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Author Topic: Takasia Canal AG  (Read 13258 times)

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2007, 05:49:28 AM »
To: Royal Takasia Foreign Relations
From: Denny Hamilton, Mercantilist West O Company

The Mercantilist West O Company has taken an interest in the Arveo Development Decree and would be interested in helping with the construction of your canal and obtaining acreage. We hold partial ownership in two Mercantilian based construction companies, the Aliburten Corporation and the Boracai Development Co., both of whose services we can enlist. The former for assisting in construction of the canal, and the latter for developing the acquired acreage. We would also be sending a significant labor force.

In exchange, we request 75 square miles, preferably with coastal access, to begin construction of a city, Merchant City, within your allotted protected area. It will be classified as a "freeport-special economic zone (FSEZ)" under our administration and we plan to turn it into an international shipping and business hub, as well as a tourist destination.


Denny Hamilton
Executive Vice President, President of Arveo Operations
Mercantilist West O Company
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 06:17:30 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2007, 08:31:32 AM »
Quote from: Marketa Byznyzova
To: Denny Hamilton, Mercantilist West O Company
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

We are excited about your participation of the Canal Arveo. As promised by ADD, we will grant you the Merchant City on the Mediterranean Coast as requested. However, we would advise against your company to build a shipping and business hub there.

As all Takasian ports are duty free, your company is recommended to settle your businesses in the ports of Milanou and Venezea at the mouths of the canal. The locations are much better for your business and shipping needs. However, with your company's experiences in tourism and resort business, it would be excellent if you can transform it to a tourist paradise. With the huge, ancient city unearthed near by, we are certain that the area will become a magnet of tourists.

We are looking forward to your feedback on this proposal. We thank you again for contributing to the success of the canal.

Head of Commerce and Trade, Marketa Byznyzova

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2007, 10:03:05 AM »
To: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade
From: Denny Hamilton

We will develop it into a tourist destination, however there is no reason to limit free enterprise in the city. We will be offering incentives for Mercantilian businesses to locate in Merchant City, eventually to extend to all international businesses, and will be constructing a harbor and international airport. However, we will keep their size relatively small in comparison to those of Milanou and Venezea so that those cities will remain the centers of shipping and industry.

We hope this proposal meets your approval and we will begin sending the necessary people and equipment to Arveoli.


Denny Hamilton
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2007, 10:19:01 AM »
Quote from: Marketa Byznyzova
To: Denny Hamilton, Mercantilist West O Company
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

We hope you would reconsider your decision. Instead of limiting competition, we would like to increase your companies' competitiveness by establishing them in the most convenient cities. As such, we can keep the pollution in Merchant City to a minimum. Having businesses concentrated in larger cities will benefit both nations. It is not an easy task to build a city, and even more difficult to build two. That is why we would like to pool in most resources in relatively few centres. Takasian cities are all extremely cosmopolitan, and we believe your countrymen and investors will feel most at home.

Head of Commerce and Trade, Marketa Byznyzova

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2007, 09:06:56 PM »
To: King Takas I
From Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk

Tagirstan would be interested in helping Takasia in completing Canal Arveo.  We are also interested in this ancient city that was recently discovered.  We would like to help in the exivaction of this city in any way that we can.

Noor al-Farouk
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2007, 02:11:13 AM »
Quote from: Marketa Byznyzova
To: Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

Thank you for your participation in the canal construction and site excavation work. We will grant your workers the land as specified by ADD near your border.

We believe the canal will be vital to business and trade of both countries. Indeed, we would like to request road and rail connections from your countries to ours, to facilitate people and goods movement. I hope you will respond positively on this proposal.

Marketa Byznyzova

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2007, 04:27:57 AM »
To: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade
From: Denny Hamilton

An airport and harbor are necessary for even simple daily operations. And barring the discovery of a valuable natural resource in the area, any heavy industry or manufacturing would find the airport and harbors much too small to facilitate that kind of export.


