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Author Topic: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War  (Read 20713 times)

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2007, 11:12:19 PM »

"BRIDGE SECURE!" yelled 2 section IC. Soon after this the Platoon Commander odered the sections in a defencive posture untill more troops arived. having 4 C9s and a C6 on each side of the bridge. Along with the a Carls G.


Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2007, 05:20:21 AM »
"All ships open fire!" ordered Admiral Trudeau. The ships rocked as cruise missiles opened up on the Dysaniian task force. He turned to Hudson. "Vice-Admiral, get down to the communications bridge and find out when the rest of the High Seas Fleet will be here." Hudson saluted and left. Admiral Trudeau looked on as flashes of light on the horizens announced the destruction of Dysaniian ships. The sea battle had been raging for over an hour with Dysaniians fighting Canadian and Delfian task forces closing on all sides. An ensign looked up quickly.

"Sir, enemy missiles on our trajectory!"

Admiral Trudeau nodded. "Anti-missile batteries, fire!" The anti-missile batteries opened up on the enemy missiles. But they didn't get all. One was able to get through and slammed just below the bridge. The front end of the bridge was ripped from the ship, while the explosion hit everything else. Vice- Admiral Hudson felt an earthquake and a loud boom when he was in the communications room. "Oh my god." He ran out to the deck and saw the bridge of the great battleship destroyed. "Admiral Trudeau. No." He looked around. Fire crews were trying to stop the fires, while medical teams were helping the wounded. He rushed back into the communications room. He picked up the headset. "This is Vice-Admiral Hudson, Admiral Trudeau is dead. I am in command of the fleet. Swing this fleet to the north and give the enemy a broadside." Agknowlagments were heard, then he switched over to the rest of the High Seas Fleet. "This is Vice-Admiral Hudson, where are you?"

"This is Rear-Admiral Calloway, we are within fighter range and will be in cruise missile range in five minutes."

"Alright, you are to meet up with the rest of the fleet and we will fully engage the Dysaniian fleet with everything we have." He hung up and went to the secondary bridge. This bridge wasfilled with replacements of those lost in the main bridge. "Follow the fleet, hit them with eerything, now."
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4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2007, 05:03:33 PM »
**Alpha Beach**

The first LAV-T of the First wave of the invasion was now 100 meters out. They were under fire from Machine Guns but the bullets of the 7.62mm and 5.56mm (ooc: assuming you are using weapons that use NATO rounds) were just bouncing off the hull like rain drops. As it came in closer, just 50 meters out and the tracks still hadn't gripped anything. The first LAV-T rocked violently to the side as a 105mm artillery shell landed in the water just 10 meters to its right. "Holy fuck," said a Marine who was almost thrown out of his seat.

A larger explosion was heard when a 155mm shell landed just two meters away from a AAAV, it caused that vehicle to capsize in 8 meters of water. The crew wouldn't survive.

They were ten meters out and finally the first landing vehicle got some traction, and it opened up with its stabilized 30mm gun. When it reached the sand and rocks of the beach, the back door opend but the vehicle didnt stop. as the ramp lowered the Marines inside ran out and then followed the vehicle as cover. All kinds of death were raining down from the surviving pill-boxes and nests. Many in the first wave became pinned down when their landing vehicles became immobilized due to mines and artillery, and even anti-tank rockets blasting down upon them.

The Second Wave Was Approaching.

**November Beach**

Something had happened. Be it the current, or bad intelligence, but the Beach they landed on only had a very few pillboxes, armed with small caliber machine guns. The LAV Commanders didn't see fit to disembark their infantry on the beach. The LAV-Ts and AAAVs layed down all kinds of death upon the defenders of November Beach. They pushed inland.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2007, 10:40:57 PM »
"RESISTANCE AT 11!" yelled on the boat, "We need close support on B Sector, infantry units and vehicles, over."
"NDS Vladimir task force, commence fire."

Several missiles flew blowing several vehicles including mechanized units. They had mounted surprisingly fast a missile coast defense, they were now firing at the first ships they met.
"TOW on our way! JUMP OUT!" *BOOM* The Fuzileiros where projected away of the boat that was now in flames.
"Fire your own stuff for your mother's sake or we'll have to swim to shore!"
"NDS Vladimir III, we have confirmation on targets, please we need support!"
"NDS Vladimir III copy, firing artillery artillery and missile, over."

Like a rain of firepower the coast was once more hit. It was obvious the big destruction from the earlier air attack.
"B Sector left flank landing! Engaging!"
"Right there, machine-gun."
"Fire fire fire!"
After five minutes of landings and constant fire.
"Stop firing you assholes, they're dead, move on!"

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2007, 09:52:35 PM »
**Alpha Beach**

The First wave was pinned down by Dysanii Soldiers who were in underground bunkers that were missed by the Busters. Many of the LAV-Ts and AAAVs were knocked out. The second wave of Marines were approaching the shore. In the second wave the Marines were brining ashore Tanks, Leopard 2A5s were being brought up in LCTs.


