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Author Topic: Fir Solidarity Movement  (Read 9849 times)

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2007, 02:52:05 AM »
OCC: Assuming he spoke to me in English

"Hey look, no need to point that at me...I'm just a journalist!" I was gonna piss my pants any second. They weren't Irnotian, but they didn't seem friendly either. "I work for the Loyalist Weekly,...I'm here on a job...shit please don't shoot me!"
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2007, 03:05:06 AM »
The man looked and grabbed the reporter by the neck and tossed him into the building hard "What the fuck are you talking about, Ive never heard of that paper in my life"

He looked around saw the gun and looked at the "reporter" his companion came in and saw the same thing and lifted his gun getting ready to fire, Andre spoke up "what the fuck! your armed, dont seem like no fucking reporter to me, you better have a good reason or your going to get pumped full of lead right now right here"
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2007, 03:09:54 AM »

I didn't piss my pants, but I was crying like a muthafucker. These guys were gonna kill me...
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2007, 03:16:24 AM »

One bullet passed from the barrel of the gun... It slammed into the ground half an inch from the head of the reporter, Andre just looked at him, spit on the man and then grabbed him pulling him to his feet. "I still don't trust you but im not going to kill you... just yet."

He tossed him to his partner then speaking in french *"Raul, take him we are going to the cell headquarters"

as the journalist passed him "and you alien, if you make any noise to attract attention of anyone, Ill drop you with out a fucking thought. Remember that"

With that they began to drag the man down the ally, heading slowly towards their cell headquarters.
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2007, 03:27:33 AM »
At that moment I passed out...this is too much for me to take. When I get back, I'm gonna quit this job and become a farmer....if I get back.

As they dragged my limp body across the concrete pavement, my girl pop into my head again....what was her name?...........F.....Fai.
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2007, 04:01:52 AM »
Raul tied the man up, Andre sat across from him, four men in masks holding weapons stood around the corner. Tools were brought in, different wires, car batteries and many other fun toys. Another cart was brought in, this one covered in surgical tools, a packet of pigs blood was splatted on it, to look like human blood. In the dim light of the room you couldn't tell the difference, it was part of their psychological torture.

After preparations were made Andre nodded to his companions. Raul walked up tossed watter in the mans face and slapped him a few times to wake him up, with one dim light above. Andre looked at him with a smile "Good morning alien"
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 04:05:17 AM by fir_solidarity_Movement »
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2007, 01:05:45 PM »
"Huh...where am I?" It was dark, figures moved, rattling of metal, it felt stuffy. My eyes slowly focused. The image came to mind....

"Oh fuck..." I saw men in mask...and blood. It was spatter all over a tray of tools. There was a battery and some wires too,....oh fuck.

The last time I saw someone get torture like this was in the Saletsian movie "Gray Shine". On film it looked painful...now I was gonna get the chance to experience. This was not what I sign up for...

"Guys...I'm not here to cause any trouble..."
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2007, 02:32:33 PM »
Andre looked at the man "really, why should we trust ya. Your just some foreigner who come claiming to be part of some paper none of us have ever heard. That and with the cells being hit by Estatas we need to be sure, so we are going to make sure you are what you say"

With that he pointed to the tools, as he smiled a man in a blood stained apron and a white mask. "And this man here was once a member of National Police Force, and was transfered to the heinous crime unit 13 years ago when it was formed. He was a member of the HCU's interrogation unit. And if you didn't know... In Irnotia, and most definitely the HCU, their is no limit to the amount of hell they will put you in to get what they want out of you. My friend has put men through over 2000 hours of hell and takes pride that none of them have ever died under his care, but all have begged for it to happen"

The man in the Mask began to look at the tools that were available to him to use. Andre smiled and looked at the man tied up “so, now tell us who you are, why your here, and why we shouldn't let our doctor work on his skills with ya”
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2007, 01:23:43 PM »
This was not good...

"Look, my wallet is in my right pocket," I motion my head. "My passport, I.D card, and Media Visa is all in there." 

"My name is Finn Baicheng, I was born in Anyia District, town of Fal Lun.....I graduated Fal Lun Secondary when I was 17. I'm 26 now, I live in a small apartment on Loyalist Avenue...I'M NOT A SPY...please you gotta believe me!"   
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2007, 05:11:06 PM »
Andre looked at the man "then why didnt you leave when they forced out the media that had snuck in here during the colonial building phase when security was lax enough to get in?"

ooc:your guy didnt come in by customs, if ya did Irnotia has your blood DNA fingerprints and many other things, we dont like foreign media at all. so you probly came in when their wasnt much security in the chaos of the conquest
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2007, 12:36:03 AM »
OCC: The media visa was issue by my government, not Irnotia.

"I file myself as a tourist,...I didn't want the hassle of media restriction." I was starting to sweat heavily. "By the time I found out, it was too late...plus I saw something I shouldn't have..."

My captives gave me puzzled glances.

"The protest at Fleur Avenue and Gari'ci Street, where they shot those people...I have a picture, its in my camera." I had hidden my camera in a desk drawer back at the workshop. "I'm on the run from the Irnotians,...I don't know who you guys are...but I'm not here for trouble."

"...I just want to get out...." 
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2007, 02:04:02 AM »
ooc: if you came in by normal customs you still got to turn in allot of info about yourself like blood-type, fingerprints,dna and physical description to be filed with the NPF

ic: they looked at him "Irnotia does that to all protesters its normal policy, they call them anarchists trying to destroy the honor of the empire and many things to make them vile with editing of video and such."

He looked at him looking into his eyes "I may yet let you live. So what do you think you will do if we let you live them my little prisoner"

ooc: he stopped calling you alian
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Union

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2007, 01:25:20 PM »
OCC: Even if they had all this information, would they be able to pinpoint his position?

« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 02:18:56 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2007, 01:34:56 PM »
"...What you need me for?" I asked. "I'm just a journalist....a writer. I can write about what you're doing here,...but you guys don't seem that interested in media coverage..." 

I was at a dead road, here was the chance to live, but I had no idea what I had to offer these guys. I had no political connection to anyone...I was just a middle-income bachelor.

I look at the man. It seems these guys are the separatists that I heard about from the locals. Talk about Spartans... He couldn't care less about the agenda of these guys, the Irnotians were amateurs when it came to controlling their population. They ignore the first principle,...the people must be one. To favour one class or group and cast away the rest, such practices only build tension and promote dis-unification.

"I can fight for you," I said. The answer came out of no where. Perhaps the patriot's blood in me...but this sure hell isn't my country. Too late now...they heard me. 

"I was in militia training at home for one year. I know you guys have trust issues with outsiders...but I'm trap here all the same, I got nowhere to go."   
"How am I gonna get back?"

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2007, 10:26:00 PM »
Irnotian forces began to move towards the capital of the nation, the few reservist forces putting up little pressure. Soon nero would have his revenge and his victory.

To make a point of what this war would do, he ordered four missiles to hit pure civilian targets in the city. Schools hospitals and shopping areas. The goal to maximize civilian casualties.
PSR has left the region

The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

Sept 21 Third Season is a go