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Author Topic: Operation Rickover  (Read 6634 times)

Offline Validus

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Operation Rickover
« on: January 13, 2007, 10:30:03 PM »
"Ok Gentlemen, its called Operation Rickover, named after the late General Rickover. Our task will be to occupy the Mainland G-C that is located right on our boarder, with the possibility of moving into their island territory located just off Validus. This operation has been given the full go ahead by the President and the war council due to the fact that we can not just close the boarder we need to create a buffer between our Territory and theirs.

"The units that will be partaking in Op Rickover are as follows - 2nd Infantry Division, 4th Armoured Regiment 'the Royal Beasts', 2nd Communications Squadron, 407 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, 305 Tactical Fighter Squadron, 31 Service Regiment, as well as S.E.A.T. (Special Encounter Assault Team). All these units are in ready, We go in 12 hours. Any questions?" General Sinh sat down.

"I have one sir," Major General Richard Dyke stood up. "Sir, what kind of resistance are we looking at from the Gallipoli-Chinese? I know the report states that the majority of their standing army is engaged with the Insergents, but I would like to know what my boys and girls will be facing on the front."

"Good question General Dyke, We know that their is just an infantry regiment in the area so that shouldnt be a problem. We expect the Majority of their military units to retreat once we cross the boarder."

**12 hours Later**

"Lets get ready to roll." said Sargent Henderson the upper third of his body exposed out of the hatch of the Leopard 2 Tank. Behind him was three more Leopards with 4 LAV-III, a Coyote RECCE vehical, a Leopard C2 With MEXAS Armour, behind that was six 5 Ton trucks full of combat ready soldiers, closing up the convoy is another 2 MEXAS Leopard C2s. The tracks and wheels began to roll and they crossed into Gallipoli-China.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 07:24:23 AM »
OOC: I'm calling your saying "there's just a regiment in the area" a GODMOD, and ignoring it.  For your information, there's a regiment and three battalions :P

IC: "What do you want to do about this Valideen invasion, Prime Minister?"

"Nothing.  Like as not they're helping us with our population, and if they want their soldiers to bleed for that, let them.  It's not like we can't demand the land back once we've crushed the rebellion."

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Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 02:51:27 PM »
OOC: it was just a Regiment in the area were we crossed the boarder, there could be 3 divisions but not in the invasion area.


Offline Myroria

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 04:27:10 PM »
The Theocratic Kingdom of Myroria condemns your attack on innocent, God-fearing civilians in Gallipoli-China. They have done nothing to harm you. If your nation wants land so bad, why attack a sovereign nation when there's empty land with only godless natives with spears on it surrounding you? Only spears. Probably.

Peté Tar-Ilium.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 02:41:58 AM »
Presidents Malcolms came on the screen, "My Fellow Citizens. At 4am this morning I ordered Imperial Valideen soldiers accross. I did this in order to Create a buffer zone between the civil war in Gallipoli-China and our land. I must be clear. Our husbands and wives, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers are over there to make sure the chaotic situation in our neighbouring Gallipoli-China does not spread. I hope our casualties are low in this operation. I hope for a swift exicution of this operation. And I tell you this, we will pull our troops out as soon as the situation in our neighbouring state is safe enough. Thank you and good night."


Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 09:40:38 PM »
The sun blazed above the horizon now. The tanks were advancing accross a feild towards a river. Their objective was to secure a bridge that connected both sides of the river. "This is VCT-072, oproching objective. Over,"

"Copy that VCT-072. Orders are to hold east-south-east, sector B3-A6-Niner Zulu Alpha. Infantry will capture West-north-west sector of bridge, provide cover, over out."

The tanks were now coming towards the bridge, forming a wall of steal. Behind them was nearly 25 LAV-III infantry Section Carriers, each one donned a 25mm Cannon.

They were sweeping through the feild like a tsunami in water.

OOC: Your move, do you want to defend the bridge by launching an ambush or do you want me to continue unscathed.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 06:02:24 AM »
OOC: you can continue if you like.  I want your troops to march into Macao at some point, preferably once my people have almost finished their business there.

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Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2007, 03:45:33 AM »
A man ran up and pressed his hand on another mans shoulder. They were on a dark street. IN total there was 8 men, all dressed in black uniforms with no national indetifaction. They were leapfrogging up the street, covering all the angles of attack.

They were in a G-C city known as Macao. The street was barren of life, abandoned cars rittled the sides and paper swept down the gutters. The street was flanked with 3-5 story tall buildings.

OOC: How big is Macao and how close is it to Validus?


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2007, 02:41:14 PM »
OOC: It's a medium-sized coastal city, that's pretty much directly west of Validus' northern border. 

IC: Searchlights clicked on and began panning the streets.  In the weeks since the beginning of the strike, the Local had taken over operations of the city, from providing food to municipal defense.  The government had learned not to try to pull a Corfu when their bombers had been shot out of the sky on their way to what they thought was a milk run.  But now that there were rumored to be troops to the south, a curfew had been imposed on all non-combatants, purely for their safety.  You never knew when the Special Forces would show up.

And now it appeared they had.  Feng signalled to his snipers, and ordered all the searchlights pointed at the Plaza.  Four figures in black appeared.  Scum.  They'll pay for what they did, and for once Viktor isn't here to stop me.  Him and the others are off spreading the revolution, so I've got these maggots all to myself.  He decided to toy with the fascist traitors.  "Identify yourselves.  Quickly."  He shouted through a megaphone, being sure to keep under cover.

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Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2007, 09:41:36 PM »
The soldiers took cover behind cars. aiming up towards the spotlights. Where figures were now seen. "Who the hell are you!" Yelled the commanding officer. He signaled down to a team near the back, who were still out of sight, they were to get to a roof and set up a machinegun position.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2007, 11:40:26 PM »
"I represent the Strike Coordinating Committee of Local 302," shouted Feng.  "We have taken this city from the Government, and we don't intend to give it back.  Now, before you're killed, who are you?"

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Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2007, 01:54:02 AM »
"We are official Represenatives of the Valideen Expeditionary Force, we are S.E.A.T." He glanced up at the roof top were the Machine Gun was Positioned in the shadows.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2007, 06:55:08 AM »
Valideens?  The last time they tried to invade was three hundred years ago.  "What is your purpose?"

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Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2007, 12:15:19 PM »
"Maybe we could meet in a location with out guns pointed in both directio-," He was cut off by a thundering roar off in the distance, The Sky lit up like day for a second. A large explosion had happened near the outskirts of the city. "Well Do you want to meet or not?" Yelled the S.E.A.T. Commander.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Operation Rickover
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2007, 04:36:59 PM »
"Yes," shouted Feng over the receding din.  "I'll meet with you."

ProP Spokesperson