Offline Dysanii

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #50 on: November 27, 2007, 11:53:46 AM »
OOC: Is there not a ceasefire ATM?

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #51 on: November 27, 2007, 12:39:57 PM »
OOC: that took place just after the landings. Cause we started RPing this before that whole thing came up so lets just finish the first day of the invasion.


Offline Dysanii

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #52 on: November 27, 2007, 07:41:58 PM »
What? It has been like, weeks role play time. Either get quicker with your replies or call of the damn thing.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #53 on: November 27, 2007, 07:53:06 PM »
ooc: Get Quicker with my Replies?


Offline Cantr

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #54 on: November 27, 2007, 09:46:47 PM »
OOC: He means speed things up, post multiple steps of the operation at once.  Explain how this one operation is still on its first day while about a month and a half has gone by in the rest of the world.
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #55 on: November 28, 2007, 12:28:16 AM »
OOC: I dont have alot of time in my day to post long posts. . . I go to school and I work and I have friends. . . soo..

IC: *November Beach*

"Sir, beach clear!" yelled a Sergeant from atop a burned out Dysanii bunker.

"Ok, get me a radioman," up came running a signaler. "Beach secure, bring in the beasts. send it."

The Signaler pressed the PTT switch, "Papa Zero Fife  Ninner, this is November Xray Zulu Golf, message over."

"Fife Ninner, send over."

"Zulu Golf, Hockey Puck, over,"

"Fife Ninner, Hockey Puck, over."

"Zulu Golf, Hockey Puck Now, out."

"Sir, they are sending in the LCTs and the Landing ships."


**Alpha Beach**

"GO! GO! GO!" yelled a warrant right before he took off running towards teh break wall.

Dozens of Marines followed him. Some were cut down by rifle and machine gun fire, the rest made it.

With tanks on the beach they were coming closer to silencing opposition. Fighters were flying sorties further inland at artillery and known enemy armour positions.

As they moved up the beach more guns became quite, as more and more troops pured ashore.

They got word that November Beach had called in Hockey Puck. Hopefully they would be able to do the same before the hour was out.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #56 on: November 28, 2007, 03:17:45 AM »
ooc: they want to break the fun of it...

"Landing Operation Commander to Nutcracker, over..."
"Here Nutcracker, I'm listening."
"Operation is a success, all sectors have been captured."
"Good! Great Job, set defensive perimeter, the heavy landing has disembarked in the northeast, they will soon meet with you."

"Do they mean the tanks are coming?"
"How do i know? Do we even have any tanks here?"
"I don't think so, but we can land the rest of the vehicles."
"Yes do so, these aren't enough for the perimeter, I need all AA vehicles spread with individual teams, backed with operation units for land defense, and we need to mount the COM center there behind that hill, it's too risky here."

"Sir! Here's a civilian mayor asking to speak with you..."
"Send him in."
"Hello, I'm mayor of this area, I'm here to demand you to go away with yours troops."
"Nice try, We can't move from here, I'm sorry, please transmit every civilian under your area to remain calm and indoors, please respect what we're trying to do here."
"How can we respect?! You're invading our lives with guns and violence."
"It was your government who started the guns and violence, we're ending it."
"You...! I want your guns out!"
"We will go home and leave your alone whenever your government stops screwing things in Canada. Private, escort this gentleman out, give him one of those pamphlets."
"Will do sir."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2007, 09:21:36 AM »
The heavy landing fleet had some hard time to land on the northeastern part of Valhene. After the quick response from the Canadian High Seas fleet helping the Delfian and Valideen fleets to clean the northeastern part, the landing commenced after a short Fuzileiros mission.

"Move those vehicles out of here, I want all armored patrols to be in effect in five minutes!"
"Yes sir! But we can only see civilians southwards, shall we take defensive positions before or after that urban area?"
"Before, and after, just give me a solid defense on that part while the rest moves around the coast to destroy AA and AS systems."

***B sector***
"Gather the men of Beta Company for the afternoon's patrol."
"Another patrol?"
"Yes we need to check some areas in the east."
"What's the support?"
"Support? You'll be taking 1 APC and 1 Tungunska, isn't that more than enough?"
"Alright, I'll tell the men."

"We're moving east, there's some buildings they want us to check."
"Don't they have anyone else?"
"If they do, they rather us to do the job."
"Damn Dysanii, damn this hell hole. Anyone hurt?"
"No sir, it hit the truck on the plaza."
"They might have thought it was UAV truck. We'll be taking one with us, logistics officer."
"Alright, lets move then."


