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Author Topic: Unwelcome Visitors  (Read 15578 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #120 on: July 06, 2007, 04:31:38 PM »
OOC: Deploy your troops.


From: Saletsian Expeditionary Force in Llanydern

From this day on there ought to be a 200km demilitarized zone from the Llayndern-Southern Ryazanian border leading inwards to Southern Ryazania. Any non UASS military elements within the demilitarized zone will be dealt with appropriately.

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #121 on: July 06, 2007, 06:42:51 PM »

The Loyalist Republic officially claims the following area to be under the jurisdiction of our government and military. Any non-UASS military personnel found trespassing will be seen as a violation of this jurisdiction and an act of hostility towards the people and State of the Loyalist Republic.

"Name please..."

On a wide street of a port city in southwest South Ryaz, Reserve Division One of Section A has set up a census booth. Posters and leaflets have been spread around the city, asking local citizens to head for the booth to apply for semi-citizenship to the Loyalist Republic. Those that came had their information taken and their pictures taken.

"Up against that wall Miss Hilar...that's right. Smile."

The digital camera flashes, and Drillmaster Shun checks the taken image on the LCD monitor of his booth. Satisfied, he press several keys to save the image on to Jessy Hilar's file.

"Thank you Miss Hilar, you may leave. We'll contact you when we process you papers. Next!"

 Noon approached and Drillmaster Shun took his break. He sat beside the water cooler, watching as the long line moves sluggishly forward towards the booth. A old man was holding up the line of the fourth booth, his mouth babbling out French that the booth master struggle to understand. While a majority the locals spoke English, there was always an odd French Dysanii that hamper the progress of the booth.

Private Gila came to join at the water cooler.

"Long day ain't it Shun?"

"Long day..."

"Well, better than fighting in the jungle I suppose..."

"Where's the Commander? Haven't seen him since last night..."

"He went off to meet with the mayor, something about securing the city prisons..."

"Shh, can you believe what we're doing here Ji?"

"HQ wants it done, these people are gonna need a government...and since we're here, we're gonna be in charge."

"I think this is stupid...we should leave them to their own devices...we don't even know if they want us here."

"Right of conquest I guess...I don't give a shit about politics anyhow...but all I know is we need to provide law and order for these people until the big wigs figure it out."

In other parts of the city, Loyalist officers were conducting open forums in any large building they could find. There, they spoke and discuss with any interested locals on a person to person basis. Many of citizens were concern about their rights. Others view their anxiety about their future.

Outside, Loyalist troops patrolled the streets alongside city police personnel. A neighborhood watch program had been initiated to deter ruffians and looters. In the countryside, combat engineers were repairing roads and rail tracks damaged in the war, in attempt to revive the local economy.

"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #122 on: July 07, 2007, 01:38:11 AM »
Unbeknownst to the soldiers onboard the cargo planes, the large formation of aeroplanes banked to the southwest after recieving confirmation that Loyalist invasion of Southern Ryazania had begun. The 2048 soldiers landed outside Marseilles in the Loyalist claim. Shouting in a whisper, the commanding officer told his troops what was happening.

"Those commie bastards have laid claim to this city. They're forcing the populace to register. We're gonna take 'em by surprise, shut down the census booths. Hopefully the 50,000 reinforcements will arrive here in a week's time, at the most. For now, it's just the element of surprise. On my mark, we sneak in. Give any soldier the chance to surrender, and - by God, do not kill any civilians! Try not to even let them see us kill them! We need to show them we're their saviors, and they're their conquerers." The CO lifted his head up and looked around. Assigning groups of 512 to himself and his three other officers, he signaled to move in.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #123 on: July 07, 2007, 02:54:17 AM »
occ: Forced? lol.

"Grand Marshal, Section A air control picked up a large formation of planes north of the claim. Saletsian satellite confirm that they landed in the Dysanii city of Mar Sal Lai. Here are the infrared images of the area."

"That's alot of bodies...are they planning an attack."

"We do not know their intentions, but they can't be good. We're trying to confirm if they're Dysannian or Myrorian."

"Most likely Dysannian, the Myrorians won't try something like this if they are sane. Not after how we wiped the Dysannians. Keep me up to date with any messages from Dysanii or Myroria, I don't want this situation precipitating into another war."

