Pri'mav Amelio sat in his chair amidst a law about to be passed. He didn't even know what it was about, but it was something about Speed Limits. The man who was proposing it then asserted out, "The point is we don't HAVE Speed Limits!"
Amelio was starting to get pissed off with this guy and yelled out, "Why do we need Speed Limits?"
"Because it makes us safer."
"Can you prove it?"
"Errm... What?" he said.
"Can you prove that it makes us safer?"
"What's the answer?"
"Then show me."
The man started to scramble papers on to a board but before he could get straightened up he waved his hands to the guards who took him away. The rest of the mav all looked at Amelio.
Mav Jaqui Delia looked at him in her robe and laughed, "You practically made him shit his pants."
The rest of the Mav laughed or chuckled as the guards came back into the room.
The Res'shev started to get up out of their seats but before they went anywhere far Pri'mav Amelio hit his hammer on his desk.
The 50 stopped and looked at him as he said, "I didn't dismiss the meeting yet, besides we have another piece of gum on our shoe."
The Mavs all got back to their seats and listened to what he had to say, all anticipating what to do next after the meeting. Some of them just wanted to get out of the minister robe and some just wanted a drink.
Pri'mav Amelio sighed and said, "Now that we're all settled down, This brings me to my next order of business, Blue April."
The rest of the Mav had heard about them on the news in Bustos, "What is the problem?"
"Well Blue April is an Ozian Terrorist group according to STIA."
"And?" said another Mav
"Also they killed Mei."
Mav Demetri Carpenov said, "Well, I don't really care about Mei, She wasn't the best STIA Director in our history anyway, I believe we should of just chose Dielpov."
Pri'mav Amelio looked at Mav Demetri who sat in the third seat on the left. A high Mav indeed in the Res'shev. He had the ability to sway people easily and he was the biggest threat to his position as Pri'mav.
"Let Blue April harass those Bustian Bastards. I really could care less about them as well."
Primav Amelio remarked, "You do know they're going to find out that they're base is in Ozia and will ask us to try and get rid of them?"
"We'll just refuse unless they pay us... A fee."
"A fee?"
"Yes, we're not going to let them into our nation and we're not going to get rid of them for free. We'll ask for a price so we can go ahead and get rid of them."
"Oh more than that I'm afraid."
"I like the idea Demetri but it is possible that they could form an alliance or coalition against us. Though I do know the logistics of keeping St Oz under stability you need tons of money. Money that Bustos, Myroria, or anyone else doesn't have. I just don't want to destroy what this Res'shev has worked hard for. Perhaps the most powerful nation, perhaps not.."
"Oh be truthful if we don't kill all the Bustians, the sharp winter will!"
"Perhaps, but Demetri I say we call a dismissal, let us all think about it over sleep. Dismissed."
The Pri'mav got up out of his chair and walked to his office.