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Author Topic: Fir Solidarity Movement  (Read 9848 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Fir Solidarity Movement
« on: May 06, 2007, 10:32:51 PM »
The land that had been taken by Irnotian forces in the Noreastan Continent (the one housing I-S) has been declared stable enough for colonization of all people bearing Irnotian Citizenship. Soon shiploads of Emigrants left from the Empire to go to this first new colony in many years, Military craft guarded in case of Phelimarian or other forces tried any form of offensive strike on these heavy civilian ship.

Soon the first cities were being constructed and the colony was being born. While Citezens of all the great Tribes came to it, almost the entire colony was of the Firian (the french of Irnotia) Tribe, it seemed few Irn or Gir were attracted to the new colony. The new colonial capital was dubbed Paria.

This colony grew rapidly as more Fir moved, it grew in fact to quickly for the supplies and funds that were being given by the Irnotian government or private Investment. The colony and its people were in need of some aid, and someone kind nation to give support.

Protests began as food supplies were lessened by order of the Senatus and signed by the Imperator. They had decided that the emigration was becoming a drain on the economy, and that it looked bad for such a vast exodus of one ethnic group from their nation to leave. The Protests would be dealt with in the way that was best in Irnotia... force. Police force began to break up organized protests, and Erstata forces infiltrated and captured leaders of Firian Nationalists movements.

So far the Firians had no great leader to rally around, but that would change perhaps.

Ooc: the nation that will help is already decided so don't jump in, this thread has a plan for it, send a pm if you want to do anything besides have your nation complain about Irnotia crushing free speech or something like that.
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Offline Gaulasia

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 03:47:32 AM »
Admiral Nicolas de Neufville lead the pride of the Gaulasian navy into port of Paria, the capital of the Irnotian province of Gealia.
Irnotia's navy had let him in, he wasn't there to conquer, just to provide help. At least that's what the Gaulasian King Louis XX had told the Irnotian Imperator.
For the most part it was true though. De Neufville wasn't there to conquer the colony, at least not yet. Still, if the Irnotians knew what he was planing they wouldn't have let his ships pass.

As the ships finished docking he quietly ordered the blue and gold clad Gaulasian soldiers to start unloading the medical and food supplies. The Gaulasians enjoyed the mission. The Fir were their ethnic brothers. Their shared language and culture gave the good-will mission a sense of higher meaning.

As the last of the creates left the Gaulasian ships de Neufville made his way to the docks.

"Fir of the Irnotian Empire! You have a homeland free of the Imperial yoke. Throw it off, declare your freedom, and your ethnic brothers in Gaulasia will support you. Of that you can be sure.
Long live the Kingdom of Gaulasia, long live the Fir homeland of Gealia!"

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 04:01:03 AM »
To: Whoever it May Concern of the Irnotian Government
From: The Secretary of State of the Holy Empire of Algerianbania, Chaseeta Esach

We have just received word that that the Gaulasians are attempting to, with the help of the Fir, to succeed the colony of Gealia from Irnotian control. The Holy Empire of Algerianbania would like to lend a hand to pat out these fires of rebellion. Our supplies and military are yours, if you so deem it necessary.

-Secretary of State of the Holy Empire of Algerianbania, Chaseeta Esach
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2007, 04:49:33 AM »
Jean Jak heard the words of the foreigner, he always knew that Irnotia was not true equality of all citizens like it claimed. The people of the Irn Tribe rules everything, the fucking nation was IRNotia damn it. He walked off... he had to think

Irnotian government officials panicked as foreign papers reported the words of the foreigner, another government already knew about it. A black out was ordered, all foreign media would be removed from the Colony, no ships from Gualasia would be allowed into port. This was the first potential revolution in over 1000 years, they had to end this now.

Estatas moved into the area, they were a small force not meant for such large scale missions. They worked to infiltrate any Fir Solidarity group and eliminate possible leaders, if the revolutionaries could never find someone to Unite Around, they will crumble and the Three Tribes Remain United. For this reason dozens were assassinated in unique ways. One womans car ran off the road, another's dog attacked with rabies it someone acquired, many other such accidents happened. Each time one fell less stood, it seemed they may succeed.

