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Author Topic: Project Artemis  (Read 12474 times)

Offline Validus

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Project Artemis
« on: January 13, 2008, 10:53:19 PM »
"So Mr. President as you can see Project Artemis is moving along nicely and we will need to start development of three Science stations in other parts of the world." said a man wearing a black suit, with a black tie.

"Hmm, I see that you have developed blue prints for these facilities." the president looked threw a series of papers. "What will be the cost for The second phase of Artemis?"

"Well, sir, each facility and accompanied community will cost around 2.3 billion dollars."

"That's alot of money Mr. Geeman."

"Yes, but when we move into Phase three of Artemis, it will be well worth it. We have picked out three Islands located around the glove which will prove quite well for Phase two." Mr. Geeman handed three satellite images of the three target Islands.

"So, these islands will work for Artemis?"

"Yes Mr. President, they will do just fine."

"It might start a stur in the international scene."

"Yes, but I doubt anyone will go to war with us over Nihilum lands. Besides no one else has claims on them."

"True, well Mr. Geeman, you have my permission to proceed with Phase 2 of Project Artemis," and with that the President signed a general order authorizing the action.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 10:58:28 PM by Validus »

Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 11:28:32 PM »
"Attention, we are we are five minutes from Drop Zone Alpha," said a voice over the internal wireless.

A man walked up and flipped a switch at the back of the aircraft which caused the rear ramp started to lower.The light from outside flooded into the back cargo hold which was dimly lit by red flood lights. As the light flooded in 50 Airborne Engineers, which were dressed in Full fighting Order. Behind them was an airborne pallet.

"One minute Chief, get them ready," said the voice.

"OK! STAND UP!" yelled the Chief as he motioned with his hands, "COUNT OFF!"

"ONE OK!," "TWO OK!," "THREE OK!," this continued until number 50 sounded off as 'ok'.

The Yellow light turned to Green and with that the Chief yelled "GO! GO! GO!" There was a floor of troops running off the ramp. Giving just enough time for the last jumper to clear the ramp. As soon as all the troopers were out the pallet was sent down with them.

As the troopers hit the ground they set out to rondevu at the designated area. Their objective establish a runway to allow for access of C-130 Hercules Aircraft, and thats what they set out to do.


Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2008, 06:18:02 PM »
A loud noise was heard as the engineers looked up, five C-130 Hercules Tactical Transports were circling overhead. "Looks like we got the rest, eh?"


The Commanding officer of the troops currently on the ground, Captain Mike Young, walked outside of the modular tent. "shit, glad I decided to clear out the space beside the strip. Ok, let them land."

"Flight this is Golf Charlie Zero Niner, you are clear to land on strip south, over"

"This is flight, roger, landing south,"

Soon the tropical trees were a flurry as the five transports touched down and parked just beside the end of the runway. As the ramps lowered Captain Young had a grin on his face, two of the transports were full of troops, the other three were full of supplies.

As the Valideen Flag flapped in the wind, Site Alpha was well on its way to being established.

Sites Bravo and Charlie followed suit.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 07:06:29 PM »
The Citadel, Capital District "1-Lythia", Feniexian mainland
  Territorial Surveillance Headquarters

Rather sleepy, the young man was sitting in front of a large screen, which was attached to the wall of his office. Working in the TS headquarters was a rather boring job; most of the work was done by the large computers screening the satellite pictures for movement and handling scanner informations; all what was to be done was to enter a few commands into the computer the screen belonged to, and checking the screen all 5 minutes for things the system failed to detect. If unauthorized crafts or vessels were detected entering Feniexian territory, the console would activate acoustic and visual signals - like it was happening currently. Harris sighed, and turned his head from the book he was reading to the screen. Five aircrafts were approaching one of the rather remote islands off the Feniexian coast; as far he could remember, it was used for military training from time to time. "Five? That can't be coincidence." he said to himself. Usually, there were never more than two or three unauthorized crafts around at the same time; in most cases, it were a passenger craft getting a bit away from it's course during the foggy, rainy weather around here, or sport pilots getting a bit too far, but as far the system could identify the vehicles, it were STOLs usually used by military forces. He took on his headset and opened a channel to the Administrator; this should be reported to him directly.

Half an hour later, four VH-71, carrying FENIX squads, were dispatched, along with two gunships.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2008, 12:39:51 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2008, 07:11:39 AM »
"Sir, we have 5 blips on radar. Heading from the mainland to the island."

"Roger that," The Major, who arrived with the new batch of Engineers walked over to the Signaler, "Send a transmission back to HQ, tell them we are expecting company."


Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2008, 10:19:49 PM »
"Ok, listen up," said the Major. "We have incoming bogies, possibly hostile. They are coming from Feniexia. We need to set up some sort of defence. Now I know you aren't combat soldiers, hell we are just hear to dig and build, but you are soldiers. and as soldiers you know how to shoot with a Rifle. Now, I received word from Validus that we are expecting re-enforcements as this land now belongs to us. Varkour will be sending help with in the midterm. Now, this is my order, we do not fire unless we are engaged. We do not want to be the ones starting a war.

