There had been no calls from the picketts that had been placed on the road, but Dysanii troops could advance on the new position at any point.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2007, 02:20:00 PM »
occ: likewise, no way you could have made it to my shores without passing through Xyrael's borders (and Saletsian/Union ships).

"Secretary Ein Cao, the Council has assembled..."

Ein Cao walk into the War room, his supporters all seated around the grand table. The seat where the Chancellor should have been...was empty. Ein Cao took his old seat on the right side of the Chancellor's.

"Let's begin our business..."

"The Head Chief try to escape today, but our guards caught him before he jump his garden fence."

"Good. I assume that the State Police has fallen to our side?"

"A majority of the superintendents and chiefs have announce their support for us. We have them firmly on our side..."

"What's this I hear about a Division trying to mutiny?"

"Some of the Anyia divisions in Llanydern had voice their concern for the Chancellor, but our officers manage to curb their dissent before they mutiny. But, there's been rumours that the Flower Divisions deploy in PUR have been planning to take back the capital for the Chancellor. The officers maybe involve..."

"We'll worry about them later. How is our progress on troop numbers?"

"We expanded our factories to accompany the influx. We already have 200 000 new recruits ready for basic combat. 600 000 more will come out of SID training by next month. We also had all the militia in Anyia and Gandao armed with the new rifles. In two months, we will have 5 Armour Divisions to complement our infantry.

"Excellent...we'll beat back these foreigners...only a matter of time."
Troop Deployment to Llanydern
- 20 SID Divisions (100 000 men)
- 25 Super Divisions (250 000 men, 250 Hinds, 250 BMP-3s, 2500 Type-63s APCs)
- 100 Kfir C-10s
- 100 Hinds
- 100 Air Defenders
- 100 JF-17s
- 150 2K12 Kub SAMs
- 10 S-300PMU-1/2 SAMs
- 200 IA 58
- 100 120mm Self-Propelled Artillery
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 02:22:40 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Talmann

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2007, 02:56:31 PM »
OOC: Yes. Now [/spam].

OOC2: Screw it, I'll just land my ships.

IC: After checking in with the Dysaniian Navy, all ships headed to the nearest port (OOC: Dys- can you provide a name for a city?) Upon landing, they were given living quarters and warehouses to unload their supplies.
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline The Empire

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2007, 03:08:33 PM »
OOC: Dysanii, to mobilize 1'000'000 troops for action against Mor'os more or less immediately after WE declared war is godmodding and those forces will be IGNORED from Mor'os's part. (Mor'os is run by Pragmia and me but I don't use that specific account) /OOC

The reservists had been drilled for about two weeks when they unexpectedly got new dress uniforms, the new uniforms had badges and insignias already sown on and when some of them asked their CO if they should strip the uniforms to put their own insignias there they were specifically ordered not to.
A week later, all of them were set for the grand parade. The parade route stretched from one end of the capitol to the other, passing in front of the palace steps where hundreds of photographers were crowded and the news camera crews' cameras were rolling.
In front of them, thousands of apparently regular troops marched by, followed by hundreds of armoured vehicles, towed artillery and dozens of tanks. Overhead, spearhead formations of jet fighters flew by, trailing smoke in the colours of the empire. The streets was lined with people throwing flower petals, coins and rice over the troops, hanging luck charms, amulets and flowers around their necks.

At the same time in coastal ports, soldiers wearing full combat gear, full packs and uniforms with the very same insignias as those taking part in the parade boarded hundreds of transport ships and commandeered cruise liners where their vehicles and heavier equipment was already stowed. Allied escort vessels were already spotted and identified over the radar and Mor'osi submarines and combat air patrols patrolled the way out to open sea where the escorts were waiting.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 03:27:58 PM by The Empire »

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #80 on: July 02, 2007, 04:31:26 PM »
occ: likewise, no way you could have made it to my shores without passing through Xyrael's borders (and Saletsian/Union ships).

OOC: They didn't. They've come from Dysanii...and are attacking your southern shores.

OOC: Dysanii, to mobilize 1'000'000 troops for action against Mor'os more or less immediately after WE declared war is godmodding and those forces will be IGNORED from Mor'os's part. (Mor'os is run by Pragmia and me but I don't use that specific account) /OOC

Again, those troops have already been mobilized (in this thread or the DBC thread I stated that 5,000,000 troops were in training/ready to be shipped out. However, who are ready for deployment since the PUR offensive was cancelled:

Uichi Ryu

Several amphibious landings occurred along the coast to the north of Uichi Ryu from Metz Minor. Some 150,000 personnel and military hardware has begun moving down along the edge of the eastern border of Acle, in an attempt to deliver a surprise attack on the currently un-mobilised armies of Uichi Ryu. Further continuos landings are expected to bring some 2 million Dysanian personnel against the northwestern lands of Uichi Ryu. This is a bid by the Dysanian military command to stall the military of Uichi Ryu and disrupt industries within the nation.

