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Author Topic: Public Address  (Read 1321 times)

Offline whereamistan

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  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Public Address
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:55:33 PM »
President Abbas sat in his private quarters. He wore a fine Italian made suit. His secretary pointed to the sign and the on air sign lit up a bright stop sign read. "Salam my sons and daughters. Allah has proclaimed this a glorious day and as such we celebrate Unification Day. Three years ago we stood together and expelled the zionist foreigners from our holy lands. We have swore to the Prophet himself that this shall never happen again. Today is the day we stand! and tell the western nations that this is not their land! This is Holy Muslim Land! And every Arab must be prepared to sacrafice their lived to the protection of our birthright! Stand Brothers! Stand with me!"

Meanwhile throughout the country.....

crowds disspersed from the mosque, many opened their small shops and cafes. Chatter was overheard, many discussing President Abbas' speech that morning. One citizen could be heard, "I was never a big Abbas supporter, but he did crush the uprising and expel the Infidels from our lands." More chatter was heard throughout the country.

[Intel Report]///CLASSIFIED///Believed that the Martyr Corps had blended into the general population. /break/A new group "The Peoples Army" on a recruitment drive. Belived to be a strong pull among Shia Muslims.//CLASSIFIED//

[News Update]Presidential Popularity at all time high of 87% as reports from an independant source.

Offline whereamistan

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  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 09:47:15 AM »
[Intel Report]///CLASSIFIED///Martyr Corps numbers have multiplied to unknown numbers. /break/ Believed to have control over unknown amount of explosives. /break/ The Peoples Army believed to go legit and become the official army of Whereamistan. Chain of command is uncertain at this time. /break/ Border towns believed to have become ever more vigilant over the threat of outsiders sneaking into the country.///CLASSIFIED///

[News Break]President Abbas to make a National Address tonite.

Elsewhere in the nation.....

The group of young men stood in line for twenty minutes. When the doors opened, it was a flood as men poured in to recieve a medical checkup, and be pressed through to sign up. Propaganda could be heard over the Public radio, and over loudspeakers.. "Allah commands it. All men who are unemployed to join the People's Army. Fight for your family. Fight for your country. Fight for Allah." Buses were lined up ready to take the young men to basic training deep in the badlands.

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2007, 12:12:58 PM »
President Abbas sits in his chair...he clears his throat and speaks in to the mcrophone. "Sons and Daughters of Islam. As i speak to you our national defense forces are pushing further out to the borders. We now control every inch within our lands and the insurgents have been forced back into their homelands. Border control points are being established along with new bases to support this mission. The Martyr Corp and the Peoples Army have both deployed sniper teams and anti insurgency cells all along our borders. The numbers in our military are growing every day. The cost of living is staying low, while benefits and standard of living are increasing. Allah has truely blessed us this day. God is Greater!"

Meanwhile all along the border...

Major Muqtada Sudani stand on top of a hill. "The General wants a base built over that ridge. Get it done captain."
Immediately bulldozers, cranes, dump trucks, heavy equipment all converge on the site. A few miles down the way the Border Protection Service (BPS) sets up camp. 450 soldiers, backed by 75 Humvees, and 10 bradleys set up operations for the meanwhile. Sudani looks at his map. "This same thing is happening at eight other locations around the country. Allah is Greater."

« Last Edit: January 28, 2007, 12:19:57 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2007, 12:51:40 PM »
[Presidential Report]

Nine Outposts along the border. Two to the North, two to the West, two to the East, and three to the South.

One Outpost Commanded by Captain.
400 Soldiers
40 NCOs
10 Officers

75 H1114 Up Armored Humvees
10 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
100 Nissan Pickup Trucks


Anti Insurgency/Sniper Teams in position along the western and eastern borders. RPG teams along with unknown number of Patriot Batteries along the mountainous north.

Offline whereamistan

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  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 01:16:18 PM »
[Presidential Update]

Forces deplyed as instructed. Border enforcement operations have begun. High ranking insurgency leader caught in northern region.

Reinforcements en route:

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I Companies en route.

Company Breakdown:
400 enlisted
40 NCOs
10 Officers
1 Captain
[attached 1 Major]

10 Strykers
50 ASVs
75 M1114
100 Nissan Pickup Trucks

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2007, 07:57:07 AM »
[Presidential Report]

Reinforcements have arrived. New order in place, awaiting confirmation. All bases at 89% operation.

President Abbas looks at the report. "Allah has been gracious to allow our soverign nation to exist. Continue the operation General."

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Public Address
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2007, 02:53:26 PM »
[Intel Report] ///CLASSIFIED/// Whereamistan preparing for buildup of armed forces. Believed this has no connection to any attempt to create influence throughout the region. Sources say many orders placed in the last 6 years cause belief that Whereamistan is set to ensure national soverignty. ///CLASSIFIED///

[Presidential Report] Military orders placed. Expect first shipments this month. All border posts at 100% operations. Tunnel and caves in process of being built.