"We have limited Ammunition and stores but we need to hold out until we are relieved. Now, Back to work,"


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2008, 11:24:34 AM »
While the carrier VTOLs dropped the FENIX soldiers on various locations over the island, one of the UH-60M gunships reached the landing site of the Valideens, hovering in the rainy sky over them and directing it's searchlights at the ground, the other one provided cover. "Vehicles identified as Valideen ones. They wear signs of the Valideen army, commander." The commander nodded, then turned on the helicopter's speakers, mounted on it's downside.

"Valideen soldiers, you are violating Feniexian territory. Drop your weapons and raise your hands, and you shall not be harmed. Follow my orders or you will be exterminated for attempting to invade Feniexian property."

Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 11:50:59 AM »
"This isn't there territory men, just hold your position, our friends should be here soon," said the Major.


"Sir, the Feniexian's have invaded site Alpha of Artemis," stated a young man in a military uniform, "The signaler on sight said that they are asking for the surrender of our troops, or they will die."

"Hmm, is the First Airborne's 2nd Regiment ready?" asked the other man wearing Military combats.

"For the most part sir,"

"What do you mean, for the most part,"

"They are still laking 100 personnel, who are currently en-route to the base."

"Well, get them in the air ASAP. The government is clear on this, the Feniexians have no claim on that island, we now do. It is part of our territory now, and we are to defend it like it was our mainland. Now I need to make some calls, to our allies."

"Sir," the man saluted then walked out of the room.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2008, 12:26:55 PM »
"We will grant you five minutes to answer. You are surrounded. If you try to escape your current position or do not surrender until those minutes are over, we will open fire."

Offline Varkour

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2008, 02:56:08 PM »
"Captain, I have the Feniexian coordinates.They're scattered all over the island and have surrounded the Valideens."

"Ok, get them on the radio. Quickly."

The young sailor nodded.

"Feniexian invaders, this is Captain Florent Falfienne of the Foudre. Surrender immediately or will we open fire on your positions. I repeat, surrender immediately or will we open fire on your positions."

"Get the men ready."

"Yes Captain."

« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 02:58:18 PM by Varkour »

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2008, 04:15:11 PM »
The commander sighed. "I guess the Citadel should be informed about the situation..." Then, he pressed a few buttons, and the ComLink channel between the helicopter and the Feniexian Forces Administration was opened, and the communication log transmitted. The reply from the Administration came soon.

"We will provide air support against the Foudre. You, wait until the time is up; then attack them, try to engage them in close combat so they won't fire. Our soldiers shall advance through the forest surrounding the Valideen landing suite."

OOC: I wonder how you get the coordinates of my squads. It's not like they would not move after they were dropped. Also, I'd like to know the range of the ship; if it's close to Feniexia, scanners should picked up it sooner already, and no ship without proper ID is allowed to pass Feniexian waters.

OOC 2nd: Osa, please open a OOC thread or PM people, but please no purely OOC posts...thanks.
And I mentioned multiple times that the Feniexian government considers all isles surrounding the main continent as their property, and I also told Validus per PM about this claim, after he opened this thread, so I can not see the reason of a "That island isn't your territory though."-post :/ .
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 07:21:03 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2008, 06:57:53 PM »
That island isn't your territory though.

Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2008, 07:43:31 PM »
****To: The Government of Feniexia****
***From: Prime Minister Richard Spendiff***
**Start Transmission**

Do you back up your show of muscle with an official declaration of war? If not, leave the island. If you dont, we will respond in kind.

**End Transmission**


Offline Varkour

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2008, 07:58:54 PM »
OOC: I wonder how you get the coordinates of my squads. It's not like they would not move after they were dropped. Also, I'd like to know the range of the ship; if it's close to Feniexia, scanners should picked up it sooner already, and no ship without proper ID is allowed to pass Feniexian waters.

Well, as you told Validus you had surrounded him, I know roughly where you are.

My ships are a few km south west of the island (in international waters).


"Captain, no reply."

"Very well. Start bombing the forests around the Valideen positions that is where the Fens would be hiding and send in the Rafales. Also, tell the TempĂȘte to send in the troops." The Captain said calmly. "Contact Vusun. The Varkourian Casabian Ocean fleet has opened fire."

« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 09:44:00 PM by Varkour »

Offline Validus

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Re: Project Artemis
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2008, 10:47:06 PM »
"Sir, the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Airborne Division is well, airborne. They are heading to relieve the Engineers up at what we are now affectionately calling Fen's Island."

"Good, now set Condition One throughout the Military, including those abroad. It looks like there is a war coming."

"Yes, Mr. President." The man turned around, and as he walked out of the Presidents office, the light from the hallway shined on the three silver stars that were pinned to his shoulder.

**In the Air - 5 hours out**

"Ha, nice one. So what do you think is going on?"

"Didnt you listen Jenson? The fucking Fens invaded our newly founded colony and now we are going to save the engineers asses."

"Ya, dosn't it seem that we are always saving someone's ass?"

An older man was walking towards teh back of the plane when he heard the conversation, he jerked his head towards them, "Their Airborne, we are airborne. Nuff said."

With an almost unanimous responce, the three troopers looked at the older man and replyed with, "Yes, sir"

A smile came accross the master warrant officers face, "Carry on boys, carry on." and with that he walked on.