"Section A squadrons are on rotary patrol, we have the air saturated with our S-35s and J-17Cs. The three S-300 SAM batteries we had airlifted are providing cover right up on the north and northeast of the claim. 120km engagement radius and 120 to 200 km detection...no plane is getting through on our watch. But still, we can't be too safe. We have a few S-300s offline, ready to go online at moments notice."

"We can never be too safe when dealing with foreigners...have Section C reinforced with more infantry. Until Angel One gets online, we need more patrols on the inland." 
"How you feeling these days, Chancellor?"

Secretary Ein Cao walks into the study room. The Chancellor turns from his desk and glares at the Secretary.

"I feel betray...betray by madmen who are gonna destroy this country! I been reading the memos, you know how many innocent lives have been lost to your idiotic cause! Ninety-four thousand sons of the State dead! All for what?!? You are in debt to their families you fucking bastard!"

"Please Chancellor, you must watch your temper...I am doing this for the best of everyone."

"And this Military Jurisdiction you set up...why are you tantalizing in the business of foreigners! You will do nothing but build tension and conflict. I demand you withdraw all troops! These men should be at home, not fighting a pointless cause such as yours!"

"Chancellor, you should know better...a nation at rest will decay and wither without the constant pushing of challenge and expansion. We must stay with progress..."

"Progress? You are no better than these imperial bastards that rift the world with bloodshed! Why not the progress of peace? How many more must die before you realize this?"

"Our soldiers will not die in vain...their sacrifices will be used to build a grander and stronger Loyalist State! Their deeds will shine in the glory of our nation!"

"You are mad...you will have us all destroy! Your creation of Trinity will set the destruction of this country! You will wipe away our tomorrow!"

"You speak like a old man, Chancellor. But you are still young, too young to see the possibilities of our plan. Now if you excuse me...I have work to attend to. Your Ten Million Army is coming out quite nicely...soon we will have a force superior to that of these foreigners."

The Secretary walks out the door, and two guards close the door behind him. The Chancellor was left alone in the dim room...his head red with anger and distress. He had to stop this...by every mean necessary.

Moments later, a servant boy walks into the study room, carrying a tray of food. The guards close the door as he walks in. He sets the tray on the desk; the Chancellor saw this as his chance.

"Jia...I know you for a long time. Can I trust you with something?"
"...you want me to do something? What?"
"You first have to promise me you'll keep this a secret on your life. The State depends on you on what I'm gonna  ask you to do.."
"...Of course Chancellor. My loyalty is to you and the State."
"Loyalty is only true to the leaning of your heart. You must do this for the lives of your countrymen and family."
"I understand! What is it you need?"
The Chancellor took out a envelope from under his desk and hands it to the boy.
"Take this with you, hide it! You have your one week vacation on Friday correct? Bring this letter to the Taolin Martial School in Meisa. Ask for Master Gwan Tao, give him the letter... he will know what to do."
"Okay...I will do it."
"May Heaven protect you, Jia."   
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #124 on: July 07, 2007, 03:04:23 AM »
The CO heard planes flying ahead (OOC: I assume the S-35 is a plane you made up, not the tank. There are such things as flying tanks, but who knows. If the plane you're referring to is silent or near silent, please allow the CO to hear an enemy soldier breaking twigs on the ground.).

"Damn. They've seen us. I should have known." The CO picked up his radio.

"Pull back. I've underestimated their forces. We can hide in these woods for weeks (I do get to choose my own nation's terrain until the terrain map is finished.). We'll wait for reinforcements, then storm the city. We've just got to hope they don't find out we're soldiers, or let us retreat."

Taking out his small GPS, he resumed talking.

"There's a large rock outcropping about 5 kilos north of here. I'll just call it Capitalist Pig Whoopass Rock. Take your soldiers there, we'll march north together. Out."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #125 on: July 07, 2007, 03:48:39 AM »
occ: Su-35 fighters, sorry about the typo.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline St Oz

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #126 on: July 07, 2007, 02:26:20 PM »
It was a rude awakening to those who lived on the west coast of Southern Ryazania. A violent thunder of Synchronized and unison Ozian Drums and Timpani played their war ritual. The Ozian Priestess dancers elegantly dancing in a trance and violent screaming. Blood of the Duzhu, an animal native in Ozia, were poured onto the priestesses as they danced in red. The Ozian pilots all bowed down to the priestesses and yelled, "Gaean Pri'avia! Gaean Duzhu Haliev! Gaean Viele!" Then the priestesses on top of the carrier slowed their trance and marked the sign of Gaea in blood on their forehead. They bowed in dedication and ran to their planes. Engineers and servicemen quickly got to work as the pilots hopped into their Staii-7s and started their engines. The Drums roared throughout the air as each plane ascended into the air.

translated from Ozian
"Lavender Group 1 lead with Arrow missiles. Fire at will, We have target of Myrorian Vessels."