PMSS agents moved in open force, any Fir's found to be gathering weapons or other items were arrested and declared enemies of the state. PAO advisors starting running watches and scans of all organizations that formed at home or in the colony to see what may happen. TFO watched ever bit of currency that moved into the colonies, they needed to stop any possible bank rollers.

At home DOU forces watched and crushed any protests that formed before any possible media leaks, IAA released an order that all Emigration by Fir was banned and locked down all possible movements.

IIGS began to run as much gathering as it could on Gaulasia to learn what they could and how to take the nation down as fast as possible if they became a threat or needed elimination.

MRA and its sub organization kept a tight cap on all Media outlets, no one would report on any Fir Dissidents, they would keep this as isolated as possible, any media found to be leaking out from the black out was dwelt with with surgical strikes.

Attention also went to Phelimar for possible... no for when they will move to take advantage of this.

The Military and Police were in arms determining who would take charge, to Nero's anounce it was decided that the Police Forces would handle this till outside nations got more involved.

And the letter to Algerianbania

From Chief Advisor Tita
We welcome your aid in this, we would like your aid in the division of PR and watching our naval borders to insure that outside ships do not aid in supplying terrorist Persons in the area. We will handle all operations on the main land. We thank you for your Support in this.
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Offline Phelimar

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2007, 04:52:05 AM »
-the follow is distributed by agents operating in Irnotia-

King Leonides glorious leader of the great nation of Phelimar Announces to all people urning for freedom from the vile Irnotian government. All Emigrants from the Irnotian Empire shall be welcome with full citizenship to our nation, and will be granted funds to start their life and homes to live in. We welcome those who call for freedom.
All know what is right the thing to do but only Phelimar dose it. Victory is the only option.

Offline Gaulasia

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2007, 11:01:28 PM »
Bertrand Chirac had launched his Mirage 2K fighter from the deck of the Montagne, the Gaulasian Navy's prized aircraft carrier. Almost as soon as he had gotten use to the calm scene of blue skies and white clouds when the colony of Gealia appeared. He immediately spotted one of the four small ships the Irnotians had patrolling the colony.
His job, and the job of his fellow pilots would be to barrage the Irnotian ships from the air before the rest of the Gulasian navy showed itself to finish the Imperial colonial fleet off.

Suddenly he pulled up, sending his fighter into a dive, heading toward the Irnotian ship. Before pulling up he launched an AtS missile and let out a spurt of bullets.
He quickly glanced over his left shoulder. He saw a decent sized explosion and turned to make an other pass.
How many Irnotian sailors had he just killed? There was no denying he had just robbed families of sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. It was enevitable for anyone going to war to think these thoughts, the sensible solider shut them out of his mind. They would do the same to you if they had the chance. War was all about denying them that chance.

He passed over the damaged Irnotian ship again, showering it with bullets before pulling off.

Pilots, return to your assigned ships, the aerial barrage has ended.

"That was quick" Bertrand thought to himself. His eyes didn't lie, however. The four Irnotian ships had been severely damaged, one was still on fire.
Seaman Pierre Tiberi, gunner on the battleship L'Océan, was waiting eagerly for the Irnotian fleet to come into view.
Slowly the battered ships of the Imperial colonial fleet came into view.
"Feu!" blasted over the PA system. Pierre let go, firing his guns into the crippled Irnotian fleet.

Looking out he could see the streaks of torpedoes heading toward the Irnotian ships.
Within moments it was all over. The small Imperial fleet had been destroyed. The subs surfaced to collect Irnotian sailors who had survived from the waves of the ocean.
Large transport ships launched their smaller aquatic landing vessels filled with the blue-grey clad soldiers of the Kingdom of Gaulasia.
Admiral Nicolas de Neufville sat back in the office of the former Imperial governor. He and his family had been taken to one one of the makeshift prison camps set up in the outskirts of Paria. He watched out the window as the flag of the Irnotian Empire was lowered in favour of the blue and gold Gaulasian triple Trinity irons.
True, they only occupied Paria, but that was more or less just as good as occupying the entire colony, there wasn't much else on the island. 

