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Author Topic: Project Artemis  (Read 12471 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2008, 09:48:04 PM »
Captain Cammell looked over the new orders. A telegram from the General Staff.



He folded up the telegram and turned to the helmsman. "Lieutenant Jacobson, turn the sub to Artemis. We have new orders. General Staff wants us to engage the Feniexian Navy and to assist our Valideen and Varkourian allies. Turn on the pump-jet propulsion. We need to be silent and unseen. That is how a true predator hunts." Jacobson nodded. He turned the sub around to the northwest. Captain Cammell looked at his watch. It was seven o'clock back home in Edmonton. Julie would be sitting down with the kids and eating dinner. He picked up the intercom. "I want all torpedo tubes loaded and prepared to launch. All howitzers are to be loaded and prepared to fire as well. We are heading into a hot zone." He put the intercom down. He looked to Commander David Ryan. "The bridge is yours, Commander Ryan." Ryan nodded. Cammell walked to his quarters and laid down in his bed. A picture of him and Julie during their wedding day was hanging next to the bed. He smiled, turned over and dreamed of her.

The Xavier Rommel, the lead sub of the Rommel-class submarine aircraft carrier
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 01:29:35 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2008, 10:15:49 PM »
<ooc>Lol a submarine aircraft carrier?</ooc>

A brigade sized force of Collosean soldiers and equipment, interestingly including Artemis AA guns, has arrived at the island, with an additional brigade in reserve in Varkour. We also brought a naval force to complement it, consisting of 5 Salamis Class patrol boats, 10 Osa Class missile boats, and 10 Kanaris Class gunboats.

Offline Varkour

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2008, 10:21:28 PM »
"Incoming aircraft, Captain!"

"Send in the jags immediately. We need the rafales for the enemy fleet." The captain replied.

30 seconds later pilots were jumping into their planes. Jacques "Fuzz" Gaulliere was the first to take off and as he did, he thought about his family back in Varkour. All he wanted was to get back in one piece and make his father proud.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2008, 11:48:54 PM »
<ooc>Don't laugh  :D</ooc>

The Xavier Rommel moved below the water, nearing it's target. Commander Ryan walked into the captain's quarters. He woke Cammell. "Capt'n, we have arrived." Cammell got up and put on his black naval jacket. He followed Commander Ryan to the bridge. The sailors stood up and saluted the captain. "At ease, men." Cammell picked up the intercom. "This is the captain speaking. We have arrived at Artemis. The Aurearan Coalition fleet is close by. We are going to link up with them and join the fighting. Now I know that many of you think that fighting the Feniexians is wrong, but you need to understand that the Feniexians took aggresive action aganist allies of the Empire first. We have orders and we must follow them. Now everyone hold on to something." He turned to one of the engineers. "Let's practice the emergency vents in the ballast tanks. I want to give our allies a surprise." The engineer smiled and nodded. He pushed a few buttons and switchs. Suddenly the sub felt like it was being dragged to the surface by a giant hook. The sub breached the surface like a great whale. Captain Cammell smiled as light came in through the windows of the bridge. Blips on the radar alerted the crew. An ensign looked. "Capt'n, Varkourian fighters coming in fast." Cammell nodded. He picked up the radio. "This is Her Imperial Canadian Majesty's SSAN Xavier Rommel. We are here to help. Waiting for response."
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 01:27:43 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bustos

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2008, 05:27:46 PM »
"Uh, sir? Do you remember the platoon that the rich rented as security for the island far east of here?" asked the Lieutenant.

Lieutenant General joked, "Yes, bunch of rich folks that wanted to start their own rural community away from the urbanization.  Yet at the same time scared that some pirates would rob them and hired a security force."

"Well sir, the platoon has reported a contingent of Valideens soldiers have landed on the island.  They are requesting orders, sir."

"Valideens soldiers?!  Tell them to immediately dig in.  I'll contact the JMCC and see what naval forces we have to assist."  What the hell are they doing massing forces so close to us?

"They are where?!" shouted Chairperson Bustos to the cell phone placed on the table next to him, on speakerphone.  He quickly got up from the beach chair to pick up the phone and turn off the speakerphone.  The General on the other phone began to repeat himself when the Chairperson cut him off.

"Yes, I got it the first time, sorry.  Any word from the Valideens on this action?"

"No?  The Myrorians have?  And they said what?" Hmm, must have missed that memo about the island near Feniexia.

"Well then I'll take your suggestion and we'll move to DEFCON FOUR immediately.  Meanwhile send a reasonable force to make sure that snob town is not overrun and do not engage the Valideens, unless fired upon.  I am going to get in touch with the Valideens before I do anything else."  The Chairperson puts on a pair of shades before calling the Office of Public Relations.

An open (ooc: meaning any intel agency can read) communication to the Valideen Government

From: Director Patrica Belkin
Office of Public Relations
Allied States of Bustos-21

The Chairperson seeks justification of your military forces on the nearby island off the Allied States mainland.  Be advised we have civilians on the island and a small military force present.  Also be advised due to your unanncounced presence, we are sending additional military forces to safeguard Bustians and regional security.  Our military forces are ordered to not engage your forces and your forces are strongly recommended to not probe further inland than the beaches you have landed.

