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Author Topic: Unwelcome Visitors  (Read 15575 times)

Offline Dysanii

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Unwelcome Visitors
« on: June 25, 2007, 04:29:39 PM »
OOC: Llanydern, I don’t know where your border defences are or how many men are situated along the border. I have made the initial invasion quite vague to get around this, until you can maybe put up a rough map of where your major cities/border defences are?

G-C, I was also unsure if your ships were at Llanydern yet. If they are, just take the last paragraph as a preventative measure against anymore G-C/UASS vessels from entering the waters.

As for personnel involved, around 3.5 million Dysanians make up the invasion force, whereas about 2.2 million southern Ryzanian conscripts are involved in the forward actions.

IC: It was early afternoon when the first Dysanian troops crossed the border. For miles, the sight of ordered troop lines and armoured support could be seen travelling in a southerly direction, with air support flying overhead to scout the surrounding areas. The invasion force moved along the entire border in a bid to pressure the Llanydern forces on all fronts – something that was believed could be accomplished with the larger Dysanian numbers.

Ahead of the main attack force were the advance units; conscripted personnel converging on pre-planned points of attack, notably the bases of border forces. Using out-of-date tanks, planes, artillery and what ever else could be quickly deployed by the Dysanian military for the forward southern Ryzanian personnel, zealous conscripts threw themselves at the Llanydern. The vehicles and equipment in use were not top-of-the-range for the poor Ryazanians, but the ground and air support was able enough, with the right manpower, to present a good fight for the Llanydern forces.

A ploy used for generations by the Dysanian military command, this simple tactic proved successful on many campaigns. The objectives of the southern Ryazanian conscripts were to wear down the enemy; in supplies, morale and men. Although the Llanydern forces had superior weaponry compared to the forward forces, the equipment and vehicles used by the conscripts would hopefully be enough to keep the out-numbered, but alerted, Llanydern border forces occupied while the main invasion force – the bulk of which were trained Dysanian personnel using the most recent in military hardware – to move up and deliver the final blows to the bases situated along the Ryazanian-Llanydern border, opening a gateway for the invasions of the cities.

In order to support this initial attack and to disrupt the Llanydern imports and exports, Dysanian ships moved slightly into Llanydern waters in preparation from ports along the western coast of southern Ryazania. Two entire flotillas were also assigned to guard the waters around Xyrael, in anticipation of any Gallipoli-Chinese, indeed any UASS naval intervention and to prevent them from joining their Llanydern allies.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 04:32:30 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 04:55:15 PM »
OOC: They couldn't possibly have reached Llanydern's western coast, and they'd be pretty useless on the eastern coast.  How large are your flotillas?  I will IGNORE every attack on my fleet until I know how large your flotillas are.  FYI, this is the size of the fleet I've sent to the aid of Llanydern.

7 Yuan Class submarine
GCS Y-13
GCS Y-16
GCS Y-19

7 Type 702 supply ship
GCS Joe Hill 
GCS William Heywood 
GCS Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
GCS Woody Guthrie
GCS Mary Harris Jones
GCS Clara Lemlich
GCS Morris Hillquit 

4 Type 052 C destroyer
GCS Masses
GCS Appeal to Reason
GCS Revolution
GCS Call

1 Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier
GCS Equality

Air compliment of one Admiral Kuznetsov
35 J-10 Naval Variant
10 KA-29 Anti-Submarine Warfare Variant
5 KA-29 Advanced Early Warning Variant

15 Type 072 troop transport
GCS T-10
GCS T-11
GCS T-12
GCS T-13
GCS T-14
GCS T-15

Cargo of the Type 072 flotilla
40 Type 63-A amphibious tanks
1000 troops
20 Type 90 self-propelled howitzers

IC: While the troopships and its escorting destroyer had been sent to the western coast of Llanydern to drop off their cargo, the main Gallipoli-Chinese fleet had been stopped at the Strait of Atl, and they had only been granted the right of passage by paying a steep bribe and appealing to the Xyraeli's sense of cupidity.  "The Dysanii are already outside your waters; they'll come after you next!"  That sort of thing.  They hugged the coast, staying within Xyraeli waters, hoping to reach Saletsia before they were noticed by the Dysanii.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 05:01:00 PM by Gallipoli-China »

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 07:59:35 PM »
occ: SH-T, war just started ???