To: Government of the Irnotian Empire
From: Admiral Nicolas de Neufville, provisional governor of the Gaulasian province of Gealia

The Kingdom of Gaulasia does not want war. We simply want what belongs to us, land inhabited by out ethnic brothers. Rightfully Gealia is Gaulasian land, not Imperial territory.
We wish to return to a state of peace. Surrender all claim to sovereignty over the Fir people and the province of Gealia and remove all Imperial forces from this hemisphere, including the dismantlement of the LCF military base in the Commonwealth of Inglo-Scotia.
May peace again be at hand.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2007, 11:36:49 PM »
To: Chief Adviser Tita
From: The Secretary of State of the Holy Empire of Algerianbania, Chaseeta Esach

Our country is without a navy or air force, yet we shall bring anti-naval artillery (once it is built) to the region, via commercial airlines.

ooc: Does PR mean public relations?
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2007, 01:02:49 AM »
The Imperator looked at the reports of the attacks, this was barbarism, pure and simple, nothing else to describe it. A Unsolicited attack with no formal declaration of war. This would not be taken well. Then they dared to counter with this damned peace proposal He grit his teeth “Their will be no peace till the head of Gaulasia is on a silver plate. That nation shall crumble for doing what they did. They have awaken a giant, a really really pissed off giant.

No response would be given, but a report to the nations of his allies in the LCF but he would insure that the first strike was by Irnotian forces. The Military had been humiliated by this, the capital of the land was taken, the fleet was destroyed with out so much as a shoot fired. This would not end well for Gaulasia, it will end with their nation in shambles or Irnotia will end.

To members of the LCF Irnotian ships of the coast of our New Colonial gains was attacked with out a declaration of war by the vile Kingdom of Gaulasia. We do not request military action to be taken against them yet, we wish to do as much of this war with our own men. We do request aid in the form of Naval craft as our own navy is not as strong as we would hope.

These violations against the Nation of Irnotia and by proxy the treaty that we are all part of will not go unpunished. Peace will not come till Legionaries enter the capital of Gaulasia as conquering armies.

Irnotian military craft began to gather the entire fleet of submarines was formed, most of Irnotia's vast military was going to mobilize against. This new enemy would pay for their crimes. Irnotia was on a war of revenge and Conquest.

Jean Jak stood in front of a room of Fir who had come to hear him speak, men huddled in the corner of all sorts, some armed all afraid of Irnotian forces finding them. They were in a city outside of the lands taken by the Gaulasian attacks.

Jean spoke with confidence “Today our Ethnic brothers have stroke against Irnotia a nation that claimed all citizens were equal under it. This was a Lie. We are less then those of the Irn Tribe, and for no reason. The Tribes have been united for millenniums. Today we form the Fir Solidarity Movement, we will fight back against the Vile Irnotians and Bring an end to their rule! We shall join our brothers in this war! We are The Warriors of Fir! LET US BURN IRNOTIA TO THE GROUND!”

ooc: PR=Public Relations
 the land that is in question
green is the colony, Red surrounded by pink is the city of Paria, the pink is the land taken by Gaulasia's surprise attack, Orange Versuvia, blue Colgoni, the Dark Red is A military base under construction being converted to LCF use.
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Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2007, 01:28:14 AM »
Artillery Captain Henry Jiki overlooked the operation as the artillery was loaded onto the aircraft. "40 anti-naval artillery guns, 160 men, transported by 12 planes," he dictated to his assistant. He was writing a letter stating the cargo that was to be transported. The letter was to be delivered to whoever was in charge of the Irnotian defenses at Gealia. The CO there would give him his orders, and move the guns to the coastline, where they would be positioned as to stem the flow of Gaulasian naval support. "The man in charge of this force shall be Artillery Captain Henry Jiki. All orders shall be given directly to him and shall not got through any channels, or be given to any other man, woman or child." He finished dictating, and signed the letter. He looked at the airfield again. Two men were slouched against a jeep, drink beer and laughing. Captain Jiki wondered, "These men have never seen real war. They're to young to have witnessed the Reformation. Even putting out a small rebellion might go to their heads." He sighed and climbed down the stair of his temporary office, barking orders.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 03:38:09 AM by Algerianbania »
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Finn Baicheng

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2007, 04:00:00 AM »
O fuck...

Fifty yards ahead was a Irnotian road block, with a least a dozen guards. They were checking for ID too.
I quickly jumped into the alley on my right side, panicking on how I was gonna get through. I peek out my head, and caught a glance of a young male being restrain, forcefully, by two guards. Whatever happens to that kid, I sure as hell wasn't going to join him.