The Chairperson and The Board hope to seek a civilized and calm solution to the situation at hand and that no one gets hurt.

Valideen forces should be able to pick up an Allied Carrier Battle Group with a Marine Expeditionary Division enroute to the island from the east, where the "snob town" is located.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 05:35:48 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2008, 06:22:56 PM »
To: Bustos
From: Department of National Defence (DND)

It has come to our attention that you have a small colony on the island that Civilian Project Artimis is located. As you know Validus is currently in state of war with many nations of the Pax Imperium, do to the Fens in the north attacking Field Engineers at Site Alpha. We hope that this is not the case with Site Charlie. We have been there for quite some time and were aware of a small hamlet on the western portion of the island flying the Bustian flag, however we have not found any other claims to the remainder of the island. Currently we have a contingent of Marines there, no more then two companies in strength to set up a defence in case it is attacked by the Fens or Loyanese, or other PI nations. Most of the facility is being run by the Ministry of the Environment, to help meser weather in the Ocean and track storms around teh world, as was the reason for Project Artemis.

We believe that peaceful coexistence on the island is a must. Validus does not want another war. We hope you agree that war is not in your interests and you will turn around those forces heading to Artemis Site Charlie.

Thank you,



Offline Dysanii

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2008, 06:36:13 PM »
To: Validus
From: Aemilius

The various ships at Gdansk are now - after some time - operational. Armed and manned these 23 vessels of the Aemilian Navy are at your disposal and will locate to where you need them.

(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 06:44:14 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Varkour

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2008, 07:44:38 PM »
"Capt'n, Varkourian fighters coming in fast." Cammell nodded. He picked up the radio. "This is Her Imperial Canadian Majesty's SSAN Xavier Rommel. We are here to help. Waiting for response."

"Xavier Rommel, this is Armée de l'Air. Please contact the surface fleet."

The 8 jaguars flew over the Xavier Rommel and headed for the Valideen island.

OOC: Nath, How many planes do you have?

Offline Bustos

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2008, 05:07:06 AM »
"Do you have an idea how much money I've spent, hell, the money we have all spent to build this community?!" shouted the self-appointed leader Lawerence Henz to the Sergeant Major of the hired platoon.  He, nor the rest of the people in the Snob Town, (ooc: Hell, I am making it the offical name of the place) were delighted to hear that foreign military units have landed on "their" island.

"We were all here first and thus have rightful claim to the whole island.  As your boss, I am ordering additional miltary units to be placed under your command and you are going to rout these people from our island.  Just tell us what you need and we will provide it."  Lawrence looked around the room for approval and found all nodding in agreement.

"I am afraid it doesn't quite work like that, sir," replied the Sergeant.  My boss is the Chairperson of the Allied States as a member of the Bustian Army.  You are just a contractor hiring a portion of the company for your personal use; and a specific one at that.  Defense and policing.  You want to change my orders, you'll have to go though my boss."

"This is insubordination!  You should be shot!"

"You go and tell the Colonel taking over the jurisicion that.  'Till then my men and I are going to do our jobs and hold this place for him."

"Oh don't you worry I will!  And consider yourself fired!  I'm having your second in command taking over the platoon.  Perhaps he's a more reasonable man."  Lawrence smiled so sure of himself making that call.

The Sergeant let out a small sigh.  "Either you are dumb or you are deaf and I am leaning to the former.  As of now, you are not giving the orders."  The Sergeant did not give the man a chance to respond and walked out of the man's home where the residents had gathered for the meeting.

Another open communication to the Valideen Government

From: Director Patrica Belkin
Office of Public Relations
Allied States of Bustos-21

Your unannounce military presnce so close to the Bustian mainland cannot be tolerated.  The Chairperson and The Board demand their immediate removal or else to allow all nations of Taijitu to place their military unannouced at our borders.

It has been requested for our nations to meet, face to face, to discuss the future sharing of the island.  We are open to your presence however, your lack of respect insults us and cannot be tolerated.  Talks can easily difuse and resolve the situation.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2008, 02:49:31 PM »
To: the Allied States of Bustos
From: The Prime Ministers Office, New Sheridan, Validus

We concure, we do not wish to see a conflict over this island.



Offline Bustos

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2008, 04:15:40 PM »

The wide building on the left is the HQ of The Allied States of Bustos-21, Inc.

Chairperson Bustos sits down to read over the reports from the Colonel from Snob Town in his office overseeing the capital city, Twenty One.  He needs to run a few thoughts in his head before making some final decisions.  He lights the infamous Peace Blunt and takes a drag, holds it in a few seconds, and lets it out.  These things are so good. Mmm.

If only those Feniexians just used a little diplomacy.  Valideens troops are withdrawing from the island, but they will be back.  This time with our support and some defenses in place.  Going to need to talk to the residents of Snob Town and make sure they understand the soon-to-be arrangement.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 04:22:30 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Bustos

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2008, 03:16:38 PM »
OOC:  Don't know what the rest of you are doing but an update.