(First page of this thread)

They have been dispatched from Metz Minor on receiving word of the Mor'os war declaration. So, no, you can't ignore them.

I also find it strange how Mor'os in one thread is just progressing to black powder weapons, and in this thread they have;

thousands of howizers, heavy mortars, field guns, FLAKs, tanks and armoured cars

I will be ignoring your modern weaponry. :)

Talmaan: The port is New Albi. I'll divert whatever military grade supplies I can to your men.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 05:02:43 PM by Dysanii »

Offline The Empire

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #81 on: July 02, 2007, 05:46:54 PM »
OOC: Ok, that dispatchment might be possible and can't be ignored but it still won't be anywhere near Mor'os for several weeks. And regarding to tech level, 1) tech doesn't have to be developed. 2) No, blackpowder weapons has been in use in Mor'os for centuries, the new weapons mentioned in that thread refers to Ozian I-19 assault rifles (similiar to AK-74s) and post ww2 equivalent of artillery that has been BOUGHT, so no, you can't ignore anything. And the reforms started 6 years ago RP-time. /OOC

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2007, 08:25:07 PM »
occ: ...I don't have any major ports in the south...confirm which city...http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a241/kovona/newmap.png

Strike Fleet launch...Dysanii Armanda sighted on shore sector 102 south.

Authorization to use TRINITY....

The most modern warships of the Loyalist Navy steamed out of the hidden naval base against the side of a cliff. At the head was the four Neustrashimy Class frigates follow by numerous missile corvettes and light cruisers, a total of 16 ships. Their destinations was the large armanda that the Dysanii homeland had assemble to take Loyalist shores. Little did the enemy know, that they were facing bloodthirsty foes.

Already, the few Su-29s present in the city of Lia were launching air strikes on the Dysanii fleets with the new C-802 anti-ship missile. They manage to take amphibious ships and some strand ships attempting to break onto shore. Flight Wall Two had gave them advance warning, and the local militia have already been place on alert. If the enemy wanted to cross across the remote south, they would have to go through rugged jungles infested with Loyalist guerrillas.
Attention Dysanii Fleet
You are trepassing Loyalist waters. Remove your presence immediately or we will respond with lethal force. You have 20 minutes to remove yourself... Failing to do so will result in unconditional total annihilation as authorized by the Loyalist Military Council.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline The Empire

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #83 on: July 03, 2007, 08:03:05 AM »
The eastern extreme-range radar station on Wa was following the departure of the Imperial army in the south when it suddenly picked up multiple unidentified echos at 600km, incoming from the east headed towards somewhere along the Mor'osi coast. An alert immediately went back along the command lines and soon enough, it was confirmed that it was not any known allied or neutral ships.
Half an hour later, the Staii pilots were getting their briefing while the ground crews fueled and loaded the planes with long-range Kazoo anti-ship missiles, medium range air-to-air missiles and cannon rounds. Five minutes after the briefing, the strike fighter wing was almost all airborne and within yet another five, the 30 planes were speeding off towards their targets at high altitude. Their flight path went towards the south east before turning directly north, approaching the targets from the side. They fired their anti-ship missiles from 100km away from their targets then breaking of as the missiles accelerated to their marching speed of Mach 4. A massive spread of over a hundred anti-ship missiles was heading for the Dysanii ships, flying way to fast for CIWS to be able to take out more than maybe 35 of them before it was too late.

The Staii, operating near their maximum range did not have much staying time and headed back while guiding their missiles' last TV-guided strike-phase. Seeing the transports as more valuable targets, they guided the missiles past the escorts to strike the less armored ships with the more critical cargo. The missiles that penetrated the CIWS of the escorts struck the transports hard with several missiles impacting each ship. Fortunately for the Dysanii, this surprise attack only hit a dozen or so transports in the south part of the convoy, leaving most of the others unscathed.

Still, the second wave was already on their way and sub-command had been alerted.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 10:58:25 AM by The Empire »

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #84 on: July 03, 2007, 03:52:47 PM »
Fallen on hard times

