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Author Topic: Fir Solidarity Movement  (Read 9851 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2007, 03:18:01 AM »
The Irnotian Grand navy, Every thing the Empire had to give was going, The entire Fleet of their greatest battleships, air carriers and subs. But this was also a diversion, one fleet had not followed the general order, The army fresh from victory in a forign land, who were near invading a nation they had once saved. They would land on Gaulasia, their orders were simple. Kill Everything.

The Irnotian solders did not see the people of Gaulasia as humans any more, they were trained to hate with their souls anyone who stroke against Irnotia, but this time... it was true. Some of these men were veterans of the last Spartic war, their the first strike was by Irnotia, gorilla warfare by the Phelimarian forces. No this was different. Their comrades in the navy had been slain, with no warning no formal declaration of war. So in return they would strike back in like.

They would not just kill troops, they will not just take lands they were to make this nation beg for surrender. Nero had given an order to his men, and it was not a figure of speech, by the end of this war he would be presented the King Of Gaulasia's entire families head on silver platers. They would all be executed for crimes against the Empire.

Soon over the crest came the view of Gaulasia, and with it the full force of Irnotian rage. The missile cruisers let fly a large complement of missiles at the defending craft, air ship took flight to decimate, but a special gift was sent. A None Nuke Intercontinental Missile was launched, it carried nothing but standard high explosives, it was aimed at the largest hospital in the capital city of Gaulasia. Irnotia was holding its hand, if gaulasia tried to do any strikes against the mother land, they would not spare any form of weapon against them. This was not a simple war, this was a war of honor. For now the solders just wanted blood, how many would keep their minds about them was unknown but the Dux of the fleet cared not, He would push towards the capital and wait for reenforcement from the main forces.

In the south the main fleet crested launching all fighters and strike bombers to hit the gaulasian fleet that was defending the Gaulasian beach head. After half the forces landed here, the rest would go north to Gaulasia to join the I-S forces.


FSM troops moved slowly about the city the second largest in the colony after Paria witch had been liberated by the Gaulasians. Their goal was simple, they would kill the leaders of the Gaulasian police in the city. The leader raised his hand, silence went over the force, then as he lowered it Assault rifles and RPG's ripped into the building, FSM forces shoot at the men sleeping in the building killing all in side, as soon as the attack started it ended. 52 Irnotians were dead.

Across the colony More FSM forces attacked Irnotian forces to weaken the moral and bring about an end to this war in their favor.
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The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

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Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2007, 03:52:46 AM »
The guns were set up on the shore. They were ready for firing. There were 10 guns set up on 4 different beachheads, which were prime for enemy bombardment. Artillery Captain Henry Jiki looked our over the sea spotting battleships. Raising his binoculars he inspected them more. Unable to tell who's side they were on, Captain Jiki turned to his spotter. "Who's ships are those." The young recruit quickly stood up from where he was slouching on the ground, and ran to a large telescope, patting his comrades, telling them that they might see some action soon.

Captain Jiki spoke again, "What colors are they flying?" The spotter adjusted the telescope squinting hard. "They are flying no colors."

Captain Jiki cursed. He could not risk shooting Irnotian, Feniexan, or Inglo-Scotian ships. The larger, more powerful countries would surely see this as an act of war, and invade Algerianbania. That couldn't happen. The young nation would die.

Think hard, Captain Jiki grabbed his radio. "Are there any LCF ships moored in,or patrolling the southern coast? Over." he barked. After a moment, there was no reply. The captain yelled again,"Repeat, are there any LCF ships moored in,or patrolling the southern coast? Over." Again there was no reply. The captain became upset and yelled for a third time, "Repeat, are there any LCF ships moored in,or patrolling the freaking southern coast? Over!"

ooc: are there any LCF ships moored in, or patrolling the freaking southern coast? I kinda need to know if you hadn't guessed.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Varkour

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2007, 04:44:50 PM »

Today was the 9th of May, also known as Independence Day in Varkour. The streets were packed with people of all ages and yellow and black balloons caused mayhem in the big cities.

Maxime Michaud and her husband were drinking tea in her office in the capital, Vusun. She was a busy woman, so she had been looking forward to this break all day.

