"Banshee 2-2, this is Banshee base"
"Go ahead Banshee base"
"Roger, status on deployment?"
"Banshee 2-2 in place. Surveillance up."
"Recon 6, this is Banshee Base. Banshee 2-2 in place. Paint the site."
"Recon 6 copies, site is painted..awaiting fast movers."
"Roger. Bandit 1-1-4, Banshee Base."
"Go Ahead."
"Target is Go for Launch."
"Copy. Bombing commencing."
Bandit 1-1-4 consists of 47 Tu-22 Backfire Bombers. Ordinance consists of mixture of Napalm, 5,000 lbs dumb bombs, and and 105 ARAM Smart missiles 15,000 pound ordinance.