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Author Topic: Fir Solidarity Movement  (Read 9852 times)

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2007, 11:22:54 PM »
He just broke in to laughter "a foreigner fighting for us, that would be a twist. Im not able to decide things like that, if you want that your going to have to Talk to some a little higher up"

He waved his hand. the doctor took out a needle and thrust it into the neck of the man putting him to sleep.

When he came to he was in a different room this one with a normal light and chairs the foreigner was tied to a chair. In front of him wearing an old military uniform was a tall man very well built. He smiled "hello I'm Jean Jak leader of this organization"
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2007, 08:37:10 PM »
OCC: What's up with the delay?

"Huh?..." I sat there in that chair still dazed. The pain of hunger and thirst erupted in my body, the light of the room further agitating me...

I struggled to reply "I'm...Finn...Bai..chen... journalist..for the...Loyalist Weekly..."

Weren't there people about to kill me? What did this guy want? Heaven...I'm alive.
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2007, 09:32:33 PM »
ooc:got  anew job, working about 10 hours a day drains a man
ic: Jean Jak smiled at him "a journalist... how... cute. So you smuggled yourself into this nation to try and get an inside look on the paranoid nation of Irnotia. But... oh no something went wrong... You got stuck in this lovely little mess makes you think what it must be like to live in Rataka right." The man laughs to himself

He stands up and walks to a small box in the corner he pulls out a small granola bar with NFIC written on the side he looks at it "seems nerdic has gone into processing food, interesting"

He turns and tosses the food in front of the tied up man and speaks in french to his menUntie him, if he does anything I can kill him with out much trouble

He walks towards him "So what is your new journalistic goals my little friend"
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #48 on: May 29, 2007, 01:31:21 PM »
occ: Yes it does.

The men took off my restrains, and they walked out the room. The door closed behind them. I massage the sores on my wrist. 

"I'm quitting the moment I get back," I replied. "But before that, I'm finishing this story."

I picked up the plastic package and read the label. Gra...no..lai bar? What the hell is a granolai bar??? I open it up, and it appear to be some clusters nuts and fruits on some sort of....? Well, It looks edible enough, so I took a bite of it. It was sweet and crunchy, the dough tearing away with a sticky consistence. I chew and forced it down my parch throat.   

The man instinctly gave me a glass of water from behind the desk. I took it and drain it.

"Thank you."

"Finish this story you say?"

"Yeah, still need to collect this month's pay check, no story no pay."

"Well, it'll be a long time before you get that pay,...or your pay for the other months." The man grinned at me.

He paced around the room, then casually took off his pistol and placed in on the desk. He walked to the a picture frame on the wall, and stood with his back to me.

"So, how's the weather at where you live?"

"Um...like here, maybe warmer..."

"Sounds good, it can get pretty harsh here in the winter." He continue to face his back to me.

"So, you have any children...girlfriend?"

"Umm, no I'm single..." What's with the small talk.

He continue to ask me questions about my personal matter, before turning around towards me.

"You didn't pick up the pistol..."

"What?" I look toward the desk beside me. The pistol he put down was a mere two feet from me.

"Why didn't you pick it up to kill me?"

"Kill you..? With..." I was confuse, this guy wanted me to shoot him?

"Well even if you did pick it up..." he walked toward the desk and pick up the gun. "...it was unloaded."

"Huh?!? What's going on?"

"That was test...to see if you were really an Irnotian agent. If you were, you wouldn't had hesitate to take a high ranking FSM member." The man re-holstered his pistol. 

"What? You still don't trust me?"

"No, and I shouldn't. But now, I'm willing to give you some leeway..." 

"How am I gonna get back?"

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2007, 10:13:36 PM »
Irnotian Legionaries of the Legions of the gods fired back at the gaulasian forces on the Colonial lands. They had landed the day before and been pushing hard towards the city that was captured in the Gaulasians sneak attack. The elite forces were supported by divisions from other Legionary forces. Soon they began to push against the more numerical but worse armed and trained forces.

Dux Marcus Arillious lead his Forces of the legion of Appolo against the left flank of the Gaulasian lines, his men keeping up hard fire. Soon the stress began to cause the lesser trained Gaulasian forces to snap and they began to pull suicidal attacks to try and break out. Arillious smiled holding a locket that had been given to him by the Immortal Imperium when he was given this position. He would go back to tell her of his victory here.

Soon his forces began the attack followed by the other Irnotian forces, The Gaulasians put up heavy fire taking many brave Irnotian men down with them, but soon the lines broke and the Gaulasian forces fell back. All was left was the last line of Defenses before the city of Paria would return to control of Irnotia.
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Offline Dysanii

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2007, 10:40:45 AM »
To: Irnotia
From: The Office of Defence

Dysanii has been watching the events that have transpired in Gaulasia closely.

The government believes Irnotian honor has been restored, and now recommends that Irnotia remove its forces from Gaulasia, with small land concessions made by Gaulasia on Irnotian removal.

The Office of Defence

Offline Varkour

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2007, 01:38:24 PM »
To: Irnotia

The People's Republic of Varkour has closely followed the conflict between your nation and Gaulasia.

We feel that the Gaulasian people have suffered enough and that you should leave Gaulasia as soon as possible.

President Maxime Michaud

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2007, 07:38:30 PM »
To:The Office of Defence
The Irnotian Empire has a long and defined history of how our honor can be restored in many ways. This is a case of purely Military honor, meaning the honor of the entire nation and our history is threatened. It will not be restored till the offending nation is no longer among the members of the world. This is a conflict between Gualasia and the people whom they viciously attacked with out any declaration of war.

