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Author Topic: Operation Rickover  (Read 6633 times)

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #60 on: January 28, 2007, 03:53:25 PM »
***An undisclosed Airfield in Validus***

"So Toms, what do you think this will be called off?" asked a man prepping his jump equipment.

"Dosn't look like that Mcgregor I just hope I make it out in one peace, eh" replyed Toms.

"Aye. Gues what I heard about the guys up north." asked Mcgregor.

"I duno what," replied toms.

"That the G-C is raising entire cities, killing all the civilians. I gues its just a rumour but who knows,"

Another soldier, a woman cut in, "I heard that they are using civilians as human sheilds," she paused for a second, "If you ask me its bullshit but you never know. What do you think Toms?"

"I try not to think, hurts me head, eh. Lets just get this Op done with,"

The large Hanger door opened, and a man was standing in the entrence. "OK LISTEN UP!" He yelled, "KIT UP AND REPORT TO YOUR AIRCRAFT!" Everyone finished up what they were doing, and all 300 soldiers in the hanger started putting on their Parachutes and leg rucks, "MOVE DAMN IT!" Yelled the man again.

"Looks like its go time," Said Toms.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #61 on: January 28, 2007, 05:57:13 PM »
Darayn just nodded.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #62 on: January 29, 2007, 06:23:13 PM »
***FOB Kilroy***

The Captian was sitting accross a table, in a small tent located near the center of FOB Kilroy. The MPs brought in the guest and set him down at the chair. "Take off his writst restraints." The MP replied and then took out a knife and cut off the zip ties. "Good, thank you Corporal. Dismissed." The Captian looked accross the table, "Name, rank, Service Number."

***Over G-C Territory***

A red light poped on beside the door, the jump master noticed and stood up, "STAND UP." he motioned them to stand up. Two platoons of soldiers stood up and grabbed the hooks for their chute release cords. "HOOK UP." The jumpmaster hooked up his Chute, as did every other soldier on the Plane. "SOUD OFF." The plane counted down as the troops checked the gear of the trooper infront of them. The light turned Yellow, "THIRTY SECONDS." Two Technitians opened the jump doors on either side of the aircraft. The light Turned Green. "GO! GO! GO!" Yelled the Jump Master has he started pushing his troopers out of the Air plane. Two solid streams of Parachutes were now visible out of each of the C-130 Aircraft.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #63 on: January 29, 2007, 07:18:28 PM »
"Cedric Darayn, Scout Officer, 14432. My leader wishes to speak to you." Darayn answered politely, now speaking to the person he was ordered to talk to.

Scout Officer is almost the same rank as Warrant Officer, although there are few little differences.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #64 on: January 29, 2007, 07:54:40 PM »
***FOB Kilroy***

"Now, I want some information from you first. Why are you in China?" The Captain Asked.

***Operation Peregrine Falcon***

Toms hit the ground hard, his ruck had hit a second before. His Chute Collapsed on the ground and he unhooked the shoulder straps. Soon after unhooking his parachute he unhooked the body line to his Ruck sack and then lifted up his Ruck and started running towards the treeline.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #65 on: January 29, 2007, 09:58:20 PM »
"Why we are in China? The only thing I know is that the Feniexian Government have started some kind of military operation to keep peace here. That´s all General Siria know. But maybe you should speak to her yourself."

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #66 on: January 29, 2007, 10:20:22 PM »
"Your General isnt here, you are." The Captain walked around the table not taking his eyes off the soldier sitting in the chair. "Ok, your telling me that you are a high ranking non-com in your nations military, and a scout to boot but you dont know anything?"


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #67 on: January 30, 2007, 03:30:59 PM »
"No. Scout officer. Scouts in our nations are trained to survive and we get our ranks by our skills.
We only got a short briefing what to do in case we get imprisoned, and my mission was to deliver a little Pocket PC to you. The only thing I know is that we are here to keep peace here as I said. We are to supposed to defeat some kind of terrorist organisation. The say they did...cruel things, so we are here to let them pay. At least, that´s what the Gallipolli-Chinese was telling our General." he said. Then, he added: "Sorry, but one of your soldiers has token this Pocket PC away..."

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2007, 04:57:00 PM »
The Captian pulled out the PDA, "You mean this?" He paused for a moment. "You do know the G-C Government raised a city, with the Civilian population still with in. Terrible things people do in war,"

***34km outside Taipei***

"Keep low, watch for sillouets on the horizon. We can expect a counter attack soon enough,"


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2007, 10:07:12 PM »
The Second Army had mad the march from the north of the peninsula, where they had been expecting a rising, to Taipei in almost record time.  The mad dash had taken its toll on morale, and now there were mutterings in the ranks that after a day and a night without sleep, they were expected to fight.

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2007, 10:54:07 PM »
A man entered the doorway of the makeshift Divisional HQ, "Sir, DZs Charles, Romeo, and Foxtrot are reporting fresh troops have just arrived. We are now numbering nearly 14,000, sir."

"Good, tho we can be easily cut to peices once they find out how thinely spread out are men are. What is the ETA on the Marine Landings?"

"Matter of days, sir."

"How many Thunderbolts do we have with these recent drops?"

"We have roughly 120 M8s, sir."

"Good, I want the armour to regroup here, here, and here," He pointed at a map on the table.

"Understood sir."


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #71 on: January 30, 2007, 11:25:39 PM »
Darayn took the PDA and pushed some buttons on it. "Here." he said and gave the PDA back to the Captain. "There´s a camera, and there´s the microphone."

Suddenly, a voice come out of the speakers of the PDA. "Connection established." it said.

Then, a picture of a pale-faced, withe-haired woman, which looks like 30, appeared on the PDA screen. "General Mayia Siria. I assume you are the responsible for the army operations in the G-C borderlands?" she said politely. Feniexians are always politely as much as possible.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #72 on: January 30, 2007, 11:35:57 PM »
"Nope, im just responcible for my Battalion. I can arrange for you to meet with General Casy, Division Commander. But first I need some answers. Why are your troops in the G-C? How many? What kind of armourments do they have? Vehicals? Help me and I will help you." The Captain patiently awaited the reply as he signaled for an MP to come over. He wispered, "Take him to holding,"


Offline Feniexia

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #73 on: January 30, 2007, 11:47:29 PM »
Darrayn let the guard take him with them peacefully. He only requested a book so he don´t get bored.

"You see" Siria said "If we say you too much you might harm us. But as our sign of good will and peacefully desires I try to answer your questions as clearly as possible."

She took a short break.

"Feniexia´s troops are in Gallipolli-China to keep peace. As you might know, the G-C government asked globally for help against some kind of terrorists. At highest order of the Emperor himself we moved with 90.000 soldiers, mainly recrutes, in three zeppelins, or air ships, as you might call them, in the G-C lands. Our troopers are mainly equipped for sieges and defense of cities or other...difficult terrain. We have only some transporter vehicles, only for myself there is some kind of tank. And now, please tell me your business in G-C borderlands." she said politely and with a clear, neutral voice. Either she is a very good actress or she is speaking the truth.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #74 on: January 31, 2007, 12:55:37 AM »
"We are at war." The Captain exhailed, "You do know that the G-C government raised an entire city right? With the Civies still inside? We are fighting for the people, and right now the Chinese want to be free from their governments oppressive rule. I hope I don't meet you on the battlefield, so OI sugest you leave the G-C,"
