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News: Citoyen priority warning: Not reporting counter-revolutionary activities is conspiracy to commit counter-revolution under the Anticivil Activities Act. Penalties go up to and include permanent Ecclesiastical explusion.

Author Topic: A Royal Uprising  (Read 1175 times)

Offline Dysanii

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A Royal Uprising
« on: May 12, 2007, 06:16:51 PM »
Count Charles Benoît walked briskly down a dark corridor, the taps of his shoes against the stone floor cutting through the eerie silence. Following this sounded the dull thumps of boots and the clatter of equipment as four armed men marched behind, trying their best to keep up.

The expedition had been a nightmare. As soon as the Count and his men had entered the ruins of Castle Blueblood a deadly trap had killed three good men and the old priest. The smell of the burning corpses still clung to his clothes. Various other surprises had also littered the vast corridors and halls of the Castle, killing off others in equally gruesome ways. Indeed, the party of seventeen had now been whittled down to five including him…yet he had to admire the cleverness of such devices. The Kings of old had been very thorough in protecting their most important treasures.

The Count suddenly halted in front of two huge oak doors, the intricate carvings now illuminated by the subtle light of the candle he was holding. A soft breeze caused the candle to flicker slightly, making the five shadows flicker wildly. He took a deep breath and pushed hard on the doors, forcing them to slowly open, resulting in a deep creak echoing through the huge chamber on the other side. He edged into the room, stepping carefully on the marble floor as if it were glass. The men behind him began to move before Charles held out his palm to them, a silent order to stay where they were - he could not have the unworthy desecrating this ancient temple. He moved further into the thick darkness until it enveloped him, his desire for the precious object located within the only thing keeping him going.

Finally he reached a green pillar which came roughly up to his waist, resting upon it was a beautiful crown. The candle light caught the gold of it, sending light spewing into the darkness around him like an aurora of power. Yes, that’s what it was. Power. His trembling hands reached outwards and delicately raised the relic off its plinth, rotating it slowly as he admired its every detail. After he recovered from the initial shock of holding such an important artefact, and being completely satisfied with its magnificence, he placed it upon his soft grey hair. He immediately felt its awesome, holy power travel through every fibre of his body. He was now finally ready to fulfil his destiny. Ready to tie the bonds that had been broken centuries ago and restore true order and justice to the nation he had lived in all his life. Ready to become what he had been born to be...
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 06:34:45 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Dysanii

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Re: A Royal Uprising
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 07:07:35 PM »
“…here to restrict or control the people; I am here to serve them! It is my right to be King of Dysanii, and who are those bureaucrats in Paris to deny the Divine Order!”

Charles paused as rapturous applause filled the air.

“Good people of Anchor, will you stand by your King?”

The crowd once again exploded into applause, and shouts of support rang out as Charles slowly raised his hands, in salute to these loyal citizens. He gave a curt bow, and stood down from the podium, swiftly entering a large tent close by. Inside was his first lieutenant Éric Gabriel. He took a seat at a large oak table, poured a glass of fine Varkourian wine, and motioned for Éric to speak.

“Your Majesty.” Éric gave a short bow and continued. “You are a gifted speaker, no doubt a potent quality the old Kings themselves possessed.”

“Thank you, Éric. I a pleased that the people have seen in me someone they can trust. But, sadly, I do not believe I will be able to take my place as King peacefully.”

“You are indeed correct, Majesty. Although we-…you have had great success in swaying the people of the outer islands, I fear when you take your argument to the mainland, we will encounter aggressive resistance from Government troops.”

“Yes, yes. This has deeply troubled me. It is a shame my campaign must be one of bloodshed. What will we do about it?”

“Well, we have the support of the people on the outer islands. The local governors have either fled to the mainland with their men, or joined us.” Éric pointed to the island they were currently on, Anchor, and various other islands the King had visited who had pledged their support. “I suggest we use Anchor as our base of operations for a landing on the mainland.”

The King nodded in agreement, and poured himself another glass of wine. “How many men do we have?”

“Around 25,000, Highness. Made up of militia and troops donated by the Governors.”

Charles shook his head. “I do not think we can take Paris with such a meagre force.”

“I concur. But, once landed, I am in the firm belief that many will flock to our cause. One thing we do have a lot of is weapons. As for the landing itself, many citizens have offered to transport our army across using their private vessels.”

Charles drained his glass. “Good. Then let us make haste. Time is of the essence.”

Éric bowed once again, and quickly exited the tent to make preparations for the invasion of Dysanii.     

Offline Dysanii

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Re: A Royal Uprising
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2007, 03:10:40 PM »
Corporal Seymour ran for his life through the smoke and explosions, praying to whatever Gods were listening to keep him alive. He made a sharp turn left down a narrow alleyway, tripping and gagging over burnt corpses, until reaching an old house on the far corner. Navigating his way through the rubble, he managed to climb the staircase and quickly crawled to the room directly opposite the top, and moved slowly towards an open window to survey the area around him and catch his breath.

The landings now seemed like a distant memory. In actual fact the Royalist army had only landed on the mainland about three weeks ago, but now the sun no longer shone, instead a grey, overcast sky dominated the landscape. The conditions were not improved by the thick smoke that emanated from the many fires throughout the city. The campaign had all but been stopped in its tracks by the Union army.

Upon landing at Nantes, the loyal forces of the King made a great effort to take the port, taking the little Union garrison by surprise and forcing them to surrender within days, suffering few casualties in the process.

After this victory, King Charles had made the army maintain a quick advance up the coast to hopefully catch at least another city port before the government could muster a proper defence. Little resistance was met during the great trek to Angers, and many supporters for the noble cause were gathered along the way, perhaps making the Royalist forces over-confident. Indeed, a strong resistance had now been met at Angers

Luckily, the Union Airforce could not do too much damage without hitting their own men, as the Union and Royalist forces had no distinct lines of engagement – the city was in chaos, with units spread out all over the place. Unfortunately, the well-trained and well-equipped Union army maintained military superiority over the Royalists, who now had to rely on their stamina and faith in their cause to keep them fighting on.

Seymour clutched his Model 35 rifle tightly as he heard the crunching of rubble under footsteps outside his window. Although ancient by modern standards, the bolt-action weapon packed a punch and he could pull off 15 rounds a minute if he concentrated. Peering over the window sill, he saw four Union soldiers warily making their way down the street – there was likely an operations post nearby. He made a quick holy gesture to the Gods before slowly easing his rifle into a firing position, taking careful aim down the sight at the one he distinguished as a Sergeant. Squeezing the trigger, he pumped off an 8mm cartridge, which thankfully flew true and ripped into the chest of the NCO, a gory spurt of blood flying out as the now limp body fell to the ground. The others expertly and swiftly dove into cover, unleashing a deadly volley at the window. As the Corporal peeped through the fresh holes in the wall, he noticed a small round object clutched in the hand of one of the soldiers. This would not be fun. 

Offline Dysanii

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Re: A Royal Uprising
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 10:11:42 AM »
The Kings Own Volunteers defeated?

The Government has contained the uprising.The army of the 'King', proclaimed to be the Kings Own Volunteers, have been pushed all the way back to Nantes following an easy defeat at Angers.

Following several days of close, bitter fighting in the city port, the Union army inflicted heavy casualties on the KOV and neigh on routed them, pursuing the broken army right up to Nantes.

Now the KOV is barely holding on in their original landing zone, suffering swift retribution from the Union Air force, which is crippling the defenders with lethal bombardment. The Union army adds pressure with continued forays into the port, every time damaging the already strained KOV a bit more everyday (below).

Union infantry sweep through a building on the outskirts of Nantes

Union armour moves into position for a raid on a KOV supply depot

It looks as if the ‘Kings’ cause is lost, as he is vigorously beaten down by the government. His only hope is to desperately hold on to the rumour that the forces of the Duke of Brittany will come to break the siege.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 10:13:35 AM by Dysanii »