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Author Topic: Secret Service Operations  (Read 2604 times)

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2007, 09:22:33 PM »
OOC: I would need roughly 15 minutes to escape the building from the time jasham turned on the timer. if its delayed for 30mins then guess what he had 15 mins to spare. do you have any idea where Gallipoli is? A clean shaven middle eastern male would fit in perfectly thank you very much would on ur geography a bit.  also ur team was inside the building at the time of the explosion, but if you so wish attack another station, and this time i will leave you alone so u dont cry like a little girl. "but mommy, it isnt fair!" haha. And nowhere does it say i must ever give u my intentions from my nation or my characters. RP is roleplaying real life..you dont tell people ur intentions you play mind games with them.  not all buildings look the same, and if ur nation was soo powerful how did they get busted when the war first started? your nation got played by both sides. just kinda funny i think. come on now grow up a little bit lets end it here and finish this thing out.

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2007, 09:56:46 PM »
OOC: Hm. I´ll wait for G-Cs opinion.

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2007, 10:03:03 PM »
ooc: sounds fine and dandy

Offline Daimiaen

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2007, 05:09:15 PM »
OOC:Could I just ask whereamistan.....why exactly you have chosen to involve yourself in this thread....Gallipoli-china is hardly a neighbour.....there are other countries much closer to you that you could spend time blowing up randomly....
Nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists....

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Offline Validus

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2007, 05:31:24 PM »
OOC: How about there is a second emergency broadcasting center somewere in the building. . . which has a back up generator. . . and can override all outgoing signals for the governmetns emergency broadcast transmissions.


Offline whereamistan

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2007, 06:27:07 PM »
[The goal of whereamistan is to ensure the stability of its region. The current senator for the region is GC's current government, not rebels. It should not be the concern of any member of this region what GC does to its population, rather they should stop the intervention of nations into their political realms. Yes Validius, stations have been known in the US to have a control room[typically in the basement] to send out emergency broadcast system alerts even if the primary broadcast station has been destroyed. Kind of a cheater for Nathaniel..but all good. ;)]

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2007, 08:34:45 PM »
A strange sound like a explosion came from the floor.

"Damn! What the heck..." July shouted out surprised, but before she could shout further, Kerian quickly hold her mouth. "Shut up." he just said, before he left her and walked to the Leader.

"That wasn´t me. That must be some kind of bomb or self-destruction device."

"However. We have nothing left to do up here. Have you cut the electricity for the basement too?"


"Then fix it. Some stations have a emergency station down there. We in Feniexia have such too."

Kerian nodded and walked over to the dispatcher again.

Cleeve heard the explosion too.

"Glad that I´m not up there by the Leader...I dislike explosions which are not made by me."
he thought. "All ok?" he whispered trough his ComLink so only his Squad could hear it.

All said they were ok, although both sound very nervously.
Then, they moved further to the staircase.

Suddenly, Cleeves ComLink turned on.
"Mission target changed. Get all into the basement."

"As you order. Over."

Cleeve looked back to his two followers.
They nodded, so they must have get the transmition too.

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2007, 09:06:08 PM »
[done with your belly aching now?]

Offline High Evermore

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2007, 09:22:39 PM »
(Not that i have the power to really argue anything, but i really really don't understand what Whereamistan is doing, and how it would help out the situation. Also, i STILL dont see how Jasham or whatever would find out about such an obscure situation. Its really quite odd, and I dont understand one part of it. Can you clear it up or something :x A PM would be fine if nothing else. THanks)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2007, 09:54:16 PM »
[done with your belly aching now?]

See, I still just don´t  agree on your RPing. But because I´m polite, I´ll accept it until something other is decided by other, neutral people.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2007, 04:48:30 AM »
OOC: Now, I'm hardly a neutral party, but as this is my thread, and as I do have a vested interest in the outcome, I'm going to render a binding opinion.  Whereamistan, Validus and Nathaniel have provided stories for their RPs.  Validus has (inadvertantly, I'm sure) been carrying on a thousand years of tradition; traditionally, it has grabbed territory from China.  There's the added element of the rebels, which would ensure Validus' political ambitions by gaining it an ally in the area, and which would secure the safety of its canals.  Fenexia (Nathaniel) has worked out a nice little story of betrayal and national honor.

You, on the other hand, have agents showing up here, with no mention of when or how they got there, where they get their equipment from, if they are tied to your government or not (yes, that last one can be inferred, but an explanation is always appreciated), and just start randomly attacking a building...that is owned and operated by the government you profess to be helping.

Now, I'm for oblique plot twists as much as the next guy, but when your RP stops making sense and your characters act against the motives of the people they serve, that starts to smell fishy to me.

Nathaniel, he's partly right.  If he was doing this operation in Gallipoli (which, in my imaginary country, is that central chain of islands,) he'd fit right in.  However, this is Achaea (Greece, basically,) and the ethnic Gallipoli are suspected of being traitorous Communist scum...which many of them are.  He'd be under suspicion the moment he walked out his front door, not to mention into a highly (if not very proficiently) guarded government building.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't make any sense, and I'll have to IGNORE your actions.

In fact, this whole thread's gotten ugly, and I really don't feel like participating in it any more.  You two can continue this little bit of nonsense yourselves.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 04:56:16 AM by Gallipoli-China »

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Offline Feniexia

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2007, 01:37:43 PM »
If you don´t parcipiate in this thread anymore, I´ll stop too. Otherwise it would make no sense.
I´d wish to start this thread new from it´s beginning or else, just do as it never happened.

Offline Validus

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2007, 04:24:21 PM »
OOC: You could do a thread about were you set up your own transmitter in the hills. That would make sence as well. I'll try not to bomb it ;)


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Secret Service Operations
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2007, 05:04:39 PM »
OOC: Yes...good Idea. I´ll start soon^^