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Author Topic: Unexpected Terror  (Read 6074 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2007, 05:45:32 PM »
Rommel was pleased. The Quebecois with the aid of the NCG were able to advance into the Republic of Canada. The Canadian soldiers were next. They were to break a White Army position. The White Army had dug in so the Canadian Army will have to take it at all costs. If this line broke, then the soft underbelly of the Republic will be vunerable. Rommel pulled out a private's uniform and put it on. He grabbed a rifle and went outside to the fighting. He had a radio in his hand so that way he can relay orderes to the troops. The main Canadian force was made up of infantry, tanks, and helicopters. But first artillery were laying down cover fire for the army. As the main attack force slowly made it's way to the White Army lines, they used the artillery barrage as a cover. Rommel was among the soldiers, trying to stay inconspicus. One corporal saw who he was and the marshal turned to him. "How do I know how the battle is going unless I am there to see it?" the corporal stayed silent. The army finally made it to the White Army lines. Artillery ceased as tanks opened up and the infantry fired at the lines. The WHite Army finally relized that they were fighting against unbeatable odds. They pulled back into the Quarintine Zone. But the Canadians weren't going to let them go that easily. Artillery opened up and helicopters appeared and mowed down hundreds of WHite Army soldiers. Some surrendered only to be shot by the advancing Canadian soldiers. Rommel went back to HQ. Theis battle was successful.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2007, 05:51:33 PM »
The NCG kept moving towards Canadian positions, securing a area the the Quebecois hadn't been able to secure yet. The tanks that the Quebecois used were not as powerful as most of the NCG tankers were used to, but they still manged to break through the White Army area around the Kingdom of Quebec. Major Pual Stone gave Marshal Xavier Rommel a call.

"Sir, we have helped the Quebecois break through the White Army. Any further orders?"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2007, 05:58:31 PM »
Rommel thought for a moment. "There is a large White Army group fleeing from the main Canadian Army, we are pursuing. I need you to lead your forces to cut them, then we will catch them in the cross-fire. After that, move your soldiers to the main White Army group. Our intelligence says that the main terrorist army numbers over twelve thousand. If we destroy the fleeing army group, then the main army group, the rest of the operation is a mop-up operation.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2007, 06:05:33 PM »
"Yes sir!"

the Major ran outside, and signaled to move. He showed the tankers were to go, and the combined Quebecois-Barakarin force moved to the area, sitting on top of tanks. The NCG M-14s were all ready for battle, and several Helios flew over, giving them soldiers from the Barakarin Regular Army. They kept moving, and Fighter Bombers kept on pounding the White Army. After a bit, they were in postion, and they began unleashing hell of the White Army. At the main Base, Areillty crews began firing into the white army as fast as they could. But, the Quebecois, not used to this kind of war, broke and fled. that left the NCG alone, trying to fight off the White Army and wait for the Canadians.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2007, 06:17:09 PM »
The Canadian army arrived at the battle. The NCG were holding the White Army as best as they could. Rommel got the letter from Major Stone. The Quebecois Army had fled. He picked up his phone and called all radios that the QUebecois army had. "If you don not turn around and fight this battle, I will order an artillery barrage on your positions. You have a choice, fight the White Army or fight me." The general's staff were shocked. Rommel had just threatened to open fire on friendly units. They whispered to each other and Rommel could here one man say. "He's bluffing, he wouldn't dare open fire on Quebecois soldiers." But ROmmel turned to his artillery commander. "Order the artillery to load their guns and aim for the Quebecois soldiers. Do not fire until I give the word." The artillery commander followed the marshal's orders. But before Rommel could give the order to fire, a voice came over the radio. "Marshal Rommel, this is General Jacques Cabot, we are turning around and will be reinforcing the NGC soldiers. We are deeply sorry."

Rommel picked up the radio. "DOn't be sorry, do what you are told! When I tell you to fight, I mean you must fight! We are in the middle of a war! You just took away valuable time! Now go and fight the White Army!"
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2007, 06:23:23 PM »
The NCG finally saw the Canadian Flag, and that gave a huge boost in morale. They launched a almost scuaidal charge against the White Army, causing them to flee. The leading units finally were able to meet the Canadian Soldiers, and each side found them to be just as good of fighters as each other. Mojr pual stone and Rommel meet and shaked hands.