"Sir i see some vehicles down there..."
"Ah...I see them. Seems to be a couple of howitzers and a dragonfire...probably the cause of the trouble we're having. Pin them and send the coordinates."
"Roger, I also see some movement coming our way, a jeep and some infantry i guess."
"No problem, prepare the PzF3..."
*vruuummm the jeep cornered around a building and was surprised by a welcome committee. The rocket hit the front of the car and most of the occupants were projected out of the vehicle.*
"Jeep hit, infantry 9 o'clock."
*The incoming infantry were a bit more cautious.*
"Suppressing fire!"
"Move move move!"
*The squad quickly flanked the infantry. There was an abandoned house with the doors and windows nailed, moving through the garden the squad quickly positioned behind the enemy firing squad, waiting for everyone to be settled down with sights aiming to the other guys.*
"Wait, wait...prepare the grenades...now."
"Granada!" *yelled two or three guys in a row.*
*The grenades did most of the job, after some shots and machinegun help, the squad leader asked for a cease of fire.*
"Cease fire, cease fire dammit!"
"Sorry sir, we were on a mood."
"Don't waste ammo for your mother's sake! ALFA CLEAR!"
"medic...I'm hit!"
"Ah...Sergio, we need to evac you. You, ask for a jeep to take him to base."
*Suddenly some fire were heard less than a kilometer away.*
*The dragonfire had his way, they were in the open without any protection, hoping it wasn't the end of them, the squad leader started yelling about cover.*
"Find cover! Find cover!"
*boom, boom, BOOM, BOOM*
"Anyone hit?"
"One hit, but he's gone sir."
"We should move quickly, get those MILAN up on that rooftop, the rest follow my lead, and you two ask for the armored support to come."

Some troops tried to force in a locked vacation house. It was really locked, kicks weren't enough.
"We don't have all day, I found some stairs on the back of the house."
*After cornering to go up again some close fire made the front guy's blood splatter on the walls and his friend.*
"Shit!" *In an adrenaline moment he cornered his Xavy and fired everything he could, watching a dysanii falling and another dropping his rifle.*
"Damn...WE go on front, do not even let your guard down, seems this area is well crowded."
*after getting 3 men on the front with assault rifles they started to move slowly scanning the building and sweeping any corner, he took his silenced Viking out and tried to find any other...on the 3rd and last floor he spotted a guy very concerned with the back door, probably because even himself could hear the delfian on the other side, he approached and put a bullet on the head.*
"Gary?" *The delfian soldier freezed* "Gary?" *Some dysanii was calling for his lost friend, probably not knowing his condition* "Gary? Are you there?" *some footsteps* "I'm going to check on Gary, keep targeting those delfians on the other side of the road, i don't think those know we are here." *Silenced ambushers perhaps, some sniper and assault teams around the area...but would the others know they were being targeted? I need to move fast! Gary's friend moved towards the doorway and suddenly stopped, probably seeing Gary on the floor. He crossed the doorway with his rifle on the shoulder. -PAF- a shot through his torso, he had armor, -PAF- through his head. His rifle fell to the floor and the delfian solider cursed the gods for the noise the rifle did when hit the ground. Took his Xavy from the back and prepared for a quick close combat assault. When he reached the doorway he saw a small corridor with two doors, he ran to the one that had light, he saw a sniper laying down near the balcony.
*several other delfian soldiers erupted from the back door*
"You heard him, roll out of your position!"
*the sniper rolled away from the sniper rifle, had quite a few grenades and a 92FS pistol. A delfian soldier quickly disarmed him and another put PlastiCuffs on the snipers' wrists.*
"Report, we've found good resistance in the building, they probably have several buildings occupied with small forces, half a dozen soldiers including snipers, it seems your squads were being targeted by a sniper here, we have him as POW now."
"Oh thank you, we were really frustrated having casualties coming from nowhere. We'll be more cautious with buildings, I'll send your report to the command center. Have you set up those AT rockets?"
"Doing it right now sir, see you soon."
*After giving some time to the specialized AT units to set up their rockets on the rooftop he gave the order to shoot down the vehicles on sight. Thankfully, the dragonfire was first, then an howitzer but the other one was hidden.*
"Sir we don't have a visual on the last howitzer..."
"Let us take care of it. BETA and Alfa, move fast, we need to capture the vehicle ahead, check all windows and balconies from the buildings, we have reports of snipers and hidden enemy squads."
*There were no surprises, they captured a small surviving crew that was running away from their positions after the others being shoot down by rockets.*
"Set a defensive perimeter while we scan for more defenses."
"Sir I see some far away targets, we would be reaching them at night..."
"We better call off the day...lets just sweep all buildings in this hill for enemy squads"

Offline Cantr

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #58 on: November 28, 2007, 03:29:00 PM »
(OOC: If you can't post long posts, then post less about the battle.)
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Delfos

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Re: Operation Ironhide, Valideen Involvement in the Great Border War
« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2007, 06:01:38 PM »
During the night the soldiers were ordered to enter civilian areas, the results came first thing in the morning, people woke up and while going to work encountered pamphlets and stencils everywhere.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 06:56:01 PM by Delfos »