As I watch the boy get pull into a army jeep, my mind began to relapse on the screw up situation I was in...

It all started when my boss, Jackson Jin, assigned me to do a cover story on the Fir immigration. It was suppose to be a piece on the deterrent effects of a corrupted and mismanaged state, namely that of the Irnotian. It was all a scheme to get more funding from the government. I knew Jackson didn't give a rat shit about these people, and I doubt the general Loyalist public care either. Fucking Jackson...I wish I can kill that son-of-a-bitch right now.

It was two weeks of initial touring, rubbing elbows with the locals and interviewing strangers off the streets. It was quite relaxing...until fighting broke out. Now, I'm stuck in a foreign country with a civil/ethnic war going on, with no papers nor valid ID.

Thanks to a stupid monkey-retarded driver, I missed the deadline for the foreign media kick-out. To add on top of that, I witnessed a group of protestors completely strafe down by machine gun fire from Irnotian troops. It wasn't a pretty sight...arms and legs rip apart by heavy caliber bullets...

The worst part...one of the Irnotians saw me...now you have to understand, I was in my new Saletstyle sweatshirt jacket and my Revon Lite film camera was hanging off my neck. I had "foreign journalist" painted all over me. There was no chance in hell that they were gonna let me go after what I saw.

So now I'm on the run...heaven knows how the fuck was I gonna get out of this mess. I kept my cover well enough so far,... lucky for me I was three quarters Caucasian (It's a Loyalist thing...). I blend in well enough with the locals (well...almost), but without a valid ID, I was sure to be caught sooner or later. I hope it's later...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2007, 04:05:22 AM by Finn Baicheng »
"How am I gonna get back?"

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2007, 04:16:32 AM »
Irnotian forces kept doing sweeps in the lands they still held, at the Military base the forces their prepared for attacks. A massive Military transport consisting of most of Irnotia's naval force and a large selection of legionaries was on the way to bring true war against The invading force. For now the small colonial defense and police forces would have to handle all they could. It seems despite Estatas best efforts someone had united the Fir who were disloyal and brought a force to bear. IAA forces in Irnotia had found a stream of smugglers taking Fir Ethnics out of the nation all were on their way to Phelimar.

This needed to end.. no matter what the loss was. The Irnotian empire will not lose this land. One thing was on the minds of all Irnotian forces... For the Imperium, For the Imperator, and most of all For the Emperor.

Two Fir's dressed in blue jackets and ski masks ran down the street from a police station. Soon an Explosion ripped down the street of the city as the explosives ripped out of it. They stopped and caught their breath... The c4 that the stranger had given them worked, they didn't know who the guy was. He just called him self An Immortal working for the glory of freedom and that was all. They didn't Care, the guy wasn't Estatas fucking with them. If they were going to get anywhere they needed to get Irnotia to sign peace before the Full force of the Legions arrived, and they would do that no matter what it cost.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2007, 06:12:27 AM »
Private Gordon Vance charged ahead, firing his I-S Galil at retreating blue-grey clad Gaulasian soldiers. He came to the ruins of a bombed out farm house and ducked behind a twisted wall of concrete and brick. Overhead he saw a squadron of 12 Commonwealth Air Force Tornado GR4s zip past him to bomb the retreating enemy lines.

It had only been four hours since Crofts ordered the invasion of Gaulasia, and already they were pushing deep into Gaulasia's frontier with Inglo-Scotia's Rolland province.
Glancing over to his right he saw ten Challenger 2 tanks blast apart what was left of Gaulasia's western defencive unit. Some Gaulasian soldiers surrendered rather then retreat, they were taken back to territory that was secure by the army division Major-General soldiers.
The Major-Generals in the army wore the same black uniforms that the regular soldiers wore, only they had the distinctive Major-General white piping around the shoulders. They were mostly there to deal with POWs and provide the infantry with a little more man power.

Gordon leaped from his temporary hiding sport and surged on. He was happy he didn't have to deal with trenches. The civil war fought between the crown and Parliament had been a trench war, and he'd heard enough stories and seen enough documentaries to know he didn't want any part of that.
Instead the Commonwealth military hit the Gaulasians hard and unexpected, much like the Gaulasians had hit Irnotia, Inglo-Scotia's military ally. By pushing them back so far in such a short time they had avoided the need to dig trenches. No doubt they would dig in and put up a fight the closer they got to Lutetia, the capital, but at the moment the Gaulasians were struggling to put together any kind of counter-attack.