"Air base shall we target Carrier or Transports?"

"Target Carrier then Target Transports"

"You think they have have this line tapped Air base?"

"Oh we want them to know! Don't worry about that. Quickly, after launching your missiles climb to maximum height so their AA can't get you."

At 600 km from their targets the 60 Staii launched their single Arrow missiles, Aiming them at the Carrier and transport vessels of the Myrorian fleet. Idovks back before launched their Anti-Vessel missiles and cruise missiles at the Myrorian Targets. Launching in Sync with the Aircraft and the AEGIS Cruisers going on active Sonar. After all the Missiles were launched the Staii-7s they climbed up to their maximum climb of 20,000m.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #127 on: July 07, 2007, 03:49:38 PM »
General Lawin heard of the Myrorian landings in Southern Ryazania.

"Sergeant, I'm giving the following orders, pass them to airbase L1 and the 1st and 2nd army!"

"Yes sir..."

General Lawin showed a map to the sergeant and other officers...
"Myrorians have landed here", he pointed at the map, "there are still civilian airports in these cities and abandoned military airbases here and here and so on. I want all military airbases neutralized in a way no more aircraft can use them and the civilian runways either destroyed or taken over....The small Myrorian force in the region should not be a problem."

"Yes sir."

"And send a message to Vice-Admiral Nikita Talon, we need a complete naval blockade of all Southern Ryazanian ports....right away...I know the fleet is not far from key positions as they had been given orders to attack anyways..."

"Anything more, sir?"

"I want all our forces to be on high alert..."

"Aye sir."

The sergeant then passed the orders to the airbases and army command centers. Hours later the first Saletsian Su-37 and MiG-35 fighters started bombing ex-Dysanii military airbases dropping MOABs on their runways leaving craters that were so big, no single aircraft could actually make use of the bases anymore..
While Saletsian fighters roamed the skies, S-300 missiles and radar stations watched closely for Myrorian aircrafts...
The Eastern Fleet got the message and started the naval blockade of Southern Ryazanian ports. Some ports were shelled to make them of no use for anyone.
Meanwhile the 1st and 2nd army crossed the Llanydern-Southern Ryazanian border for the first time being accompanied by a vast amount of light attack helicopters, mobile SAMs, tanks, and armed transport helicopters. The air-cavalry's target was to seize all other civilian airports that were  not yet in Myrorian hands and to neutralize them.
The plan was to litteraly seal Southern Ryazania off of any more military aid from Myroria.

The Western Saletsian Fleet also got orders to enforce the blockade and stop any Myrorian vessels from crossing the Atl Strait.

Meanwhile medium and short-range surface-to-surface missiles were being positioned in Llanydern.

General Lawin was making sure the Myrorians would not have more chances to land elsewhere on Easteros.

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #128 on: July 07, 2007, 04:50:06 PM »
occ: wow Oz, you sure have a way of launching planes haha.

"We're picking huge military activity from the Saletsians west of our claim. Should we offer combat support?"

"Negative, we are to keep our forces within the jurisdiction, we will lend a hand if they request only. Notify Saletsian that we will facilitate any casualties or logistics issue."

"We also have high level pattern of unknown aircraft heading towards Mar Sal Lai and around the coast, their IFF band is messed."

"Pass all intelligence to UASS members, we'll observe for now. Keep an eye on the unknown aircraft, if they pass into our airspace, give them a warning. We'll give a 5 minutes warning before we shoot."
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #129 on: July 07, 2007, 05:16:55 PM »
"Sir we have CL intelligence reports about unknown aircrafts and naval vessels within the blockade perimeter..."

"Any news on what they're doing?"

"Our satellites give us the impression as though they're attacking the Myrorian fleet..."

"Are they attacking any of our own forces or allies?"

"Negative, sir."

"Then leave them alone...we'll view them as peacekeepers.."

"Are you sure, sir?"

"I am."

Offline Mor'os

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #130 on: July 07, 2007, 06:15:45 PM »
Midway through the conversation, Gulnah's nifty new cellphone, one of the many modern devices with which the Mor'osi people had become infatuated, rang. Muttering to himself, Gulnah fished it from his pocket and placed it to his ear.

"Woi woi, Gulnah speaking." An indeterminate electronic murmuring from the other end.

"Really? Well, that is an important turn of events. I will inform his Divinity immediately."

"What is it Gulnah?" asked Osmar, looking up from the bundle of papers which compromised the report which he had been reading.

"I spoke too soon, apologies if I misled you. It seems things are  not quite over. No official surrender from Dysanii is what  I am being told, and regardless our allies are still on the move into Southern Ryazania where they are encountering resistance."

"Ah good, then this won't have been a waste of time. Our soldiers should be right on time for this event in fact."
"Ul dé mur e nez dí zhìn bu sà."
"Don't trust the rats, they're working for the wolves."
Shauas Tadom, age 6,  commenting on national security.

"Kar-dav on shí dí dor yé. Zat téi he!"
"I really like His Divinity's tail. It tickles!"
Nasme Ūtum, age 5, commenting on imperial policy.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #131 on: July 07, 2007, 06:44:56 PM »
OOC: The West Coast Southern Ryazania fleet no longer exists, Oz. Ignored.


About 300 kilometers off the coast of Easteros, one of the aircraft carriers in the fleet released all its F-22 Raptors, and another released half. In total, 90 F-22 Raptors and 30 F-16 Fighting Falcons were ordered to fly to the Saletsian capital. Their goal was to show them Myrorian firepower and hopefully knock them out of the war.

Three hours later, the airplanes arrived at the Saletsian capital (?). Still at supersonic speeds, they all released their bombs and missiles, which were:

130 Sidewinders
1040 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs

at assorted governmental buildings as fast as they could (Thus giving you the chance to give a greater number of misses than they would have in real life to prevent godmodding), then flew. Now all each plane had was one AMRAAM and one sidewinder to defend themselves.

All over Pelagis, Novrith, and Ervrith - the largest cities in Myroria, and some of the largest in the world by land area seeing as skyscrapers were frowned upon in Myroria, SAM sites including RBM-70s and Patriots were prepared for a mainland invasion or bombing. Most of the army - 353,500,000 soldiers in total - still were unordered to go anywhere. Even so, nuclear sites were put on Alert Status 3, in the case of the death of the King by an attack.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Acle

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #132 on: July 07, 2007, 07:16:37 PM »
In Acle the professional army was now on full mobilization and the 4.5 million reservists had been called up and ready for war. On the western Side of Acle in the naval ports sat the Eastern and Western Battle fleets along with the Eastern and Western Assault Fleets. The fleets were being prepared for war and the Assault fleet was being loaded with 52,800 marines for the western marine core along with all necessary equipment.

In eastern Acle several Hercules C4 aircraft landed on unclaimed land just north of Northern Ryazania. They contained 300 troops from the elite Pathfinder Core and the equipment to build a runway capable of landing the larger transport aircraft with ease who would be bringing in extra equipment to turn the area into a fully functional military airport to provide refueling to planes destined for Southern Ryazania.

Offline Union

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #133 on: July 07, 2007, 08:41:22 PM »
occ: Kill the the nest, and the bees will die.

The Loyalist Republic has been inform by the Myrorian's ruthless attack on the Badana...we are appall by such violent and irrational action. Hence, we the Loyalist Military Council formally declare a state of total war against the Myrorian Kingdom. We will revenge the innocent citizens of Saletsia!


"We follow the plane trail here, a Myrorian carrier fleet. Satellite confirms their position. We have the coordinates, should we send it to Wall One battery?"

"Too far, our missiles won't hit them. Send in Strike Fleet One, they're only 340 km away. Full air support from Coast Patrol One. Hit them before they get their F-22s up."

"Roger Air Marshal."

A fully loaded Strike Fleet One from Na Sui steamed at max speed towards the carrier group. While they were on the way, Seventy-two Mig-29OVTs and JF-17Cs from Coast Patrol One island flew to intercept the carrier group. As was expected, the planes from before were still being refitted on deck from their attack on Badana, leaving only a couple of in-air fighters. The first wave of JF-17s fired off their entire load of C-802 cruise missiles at the escort ships from 160 km, before turning around just as the ship defenses fired their AA missiles. The AA missiles fell short, but two thirds of the C-802 cruise missiles hit their mark. The escort warships sank into the water as their decks exploded...the carrier was now alone.

"Escorts are down, Lightning Squadron your up!"

The Mig-29s following behind throttle towards the lone carrier. they encountered the Myrorian F-16s and a ferocious dogfight erupted between the evenly matched fighters. It was then that the second wave of J-17Cs arrived with a fresh load of C-802s...

A few F-22s managed to take off before the carrier exploded as five C-802s hit the stern. They promptly fought  at close combat with the Mig-29s and JF-17s, before the Loyalist planes gave up the fight and headed home. Loitering on low fuel, the remaining F-22s and and F-16s crash landed in the ocean. A couple were suspected of crash landing on land.     

21 Mig-29s (OVT and S mixed)
12 JF-17Cs
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 03:59:09 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #134 on: July 07, 2007, 08:48:47 PM »
*continuity of Op. Sweet Vodka, didn't had time to RP, although i RPed the beginning, It's way before Myrorian aquisition*

"All aircraft are GO" radio transmission to Delfian Staff

Alfa - New Delfos Landing Zone 23:00

All Precs got into the transports, everything was checked, everything was ready.
Delfian improvised tower: "Friendly bombardiers are ready for take off, we need to go. Status report, over."
"NDLZ, NDAF Transport1, type is A400M, ready for Alfa, over." "...Same in Transport2..."
"NDAF Transport1 and 2, ready for take off, show no mercy, out."

Alfa- New Delfos Front Line 23:00

Liz5: "Lizards, no enemy contact, we're free for Obj.A and R, logistics show clear path. Send message to Katyusha and Mecha support, over."
Liz1: "Delfian Beta Base, this is Liz1, all Lizards are in GO, request immediate recon support, over."
BetaBase: "Liz1, all units are right behind you, laser targets for Katyusha artillery, out."
Liz5: "There's one, here, a mob, maybe a patrol, light it for logistics."
The Lizards APCs were moving fast, the objectives were nearby and no patrols were found yet, seems all Dysanni forces were concentrated on the West as supposed.
BetaBase: "Liz1, receiving targets from logistics lightened by you, please recon for artillery support, over."
Liz1: "Affirmative, hit them as soon as possible, out."
BetaBase: "All Katyusha units, recon support on Lizards, targets are lighted, fire at will."
All M-30s stopped on the side of the road and pointed to the target. The infantry and the marines took advantage to rest a bit for a run to foxhole at Epsilon. "Fire!" The sound of several missiles shot at the same time crossed the skies, the Lizards heard the missiles going over and moments after big explosions were heard. Logistics confirmed the hit, most of the targets were down except for what they thought it was a moving infantry unit that was half decimated.
BetaBase: "Liz1, enemy infantry northwest from you, take them down, over."
Liz1: "Roger, out. You heard him, Liz Squad2, move northwest, eliminate infantry units, good luck."
The APC stopped on top of a hill, 2 Lizard snipers got out, saw the targets of what it seemed to be 15 Dysanni troops running away, they started to take them out, but as soon they saw where the snipers were they started shooting. "Get back here, don't get shot, we take them out with the APC." Probably their commanding officer died in the Katyusha hit, they started to shoot at the APC, then the Lizards shot them all with APC gun.
The Fuzileiros (Marines) were moving fast on Eastern border to assure they would get to Epsilon in time, there was no other force there, everything was clean. Other than that, the New Delfos Royal Army Infantry units encountered some patrols near Epsilon. All ground forces reached their places early due to lack of Dysanni units in the Eastern front.
This is just the beginning, before Epsilon we have the special forces doing their job and coming back.
Deaths so far: around 120 Dysanni, mostly killed by Katyusha support, 30 Delfians killed (Mostly Infantry units that met patrols, counting with 1 Lizard APC lost. Those Katyusha also blown until now light vehicles, like jeeps and light tanks.