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Author Topic: Out to Sea  (Read 1984 times)

Offline Validus

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Out to Sea
« on: May 19, 2007, 06:29:58 PM »
"Captain, crew reads at stations," Said Petty Officer McKnight.

"Aye, clear all moorings," Ordered the Captain.

"Moorings cleared, sir." stated McKnight.

"Ok, Seaman take us out of port. Set sail for blue water."

"Yes sir. Setting speed to 1/2 port max." said the Seaman.

The large ship lurched forward from the dock, moving out into the deeper water of the bay. This was one of the newer vessels designed and built during the HIVEs crisis. It was able to lock down sections of the ship to prevent ship wide contamination. and could be operated from one of three NBC safe Control rooms. This was the Hive class Cruiser. It was named after the abbreviation of the virus. The ship was capable of sustained single vessel operations for a period of 5 months. This vessel was top of the line, and many of its specifications are top secret.

"Sir, passing Green line. Bay is cleared." said the Seaman who was piloting the vessel.

"Ok, take us into the Gulf of China, stick to Valideen waters. head for the open ocean." ordered the Captain.

"Aye, sir."

The ship steamed passed smaller fishing vessels, and smaller Military ships. Their course took them to the Validus-GC boarder.


Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 01:24:50 AM »
The captain walked up to the window and spotted a small fishing vessel in the distance, he picked up a pair of binoculars. "hmm," muttered the captain.

"What is it sir?" asked the ships XO, Commander Barrings.

"It looks like a small fishing ship, but I don't see any sort of fishing gear on the vessel." The captain paused for a moment, "Prep a boarding crew Commander,"

"Aye Captain," said Commander Barrings.

Commander Barrings went on the internal comm, "Boarding Part Alpha to ready stations," he hung up the phone and walked off the bridge and down to the aft section of the ship. He walked in and a group of 8 men and women were outfitting them selves with combat gear.

"What is the mission?" asked Chief Petty Officer Uzbek, the CO of this group of sailors.

"The captain wants you to investigate a fishing ship in the buffer between Valideen and G-C waters. Find out what they are doing here and provide assistance if necessary."

"Yes, sir." said Uzbek, as he loaded a 30 round magazine into his sub-machine gun. He slung it around on his back , "Ok, report to the docks sailors." Seven of the sailor in the room walked out. "Sir, we will report in as soon as we find something, or don't find something." the Commander nodded and Uzbek walked out after his men.

OOC: Someone can RP the people on the boat, be they hostile or friendly.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2007, 07:50:29 AM »
OOC: alright, they are a gang and they bring 3 things, a big package of drugs and 2 missiles. but you don't know that yet.

The captain of the ship noticed the approach of the military, "Load the weapons, we gonna see some action, also load 1 missile to the tube, we might gonna need it."
The Black Scorpion Clan symbol was on the missile boxes, they shipped from New Delfos bringing new missiles to the Black Scorpion base on G-C. They weren't supposed to be spotted, and the captain knew it. Everyone loaded their AK47 and AK101, there were 2 guys near the missile tube aiming for the location of the military. "Hide your weapons, let them come. They wont know what hit them. You, throw the net off board, pretend you're busy with the net. I'm going to speak with the soldiers, if any of them points their weapons at us shoot the bastards!"

Nothing to be done now, they could just wait and see if the military would not see the weapons crates in the bottom deck.

Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2007, 06:26:31 PM »
The small RHIB speed towards the fishing boat.

"McGive, you're a fisherman, arn't ya?" asked Uzbek.

"Aye, sir." replied Able Seaman McGive.

"Tell me, and I'm no expert, but do they look like fisherman."

"Well they just appear to be tossing nets overboard, with out any sort of lines attached to the nets to make sure they catch something. Also its only one person doing it. On a ship that size, with a net that size thats at least a 4 man operation." McGive said as he cocked his firearm, out of view from the boat.

Uzbek turned around, "Ok, everyone something is up. Ready weapons but keep them down." The section did what he asked. Uzbek grabbed a bull horn, "Attention Foreign Vessel, you are in Valideen Waters. Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded."


Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 09:01:52 PM »
OOC: i expect you arrest or kill the black scorpion clan in the boat, but dunno if you want this crew dead or the next assault :p i wanna fire that missile (although it might not hit anything)

Captain: "This is it boys, keep it cool unless they show extreme hostility, hey hide that weapon, even God can see that!"

The captain of the ship, also leader of the Black Scorpion Delivery Cell, was concerned. He had to show the drugs and missiles at G-C to show the improvements done with the missiles, they even had blue-prints from Zabid Missile Industry, they have had hard time stealing them. Now everything was going down the pipe, they must survive this.

