With the aide of fellow Eastian nations buisness went on as well as possible. the city was set up with relief tents of food. people who were stuck in their highhises were rescued by Marines from Xyrael. these people were transported to the Ivory Tower which offered to house them for free until the flood was sorted out. the buildings that were thought to be in danger of collapse were reinforced from the inside once all the water was removed from them. however one of these buildings still collapsed killing 20 construction workers who were attempting to save the home of their brethren. so during this incident a total of four buildings were lost however the lives of over one million Uichi ryans have been lost, the numbers are still climbing as bodies are fished out of Lake Haali. however the people who were swept away in their various boats seem to have come out more than alright, as all of them retained the ability to move their own vehicles. these people have joined the search for their countrymen and have reportedly save over seventy five lives at this time. however the flood has done damage other than just to the civillian population, over one third of the rice crops have been lost in the flooding. Prime Minister Black however has stated that this is not an issue as Uichi ryu has been preparing for such a loss after the example of jutensa and has enough rice stored to feed the nations needs for the next three years. it is currently estimated that a large amount of Uichi ryu's construction budget shall be used not on new projects this year but on repairing the damages to the areas harmed by this terrible flood. currently Prime Minister Black is attempting to call in some of the top structural engineers in the world to help with a solution to prevent any repeats of the flood.