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Author Topic: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)  (Read 6003 times)

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2007, 06:09:53 PM »
OOC: but then if you knock out the wheels/tracks, you've got an impregnable armored fortress blowing the crap out of your platoon... anyway... :p


"There gone sir, Reports are that the border is secure!" Said the minister of defence.
"Ahh, best news ive had all morning. An armistice, hospitalize the enemy wounded, and when there healthy, send them to Saletsia. Keep the army on a war footing, im not entirely sure this is over yet." Hendrix said, not getting up from his desk. "Lets address the union, tell them they are safe again. Send a telegram to the Empress of Saletsia thanking her for her co-operation. Lets put this mess behind us." He said.

from: The Prime ministers Office, Armford, The union of Free men
to: The high Empress of Saletsia
Re: The recent 'trouble'

Your highness,
It is with great appreciation that we thank your recent co-operation in the terrorist activities against our great nation on our respective borders. Our people and indeed the people you accepted into your nation are grateful for your compassion. Once again our nations can step down and the threat of all out war has been avoided.

I remain your obedient servant ma'am

Prime Minister Hendrix
High Representative of the People of the Union of Free men

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2007, 07:07:28 PM »
To: The Prime ministers Office, Armford, The union of Free men
From: Empress Barga, Empire of Saletsia

We are as well pleased by the end of the killings on the other side of the border.
Good day to you and yours.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2007, 07:08:08 PM »
get Ramirez and his group of 7 men back to Saletsia
Secret Telegram Wired to Distant Embassy...

phone call:
NDRA Lt. General: "Got scared in the morning, i thought I was seeing ghosts on my right side when i looked to the sun. But why am i worrying in Saletsia? As soon I'm done here I'll be in big boat home."
Operator: "The Islands have a good doctor if you are so distressed. Take care Lt. General."
"You too."

Inside an Airbus 320 of Delfo-Airlines, Captain Paredes walked through the civilians, trying not to awake them. This was a long journey from Mary Jane Islands to New Delfos. The Capt. reached the cockpit and said to the pilot, "Proceed with caution."
Pilot: "Loyalist ATC, changing frequency to UFM ATC, over."
L-ATC: "Roger, take care."
Pilot: "UFM ATC, this is TAD8 Delfo Airlines, type is A320, route to Easbury for refuel."
UFM ATC: "A320 Delfo Airlines, this is UFM ATC, welcome to UFM, civilian airspace route granted."
Pilot: "UFM ATC, This is A320 TAD, we have poor visibility, we will perform a maneuver to re-adjust our route."
Capt. Paredes ran back to the access for the cargo hold.
"Listen, INFIL in 2min. Get into your suits. Remember, you do not exist, here's your way out." Giving them suicidal pills.
The passengers got a bit scared when the plane started to descend, then really scared they they descended more.
On the sufficient alt, and near the Saletsian border, the troops fell from the sky, their thermal suits were designed with 'sky' camouflage. Shortly before impact, the troops opened their parachutes. They moved quickly for the location of Ramirez, avoiding being seen at all costs. But they encountered some patrol unit...quietly moving around, the troops were almost gone when they got spotted.
UFM trooper: "Hey you! You are not..!" a silent shot silenced him. other troopers came to see what happened, they saw their compatriot's body on the floor spilling blood and pointing to the forest.
"More Saletsian?! Fucking pricks!", the crossfire was intense, the non-silent troopers fired their bullpup carbines at the UFM troops.
"Call reinforcements, this guys are good!"
UFM followed the troopers into the forest, but the tracks got mixed and they lost them. But they did found 2 things, Kalashnikov bullets and one of the troopers was loosing blood, but the track of blood stopped somewhere. When reinforcements arrived they started to pursue this mystery troopers. They found the blood again.
Ramirez got spotted, not knowing what kind of troopers were they, they seemed heavily trained and armed.
"We're here to take you to Saletsia. Follow us."
"What about your boy, he's loosing blood."
"He needs to get to a Saletsian Hospital."

Satellite code transmission by one of the mystery troops: OMEGA FANTASMA EXFIL
and a phone call: "Saletsian General? The package is ready for exfil."
"Oh...right, I'm sending a chopper."

OOC:sorry to RP your troops UFM, this happens in very short period of time, i had to lead the action, now whoever you want to pursue this mystery troopers is welcome.  Your troops may reach our rescuers of Ramirez before the chopper arrives, even kill troopers, but this exfil mission will be success. Saletsia, i hope you bring some armed chopper.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2007, 07:22:38 PM »
After several minutes, four unmarked helicopters crossed the border. Two MD520 light attack choppers with rocket pod and gatling gun and two UH-1N twin Huey armed helicopters. They were sent to fetch the unknown resucers and the SUF combatants.

"Sir, I think that's them down there."
"Okay ready for landing."

The two transport helos landed and waited for the combatants to hop in while the other choppers hovered above them ready to strike any hostile forces.

After 3 minutes the choppers headed back for Saletsia.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 09:30:02 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Delfos

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2007, 01:49:10 AM »
NDRA Lt. General: "This men come with me."
unID trooper: "Yes sir! But one of our comrades got shot, he needs medical assistance."
NDRA Lt. General: "Ah! Asshole!"..."Hey, Saletsian Officer? could you take this injured man to a Saletsian Military Hospital? After healed, call the NDRA about a missing hound. They will come and get him. Understood?"

The troopers took their cloths and armament out into bags, took a shower and dressed Saletsian fashion cloths, then escorted the Lt. General to the NDAF plane, the ride home.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2007, 10:10:35 AM »
Saletsian military personnel took care of the wounded soldiers and combatants. Gen. Ramirez and his men were given Saletsian IDs and citizenship.

From: Empress Barga, Empire of Saletsia
To: The Prime ministers Office, Armford, The union of Free men

Seeing the dangers of the recent events, I would like to propose a non-aggression-pact between the Empire of Saletsia and the Union of Free Men to avoid an escalation of such situation. This treaty would stop either nation form aggression against the other and force a state of neutrality on a nation that has alligned itself with another country which the other signing nation may attack/has attacked.
To summarize, the content of this treaty is as follows:
neutrality pact

I look forward to your response.

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2007, 01:47:03 PM »
OOC: not to worry about RPing my troops, its all gravy

From: The office of the minister of defence
to: the high Empress of Saletsia

We acknowledge your request for a non-aggression pact and inform you that it is currently under legislation by the ufm Parliament, the result of which will be wired to you as soon as it is known.

Good day

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2007, 02:16:35 PM »
To:  The office of the minister of defence
From: Empress Barga, Empire of Saletsia

We thank you for considering the proposal. We shall await the decision of your parliament.

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2007, 09:53:11 AM »
from: The office of the minister of defence:

to: the high empress of Salestia

We commend your patience with us in this matter and extend our appreciation for your initiative with this scheme. We are please to accept your offer of non-aggression. We however ask that this pact of non-aggression is extended to our allies, the republic of Loyalist on your western border. May this pact remain forever unbroken, and may our great nations live on. In peace.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2007, 03:49:13 PM »
To: The office of the minister of defence
From: Empress Barga

We are seeking a bilateral non-aggression and neutrality pact. We offer you peace from our side. This is an offer for the Union of Free Men. Will you accept it?

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2007, 04:48:37 PM »
From: The officer of the Prime minister
to: High empress of Salestia

We accept your offer, on the condition that your neutrality and peace pact is extended to our brother i the republic of loyalist.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2007, 05:59:41 PM »
To: The officer of the Prime minister
From: Empress Barga

We hereby take back our offer.

Offline Hendrix

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2007, 06:32:50 PM »
To: the high empress of Saletsia
From: The minister of foreign affairs

This decision beggars belief and raises questions of the original intent of your so-called non-aggression pact. An un-necessary shadow has been cast over the region. Questions of your future activities are being asked in parliament.

I can only hope and pray that the events of the near future and peaceful, and benefit the region as a whole.

Good day

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2007, 07:28:14 PM »
To: The minister of foreign affairs
From: Empress Barga

I can assure you that we only have positive plans in the near future regarding our nation and the region. However, we mistrust all nations that may be close to Ozians that have attacked us. This is not an omen but a normal reaction to possible aggressors.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian Unionist Force (SUF)
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2007, 04:42:28 PM »
After diploma failed and fears of a possible invasion by an Ozian-CL-UFM coalition, Chancellor Ariel Levana decided to support the Saletsian Unionist Force giving General Rodrigo Ramirez the necessary finances and equipment to rebuild his militia.
After some time of preparation the SUF counted 30 000 new combatants under the command of Gen. Ramirez and the supervision of the Saletsian Government.