CLS Destiny (Neustrashimy Class), North waters of Saletsia

"DS 6! DS 6! the line has broke!...I repeat the line has broke!...."

"Captain!" The radio mate call out in the mid-bridge. "You better hear this! Urgent transmission from Navy HQ."

Captain Tiu grabs and puts on one of the radio head set. "Captain Tiu reporting from DS 6. What's going on?"

"DS 6, you are order to abandon your current operation, your new objective has been sent to your IC."

The captain went over to the IC screen and logged on.
Increase speed towards current objective, hostility has broke between Black Dog (Dysanii) and Red Rabbit (Llanydern)
Your escort must reach Base A and reinforce Red Rabbit contingency ASAP.
Avoid enemy fleet ships, Division A must reach shores intact.

Message Ends

"How in Heaven? They're fighting already?" the captain yell into the headset.

"Dysaniian troops just cross the border at 14:15 this afternoon, it's official, we're at war."

"Damn, we're not ready!"

"You're job is to get the Army into Llanydern, let the LA worry about the fighting. Keep close to Saletsian fleet ships, don't get caught alone against a Black Dog fleet! Transmission out, Heaven protect you....static."
"Parker! Full speed ahead! Get those turbines grinding!" Captain Tiu pick up the intercom. "Attention all hands, level one battle stations. I repeat, level one battle stations." Her voice boom out from speakers around the ship. Men hurry across the deck.

"Lieutenant Lassin, notify the transport ships." the captain directed. Lieutenant Lassin rushed to the short band radio station.

"Hui, keep your eyes on that sonar, if their subs sink even one boat, you're gonna get me fire. As for the rest of you, there's nothing else you need to do but worry about enemy torpedoes and cruise missiles burning our corpse to ash and flames..."

Her joke did little to raise the tension off her crew, this was their first action...the lives of the ship and Battalion A depend on their actions...the test between steel and water. CLS Destiny plows through the waves, her tail wave follow by 15 large transport ships.   

occ: "Gundam Seed theme song"
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 08:44:48 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 09:25:12 PM »
To the Government of Dysanii

Remove your forces immediately from Llanydern soil, you are violating the territorial jurisdiction of our ally. Cease your advance now, or you would face the deep consequences for your actions. The UASS would not tolerate aggression against our members, and will respond with force if necessary. This is your first and last warning.

From the Loyalist Republic


Loyalist War Council, 72 minutes after the start of the invasion

"Well gentlemen, let's make the best of our situation". Before the Chancellor were four of the District Generals, a Battalion General subbing in for General Ben Shin, and the entire LA Headquarter General Staff. Maps and papers were spill out onto the table.

LAA Flight Chief: The minimal distance for our planes to travel is 2800 km, our Firestorms can reach this easy with enough fuel to come home, but none of our jets can fly over for any period of time, range is just too short...we don't have much of an immediate air option.

Chancellor: We need to secure a air base with Llanydern. Generals, what sort of ground options do we have?

General Jin Yu: I wish we had deploy our forces sooner, but we're stuck with nothing to stop the advance. There's that one SID division heading to Llanydern on boat, but it'll be several hours before they reach Llanydern...

Chancellor: One division? 5 000 men without armour or air support would be suicide!

General Jin Yu: There's nothing we can do... Our troops in Uichi Ryu can't deploy till PUR makes their move. One division of infantry and a small armour element. 

Chancellor: This is bad...what's our progress on the transports?...

Grand Admiral Sui Lee: Won't be a few months till we get enough to carry a battalion...we'll have to depend on our allies to transport our troops... 

Deep silence fill the room...the invasion has caught the DCL military at a bad time.

"Link me up with Llanydern and the UASS Council, no point in planning this alone..."

« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 09:27:41 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 07:28:18 AM »
To: Loyalist War Council

You should know that the Gallipoli-Chinese overseas land forces have been relocated from New Delfos to southeastern Llanydern, and will link up with any forces you send to reinforce Llanydern's positions.  The force of 40 Type 63-A amphibious tanks, 1000 troops, and 20 Type 90 self-propelled howitzers is small, but it is mobile, and will be able to adequately augment any infantry or armored force that you are able to get into Llanydern.

Once our fleet reaches Llanydern waters, hopefully avoiding contact with Dysanii vessels, you will have Gallipoli-Chinese air support to call upon as well.

We wish our Comrades best of luck,
Feng Hu, Defense Committee Chairman, Gallipoli-China

Things were going without a hitch.  The Gallipoli-Chinese fleet had reached TUFM waters without being molested in any way by Dysanii vessels.  However, if Dysanii's military leaders were smart, they would have blockaded Llanydern's west coast.  There would likely be heavy fighting there.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 11:42:38 AM »
Llanydern doesn't really have cities (the largest single settlement is ~50,000 people (Aberystwyth the nearest Llanydern has to a capital (the council meets there and the university of Llanydern is organized from there) and is located deep in the mountains in the heart of Llanydern)) the settlement pattern is many small towns (10,000 to 25,000 on average) each of which has one major industry (normally) so the population of Llanydern is very urbanized and quite dense (no jokes) but doesn't live in cities (basically the people of Llanydern like to live in reasonably large groups but dislike being crowded).  So if you look at the population density of Llanydern as a whole its a high density population. 

Basically no cities just huge numbers of towns, so you won't get stuck in a Stalingrad but there will be lots of little street battles which will slow you down and wear at you.

Facing you are the remnants of the Border guard who are well armed trained and motivated but they are not conventional troops so you will get raids, assassination attempts, sabotage, mines laid on roads, ambushes that kinda thing (basically you come over the border they go to ground and when your main units have passed on they will harass your rear areas ( :shrug: I'm honestly not trying to make innuendo) they are about 150,000 men and women but part of them are not facing you (not all my northern border goes up against Dysanii territory) and some will have died in the early fighting but there will be between 50,000 and 80,000 of them left (original numbers facing Dysanii territory 100,000).

There is also the somewhat understrength 1st army group (600,000 men and women as the fighting force) which will be holding choke points (fords, bridges, etc) and will also be ambushing your forces when they can (these troops are all grade 1 and grade 2 so they are full time professionals and reservists (the reservists are trained for 2-6 years depending on what service they enter and also whether they have been picked for officer/NCO training, then they are called up to serve 2 months of the year in addition to Sunday training).

Then there is the air force which facing you has about 200,000 men and women (grades 1, 2 and 3 (3 is limited to anti aircraft units on the border at the moment)) of which about 50,000 are actually involved with aircraft mainly helicopters, recon, fighter and interdiction (fighter and interdiction aircraft are variants of the panavia tornado as is close in recon) as well as about 25,000 helicopter mobile troops, the rest are grade 2 or 3 anti air craft units tied in to defense of towns and military formations.

There are militia and security forces who are in defensive positions in and around the towns these are well equipped with man portable weapons as well as some anti tank weapons, they have some older model armoured units (think like a town will have at max a section of tanks or light tanks somewhat old fashioned (think about the same level as T-70 soviet tanks) but well maintained) what transport they have is mainly soft skinned or makeshift (there have been reports of civilian vehicles being armed/armoured.  They have some limited artillery and have good protection against air attack (mainly tube weapons) and in the first 250km or so they probably number somewhere around 5 million maybe more.

Also any towns along the coast might well have naval troops there (if you live along the coast you go to the navy for your military service)

The 2nd and 3rd army groups are massing and there has been a general call up of all military personnel, the navy and air force are pretty much mobilized but as this has so far been a land war are of limited utility (my fleet when I check what state its in (i.e. is it 10/11 days since I did the news post and if not how much of it will be ready ) will be getting involved with yours.

A logical goal would be the seizure of the oil fields on western seaboard roughly on a line with the mountains as this would slow if not stop my counter attack (or at least limit it).
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2007, 03:46:16 PM »
"Come on, move a little faster!" A drillmaster scream out to his driver.
"Ah, shut up Gregir! We're driving on rough terrain, any faster and we'll tip over!" Private Hei, the driver, replies.
"We got a train to catch in Westfield! Miss it, and we'll have to walk!" he screamed back.

Several hundred 8 ton and 2.5 ton trucks row across the rocky plateau which connects the Loyalist Republic with the lands of the Union. Heads bearing helmets clamor at the back of the trucks, some towing 73mm guns behind them.

"Bloody dog, this truck was meant for the road!" The driver yell out as one of the tires ran over a sizable stone.
"Come on, we got two hundred kilometres to go!" the drillmaster scream into the cab again.

"Union border guards!" A private from the truck in front scream out. "Where's the Marshal! We got Union guards dead ahead!"
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2007, 03:48:02 PM »

The conscripts suffered severe casualties at the hands of the Llanydern border forces. An estimated 200,000 personnel were lost in the initial push on the border. Despite the loss of life, the conscript armies of the Empire have penetrated the border defences and made good, if costly, progress.

The invasion force, 3.5 million Dysanians strong, has brought up behind the advancing conscript armies. This has proven a great offensive tactic, as while the conscripts push further in, the trained main invasion force has been able to mop up, limiting the effectiveness and amount of rear attacks by left over border forces, if not quite completely stopping them, and commanding control over the towns closest to the border.

This is viewed as a positive start to the invasion. The unexpected absence of large amounts of UASS personnel against the Ryazanian-Dysanii forces has left the attack open for quicker advance into the Llanydern nation.

One of the two flotillas guarding the waters around Xyrael has been moved to meet up with three more flotillas. This huge concentration of ships has been sent into an offensive on the western coast of Llanydern in an attempt to drive any active naval groups from the Llanydern coast. This has brought all five Ryazanian-Dysanii flotillas in these waters into action.

Uichi Ryu

Several amphibious landings occurred along the coast to the north of Uichi Ryu from Metz Minor. Some 150,000 personnel and military hardware has begun moving down along the edge of the eastern border of Acle, in an attempt to deliver a surprise attack on the currently un-mobilised armies of Uichi Ryu. Further continuos landings are expected to bring some 2 million Dysanian personnel against the northwestern lands of Uichi Ryu. This is a bid by the Dysanian military command to stall the military of Uichi Ryu and disrupt industries within the nation.


The last of the professional Dysanian armies, about 2 million men, has begun transportation to Metz Minor and southern Ryazania. The recruitment drive has gone well, with national and imperialist feelings running high placing over 5 million Dysanians in training or ready to be shipped to Metz Minor or southern Ryazania. However, recruitment is starting to dry up, as are men (with the large troops numbers involved in the Llanydern offensive) and the government is seriously considering introducing conscription, while in the process lowering the training time from 8 to 4 weeks.  

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2007, 05:04:52 PM »
Corporal Smith held his hand up at the approaching vehicles and they slowed to a halt. Slowly the Driver showed his ID card. and looked nervously, it hadnt been long since this union had shakily been accepted into the alliance.
"Stick to the main road, you will probably be expected to yield to our military traffic, the shits really hitting the fan, theres talk of this spreading to a world war, anyway, another unit will join you on the outskirts of Westfield, and they'll escort you in.... Good luck"

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2007, 05:13:22 PM »
(OOC: *cackles* uichi ryu has the planets deadliest rainforest. the entirety of my law and order budget is used for arming and training the civilians. uichi ryans hate outsiders and enjoy killing them. just facts you should know. also your people will have to cross some rather crazy mountains coming from the north or west.)

The Uichi Ryan war machine was springing to life, the wartime troop levels were at a maximum. over three hundred million uichi ryans were prepared to fight to the death for the pride and glory of the motherland. security was put to green level wartime, which was a level at which all security is tightened and nearly every citezen armed. the Kallisti Group was even pitching in, defending their territory with more firepower than most would think needed. the five hundred thousand wraith troops headed into the jungles on foot they would not appear again until recalled or killed.

