he just scratched his head, this girl was really weird nothing he had ever seen before "answer your last thing first.. cause its fun and it can also express love you have for someone, also feels really good."
he kinda smiled, then kept going "now to answer the first thing. Well we keep it down two ways, first if you need sex, even if you cant get any by your own merits just hop on down to the local brothel and have your self a go. And if you try to rape someone, we take it rather serious, most are either killed or sent out of our nation to one of our prisons. hell find evidence of vaginal tearing and DNA and pop your gone no question."
He laughed a bit realized it probably wasn't the best time... and stopped.
"and now to your first part, to me denying someone the most basic human emotion and instinct sounds... kinda barbaric.. I mean an abortian or orphanage can deal with the pregnancy and such."
He rocked his head to the side a bit "your a weird girl you know, kinda cool I guess, but weird"