"Well, we have the White Army fools on the run"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2007, 06:33:09 PM »
"Yes we do, now lets head north and finsh the job. I have a Delfo-Canadian Coalition Force coming down to attack the White Army's northern front. They are making great progress. We must head north and hit the main army. Then the so-called Republic of Canada will be broken up into pockets of small resistance. Since the Quebecois soldiers have trouble fighting, I will have them mop-up after us. But right now, our combined forces must grab this White Army by the horns and show him who is the boss." Rommel pulled two things from his pocket. "I was ordered by the Kaser and the Kaiserin to give these to you. This the Cross of the Canadian Empire, our highest military honor, and also this, a commision as a Knight-Commader of the Canadian Knightly Order. In your country, you don't have to be addressed as Sir Paul Stone, but here in Canada you will be." He pinned the medal on the Major's uniforms and saluted him. "Now let's go get them."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2007, 06:41:34 PM »
"Thank you sir"

Major Paul Stone gave Rommel a salute and then walked back to his soldiers, where they cheered. He climbed on the lead tank and signaled them move forward and cut off the main White Army force. the Entire Barakarin force has the highest morale since they had entered the nation. Sone, the NCG guns were firing and planes were giving the White Army hell.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2007, 07:09:26 PM »
Rommel put on his helmet and entered the nearest tank that he found. The forward positions followed the NGC while the infantry loaded up into their carriers and followed the tanks. The army group found the larger White Army group. The NGC fought hard and the Canadians fought right next to them. The WHite Army lines were holding, but the presence of the tanks turned the battle to the Allies' advantage. Rommel picked up a signal from the north. The Delfo-Canadian Coalition Forces were pushing the White Army back. He looked out of the tank and manned the machine gun. The tanks advanced and the infantry did a general bayonet charge. The infantry broke the White Army lines. It was confusion. The tanks had to be careful not to hit their own. The melee was terrible. Soldiers locked in hand-to-hand combat. Rommel exited his tank and pulled out his ceremonial saber. He always kept it sharp for this occasion. With pistol and saber he fought alongside his men as they routed the White Army. The marshal looked north to see a Delfo and Canadian army group come down to aid them. Now with Canadians, Quebecois, Barakarins and Delfians now throwing their whole force at this army, the White Army retreated. The terrorists pulled back to the side of a mountain where the NGC were closing in for the kill.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2007, 07:16:48 PM »
The NCG's tank were pounding away at the mountain while the NCG infantry was moving up slowly and throwing grenades. The Major then saw a rather large flash and the tank next to him blew up. He knew that the White Army was now firing Anti Tank guns.


While the Major was getting out the tank, another shell hit a tank, and the tankers hoped out of there tanks, and joined the infantry for the assault. The Major radioed in Rommel

"Tell your tankers to fire on the side, but 5 miles above our positions."

The Major fired a flare, letting him now where there positions where.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2007, 07:24:06 PM »
Rommel saw the flare to show where the NGC was. Now he knew where to hit. "Just hold on boy, we're coming. Alright men, give em hell!" The tanks opened up on the side of the mountain trying to dislodge the White Army. The NGC had to bail from their tanks, but the Marshal was going to give them flying tanks. While the tanks made the barrage, heavy Hind attack copters joined the NGC in hopes of helping of the final destruction of the White Army. Spectre Gunships also added their firepower. Kaiser Paul was watching the attack go on from the cockpit of his gunship. "Open fire. We need to help our Barakarin comrades down there." His gunship ripped holes into the mountain. The tanks fell silent and the Spectre gunships flew off to refuel, but the Hinds stayed above the NGC and a group of Quebecois soldiers moved up to help. 
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2007, 08:49:50 PM »

The NCG, before the extra troops could reach them, launched all out charge, and there yells could be heard from all the way down to the ground. They got to the White Armys position and engaged in heavy hand to hand combat.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2007, 09:01:42 PM »
Rommel watched the battle go on from his binoculars. The NCG led by Major Stone charged the White Army and were now fighting in hand-to-hand combat. He saw the Quebecois soldiers take the rear and join in the fighting. They drew their sword-bayonets and fought alongside the NCG. The battle was gruesome. Soldiers were using everything from bayonets, knoves, guns, rock, and sticks as weapons to kill each other. The final battle and this is how it will end. The marshal took his XM8 rifle and changed it quickly to a sniper rifle. He took a good spot on the rocks and fired at White Army soldiers. Other soldiers saw this and they took out sniper rifles and shot at the White Army too. The White Army slowly was pushed to a part of the mountain where there was no escape. They crowded around the flag of the Republic of Canada. Marshal Rommel took one aim at the flagholder and fired a single round. The Republic flag dropped as the bullet killed the holder. The cheers from the NCG and the Quebecois soldiers on the mountain meant that they saw the flag fall and they were ready to finish off the White Army.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Union

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2007, 02:45:07 AM »
The ten prototype Maser ADD systems are on their wait through to Canada on air delivery to Halifax. We have included a technician/engineer (Hin Rein) to maintain and evaluate the field operations. Please note that Mr. Rein has been provided with a Civilian Field Operation package by our department, which includes a ballistic vest and 10 000 volt taser. We ask that you clear these items to help insure his safety.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Unexpected Terror
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2007, 02:53:19 AM »
Those items will be cleared the moment he gets to Halifax.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007