The captain picked up his megaphone: "Good morning! We know the protocol, we're ready to be boarded."

Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2007, 11:12:14 PM »
Uzbek spoke through the bull horn again, "I want your entire crew on aft deck hands in the air, no jackets other then life jackets. Understood?" He turned back the the Pilot of the boat, "Radio the Hive, tell them something is up. Code Alpha-Three-Niner, understood?"

"Yes PO," Replied the Seaman.

The men in the boat moved up to the forward area of the RHIB.

OOC: You can engage them but I will dictate who dies, because Uzbek isn't gonna die. Fire the missile. . . it just wont be able to hit the Hive as it has a state of the art antimissile defence system.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 01:47:02 AM »
Captain: "men, do as they say! You keep hiding, don't fire the missile too soon."

the RIB was coming closer, they didn't holster the weapons when they approached, the captain knew they suspected something, "NOW!" A pressure draft swept the air, the missile was launched. Call it bad luck, the missile missed the RIB millimeters away, all the crew on the RIB ducked, they were still surprised. Shots began to be fired, bang bang bang and the captain of the ship was down, all the men picked up their AK101 and AK47 and started to shoot at the RIB. the 2ND captain (how do you call the man below captain?) ducked in the cabin and pressed full ahead. The crew on the RIB wasn't expecting that sort of boat having such good engines, they started to try to damage the engine and a chase began.

2ND Captain: "Load the other missile! We need to reach G-China!"

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2007, 02:02:16 AM »
Three ships, the destroyer GCS Socialist Spirit and the missile boats GCS M-10 and GCS M-14 were in the area when the minelayer GCS S-2, disarming some of the mines on the Gallipoli-China/Validus sea border in light of the renewal of the Reciprocity Treaty, reported the violent contact of two ships on that border.  Since no Gallipoli-Chinese ships were reporting fighting any ships, this could only be a conflict of two outside parties; parties that did not belong in Gallipoli-Chinese waters.

"Twenty knots," reported the pilot of the Socialist Spirit to the pilots of the missile boats, who confirmed that they were keeping pace.  They passed the slow-moving minesweeper, and began to pick up signs of the conflict on their own radar.  They began broadcasting a message.

"Unknown ships, identify yourselves.  This is the Gallipoli-Chinese military.  Identify yourselves and state your business in Gallipoli-Chinese waters."  This message repeated over and over, on all channels.  They were too far away to actually identify the combatants, but perhaps they'd get a return message.

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2007, 03:35:54 AM »
"Captain, boarding party ambushed. Fishing boat hostile target." stated a Leading Seaman, who was manning the radio post.

"Sir, combat vessel steaming towards G-C territorial waters," stated the seaman at the radar station.

"Launch the ASW Helicopter, have it catch up to the fishing ship, sink it if necessary." ordered the Captain.

"Sir, radio Chatter from a G-C ship, wondering what nationality the RHIB is." said the Leading Seaman.

"Tell them Valideen Navy, VSS Hive." said the captain. "State the RHIB was ambushed during rutean boarding operations and we are launching a helicopter to pursue the attacking ship."


Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2007, 05:44:21 AM »
2nd Captain: "The bastards! keep shooting!!! Aim for the drivers!"

Black Scorpion Fighter: "Father, caught them saying they are launching an helicopter, and there's another message, i think it's the G-C navy..."

2nd Captain: "Bloody hell! Use the mega-flare, i hope the Black Scorpions of G-China will save us!" (OOC: lol mega-flare is just a 'larger' flare, shot from a bazooka, it's actually that illegal fluorescent burning substance used in bombardments, US used it in Iraq. I know the name in portuguese but is quite dull if directly translated into english, please help.)

BSFighter (another one): "Father, missile is ready."

2nd Captain: "Wait for a better moment, if they launch the helicopter take it out it the missile...are you hearing?" * He looked back and the fighter on the missile was dead with several shots. "ARGH! Did you heard me fighter? yes? then take his place and get ready to fire the missile!" * Picked his AK101 and started shooting, thanks for his training in the Black Scorpion Mahara School he knew alot about boats and Kalashnikovas, he took a huge breath, aimed for the RIB engine, *PAF* missed, *PAF PAF PAF*, the RIB engine started to fail, milliseconds later he got shot. The bastard on the other side of the driver saw him aiming and aimed back. The pain was immense, right in the shoulder, he couldn't do anything with his right arm. The 2nd Captain grabbed his AK101 with the left armed and started shooting wasting ammo.

BSFighter: "Father, father? We still need you, the paradise will wait, please keep driving the boat."

BSFighter: "Father got shot? KILL THE BASTARDS!"