Denny Hamilton
OOC: I thought you were a free marketer? That last response sounds like a command economy. I thought the purpose of spreading out the development of the area and granting independent/autonomous tracts was to develop the area in the shortest amount of time at minimal cost to you (like what governments do in RL). Plus, we (as in the government or administrator) doesn't build cities per se, it builds infrastructure and provides incentives; the market builds the city.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2007, 04:35:07 AM »
OOC: Free marketeer does not mean no city planning! Business tends to concentrate in big cities, because it facilitate trade!
Quote from: marketa byznyzova
To: Denny Hamilton, Mercantilist West O Company
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

Nothing stops you from doing whatever you wish on the land granted to. We were recommending alternatives that benefit both nations for your consideration. We are shocked that you find it a barrier of development, which we have not intended.

Head of Commerce and Trade, Marketa Byznyzova

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2007, 05:14:37 AM »
From: New Delfos Minister of Foreign Affairs, Holter Fowrnevish
To:Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade + Denny Hamilton + Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk

We heard there was interest on building railroads in Takasia. Happens that New Delfos just finished researching for the new CGV system (Comboio a Grande Velocidade - same as the RW TGV Train à Grand Velocité). It can reach 500kmph, it's absolute stable and it will comercialised next year, although, since the project is completed, we can run an operation with the help of the Mercantilist States, and the cooperation of Takasia and Tagirstan kingdoms to complete a pilot-project of the CGV. The help of the mercantilists is vital, for our nation cannot provide the sources and money in time, we can do a business that the profit shall be split in 4, even parts for each nation. If you are all interested please send a telegram back. We would like a fax with the desired territory with the desired stops for the railroads so our engineers and scientists can study it.

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2007, 05:51:20 AM »
Quote from: marketa byznyzova
To: New Delfos Minister of Foreign Affairs, Holter Fowrnevish
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

We are excited about the introduction of CGV in Arveoli of Takasia. RENFE (one of the three Takasian rail operators) would be interested in joint venture agreement with your nation. Please provide us with further details of the proposal.

Head of Commerce and Trade, Marketa Byznyzova

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2007, 06:36:47 AM »
OOC: City planning usually means infrastructure, height and structure zoning restrictions, and incentives. The larger problem is that the West O Company is only a company, they can't "tell" other corporations where to locate; which was the point I was trying to make with the size of the ports. If they keep them small it will discourage big business.

Also, where does this area sit in terms of labor (aside from the West O's imported)? are you going to be importing settlers, are there natives, people from the countries to the north, etc.?
To: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade
From: Denny Hamilton

No offense was intended. Rest assured that we will develop the land primarily as a resort town, however there will be a central business district. We would also like to eventually establish museums once researchers from New History Lovers have begun their research and excavation, and we invite them to settle in Merchant City.


Denny Hamilton
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2007, 06:50:03 AM »
OOC: now, we are building an infrastructure, with the major one being the canal.
and all our ports are free for trade, so what we were doing was to invite your company to setup your port in the nearest port instead of building everything from scratch.
Takasian Canal and Marks Sealand are private companies building the ports at the mouths. Just becos we are not protectionist we even invite competitors to compete at the same ports rather than setting up seperate ones in inferior locations. We want to zone so that ports are concentrated, and not polluting other coasts - I don't understand why it has suddenly become planned economy...

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2007, 07:12:43 AM »
OOC: oh, I see now; the confusion came because I didn't know where my city was going to be from the initial post, and then on the map didn't realize that those dots at the mouths of the canal were actually cities. It's my fault. Your location is far superior as a shipping port. But we still need small ports and an airport for tourism.

What about labor?
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2007, 07:24:43 AM »
OOC: There is no immigration restriction in Takasia. Anyone who can survive in Takasia can stay. Residency given to whoever apply in Takasia, and citizenship given if they stay in the country for 3 years.
Neither will the government provide labour. It is up to the companies to attract them by whatever legal means.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 10:15:48 AM by takasia »

Re: Takasia Canal A.G.
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2007, 10:11:38 AM »
To: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade
From: Grand Vizer Noor al-Farouk

Indeed we would be pleased to establish railroad and road conections between our countries.

Noor al-Farouk
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb