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Author Topic: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General  (Read 8853 times)

Offline St Oz

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RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:56:07 AM »
Listen folks,

I don't know who the RP moderator is going to be, I don't know how you all want to start RP up again (after I finish the map), and I don't know if you all want Future RP or not.

This is my two cents.

-No Future Tech at All
-You're all Natives of Taijitu
-There is no Lexicon, No Earth
-No collisions into the Taijitu by space ships. I like the idea but it just complicates things.
-More story and characters rather than so much imperialism
-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
-Make sure to RP your nation's weaknesses correctly. Some nations have felt alone in that while they got 'bullied' from those nations that have the fixed budget on Corporate Bordello or Compulsory Consumerist State or what not.  Please all RP this correctly.
-War RP in the Lexicon felt like bitching at each other. not actual fighting between two nations. Sometimes if you just go along with it with your damages and their damages the war becomes fun and not a mass of paper work that you have to do.
-More Diplomacy, no more "I invade here just because!"
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs
-Just make a story, not your stupid aspiration for power which is quite sad if you think you're actually better than somebody else in life with a nation that's powerful because you typed in some words to make it so.
-Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable? (Made by Xyrael, Thanks and I totally agree. Even for nations that actually have a 5 billion population... I hated that they all just raised their pops and budgets just so they could attempt to be more powerful. It's for power hungry people and stands for bad RP. But other than Xyrael, I agree with No wanking at all)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 03:40:06 PM by St Oz »

Offline Xyrael

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 07:10:14 AM »
I posted my post, but I will specify this: The Lexicon will be a place of myth, and not a real place. Don't worry, it's kinda like the story of Genesis, people being created by God and such.
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Offline The Empire

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 08:46:50 AM »
I posted, I will not change it and you know I dissagree with you on many of those points very strongly even though most original ex-lex RPers see you as close to a god of RP...

On other points I agree but there is an important thing you have to realize:

-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs

THAT^ is NOT within the autority of a cartographer to decide but is ONLY the job of actual RP mods who hasn't been appointed yet.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 08:58:34 AM by The Empire »

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 09:03:40 AM »
Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable?
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Offline Feniexia

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2007, 10:08:49 AM »
-No Future Tech at All
No. I think, some kinds must be allowed, like PAs (or maybe that chainsword thing). They don´t really bring you an advantage in war, because the units wearing it are only defensive.
-You're all Natives of Taijitu
-There is no Lexicon, No Earth
-No collisions into the Taijitu by space ships. I like the idea but it just complicates things.
Why it complicates things? In 300 years it will only be a myth of the citizens. And as long this brings no advantage to the nation, I´m for allowing it.
-More story and characters rather than so much imperialism
-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
Yes, I agree.
-Make sure to RP your nation's weaknesses correctly. Some nations have felt alone in that while they got 'bullied' from those nations that have the fixed budget on Corporate Bordello or Compulsory Consumerist State or what not.  Please all RP this correctly.
I agree happily.
-War RP in the Lexicon felt like bitching at each other. not actual fighting between two nations. Sometimes if you just go along with it with your damages and their damages the war becomes fun and not a mass of paper work that you have to do.
Sometimes RP, sometimes only stats. Ok.
-More Diplomacy, no more "I invade here just because!"
Yes, that´s a good idea.
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs
^^ I agree.
-Just make a story, not your stupid aspiration for power which is quite sad if you think you're actually better than somebody else in life with a nation that's powerful because you typed in some words to make it so.
Yes, in RP it´s important to make a more-or-less-good story.

Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable?
I´m for it. We simply must give younger nations a chance.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 11:48:58 AM by Nathaniel »

Offline Romanar

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2007, 10:51:53 AM »
My own opinions:
-No Future Tech at All
I'm sitting on the fence.  I like exotic tech, but I realize that it can cause problems.
-You're all Natives of Taijitu
-There is no Lexicon, No Earth
Still on the fence.  I can see the appeal in having origins "elsewhere"
-No collisions into the Taijitu by space ships. I like the idea but it just complicates things.
Ouch, that fence is starting to hurt!  I also like the idea, but it's not feasable for everyone, and unless the ships were cannibalized, those with them would have an advantage over those who didn't.
-More story and characters rather than so much imperialism
I absolutely agree with that one!!!
-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
Sounds good to me.
-Make sure to RP your nation's weaknesses correctly. Some nations have felt alone in that while they got 'bullied' from those nations that have the fixed budget on Corporate Bordello or Compulsory Consumerist State or what not.  Please all RP this correctly.
-War RP in the Lexicon felt like bitching at each other. not actual fighting between two nations. Sometimes if you just go along with it with your damages and their damages the war becomes fun and not a mass of paper work that you have to do.
Also agree
-More Diplomacy, no more "I invade here just because!"
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs
-Just make a story, not your stupid aspiration for power which is quite sad if you think you're actually better than somebody else in life with a nation that's powerful because you typed in some words to make it so.
At the risk of being a broken record, I agree here too.

Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable?
Oops, there's that fence again.  Just before the situation in an unnamed region blew up, I created "South Romanar" as an NS nation, intending to use it in RP, but not as a military enhancement.  But I know some people DO create puppets for military purposes, and I'm totally in favor of giving younger nations a fair chance.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2007, 11:41:04 AM »
I meant for military and budget purposes, RP purposes I'd say wanking is fine, but I'm just kinda of... eh... Baltijan Bloc and Grand Myrorian Empire or whatnot... eh... for stats calculations then 1 nation each, it makes it easier for people to doublecheck your budget and what not and doesnt become and absurd mess of "mwuahaha i'm a super power that can wage war on the world without allies"

I'm guilty of wanking puppets for RP purposes in the lex with harazhan, altho for the now that nation will reside there I'd like to see people using others countries stats in addition to their own less.
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Offline Durnia

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2007, 12:44:54 PM »
They all seem reasonable but I would prefer the RP mod to be making the final decisions. I don't like the idea of a spaceship crashing onto Taijitu or people puppet wanking in an attempt to get 6 billion people, I'm already there.  ;)
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Offline Morthia

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 04:03:36 PM »
Who is going to be the mod. Can we apply?

I posted, I will not change it and you know I dissagree with you on many of those points very strongly even though most original ex-lex RPers see you as close to a god of RP...

On other points I agree but there is an important thing you have to realize:

-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs

THAT^ is NOT within the autority of a cartographer to decide but is ONLY the job of actual RP mods who hasn't been appointed yet.

I think that he means that he will bitch about to the mods. Which I whole-heartedly agree with. In fact, St Oz, as the cartographer, should really have the final say if mods are undecided. After all, who put in the effort to make the map?

Morthia, Terras and Ganymede

Offline Baltija

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2007, 04:11:44 PM »
Judging by past experience, I am not very sure if that's a good idea.

Offline Myroria

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2007, 04:36:23 PM »
-No Future Tech at All
~I'm for this, but what do you mean by "future tech"? Like, if it's not on the battlefield yet, it's future tech? Not really, especially since a lot of developments are just improvements on modern technology.
-You're all Natives of Taijitu
~No. Myroria is a native of the Lexicon, and we flew here. I'm not gonna change my RP.
-There is no Lexicon, No Earth
~My people will forget about the Lexicon soon enough, and the only history they'll have of it is a plaque or something at the spaceship crash site.
-No collisions into the Taijitu by space ships. I like the idea but it just complicates things.
~How does it complicate things? Like I said above, people will just forget about it soon enough.
-More story and characters rather than so much imperialism
~No problem. I'm better with city building and character RP than war anyway.
-Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do.)
~Now wait. So, if a nation makes a detailed, nicely written thread about it, RPs the colonist's lives and stuff, they can't have their land? Doesn't sound fair to me.
-Make sure to RP your nation's weaknesses correctly. Some nations have felt alone in that while they got 'bullied' from those nations that have the fixed budget on Corporate Bordello or Compulsory Consumerist State or what not.  Please all RP this correctly.
~No problem.
-War RP in the Lexicon felt like bitching at each other. not actual fighting between two nations. Sometimes if you just go along with it with your damages and their damages the war becomes fun and not a mass of paper work that you have to do.
-More Diplomacy, no more "I invade here just because!"
-Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs
~NPCs didn't stop imperialists so much as gave them something else to invade.
-Just make a story, not your stupid aspiration for power which is quite sad if you think you're actually better than somebody else in life with a nation that's powerful because you typed in some words to make it so.
-Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable? (Made by Xyrael, Thanks and I totally agree. Even for nations that actually have a 5 billion population... I hated that they all just raised their pops and budgets just so they could attempt to be more powerful. It's for power hungry people and stands for bad RP. But other than Xyrael, I agree with No wanking at all)
~Why not just have the mainland army protect its colonies overseas?
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Offline Baltija

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2007, 05:06:50 PM »
Saint Oz: No Future Tech at All
Baltija: Define "future tech". If that is plasma cannons, fission reactors, Tesla shields, rail guns - I fully agree. However tech that was tested and proved to be working, various improvements for existing techs, tech that is put on production and perhaps tech that is in late stages of development, should be allowed.
Saint Oz: You're all Natives of Taijitu
Baltija: Why does it bothers you so much? It's a past, it won't have any influence to Taijitu RP.
Saint Oz: There is no Lexicon, No Earth
Baltija: Again, I disagree. Why does it matter? I mean, if it is not used to gain unfair advantage in game (like Myroria tried in Lex), it shouldn't be forbidden.
Saint Oz: No collisions into the Taijitu by space ships. I like the idea but it just complicates things.
Baltija: I don't think it complicates anything.
Saint Oz: More story and characters rather than so much imperialism
Baltija: Sure.
Saint Oz: Harder to obtain land by imperialism (which is what I as a map maker will do)
Baltija: You mean colonialism? I felt people often think that both words means the same.
Saint Oz: Make sure to RP your nation's weaknesses correctly. Some nations have felt alone in that while they got 'bullied' from those nations that have the fixed budget on Corporate Bordello or Compulsory Consumerist State or what not.  Please all RP this correctly.
Baltija: I don't understand what is that all about.
Saint Oz: War RP in the Lexicon felt like bitching at each other. not actual fighting between two nations. Sometimes if you just go along with it with your damages and their damages the war becomes fun and not a mass of paper work that you have to do.
Baltija: I think that common sense applies in war RP as well. Some people doesn't know much about warfare. If I will see person doing something unrealistic, I will not let him claim any damage done.
Saint Oz: More Diplomacy, no more "I invade here just because!"
Baltija: I agree!
Saint Oz: Please don't make me put caps on your imperialisms again with NPCs
Baltija: :D
Saint Oz: Just make a story, not your stupid aspiration for power which is quite sad if you think you're actually better than somebody else in life with a nation that's powerful because you typed in some words to make it so.
Baltija: Agreed.
Saint Oz: Can we make it a LAW (hardcore Taijitu LAW) that there will be NO puppet wanking? This gives younger nations a chance, and prevents people and there 1.5 billion pop nations from having 6 billion people at god knows how much military budget money. 1 nation per person, that agreeable? (Made by Xyrael, Thanks and I totally agree. Even for nations that actually have a 5 billion population... I hated that they all just raised their pops and budgets just so they could attempt to be more powerful. It's for power hungry people and stands for bad RP. But other than Xyrael, I agree with No wanking at all)
Baltija: so what are you suggesting is caping larger nations?

Anyway, I strongly suggest common sense, realistic work of weapons and other such things should be taken in account. For example Pragmia saying he was launching cruise missiles at our supply lines 24/7. For a first example - no navy could afford continous bombardment with cruise missiles. Cruise missiles primary use is against unreachable, stationary targets. Even if onboard computer allows mid-course changes, it will have a hard time navigating through terrain and finding target.

Offline St Oz

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2007, 06:51:37 PM »
~No. Myroria is a native of the Lexicon, and we flew here. I'm not gonna change my RP.

We haven't even started RP, plus you haven't gotten anywhere yet.

Offline Myroria

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2007, 06:53:35 PM »
We've started RP; there's threads. You can't really say "RP has now started", it just happens.

What do you mean? Yes, we've just built our capital, but what does that have to do with flying here on a spaceship from the Lexicon?
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Offline Baltija

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Re: RP Mod, RP, and Manner of RP in General
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2007, 06:56:16 PM »
I wanted to make a suggestion. Perhaps "newcomers" (people who RPed coming from Lex) could also RP exploration rather than given a large piece of map like for old nations residing in Taijitu? I think it would make a great RP with exploration :)