Like always they were interupted by a knock at the door.
"Entrer" She said.
Her husband put down his cup and stood up.
"Stay darling, It will only take a minute or so." Maxime said. She thought it would be her secretary looking for things to do.

A woman in a bright yellow suit walked in with a stunned look on her face.
"President, Inglo-Scotia has not stopped it's advance into Gaulasia." She said.

"Get President Édouard Côté on the phone now. Gaulasia is a member of Le français Alimente l'Alliance, we will not watch and do nothing." Maxime said as she jumped up from her seat.

"I shall contact Dysanii immediately President." The woman replied. She turned and hurried out of the door.

"Sorry darling. I have to go." Maxime said to her husband. She picked up her bag and quickly left the room.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2007, 05:10:57 PM »
Ooc:those ships are going to be gaulasian, keeping supplies from getting to the small under construction military base. All LCF ships are on the west coast of the colony or the East coast of Gaulasia proper

Irnotian forces landed on the Main Colonial land, aided by A small amount of I-S ships. Soon the vast Forces of Irnotia came to bear, the Many cohort of the Legionaries, their forces moving forward. Gaulasian troops fired back with force many legionaries lost their life, but many Gaulasians did as well. Their orders were simple move as fast as possible, but they would take prisoners, at least for now. Tanks landed put up support fire, and so did the air force. Legionary heavy forces set up batteries and used their anti-armor rounds when needed. This was a war Irnotia could enjoy, a traditional fight.

At least for now


In the north on the main land of Gaulasia Irnotian forces landed. Soon they faced the enemy. These Irnotian forces who had crushed a rebellion and saved the government in a nation, who then spurred Irnotia showing its treason's side. They spread out their forces tanks moving the center colony, Legionary snipers took shoot at those who looked to be officers.

What they Faced were just Gaulasian Reservists, not even full military. The Gaulasians were out numberd out armed and out trained. Soon the fight stopped and it just became a slaughter.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2007, 07:35:41 PM »
Crofts looked over the battlefield reports from Gaulasia. He was pleased. The Gaulasian frontier provinces had been overrun in less then three days, and with the capture of Blois they were securely under Inglo-Scotian control. He would have preferred to push forward, but this was Irnotia's war in the end. They should be the ones to grab the big prize. He was content on taking Gaulasia's two frontier provinces.

"Field Marshal" Crofts said, looking at Field Marshal Theriot sitting on the other end of the desk.
"Have the Rolland Combat Units set up provisional military governments in the conquered provinces under the direction of the Rolland Provincial Parliament.
I also want the Rolland Fleet to protect the sea lanes between Gaulasia and Irnotia"
"Yes sir" Admiral Thomas Paine responded.
"I want the Gaulasian situation under control. We need the military ready to launch for America. Is the army and Western Fleet ready to set sail?"
"Yes sir" both officers responded.

Offline Gaulasia

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2007, 09:00:06 PM »
2:00 pm

Lutetia was in shock. The Hôpital royal was destroyed, laying in ruins as a result of an Irontian missile.

King Louis XX looked at the still pictures of the wreckage.

"We need to push the Inglo-Scotians back into Rolland" Jean de Brosse, his premier general, pleaded.

Louis looked closely at the pictures of Irnotian barbarity, and the field reports coming in from Gealia.
"No" he went on, "we need to resist the Irnotian attack on our new province. Move the entire military to our territory in Gealie."
"Sir" de Brosse pleaded, but was cut off.
"Jean, we need to make the Irnotians pay for what they have done. We can always deal with Crofts and his thugs latter. Now set sail for Gealie."
4:50 pm

Pierre Tiberi, gunner on the battleship L'Océan, fired his guns into the air at low-flying Irnotian Raptors. This was not like the initial attack, this wasn't a walk-over, this was war.
Suddenly a loud explosion rocked Tiberi.
Looking to his right he saw the Gaulasian aircraft carrier Montagne start to sink, flames still shooting out of a huge gap in the right hull, a result of an Irnotian air-to-surface missile.