With a squealing sound the jets wheels touched the runway, the surrounding world shot by at the speed of an arrow then slowed down and came to a halt.
Captain Chiang Yong Han used the remaining forward motion to swing the plane from the runway while behind him the rest of the squadron touched down.
Looking in the rear view mirror he smiled.
Those young enthusiastic pilots he had started out with when he cam to Terrangar  had become quite proficient in the last few months. They were intelligent, enthusiastic and disciplined. A general pleasure to work with.
As his plane rolled onto the Tarmac he saw an unusual sight. Jeeps with markings of the military police stood before one of the hangars and his men, the other four instructors that were send with him stood there surrounded by Terrangan trainee pilots and men from the MP.
His aircraft was signaled by a ground crewman to move to the left, and soldiers surrounded it as soon as it had stopped.
A technician brought a ladder as Captain Han opened the cockpit.
The man came up helping him to release the straps and get out of the cramped fighter.
A high-ranking officer of the Terrangan air force stepped up with a man in a suit probably a government official.
“Captain Han” the officer said and saluted “Please step down from the aircraft”
He climbed down after the technician.
As he reached the ground and turned toward the officer the men in the suit addressed him.
“Captain Han?” he asked as if to confirm that he was talking to the right person.“ I am Kobalam, deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs. It is my sad duty to inform you that of today your government was taken over by a military coup from your own forces”
Laughter rose in Han`s throat but was suppressed the second he saw the faces of his fellow Instructors.
The look in their eyes, some of them looking down on the Tarmac others staring at the distance gave it away, as much as their hard faces that were frozen in expressions of confusion, disbelief, fear.
One of the soldiers moved towards Han and grabbed his arm.
“Take it easy Captain” the officer said and suddenly he realized that the soldier who held him had actually prevented him from falling down.
His knees felt weak and his head was spinning. His thoughts raced and like in a dream he saw himself escorted by two soldiers to a jeep and helped into a seat.
“Easy there” said the officer and nodded his head towards one of the soldiers.
The man disappeared behind the jeep and returned with a bottle. Han recognized it as one of those bottles of Terrangan rice wine whose cap could be used as a glass. Very clever idea. But that’s how those Terrangan are. Clever and pragmatic to a fault. “Would have been nice to have them as friends” Han thought, remembering how he had come to respect and like those men he trained.
“Captain” the deputy continued “I am sorry to put this to you but you are under house arrest until you have decided if you want to return to your country or if you want to stay here. It would be good if you could make this decision qickly if only for the sake of our gouvernment”
"But how," Han started. He fought with his throat that was as dry as sand. "What happened?"
"We don`t know that yet" the deputy said."But we will inform you about the news as they become available to us. If you wish to talk to your ambassador you are free to do so"

"You bet I will. Han clenched his teeth.
"If you would please follow me now" A young Sergant from the MP said to him pointing at a bus.
Han rose still shaking on the inside. Then he entered the bus ahead of his man.
They sat down on the seats and stared out the windows.
As the bus moved forward he looked outside the window. There they stood in a line up to the gate.
All the pilot trainees and ground technicians of the fledgling Terrangan air force, and as the bus passed by they raised their hands in salute.
"So that`s how fare we have come" Han tought. "We truly have fallen on hard times"

(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 07:51:32 AM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2007, 06:25:27 PM »
OOC: CL: Yaolin


Fire ripped through several vessels of the Dysanian fleet, thick black smoke rising in to the clear sky. The planes had come fast. Determined to reach their objective, the large flotilla pushed on, as the aircraft carriers present released swarms of aircraft to protect the fleet. At full speed, the ships would soon be nearing the Mor'os coast.

Things began to settle along the front. The reserve lines to the south had finally managed to push their batteries to the north and fire back at the encroaching PUR forces. Ships from the coast had also been instructed to harass the PUR ships and supplies, in the hope that Myrorian ships would be brought down and the supply lines to the PUR forces severly disrupted. Battalions of Dysaniian reserve troops and vehicles began slowly advancing towards the PUR positions, careful not too take too many casulties. With pressure on the land and from the sea, the PUR forces would hopefully become stranded crumble under Dysanii-Myrorian counter-attacks and bombardment.

Chinese Loyalist, Yaolin
The waters were strewn with ship parts of both Dysanii and Chinese Loyalist ships. After chaotic air fighting between Dysanii and CL planes, the first troops had landed on the shore close to the city of Yaolin. Around 12,000 well-equppied men and vehicles had established a strong LZ for further reinforcements, and had even set up some minor airfields which were populated by aircraft and crews from the fleet.   

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #86 on: July 03, 2007, 08:07:48 PM »
OOC: Aircraft carriers? Are you sure that this isn't a fleet instead of a flotilla?  ::)

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #87 on: July 03, 2007, 09:31:36 PM »
OOC: Aircraft carriers? Are you sure that this isn't a fleet instead of a flotilla?  ::)

Mmm, no, it is a flotilla. With aircraft carriers.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #88 on: July 04, 2007, 12:20:13 AM »
heh...ran a wiki search on flotilla, just came what i was hoping for but with modern connotation, linguistic means a diminutive of flota (frota in Portuguese), it's just a small fleet. wiki says it's a small fleet of ships from same type.
flota/frota means fleet. So flotilla can have aircraft carriers without being all aircraft carrier, so it's just a small fleet with 1 or 2 aircraft carrier, although most of the groups of ships with aircraft carriers in plural are mainly fleets.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #89 on: July 04, 2007, 12:52:34 AM »
I thought Wikipedia can't be trusted?

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."