(more later...)

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2007, 05:27:47 PM »
"This is the CLS Destiny, request permission to enter your waters and land our ground forces, according to the UASS miltary provision." Captain Tiu hail the Llanydern port authorities.

"This is Navy Port One, permission granted. It's good to see you, we'll have a patrol boat escort into port. Watch out for the Gallipino big boats, they're trying to park in as well."

"Acknowledge, we'll keep an eye out for port traffic." Captain Tiu hang up the mic. " Lieutenant Lassin, slow us down to 20 knots."

"Yes Captain." The lieutenant pulled down the speed lever. "Slowing gradually to 20 knots, turbines to half power."

"Radar picking up a lot of bogies in port,...here comes that patrol boat..." said First Mate Hui. "Let's get into port before the Dassies sneak up on us..."

The CLS Destiny was led into a long but narrow pier, where it was tied down by port crews. Her convoy of fifteen transports followed up from behind. Upon tying down all 15 transport, the planks were drop onto the pier, and the 5 000 LA regulars and their officers filed out.

"Thank you Captain, for taking us here in one piece." High Marshal Siyu extend his hand. Captain Tiu took the handshake, "Glad to be of service, good luck to you and your boys." The Marshal nodded and walk off to talk to the Llanydern escort officer. Before they could even rest off their seasickness, the LA division marched off, heading towards trouble.

Border of Loyalist and Union

"Thanks mate," the driver replied. "Told ya Gregir, these guys aren't that bad..."
"Quit your yapping, and move onto the road! you're holding up the column!"

The troop transports hit the dirt road to Westfield, traveling as fast as they could. Upon arriving at the train station, with some shoving with the local units, their trucks and supplies were loaded onto a train along with a Union infantry regiment.
"Hey, Pai check out these Union guys, they got seven digit numbers pin to their uniforms!"
"Mind you're manner Bo! Or I'll pin a rail spike into your ass!" the drillmaster scream out.
"Uhh, sorry mate...you speak English right? Well, here's to the Union and Loyalist State!"

The train steam off across the countryside, heading towards the border of Llanydern at White Hart.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 05:31:50 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2007, 06:13:32 PM »
"Uniform 3-5, we have enemy movement bearing 003, request permission to engage?" Called in Wing Commander Ledger as his 6 aircraft hugged the hills of the Llandydern Frontier. "Roger Uniform 35, your are to green to engage!" Came the reply.

"Copy tower, engaging now!" he flicked the channel to his flight "this is lead, targets on the deck, T-55 and T-80s, mark targets, red flight, prepare to engage!" He flicked his master arm, the targets were approaching quickly now as the hills flashed below him. "Tally-ho Red flight, engage, engage, engage!" He half expected it to be a chicken run, but that was soon knocked from him mind when Red two, the young lad from Armford's Harrier disentegrated as a Stinger smacked into him from the convoy, he banked sharply, and headed lower, emptying his rocket pods onto the gound as missile from Red three and Four knocked out three ground targets "Splash three Red leader, disengage and return to base!" He called into his mike, banking his bird elegentally around the hillside, Uniform 35 had done well on its first taste of real war, and Ledger knew it.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2007, 06:29:08 PM »
To: General Maxine Antigone

Your orders are thus.  You will make your way north to the Llanydern border, and to move west from there.  Endeavor to remain undiscovered until you wish to make your presence known; Dysanii likely knows you're in Llanydern, but does not know where.  Once the main Dysanii forces have moved south or southwest, you are to link up with any Llanydern partisans that may remain, and cut the Dysanii supply lines.  You will be assisted by naval and air bombardment of Dysanii positions from Admiral ibn Azer's fleet.

If this becomes unworkable, you are to attach yourself to the nearest available Chinese Loyalist force.