Then his spirits were raised, he saw the lilly-white banner of the Gaulasian naval ensign. Then more, and more flags appeared. The sounds of Gaulasian guns fired on the Irnotian fleet, still bogged down in combat with the original Gaulasian invasion fleet.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 09:34:31 PM by Gaulasia »

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2007, 11:18:05 PM »
"The only LCF ships are on the Western coast. Over." Captain Jiki looked up smiling, glancing over at his men. He talked into the radio, "Shall commence firing on enemy ships ETA 1 and a half minutes. Over and out." Switching channels, the Captain yelled in to the device,"Boys! Ya wanna hit some fucking boats? Fire on all ships moored or patrolling the southern coast. Hit them with anything you got, shells, shoes, or even your cock if you brave enough. Let's shoot these rebels all the way to m-f-ing Kingdom Come, but make it a bumpy ride for them! Over and out!" He could hear men scrambling to their posts, some yelling with delight, others groaning sleepily. Then, a few miles down shore, the captain could hear guns firing. Then the station that he was at fired. Then the other did. The firing continued for about 20 minutes. During that time, Captain Jiki drank some whiskey, and shared some with whoever hit a target.

The men where have fun. They seemed to be liking it. The captain raised his binoculars to see the damage, expecting success. But the sight he saw was not one of success. Far from it. What he saw only stunned him. Deeply. The captain lowered the binoculars and softly uttered two words,"Oh shit." In front of him, was the Gaulasian fleet.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2007, 01:26:41 AM »
It was night by the time I got back to my hideout. It was some broken down workshop
with a shitload of broken bike parts. It was abandon, like the rest of the block, people who fled the city. It was like a ghost town.

I slump my bruise body against the wall, sweat dripping off my neck. My shirt was stained with dry blood. I had a assault rifle in my hand... it felt extremely heavy.

If you haven't guess, I had kill somebody, my first....and second, third, and fourth. I had to...there was no choice. No doubt, the Irnotians are banging on every door in the city looking for me. This was not what I ask for when I apply for the job.

It all happen like this...one of the soldier caught me peeking out from the alley. He ran towards me, screaming some bulshit. I ran to the back of the alley, and try to hide in the garbage. It was then when I found a sharp ended piece of steel, the ones they put in reinforced concrete. I picked it up, my only weapon....which I realize was a stupid since the guy had a gun. He was about to make the corner, when my instinct told me to drop to the ground. I acted dead, my face buried into the foul smelling dirt and my makeshift spear hidden under me. I couldn't see anything, but I felt him step towards me...until his boot pressed against my waist.

I roll on my belly, and shoved the spear hard forward, hitting the man in the stomach. Blood leaked out, I look up to his face, a grimace of pain. The steel had punture right through his gut...I open my mouth in shock. I heard foot steps, his friends coming to the dead man's aid. I grabbed the gun, I heard shouting. They came around....I fired. The recoil was incredible, the butt of the rifle pushing me backwards. I saw two men drop dead before me...I killed three people in those two minutes. The fourth I killed as I was running away, while the remaining soldiers chase me down the street. I manage to lose them by jumping inside a dumpster. Two thoughts were running through my head...............thank heaven the gun was cocked...and thank heaven for Drillmaster Gei for forcing me to run 200 meters in 28 seconds.   

I fell asleep immediately, I wasn't this exhausted since my days of milita training. For some reason that night , I had a dream about my high school crush. What was her name?....   
"How am I gonna get back?"

Offline Phelimar

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2007, 02:23:32 AM »
“Captain Acilles are you ready to go sir...are you all right sir?”
“Yes I'm fine lieutenant now get the men on board the speed boats!”
 “Sir yes sir!”
 he looked down thinking to himself How should I feel in my forty years as a Immortal and I never thought I would have to fight a full armada even if it's Irnotian supporting scum. I've sunk ships before but not like this.
“All right we have a mission Immortals we must stop thous ships from sending supples. Now remember each boat hast to get in and set up those water mines in there way and get out no drawing attention to your selves. They don't know were hear so keep it that way! Do you understand!”
“Sir yes sir!”
Then it beginsFor Phelimar and freedom!

ooc:please don't comment till ranholn does on this post
All know what is right the thing to do but only Phelimar dose it. Victory is the only option.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2007, 06:11:14 PM »
Irnotian Transport ships bringing supplies to The forces moving against The Gaulasian Inflationary force sailed peacefully. It was caring food and armaments to restock their forces for the fighting that had happened. It also carried with it letters and care packages from family members of both Government Organization members and Military personnel. The first leg was with only Irnotian forces then it would meet up with allied naval craft and move towards the final goal.

As they sailed something happened, Sonar picked up objects floating up from deep watter fast, then the first explosion as mines that had been sunk made contact with the first craft. Explosions ripped into the ships one after another. Soon the mines were cleared but many lives had been lost to this cowardly attack, and ships crippled, Half the fleet pealed off the return to Irnotian waters, goods were moved around to maximize the space they had left. Soon the remaining craft left towards the Forces defending Irnotian lives against the vile Gaulasian invaders.

Small craft launched gathered up what they could of the mines to investigate who had planted them
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and the russian revolution

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2007, 06:54:48 PM »
Jean Jak sat in his hidden headquarters looking at the reports of the war and attacks. It seemed Gaulsia wasn't holding up well, if his movement was to survive he needed to spread to other nations to get funding. His wealth from his days as a charioteer was gone, the funds frozen and taken by the Irnotian government, his money was now being used by the very people trying to kill him. Lovely.


Two men moved down the allies of the street, they were looking for some pissed off teens or something using spray paint and such, anyone showing hate for the Irnotians to recruit, they needed as much secrecy as possible. Estatas had infiltrated already two cells and taken them down, who knew if any others were. betrayers to their own damn people.

What was worse was with the media black out, not even the Internet really let you out, government controls stopped all Ip addresses that originated out side of the nation. It was hard to get anything out, they could just move in and around the nation to the north. That was all really, they needed an outlet.

ooc: Fir still don't really like other nationalities, and if ya want to meet them ask in the ooc first, please and thankya.
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2007, 10:16:41 PM »
I woke up, the blaze of the sun rays in my eyes. I check my watch, it was 10:32 am. I struggle up, my body aching as I raised up. The assault rifle was at my feet. The events of yesterday came flooding back.

I went to wash my face and blood-stained shirt in a metal barrel of rain water. Some of it leak into my mouth, there was a strong metallic taste to it. I spitted it out.

For breakfast I had a can of peas, food that was traded for my Saletstyle jacket, from a local grocer. I opened the can with a screwdriver I found on the table, and chugged it down.

Just as I finished, I heard foot steps coming up the street...Irnotians? I grabbed the rifle, and prone near the door entrance. Whoever it was, if they wanted trouble, I had no restraint on filling them with lead.   
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2007, 01:13:57 AM »
The two men moved, they had heard a noise behind a door, they spoke to each other in French, The first was about to open up when his companion stopped him "you idiot, you may get shot, I was in the fucking Legion of Apollo, the greatest force in Irnotia, who are sadly on their way here, you never open a door"

He stood next to it, taking out his gun he slammed it opening the door but not stepping in front of it and yelled "Who are you, I know their arnt Irnotian forces in their, who are you speak or die scum bag"
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2007, 02:19:48 AM »
The door slammed open. I heard shouting in French. All I heard was "Irnotian" and "die". Whoever he was, he was speaking way too fast for my french skill to handle. Neverthless, I was trap, they knew I was here. Throw a grenade in here, and I was dead.

I putted down my rifle, Irnotian or locals, I was cornered. "Don't shoot", I said in sketchy french. I walked in front of the door with my hands behind my head. Two rough looking men were staring at me.

"Vous est parlez un anglais*@#*#...do you guys speak Inglish?"   
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 02:24:51 AM by Finn Baicheng »
"How am I gonna get back?"

Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2007, 02:44:01 AM »
The one who opened the door looked at him, no trust in his eyes aimed his gun at the clearly foreign mans head "Some fucking alien bastard, (alien as in from somewhere else not gray people) he is probably Estatas, some fucking trap. kill him and lets keep going"

The other man turned his head and pushed the gun away "nah, lets question him first, if we dont like it then we kill him"

He looked at the stranger placing the barrel of his gun on the mans gut "Im Andre, member of the FSM former legionary of the Apollo, who the hell are you, if i don't like your answer your ill make sure I don't hear another from you again."
"Irnotia is a nation That claims it treats all the citezens in its nation with Equality, and yet of the three tribes only the tribe of Irn has real power. Both the Imperator the Senatus and the Imperium firmly in its command. I see no equality in this. No I see something else, and I will fight to change this.

As long as their is no free Fir State seperated from Irnotia their will be no peace for them or their allies."
                      -Jean Jak