This moment of distraction got him shot too, lucky for them 'father' had busted the Valideen engine. They couldn't believe they were getting away.

OOC: Just taking your RIB out of the action so they can survive a bit longer, and your Uzbek doesn't get killed. Time to put that helicopter in action, plus G-Chinese navy action too after the helicopter bust the ship. If you do not sink the Black Scorpion Ship you will gain alot of knowledge about encrypted terrorist actions to CGV lines and UASS convention, among other things.

Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2007, 02:48:20 PM »
"Requesting lift off clearance," stated the Pilot of the Helicopter.

"Granted, happy hunting," stated flight officer on the bridge.

With that the helicopters rotors Began turning, faster, faster, until they were blurred so much you could barely see them. Seconds later the helicopter was airborne. attached to tiny pylons on the side of the helicopter was 4 small Anti-ship missiles.

"Ok, target is 34.3 NM away from the Hive, we can catch up to them in about 10 minutes." stated the co-pilot who acted as the navigator.

"Copy that." stated the Pilot as he increased the throttle and pitch of the Helicopter.

As the helicopter got closer to the Fishing vessel, both side doors opened and two 'Hammer' mini-guns appeared with crew manning each one.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2007, 04:48:37 PM »
2nd captain was scared, "Holy crap, shoot at the helicopter for our sake!"

BSFighter: "Yes father, gonna fire the missile." he aimed, he had 1 shot only. *Pfffffffffffff* and the missile was launched, the helicopter pilots saw the missile "Hold on!" *wooooooooooooosh*, a sudden turn ont he helicopter made it avoid the missile, it scratched the bottom of the helicopter. "that was close! shoot the missile guy!"

The guns started to rotate, the BSFighters could see the water splattering on their front with those hammer guns «this can't be the end, but anyway, the paradise awaits!»

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2007, 08:19:19 PM »
"We copy, Hive,"

"One of the two ships involved has responded, sir," said the comm officer on the bridge of the Socialist Spirit.  "They identified themselves as the VSS Hive."

"What about the other ship?" asked the captain.  He could tell from the radar that it was really not much bigger than a fishing scow, but to him, if it was engaged in combat, it was a ship.  He wasn't the most logical person.

"They haven't responded," responded the comm officer.  "They seem to be heading for Edirne, or an area close to it," put in the radar operator.

"Well, I want it blown out of the water as soon as possible, do you hear me?" bellowed the captain to nobody in particular.  The comm officer hadn't opened channels to the M-10 and M-14, for the pilot had opened his mouth.  This man had an undue influence over the captain.  That wasn't to say his influence wasn't welcome, as the pilot was a more levelheaded man and far more intelligent.

"Are you sure," he said, his calm demeanor contrasting with the captain's red face and huffing breaths.  "It wouldn't be too hard to disable and board, especially if the Valideens are providing air support."

"Very good," replied the captain, at which point the comm officer opened the channels.  "I want that ship disabled.  Target the steering mechanism, either the rudder itself or the tower."

Two missiles detatched themselves from the M-10 and M-14, one aiming at each target the Socialist Spirit's captain had specified.  Hopefully that wouldn't be enough to sink the boat.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2007, 08:45:42 PM »
The Black Scorpion Clan 2ND captain loaded the bazooka with a white phosphoric missile, aimed to the skies and fired in hope to alert the Black Scorpion cell in Edirne (OOC: thanks for the tip). It made a very bright light in the sky, almost like a 2ND sun. Suddenly he heard a fast missile coming, *Wooooooooosh* missed by millimeters the rear of the boat, and then a 2ND one, *BOOM!* the bridge cabin exploded in flames. The BSFighters couldn't believe 'father' was gone. One of them took the charge: "Keep the engine running no matter what!" He discovered only 5, including him, were still alive. He couldn't reach the cabin, everything was hot and overheating, there was melting metal coming down the bridge cabin.

Offline Validus

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Re: Out to Sea
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2007, 10:21:49 PM »
"Holy shit" said the pilot of the helicopter soon after the fire ball was launched into the air. The pilot then noticed something more interesting, "Mother of God!" The pilot saw the one missile streak just over the fishing ship, and the second one impact right onto the control deck. The boat below exploded into a ball of flame. Bodies were thrown overboard, some were still alive, others sunk beneath the waves.

The Co-pilot got out the load speaker, "This is a Valideen Naval Helicopter, you are under arrest. Any show of hostility towards this helicopter will be responded to in kind." The helicopter spun around exposing the port door gunner. "Surrender now, and face the fairness of the Valideen Justice System, or you can surrender to the G-C. You're Choice."

The boat was still moving forward at a remarkable speed for the damage which was inflicted on it. However the Helicopter had an easy time staying in pace.
