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Author Topic: Councilman Binh Paesh  (Read 1484 times)

Offline Khem

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Councilman Binh Paesh
« on: September 05, 2007, 07:24:09 AM »
 Binh Paesh grew up in the lap of luxury his father was an oldschool drug lord gone Councilman. this meant that he had more money than they could spend.... however the riches were normal in Carcossa, Binh was what was not. unlike many of the other children he would far rather spend his time disecting mice than playing at bloodsport. he went to a prestigious school for future corporate overlords. he was being groomed to overtake his fathers dynasty once he was of the proper age. of course Binh never realy was interested in drugs. he was top of his class and seemed to exceed at social sciences and the more bioloicaly oriented sciences. after graduation he used his immense skills in sociology and memetics to start his own advertising company. by age 25 he was amongst the top 50 richest people in the world. he owned roughly 10% of all the buisnesses in Uichi ryu and decided to found the World Transhumanist Alliance - Enlightenment Center aka Mount Carcossa. the cost was immense but five years after building it he had full access to the largest scientific institute in the world. now enough about his past lets get a look at Councilman Binh Paesh today....


 his office:

 his secretary:

 Binh sits at his desk reviewing statistics on popular brands of shoelaces when his secratary walks in. she hands over a large report on how chocolate cereals were winning out the market in the DSA and another stating that the boyband "the Noise Boiz" were skyrocketing in popularity after signing on with the Councilman. it seemed that the old boy band formula realy was out, just make them all the badboy with good intentions and the teenage girls ate it up with fervor. she looked him in the eyes.

 "we have a mister Hanso on the line." she said her face blank of expression.

 "tell him i'm busy. he just wants to discuss something to do with the Center anyhow. i already told him i'll update him when its more convenient to do so. his obsession with those damned pills is driving me to drink." said  Binh...

« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 05:37:19 AM by Neil! »

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Councilman Binh Paesh
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2007, 06:09:22 AM »
...his secratary looks at him with concern.

"sir you don't normally complain about your work."

"i know Kimi which should show you just how much this is stressing me out." he said with a sigh.

"you know sir, you've been under alot of stress and part of my job is to make sure you are as stress free as possible."

"i know Kimi i wrote up your contract myself. but i also told you i wouldn't force anything."

"no i just want to help you sir."

with that his secratary began kissing Binh with a passion. Binh responded to her advance and began undressing her....

this is where i should tell you a few more fun facts about Councilman Bihn Paesh.

1. he does not like peanut butter.

2. every week he visits a lounge called the "smoking room" to play highstakes poker.

3. his daughter now runs his fathers buisness. she is only 17.

4. he has his own personal army, this is used for security and industrial sabatoge, also for starting wars if the price is right.

.... Binh is now zipping his pants back up and his secratary is fixing her makeup in a mirror. i think i'll step out for a drink. the rest can wait for tomorrow. he thinks and puts on his coat.

"i'll be out, have a goodnight and be sure to finish those reports for the morning."

"yes sir."

Binh took the elevator down to the recreational floor level of the supertower. he then walked down to a place where everyone knew his name.

 he sat in the "smoking room" billiards room with a Tequila Sunrise in one hand and a pool cue in the other. the man he was playing against was an Inglo-Scotian corporate lawyer. the man may have had a great poker face but he missed more than half the shots he went for. Binh who had been playing since he could hold the cue properly of course showed him up easily. no money was exchanged but the night was going pleasently....

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai:

Offline Khem

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Re: Councilman Binh Paesh
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2007, 07:23:03 AM »
...Binh and James the Inglo-Scotian, headed over to the public baths. they entered the adult baths and soaked in the tub for a while when....

sorry guys to keep on interupting like this. okay so heres a few more fun facts.

1. Binh is in direct opposition to Councilman Djiin Fasha.

2. this is due to Binh highly disliking the gangs and other such criminals, where as his opponent supports them with money and agendas.

3. his favorite flower is a blue calla lilly.

....Binh is toweling off in his own private changing room when he gets a call on his cellphone.

*orchestra music*
"hello......oh why hello Jeann.......what do you mean attacked?.......well you better get my boys moving down there IMMEDIATELY! i want full retaliation, i don't pay these soldiers for nothing Jeann.....make it happen."

they want to play rough, i'll show them rough. those punk kids won't know what hit them..........

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Khem

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Re: Councilman Binh Paesh
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2007, 09:30:27 AM »
Binh arrived at a seen that resembled a warzone. the fires were still burning and there were grey-clad soldiers everywhere all with a lime colored armband. Binh walked up to the one soldier who had removed his helmet.

 "Jeann who attacked."

 "Well Councilman it seems to be a random street gang, however intelligence has informed us that they are associated with Councilman Fasha. it is my belief that they are working for him. you know how he likes..."

 "yes of course i know because it is my job to know. alright so what are our losses."

 "estimated at over one million. fortunately the punks weren't intelligent enough to torch the storage tanks so our product is safe."

 "alright i want those tanks moved to the EC immediately. well his help may have been incompitent but the intent is clear. i want full mobilization. you will move in on his contraceptive factory in the northside. i want complete failure. oh and bring me the head of his secretary."

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Councilman Binh Paesh
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2007, 09:44:51 PM »
Janus Petroshka walked up to the councilman and held a microphone to him.  "Sir, Janus Petroshka, Arvengovian Broadcasting Corporation.   Can you tell us what happened here in this deadly blast, what were the casualties, and what will be done to stop these attacks?"

OOC: hope you dont mind PUR? /OOC :panda:
United States of Arvengovi - Citizenship obtained 8 Aug. 2007!
Ambassador to The Exodus (14 Aug. 2007 - 14 Oct. 2007)

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Re: Councilman Binh Paesh
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2007, 08:58:37 AM »
OOC: as long as you remove that OOC post with that retarded panda in it.

"all that can be concluded currently is that we need more information. an investigation has been launched. it was fortunate that the building was not operating with any stafff at the time. the only casualty was one of the guards. he died a proper death and served his purpose in life. no one could ask for a finer death out of the arena."

at this point the para-military forces of Councilman Binh Paesh stepped in to block any further questions. Binh went back to the scene and made sure everything went according to protocal himself. at least the samples survived, if they hadn't Hanso would be pissed

after the scene was secured and the media cleared Binh haeded to his home in the EC to try and get some sleep before he had to continue with this petty game.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai: