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Author Topic: Unwelcome Visitors  (Read 16427 times)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2007, 02:31:23 AM »
(click to show/hide)

The VCScreen flashed on the commander's APC. «Shift half to west, rendezvous with Base A Coordinates $%&"#&"$&".» the same message flashed on the platoon commanders assigned, few infantry squads and the double of fuzileiros marched to the transports.

Quote from: encrypted sat message
to: Loyalist General Staff

This is the ND Air Force, do you have some kind of large airfield nearby we can use? We're too damn far to use our Special Airborne Unit (Precs). The NDRA told me to say help is on the way, first time we test new katyusha, and we're also sending fat choppers to help in transports.

BG. NDAF at ND Commander Center.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2007, 02:56:44 AM »
To Delfos General Staff

Negative. You would need to make use of Llanydern air strips. Base A has no facilities to land fighter aircraft!
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."


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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2007, 05:08:59 PM »
Meanwhile over the western front:

Airborne command center (west):Hornet flight this is ACC west please report position and status
Hornet flight leader:ACC west this is Hornet flight, Hornet leader speaking we are just crossing area of advance near (rustle of map) ogran, out bound to take enemy targets on the Delnos ridge, or have you got anything tastier over
ACC (west): armoured formation moving south of ogran borderguard says they are just going over the bridge, they plan to blow it can you make noise to cover their escape and mop up survivors over
HFL: can do, got full general purpose load up, so we should be able to make a mess of them over
ACC (west): copy that proceed to attack after the bridge has been blown over
HFL: roger that lets toast us some tank boys

Extract taken from 40 days and 40 nights, personal accounts of the siege of Dur enost
"I remember it must have been on the fourth day of being encircled that I knew we were going to win, I was sitting in our weapon pit on the firing step talking to Elin who was sitting on this wobbly three legged stool she'd scrounged from somewhere, and we were talking all kinds of bollocks like you do when your waiting for something to happen.  Now I know what your saying who was watching the line well we had David for that, nice lad was David a ryzarian deserter, during the 3rd day he'd been ordered (though herded would be more accurate) along with the rest of his unit to make a frontal assault on us, no artillery support nothing so the poor bastards had been mowed down, now our David had decided to pretend to be shot and then during the night he crept into our lines shouting "no shoot, no shoot".  Anyway around 6 David starts saying "look look" and pointing towards the east, we stand up and then the sound hits the crashing thunder of the artillery barrage that opened the counter attack"
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2007, 05:20:01 PM »
To CL: "We'll be happy to assist."

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2007, 07:50:45 PM »
encrypted to all UASS staff

Request air bombardment over southeastern border, Maps will be soon transmitted., disguise for airborne special divisions to be deployed beyond enemy lines.

ND General Staff

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2007, 08:57:48 PM »
Base A, Coordinates 1667E, 208S   Day 10 morning

"Make sure you carry a least five clips..."
High Marshal Ei (promoted from Commander two days ago) assesses the troops early in the morning. Today, they would be making a counterattack on the Dassian position, this time with full air support from the UASS and their own Loyalist J-17s and TF-33 Firestorms. They had been adequately supply for the last three days with ammunition, food rations, and BMP 3s from airlift. The five new SID divisions also bought in thirty pieces of 76mm field guns. A total of 28 000 infantry, 2 BMP-3s, and 33 arties will take part in the operation to smash the Dysannians reinforcements moving to relieve their conscripts.

Lieutenant: Our area is pretty much clear of planes, but air support is having problem taking out those stealth fighters…
Commander Hin: Last reconnaissance report show the Dassie regulars traveling south of our position with their rear to us…
Commander Jsu: So we smash through their  rear, take out their support and arties, and we catch them between the Llanydern position and ours?
Marshal Ei: That’s the idea…with air support, those tanks shouldn’t be a problem.
Commander Tai: They still have reserves behind that rear, we might get caught in between…
Marshal Ei: Then we got to be fast…
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2007, 10:09:07 PM »
ooc: command my half division of Mechas in your Base. majority of APCs, some light tanks and other armored light vehicles. then few mobile AAs and Katyusha, i propose that you use the Katyusha as mobile rocket artillery. We also sent those infantry and marines, they have UAV/satellite ability, so they have logistic soldiers attached with laptops.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2007, 11:07:22 PM »
occ: I didn’t see your reply Delfos, but I made a quick change to add your forces.

At noon, the Loyalist and Delfian forces from Base A moved southward to take out the rear of the Dysannian spearhead. They left the half of the newly arrived Delfian forces to defend Base A.

The rear was held weakly by sparse groups of enemy regulars and artillery batteries. While the rest of the Colonel Jerry’s men were busy slugging it out with the Llayndern defenses and UASS forces in front, the Loyalists and Delfians were free to take out this rear. Nevertheless, the regulars prove to be difficult, especially when they and their long range artillery were fortified in their makeshift bunkers.

“Fire Company, move out to take that machine gun nest!”
“Heng, give me a smoke grenade!”
“I see smoke, it’s the 155s!”
“We’ll leave the Delfians to that! Let the smoke fill!”
“Medic, I need a medic!”
“Mortar rounds away!”
“It’s filled, go! Zig zag pattern, keep pressure on him!”
“Fire in the hole!”
“Secure the nest!”
“All clear! I’m redeploying this HMG.”
“Medic! I need a Medic! Jen got shot! Fuck, someone get a Medic!”
“Delfian Medic Corps here! Where’s he shot?”
“I see three holes in his chest!”
“Alright I see them, Peter! Get me some morphine!”

The airspace over the Loyalist forces were cover by G-C naval squadrons and Loyalist planes from inland, keeping the air free of Dassie planes and destroying tanks before the Loyalist troops moved in. For the spare planes that does pass the air umbrella, Delfian air defense on the ground took it out.

Firebird Two: Enemy armour coming up!
Leader One: Roger! Team B Dive!
Firebird Three: Bombs away!
Firebird Five: Bombs away! Pulling up!
Leader One: Good job Team B! You got three!
Firebird Three: You’re next Team A!
Firebird Two: Team A, moving in!
Leader One: You got two Team A! They’re burning!
Firebird Four: Firebird Six down! Stingers!
Leader One: I’m on it! Bearer in sight! Fuck you Dassie!
Leader One: Shredded him!
Leader Two: We’re empty on iron bombs! Let’s get home!
Leader One: Alright, we’ll leave the rest to Heran’s J-17s…

“All clear, the tanks are blown! Move out!”
“Fire Company flank their position! We’ll cover you!”
“Bei, give them some cover fire with your 42!”
“I’m on it!”
“We got a cripple Challenger tranversing in the corpse field!”
“Someone hand me a RPG!”
“He’s aiming at us! Get down!”
“Take him out of action!”
“Take this you fucker!”
“He’s still in action! Walter, take his side! Everyone get out!”
“Get behind the dead tanks!!!”
“Medic!!! He got Bei!”
“Pick up the 42, get behind those fucking tanks!!!”
“Dassies! Infantry in our front!”

While Dassie armour and aircraft were taken care of easily by UASS planes, it still left a sizeable force of Dassie regular infantry for the Loyalist infantry to eradicate. The further they push through the Dysannian rear, they met with increasing amount of regulars. While the Dysannians held the advantage of equipment and numbers, they were tired out from their lightning spearhead attack on Llanydern’s east flank. Now, Colonel Jerry was squeeze between the northern Delfian and Loyalist forces lead by High Marshal Ei and the UASS forces in the south. In a matter of hours, they would crumble…

“Rain One, this is Division E, requesting an air strike on a Dassie pit! We can’t clear their MG defenses and field guns!”
“Division E, this is Rain One, all our birds are busy…you got a 30 minute spot…”
“Negative Rain One, I need to clear this pit quick, or my men can’t move in to cover Battalion A.”
“…I have a squadron of Crossfires being held back by HQ, but I’ll clear them…”
“I owe you Rain One, I’ll take care of the AA!”

“Pai! You and your crew redirect fire on these coordinates!!! We need to take care of some Triple As.”
“I’m on it!…Everyone transverse to bearing 124 and raise to 31 degrees! Smoke munitions on first volley, then switch to HE! Move it!”

“We got them!”
“Go Crossfires! Woah!!!”
“Quit cheering! We need to clear that pit!”
“Sai! Tell the 76s to hold their fire! We’re moving in!”
“Lieutenant! Tanks sighted!”
“Where? I can’t fucking believe this!”
“Wait! They’re ours! It’s the First Armour Division!”
“Heaven, that’s impossible! Sai, link me to the First Armour!!!”
“About time we landed some armour!”

From the Llanydern frontlines, the Loyalist’s First Armour Division and ten SID divisions finally arrived, adding 200 modern battle tanks, 100 BMP-3s and 50 000 men to the Loyalist forces. They led the counter attack on the Dysannian spearhead, follow closely behind by local Llanydern reservists. By dusk, the First Armour division met up with Marshal Ei’s Division, having crush the spear point of Dassie’s attempts to break into Llanydern’s western defense line.

“High Marshal Ei of Battalion A, it’s good to see you.”
“Marshal Jian of First Armour Division, great to finally be in the fight. You won’t believe how much bickering I did to get Anyia to mobilize us.”
“You seem to did pretty well in your first action…”
“the Llanies managed to hold on long enough for us to arrive, the Dassies broke almost 200 km into Llanydern before they were pushed back.”   
“I heard their tanks were force to drive around looking for a way through the jungles, cause they couldn’t find any roads.”
“Haha, yes. Most of them ran out of fuel before they found a decent road to travel in. We pick up a lot of these “stallers” on the way here.”
“But how you get here?”
“There were roads through the jungle, but Llanies had them blockaded and defend like their lives depend on it. I heard 60 000 reserves alone held one of the road leading north.”
“You have to give it to the locals…”

“Marshal! Air recon report! The Dysannian reserves are moving from the north! 30 000 a least!
“Radio all the Divisions! Tell them to dig in and prepare for the worst!” 
“Bloody dog, we’re gonna need reinforcements! I’ll move in my armour to their flanks.”
“Lieutenant! Get Air One and Air Two, Get them to bomb them to pieces!”
“Sir! We got 50 000 Llanydern reservists coming in from the south to reinforce us!”
“Good! We’ll need it!”

The Dysannians had been attempting to reinforce Colonel Jerry’s men ever since they detected the Loyalist movement on their rear, but Delfos’ own counterattack on their middle and east had preoccupy most of their reserves. It wasn’t till well into the afternoon that they manage to patch up a unit of regulars and conscripts to assist Colonel Jerry. By the time they reach the battle line, the Delfians, Loyalists and Llanies were well entrenched to face them. During the night, numerous firefight broke up in the moonless dark. Just before dawn, the Delfian forces at Base A manage to envelope the Dysannians from behind (after taking out a division send out to take Base A during the night). By morning, the Dysannian western front fell, and a doorway was open to Dysanni Ryazania.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 11:33:42 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2007, 11:50:12 PM »
OOC: CL, you can RP the G-C planes that have been assigned to help you.

IC: The column had bypassed the main fighting and were now, as planned, far behind the Dysanii lines.  One supply convoy had already been captured, with only minor loss of life for the Gallipoli-Chinese.  The Dysanii hadn't been so lucky.  But this looked to be their only success; hundreds of Dysanii troops, regulars, it looked like, were streaming north.  They were still far away, but it didn't look like the mission was going to be fulfilled if they had to fight Dysanii in earnest.

With the convoy's remaining transports added to their group, the G-C forces prepared to resist this Dysanii threat.

OOC 2: These are a few Dysanii regulars that are fleeing the battle in the south, but we don't know this yet.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 11:57:59 PM by Gallipoli-China »

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2007, 11:54:40 PM »
occ:Already did, I use them to keep Dysanny's F-15s out of the sky.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 11:57:17 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2007, 02:05:34 AM »
To the Dysanii government,

Face it. It very well may be impossible for you to win the war that the communist dogs have forced upon you. You know that once Llanydern invades Southern Ryazania - which, as I see it, will occur soon - the poor Dysanii people there will be forced to fly the flag of the UASS and embrace their "utopia" of faux equality.

Thus, the Myrorian government encourages you to sell Southern Ryazania to us for the generous payment of 250 billion Kolonialreich marks, or a number of weapons equal to that sum. Please, think of what is best for your people. They will be given the security and economic prosperity that only a capitalist nation may give them, and allowed to keep their unique culture and language, rather than become "Llanyderns" instead of "Dysanii-Myrorians". Please consider our offer.

The Office of His Majesty,
Grand Imperial Residence,
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2007, 01:15:29 PM »
With the western front secure, the Loyalist moved in supplies and men to defend against another attack. The Dysannian military was struggling to make up for the great loss of regulars to the UASS and it's navy was constantly being beating back by the superior G-C fleet that had just arrived.

On Day 13 of the war, the 1st MIA division arrived with several hundred combat engineers. They built a railroad line cutting through the jungle and connecting Base A and the surroundings with inner Llanydern. Supplies and men were ferry easily into the area, where trench lines and bunkers were being built to fortify the UASS position. An airstrip was built near the border, where Loyalist J-17s and UASS planes can takeoff and land, securing the skies of the area while provide air support should the ground force need it. However, Dysannian stealth fighters continue to harass the air superiority of the UASS, with 23 planes shot down by Dassie F-22s alone. Constant air-strikes by these planes continue to hamper preparations for the invasion.

"Bloody dog! Stealthies blew up a section of the rail again last night!"
"This is bullshit, they fly invisible to our radar,...get EG 2 on it, the airstrip needs its fuel resupply.."
"Fuck, did you hear? Hien's regiment got blown up by an air-strike by these wankers...200 men dead."
"Jian said we just have to saturate the air with our birds, making it difficulties for Fucker-22s to sneak into our side."
"The hell that work? They fly invisible?" 
"No, he said that they're only invisible at a certain range...but if they get too close, you can see them on the radar..."
"What the fuck are two lazing around for? You got patrol duty!"

In it's commitment to the war effort, the Loyalist Republic shipped out 15 000 MG42 machine guns and 500 fresh T-64 tanks from its factories to supply Llanydern reservists in the area. Rocket launchers at base A also initiate bombardment with white phosphorous warheads to clear jungles inside Dysanii territory.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2007, 01:57:36 PM »
The line was crumbling. Fast. The Western forces were falling to pieces...the spearhead had failed. The military command opted for a new form of attack - defense. What was left of the initial conscript forces, some 700,000 men, and the regulars from the main invasion fort, were ordered to make a quick retreat back to the border. In this great retreat, by order of the war council, the towns occupied by Dysanii forces where totally destroyed. Civilians were, however, spared and sent in huge caravans towards the advancing UASS forces. A ploy that would ultimately slow down their advance long enough for the Dysaniian forces to assume good defense positions along the border.

Along the border to Llanydern, huge amounts of money and men were poured into the construction of a strong, stable line of defenses all along the border. Being on the border, the Dysanii army now had access to its large, fully operational airstrips in southern Ryazania, and the bulk of its considerable airforce. Troops were drawn in from Southern Ryazanian, and fresh regulars and conscripts were brought in from Dysanii, Southern Ryazania and Metz Minor (the personnel and harware from the PUR offensive now diverted to the Southern Ryazanian front). The UASS now had arrayed against them along the border powerful defense measures (trenches, bunkers, mines, bases..), 11,000,000 Dysanii personnel, 4,000,000 Southern Ryaznians, the bulk of the Dysanii airforce (several thousand fighter aircraft), entrenched artillery and tanks, and at the coast on the border the collected Dysaniian flotillas - several hundred assorted ships. They would break the UASS advance here, afterwards moving in to counter-attack, to force the out-numbered, out-equipped UASS personnel into a retreat into the war ravaged Llanydern landscape. Even in the small possibility the plan failed, the UASS were to expect a great loss of life if they pushed home thier advance.

Talks with Myroria have also been entered into, in the hope of acquiring more supplies to boost the Dysanii armies, and to atleast maintain Dyanii essence in the region, should the war turn out for the worst.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2007, 03:07:06 PM »
Quote from: Marketa Byznyzova
To: Dysanii and UASS governments
From: Royal Takasia Trade and Commerce

Takasia is willing to pay Dysanii 250 billion Takasky Marks (about 2.5% higher than the Myroria deal), and another 50 billion compensation for the UASS, for Takasia to develop the south Ryazania into a demilitarized and free trade zone. We hope both sides will consider the deal.

Head of Trade and Commerce, Marketa Byznyzova