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Author Topic: Re'shev Dai'pa Na'ki, STIA  (Read 1236 times)

Offline St Oz

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Re'shev Dai'pa Na'ki, STIA
« on: February 03, 2007, 04:34:58 PM »
Sanct Tai Laos're Ae'vi Headquarters
Director Mei La'shu Ming looked at her clock. It was 54:93 (about 6:30), Almost the end of her work day.

She gave a yawn and rubbed her eyes waiting for her secretary to bring the report.

The secretary came in with a file of papers inside a folder, she wore much jewelry and she was single. Mei knew her paycheck didn't permit such luxury, but she came in all the same jingling around and clanking around with designer shoes.

"Here you are Director Mei." said the secretary in Ozian.

Mei motioned at her to go away and she clanked out of the office the same way she came in. When Mei knew she was out of the room she threw the folder on her desk and went to the blinds. The weather was the same as any other winter day in St Oz City, Cold, snowing, or sleeting.

She shut her blinds and turned her lamp on. She got into her nice office chair and started to review the report. Damn Moacis...

There were more reports of terrorist and insurgent activity in Moaci. The situation was, after the failure of the Moaci to invade St Oz with the brute of their army being destroyed by Pai'hulu, the Ozians swiftly did a Blitzkrieg inside Moacia. Now they controlled all of Moaci. So far to destroy terrorism they had to destroy 3 whole Metropolises. Casualty rate was in the millions but what did she care, they refused Ozian sympathy.

The public execution of their leader had stirred more rebellion, More and more the Moaci got angry and then the Ozians destroyed their Religious Churches. The Moaci Religion and Language was made illegal by the Res'shev during all of this. The People already knew Ozian, considering they used to be part of St Oz in the past. Only the western most part of Moaci was giving trouble, Eastern Moacia had been amicable perhaps because there was an Ozian tank in their city and they didn't want to bother or they really did like the Ozians.     

We can't destroy another city...

Her phone rang as she was thinking about the situation.

"Sei?" Mei said

"Sei, Hai Ami zha, a zha nei Ozhi Dai'Tzu i Mai'ror'ya" replied Ami.


"E Ci'zhe sea'pa?"

"sti oi pei tai Aev laos Pol-is spa"



"I'shi Di'ma!"

"Ozhi'Laos Ami"

"Laos'si Di'ma Mei..."

Mei placed the phone down and smiled Myrorians are so gullible. Now for these damn Moaci

She asked on the intercom to the secretary in Ozian, "Where is Yuri?"

"Downtown St Oz City, on a mission,"

"Track him for me."

"Aye Mam."

The director put on her Ushanka and her coat and took the elevator down. She walked across the parking lot and got inside her car. She drove to the street that her secretary gave her.

It was a street in the slummer areas. She drove in and recognized Yuri's car.

Yuri had an I-19 and he was in his Yao'se'li Uniform, Uniform of the Elite Ozian Forces with 3 others. Their Ushanka's pin had the symbol of the Pai'hulu on a blue star.

"What are you doing?"

"Mia'zhou Ku Mission."

In the background the soldiers at the door yelled out, "OPEN THE DOOR!"

"Excuse me." Yuri went to his car and pulled out an explosive. He attached it to the door especially near the lock. They took their cover and then waited for the explosion. Mei dropped down until she heard the explosion and looked up. The Ozians came in with their I-19s at ready and yelled out, "Come into the clearing! You can't hide from us!"

The Ozian soldier thought she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen and then saw the pantry. There was a woman and her 9 year old child who was the target and blankly staring. "They're in here!"

"Please!" Yelled the woman, "He's my child!"

"Stand down!"

The woman came at the soldier with a knife and the soldier hit her down with her gun, a splat of blood fell on the floor and she fell cold. The other Ozian soldier clubbed the little child with the butt of his rifle on his head and he fell to the ground cold also.

They then unfolded a black duffel bag and put him in it.

They threw bag in the back of the armored police car along with 4 other bags.

Yuri came back to Mei and asked, "What do you want?"

"I need you for a mission."

Offline St Oz

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Re: Re'shev Dai'pa Na'ki, STIA
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 01:11:49 PM »
Ozian Embassy at Myroria
Ami went inside her new office, it was wonderful, the Ozian engineers that came to build a beautiful Embassy in the name of Ozia built practically a wonder. She had 30 people under her as the high ambassador of Myroria. Though her phone rang,

"Sei?" (Hello?) said Ami when she picked it up.

"Sei, Mei zha." (Greetings, it's Mei)

"Mei, Ozi rocu spa" (Mei, no one speaks english here)

"mi'ne Mai'ror'ya zha?" ({Ignoring her comment}How's Myroria?"

"Sea'ia'pa..." (Interesting...)

"Zhu, Yuri oi bai'to'ku cha" (Great, oh by the way Yuri is coming there)
"Zlu!?" (WHAT!)

"Sei..." (Bye)

Ami slammed the phone on the hook and then received a knock on her door from her aides.

"oi cha!" (Come in)

The aide walked in and said in plain English, "Yuri is here."

"Shit! Tell him I'm not here."

"Who's not here?" said a voice walking in the hallway.

Yuri walked into the door and said, "My Gaea, you are beautiful."

"I'm flattered Yuri..." she grumbled.

"Ami, Ami, Ami...."

"Don't Ami me Yuri, why are you here?" Ami took a stack of papers, straightened them with 3 loud bangs on the desk and then put them in a folder.

"Sanct tai laos've Aevi."

Ami grew stopped as she was putting the folder in her desk and said, "e xhi zha A ni"

"rocu, fa'chi Ami aba'sei!"

Ami sighed and put on her outer silk robe. She was about to go to a meeting with her others.

"Take one of the empty rooms to sleep in."

As Mei walked across the room, Yuri stopped her and asked, "Pri'Yao a'su i zha?"

Mei slapped him hard on the face. A mark was seen on his face and she yelled out, "Rocu! e Hai'zhi! zha'e fa'chi zha! Ro'fai'chi!!!!"

Yuri had to rearrange his jaw from that slap's hit.

The aide asked him, "Yuri, would you like ice?"

"No, no. I brought that on myself."
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 01:14:20 PM by St Oz »