Fare well,
Feng Hu, Defense committee Chairman, Gallipoli-China

The roads north were well-paved and well maintained, and thus entirely unsuited to General Antigone's purpose.  They would likely be watched, and if Dysanii had sent any forces east, they would come down this very road.  However, she needed speed, and the brush and forest on either side would not permit speed.  She looked southeast, at the destroyer that had already disembarked, and east, at the flotilla of troopships that had brought them there, both now disappearing into the distance.  The destroyer would no doubt be headed to reinforce the fleet already in Llanydern waters, she knew, the other ships were headed back to New Delfos.  The submarines were invisible.

She decided to use the roads, for now.  According to her maps, this forest developed into a plain several kilometers ahead; better to lose themselves in that than to be trapped on the road.  But for now the road would have to do.

The column marched up the road, passing houses and larger settlements occasionally.  The few Llanydern that were visible acknowledged their presence, but many of the houses seemed deserted off at the front?  The Gallipoli-Chinese didn't have time to ask.

Admiral ibn-Azer couldn't believe it; the fleet had penetrated Llanydern waters uscathed.  The Combat Air Patrols were more frequent now, waiting to intercept any fighters, spot any ships that would dare to attack the Gallipoli-Chinese fleet.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2007, 10:01:53 PM »
ooc: You may notice "Naval Ianuav 301st" but don't be fooled I don't have 301 Naval groups. There's a total of 1000 Ianuavs and each Ianuav is a small/large (depending on what section of Armed forces) group of people part of a different section of the Armed Forces. The 301st happens to be the Navy.
Xyraeli Strait
The Naval Ianuav 301st which was transporting the Blue Army Ianuavs of the 503rd and 504th came within the water spaces of Xyrael. To show a sign of peace the Ozians hoisted the Navy Blue Flag along with the Ozian Military Flag and Ozian National flag. Idovk Class submarines were surfaced instead of submerged and the Staii-7s were without Pilots. At the head of this group was Admivi Melissa dev Valoz. A woman in her early 40s and bright Maroon Eyes.

Melissa arrived in the bridge fully awake and holding her cup of coffee. In her Ozian Admivi uniform she asked the two other Admivis who were head of the Blue Armies, "Have we received word from Xyrael or UASS yet?"

Admivi Jerok Gilana shoke his head and the other Admivi Xira Vaelrov sighed, "Nothing."

Melissa sipped her coffee and put it on the table in the middle. The communications director jumped up from his station and said to Melissa, "Admivi, we've just received a message from the Xyraeli National Navy. Shall we send our telegram?"

Melissa nodded.
From: Admivi Valoz of the 301st Ianuav, Blue Navy
To: Nations of UASS

It comes to our attention that there are certain aggressions in the Ryazanian seas. We were sent by direct orders of the Sancta to secure our vast commerce in the area and help UASS in their operations against Dysanii. We offer two Ianuavs of the Blue Army, the 503rd and 504th. We hope these roughly 60,000 men and women of the Blue Army will help fight the Dysanii Imperialists. Also we have in our control 60 Staii-7 Fighters that will be able to help provide Air Cover and Air strikes if you so need it. Our Submarines have missiles in mass quantities that will allow us to bombard certain cities and targets if you so need it. Our AEGIS cruisers provide great Sonar, ASW warfare, and also can easily take out other Navies if you so need it. However our main mission here is to secure our commerce in the area. Especially with Xyrael. If you so refuse our help the Sancta has said she will punish the UASS by refusing the Mineral trade that Ozia has with nations such as Xyrael. Valuable resources amongst you for making batteries, powerplants, machinery, fuel, arms, etc. But our efforts are to support your cause against Dysanii not harm it. We will also call in more aide from divine Ozia if we so need it.

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Re: Unwelcome Visitors
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2007, 10:07:16 PM »
To: Admivi Valoz of the 301st Ianuav, Blue Navy

We have recieved your message, and have relayed it to the Council.  While I can't speak fo the UASS, Gallipoli-China welcomes the aid of Ozia in this fight against Dysanii imperialism.

Admiral ibn-Azer, Gallipoli-China

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