"I can assure you, this is a very generous offer.  Plus after things settle down in other parts of the world, this place is going to get busy.  And not on just the other half of the island.  People are going to start coming here once the news is out," said the local representative for the Chairperson.

"No! NO!  Some of us want to stay.  The others might want to leave and will take the compensation package you have offered but there are a few of us who want to keep what is ours," replied Lawrence Henz, speaking on the behalf of himself and three remaining claim owners.  He was one of the few last people who haven't been convinced to sell their claim to the Allied States.  After four months of negotiations, the government had 75% of Bustian claim, The Board wanted a complete monopoly of the entire claim.  He and three others claimed the other 25%, which included the small, but well developed town center of Snob Town, from which the Marines have been coordinating their operations from.  The Marines have been assigned to map the whole island, focusing on the future Valideen half, while they still could.  The security platoon was relieved of their duties and returned home.

"Alright, alright," the representative said, tired from trying to convince the four owners to sell for the past few months.  He quickly remembered, The Board said they wanted the residents to all be gone before they go before the Valideens to discuss the specifics of the island.  They never did specifically say how I had to do it.  Buying them out was the easy way of doing it.  However...  "How about this?  If the four of you will not allow us to buy the claim.  How about we lease it, unconditionally?  Because trust me, if you think this place is going to stay undeveloped, you are dreaming.  We DO have the rest of island and not to mention the Valideens, which I assure you WILL be coming back in greater numbers."

Lawrence remained silent for a moment.  After all, that was the whole point of coming here; seclusion and minimal development.  Dammnit!  This place was supposed to be a vacation spot!  Not some joint government venture.  "So, what do you mean to lease it unconditionally?"

Now we are getting somewhere.  "You four would still be the owners and receive a hefty monthly due but, the Allied States will have full control of the claim to do as they please.  And should you, one day, want to sell it, we get first dibs."

Lawrence sighed, finally accepting defeat of trying to keep the paradise that he had attempted to build.  "A HEFTY monthly due it's going to be, my good man."
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 03:39:01 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #42 on: February 13, 2008, 04:59:07 PM »

The Future of the Snob Town Port.

Parts of the port of Snob Town is under construction to expand the small seaport into being capable of handling larger transport vessels to increase the number of supplies brought into the island.  Once fully up and running, construction crews inland will have ample supplies.  Snob Town's small town center, currently the hub of all traffic from the port to the rest of the island, is slowly growing into city size as it becomes developed into an urban center.  Plans for a nearby military base and airport is currently in the works and already corporations were making bids to set up shop in Snob Town to cater to the workers and military (ooc: will be called a town, no matter its actual size).

Meanwhile in other parts of the island, Marines continued mapping and gathering as much information they could so later scientific exploration crews could search for any possible resources on the island.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2008, 06:52:20 AM »
As the Brigadier General entered a large tent on the makeshift command base, a soldier shouted "ATTEEEENNN-SHUN!"  All the soldiers inside quickly snapped to full attention with salute.

"As you were, I am Brigadier General Jacob Listman of the 5th Corps, " he spoke, looking for an officer with colonel markings.  And he found her, sitting down behind a desk in the middle of the tent.  He walked to her, "I have come to assume command and take over all military operations," handing her orders from the JMCC.

The Colonel as well as the rest of the Marine officers in the tent knew full well why he was there.  He was even expected at that precise time to relieve the her of command.  She did not have to open the folder, containing written orders direct from the JMCC explaining that the Army had come to take over operations of Snob Town.  She did so anyway, as a formality.  Exchange of command, was always done with respect, no matter the weight of the brass involved.  "I transfer command to you General."  There the magic words were spoken and an official transfer had occurred.  Until then, it was still the Colonel's operation.

"Your Marines have done a wonderful job.  Scared those Valideens right back home, I hear."  He gave out a small chuckle.  "You and your Marines will be relieved over the following month to report back to the Allied States for debriefing."

The 5th Corps brought in two Motorized Divisions, one Mechanized Division, one Airborne Brigade, three Engineer Brigades, and full support personnel totaling 48,000 soldiers of the Bustian Army.  Its primary objective; construct a military base, complete with a seaport and airfield.  Its secondary objectives; assist civilian engineers in construction of infrastructure, explore any remaining terrain, and keep watch on the Valideen compound.

Snob Town, the island, had become a Protectorate of the Allied States.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 09:15:09 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #44 on: February 25, 2008, 09:10:40 PM »

Snob Town Joint Bustian Military Base

With the completion of the Joint Military Base in Snob Town, regional security of the East and protection of the newly acquired Protectorate of Snob Town will become its primary missions.  Along with the 5th Army Corps, the JMB will be home to a Marine Expeditionary Division, two Carrier Battle Groups, and a several Air Force wings.  This is the first offshore military base in the Allied States' history.

Bustian News Network reported a few leaks of possible nuclear armament being positioned within the base but the Bustian Military denied all such rumors.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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