But your views are noted, but will not be used

Thank you
Imperator Vibious
1556 AR

To President Maxime Michaud
War is nothing but suffering and they have caused this by the actions they took when they attacked with out cause or declaration our sovergn nation and killed our sons and daugters. For this only two options exist for their suffering to end, the unconditional surrender of their goverment or the return of all those killed in their vile attacks back to the world of the living. As I do not think they are able to do the later we see only one outcome of this conflict

~Imperator Vibious
1556 AR
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Offline Dysanii

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2007, 09:41:49 PM »
To: Irnotia
From: Office of Defence

Thank you for your swift reply. Unfortunately, Gaulasia signed Le français Alimente l'Alliance, and within this Article I states:
All nations shall aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels and their forces, as become good and faithful allies.

Therefore, this dictates that Dysanii must use its forces to remove Irnotian troops from Gaulasia. We do not condone Gaulasia's action, nor would we support any attack made by Gaulasia on other nations. However, in accordance with Le français Alimente l'Alliance, and to maintain a political balance in Taijitu, the Union of Dysanii will not let Gaulasia be annexed into the Irnotian Empire.

Failure to withdraw Irnotian forces from Gaulasia will result with an official declaration of war on Irnotia by Dysanii. In the event of a complete withdrawal from Gaulasia as requested, the nation will fall under Varkouri-Dysanii control as a protectorate. Also bear in mind that present Irnotian interests in the South of the continent would not be hindered.

We hope you will consider our request. It would be unfortunate for such a war to occur.

Office of Defence
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 09:44:29 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Phelimar

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2007, 12:13:27 AM »
In a dark ally in Paria a nervous young fir man stands holding an old hunting rifle. Suddenly a masked cloaked figure steps out of the darkness and says, “You are apart of the resistance’s are you not?”
The young man is shaking as he responds “yes?”
“Good” speaks the figure
Then more masked figure holding crates creep out of the shadow. “These are high quality weapons and supplies.”
The young man says, “Why are giving me this?”
The figure answers, “Because I can.”
All of the figures vanish into the darkness leaving the young man alone. Then the young man opens one of the crates and looks inside. Suddenly he drops his old hunting rifle then wide eyed he pulls out a new heavy machinegun quickly he puts the strap over his shoulder and runs back to his cell to gather up others to bring the other crates to be used.

All know what is right the thing to do but only Phelimar dose it. Victory is the only option.

Offline Union

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #55 on: June 01, 2007, 02:58:36 AM »
 In the cool summer afternoon of the capital, Fai was walking on Gi An Boulevard with a open folder in her hands. The picture of the missing journalist was paper clip to the side. It had been three and a half weeks since Finn Baicheng was reported missing in Fir, and absolute no news about him.

 Her colleagues in Defense Intelligence had given up the unlucky man for dead, kill by locals or Irnotians most likely. However, Fai was still certain that the man was alive...a cash cow of intelligence waiting to be open. It was even good news that the man hadn't been found...the longer he was in, the more information he would have.

Fai knew this, and she intend on finding this journalist, one way or another. This was the break she needed...for a promotion. But she would need to get all the credit...

She reach her apartment on the left side of Gi An, and ride the elevator up the fifth floor. Her neighbor greets her as she walks out from the lift, but she ignores him. Once she was in her apartment, she threw the folder on her dinner table and fixed a cup of tea.

In her bedroom, all the data and information she collected on the Fir conflict for the last two weeks were thumbnail to the wall. Her room looked like a 3D collage of text, maps, and pictures. Upon finishing her tea, she went on to once again, analyzing the details of her research.     

One a whiteboard, she wrote down "Item Number One: Finding Finn".
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2007, 09:04:55 PM »
ooc: I don't like people taking control of my characters, I know that most don't care but that's a real pet peeve of mine. I was raised on Table top and i play this in a smiler fashion

ic: "You see I don't trust your kind, your both a foreigner and a Journalist. You see Journalists are just people who do what ever they can to gain a story, lie give away secrets what ever it takes to get the story. IF you want to get some trust you got to do alot more then say we should trust you."

He walked forward and looked into his eyes "Are you really willing to become a terrorist in the eyes of the world?"
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2007, 11:57:03 PM »
"Terrorist? The word doesn't exist in my country." I reply. It was true, Chinese Loyalists couldn't see the fuss about a couple of criminals and rebels. Why put the dirty name of "terrorist" on them?.   

"You also have to understand Mr.Jak, a Loyalist journalist is different." For some reason, I felt a "bit braver" after the granolai bar digested. I hoped my bull statement didn't offend this Jean Jak.

He look at me and laughed. "All journalist are the same..." He took a cigar out from a box, and lighted it.

"So is that a yes...or no, Mr. Baicheng?"


"Good, I'm sure that you'll be...."useful"...when the time comes."

His statement didn't sound reassuring...my ordeal was far from over.
"How am I gonna get back?"

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2007, 12:02:56 AM »
Irnotian Naval Forces with the support of the I-S Fleet trained shoot for shoot with the Gaulasian ships. Irnotias small Sub fleet moved around the side releasing a volley of torpedoes into the side of a Carrier, as the vast ship went down they dived back down to dodge the Gaulasian Subs.

An Irnotian Cruiser erupted in flames as Air power decimated its defenses. The fight was a constant parade of destruction for all sides but the lower quality Gaulasian ships were clearly on the loosing end of the battle.


The Small detachment of Irnotian Forces in Gaulasia moved onto the Capital of the Nation. The kingdom had sent their entire forces save some reservists to fight in the colony against the main Irnotian counter attack. With such weak defenses it did not take long for the Irnotias to turn the invasion to a mad rush for the capital. In front of them was their final destination.

Artillery opened fire into the city and the Infantry advanced, the capital of Gualasia was about to fall...

ooc: not my best but eh
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Offline Union

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2007, 12:15:08 AM »
OCC: You just wipe out Gaulesia with a snap.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."