Offline Dysanii

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2007, 05:01:49 PM »
The Dysanii government has imposed a one-hundred mile exclusion zone around the Noveau Metz Islands against Irnotian vessels. The zone is patrolled by a Vanguard Class ballistic submarine.

This measure is a direct response to the ruthless conduct of the Irnotian authorities against the Fir people.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2007, 05:25:40 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Union

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2007, 08:59:53 PM »
The door of the Defense Secretary office flies open. A thin woman in uniform walks in and approaches the desk. The man at the desk looks up towards the intruder.

"Dam it Fai, knock before you come in!"

"Sir, I think you should see this." She drops a folder onto the desk.

"What the hell is this?" Ein Cao opens up the folder, revealing a picture of a white male with an hint of Asian descent.

"The man's name is Finn Baicheng, our records tell us he left for Firr two months ago...hasn't been back since. He's a journalist for the Loyalist Weekly. Apparently, he missed the media kick-out deadline."

"And what does Intelligence suggest I do? There's already enough international tension going around, are we suppose to rescue him? Heaven, this isn't some special force shit is it?"

"Sir, if we can reach this man, he can become quite a intelligence asset to us. He can be our main informer for the situation inside Firr. With our current situation, this can be our trump card against the LCF."

"You're talking about exploiting this situation, for the sake of starting a war?"

"For the sake of fighting "the" war, once it starts, sir. You have to realize by now that this internal strife in Irnotia is ripe for action. If we make our move now, we can gain a huge advantage over the LCF."

Cao frowns. "Look, the Chancellor hasn't said anything yet on our stance to this internal conflict. No doubt, until the UASS decides to make a move, we're doing nothing to aggravate the situation. I understand that a separatist Firr will be a nice ally for the UASS, but to offer any sort of support to these Firr's will only stir the hornet's nest."

"Is that what you want me to tell Intelligence?"

"Yes,..unless they find out about a huge armada heading towards our shores, I want them to keep it to themselves, understand?" 

"Understand, sir."

"Good, now leave me be, I have paperwork to do."
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Gaulasia

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Re: Fir Solidarity Movement
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2007, 10:51:20 PM »
3:07 pm
Jaques Davout peaked over the trench dug around Blois, the fronter provinces' largest city. Finally, the Gaulasians had been able to retreat faster then the Inglo-Scotians had been able to advance. The remnants of the Le Groupe de Combat de frontière had gathered at the city of Blois to try and bog the invading Commonwealth Army down.

An explosion rocked the cement barracks as a Challenger 2 tank bearing a red "V" appeared. More tanks followed increasing the barrage.
Gaulasian artillery banged back in response, hitting a few tanks in the front panel, where the armour was the weakest.
More tanks replaced them though, and streaking Tornado fighters overhead blasted the artillery cannons. The remaining Tornados didn't even bother with the Blois defenders, they flew over the city to bomb the refugee lines.

Jaques looked over the trench wall again, and fired as he saw approaching black-clad soldiers. At first he noticed his comrades were holding their ground. The Commonwealth soldiers couldn't get past the first round of trenches and barracks.
6:40 pm
Jaques Davout and Pierre Chirac were pinned down in Blois' downtown district by an Inglo-Scotian tank and about ten soldiers.
"Maybe they were right" Pierre wondered allowed as the two soldiers hid out in the lobby of a hotel.
"Retreat to the capital with the rest of the mobilized forces."
"Maybe, but that was an hour ago" Jaques responded.
"That was when such a retreat was possible. Now were pinned down and almost surrounded. We don't have a chance of getting out of here."

"Maybe just hand ourselves over" Pierre quipped.
"Do you have shit for brains?" Jaques asked.
"These Commonwealth types, you've heard the stories. And that's what they do to their own people. What do you think they'll do to enemy soldiers?"
"So I take it you want to go out fighting?"
"Not necessarily, but I don't see any other choice."
"On trois then?" Pierre asked.
"Un...deux...trois" Jaques counted down quietly.

The two men rolled out toward the door to the lobby and out into the street, running to their doom, determined to take as many Inglo-Scotians with them as they could.