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Author Topic: Back Again....Different Side  (Read 5183 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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Back Again....Different Side
« on: February 05, 2008, 09:49:20 PM »
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    Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie looked over the map of his operations. The Acadians had thrown almost everything at the Dysaniians. They were using numbers to overwhelm the DYSFOR and Aemillian forces. Well, we are here to bring the war back into our favor. He looked over his maps. His units were prepared to advance. An equally powerful corps stood in the way of the I Guards Rangers Corps. But we are better trained and experienced. Currie looked at his watch. In five minutes, the I Rangers Corps Artillery should be opening up on the Acadian positions. The Canadians were once the stalwart allies of PI, but now the Empress' liberal non-imperialist reforms have now made the Canadians a force to be reckoned with...even by old allies. The I Guards Rangers Corps was one of three corps that made up the First Army. The other corps were attacking from the center and south, while the I Rangers was going for the north. Currie looked at his watch again. Any minute now.

    Lieutenant Erik Thurgenson was looking over his guns. They were largest field pieces in the Canadian arsenal. The M107 self-propelled guns were older guns, but they could hit targets thirty kilometers away making them a still powerful artillery piece. His four self-propelled guns were the C Battery of the 1st Artillery Regiment of the 17th Breakthrough Artillery Brigade. He looked at his watch. The time is now. He smiled. He walked up to his first gun. The men saluted him and he looked at them. "It's time. Prepare the guns and fire on my mark." The crews nodded. Erik liked his battery crews and their guns. A single M107 self-propelled gun took thirteen men to fire, operate, and manuver it. The crew rushed to load the guns. They turned them in the direction of the Acadian forces. Erik looked at his men. "Fire!" The guns opened up. Fire belched from the tubes like some sort of mechanical dragon. After the crews fired their first salvo, they loaded their guns again and fired again. Erik was impressed. Before the first salvo landed, the second was fired. Booms from other artillery pieces were heard all along the front. The war had begun for the Canadians. Erik kept the guns firing.
    « Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 07:01:31 PM by Greater Canadian Empire »
    Article II: The Legislative

    4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

    "YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 11:33:13 PM »
    The booms of the artillery and the advancing tanks of the Acadian Army was heard all along the front. The Third Acadian Army was fighting on the eastern front against the Aemillians and the DYSFOR. Daniel Finch was a sergeant waiting for his orders. His commanding officer, Lieutenant Green picked up his weapon. "Alright men, the Aemillians are falling back, and the DYSFOR are farther north fighting our Valhene and Feniexian allies. But word has reached us that the Canadians have sided with our enemies and are currently trying to break through into our territory. But we must continue to push forward. If they think they will beat us, then they are fools. Forward for Acadia and the King!" Daniel got up and charged the Aemillians. He fired and advanced, hiding behind trees and large rocks. The Aemillians were outnumbered and began to break. Daniel shook his head though. He was a supporter of an independent Acadia, but not at the price of their freedom. This Kingdom was a fake. If the Acadians wanted independence, they would truely fight for it.

    Sam von Hessian heard the bombardments from miles away. He was a Canadian that had grown to love Acadia. His wife was out working while he stayed home to look after the farm. He looked at his leg. After the Second South Continental War and the bullet that now gave him a noticable limp, he had stayed in Acadia to just enjoy the simple life. The son of a former Lord Protector of Canada was now a farm boy and married to a Dysaniian. Now the newspaper reported the start of another war....a Third South Continental War. The Acadians had put themselves into the PI camp fully aware that the Canadians may not like that. Now the Acadian Kingdom was fighting on two fronts. He was a Canadian lieutenant once, he knew his people's capabilities. This war will be different. The long-feared world war had started. He got out of his chair, picked up his cane and walked outside. Only twenty-six years old, and I need a cane. A blue Ford pulled up into the driveway and saw a beautiful brunette get out. "Maggie, need help?" She smiled. His wife was only two years younger then him, but she had a wisdom far older then even her husband. She nodded. Sam walked down to the driveway and helped her with the groceries. He looked in and saw lamb. "Well, we are eating like royalty tonight."

    Offline Osamafune

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 01:39:17 AM »
    Collosea's and Varkour's zones in southern Dysanii were already pacified when the call was made to transfer security to the Aemallians to free up AC troops for the main front against the imperialist pigs of Feniexia and Acadia. Troops were already enroute to the front.

    "Ephedros Ypodekaneas Seleucus, the Acadians have made a push due west of your current position, move your forces there, where you'll be joined by the 333rd and 205th Brigades. Over." said the division commander.

    "Roger that, moving in, over." answered Seleucus.

    Offline Dysanii

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #3 on: February 06, 2008, 05:55:59 PM »
    The 4,000 men of 4 Brigade were desperately defending against the Acadian onslaught. The first and currently only substantial force on border defense, they were making a fighting retreat in  the face of superior numbers.

    Heading some thirty miles South they were to meet up with Aemilian and DYSFOR forces. The I Corps - a total of 55,000 Aemilian and Moacian personnel - would work in conjunction with the AC forces and break the advance. 
    « Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 06:00:30 PM by Dysanii »

    Offline Templarios

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 07:01:31 PM »

    "Just in, the 4th (Juno) Mechanised Division, plus their support, and a squadron of Tornado's have been sent to support the Colloseians and Varkour military forces. The 4th Division comprises of 3 brigades of 5500 men each along with another 800 men form the 3rd Support Division. There are also 6 LAI NH90 helicopters."

    "Our prayers are with our soldiers and their families."
    In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #5 on: February 09, 2008, 03:06:20 AM »
    Marshal Sander was overlooking the reports. The Third Acadian Army had halted it's surprise attack on the Dysaniian line. The Dysaniians had been reinforced by an experienced DYSFOR and Dysaniian corps. An entire field army forced to bog down by a single corps! The Third Army had been forced to hold the line it held, while the Second Army was in the west fighting the Canadians. The First Army was far to the north. They were having better luck. They had reinforced the Feniexians, who's experienced matched that with the DYSFOR. The Acadian numbers were helping there. But he overlooked another report.

    Offical Field Report of Destertions

    First Army: Fifty a week
    Second Army: Twenty a week
    Third Army: One hundred a week

    Request extreme measures to stop desertions.

    Sanders didn't like that. A former general for the Dysaniian Army, and now he was leading armies against the Dysaniians and their allies. "Damn. Those fools back in Odessa have no idea what happens here. Too many loyalties to the former regime." But Prime Minister Murphy isn't like the old regime. A soldier came in. "Sir, the Dysaniians have broken the left flank of the Third Army. Orders?" Sanders was surprised. The Dysaniians had a more experienced force to call upon. Most of the Acadian Army were conscripts forced into combat. Sanders overlooked the map. "Take the this armored regiment as well as the copters. Use them alongside this motor rifle regiment to halt the Dysaniian advance. Go! Now!"

    Offline Bustos

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #6 on: February 12, 2008, 05:07:30 AM »
    Fighting had once again erupted in Dysanii.  Bustian-Dysaniian border is becoming flooded with refugees seeking safe haven inside the Allied States. 

    The cold harsh reality of no government support programs for the unemployed or poor came to a shock to many.  As a result crime rates are rising dramatically in the north.  Many Dysaniians criminals ended up dead, not realizing the average Bustian carries weapon or two.  Some Dysaniians brought the war with them and formed small factions that attacked each other, causing the deaths of innocent Bustians.  Many Bustian Police districts were involved in a mini-war.  Even more Dysaniians criminals ended up dead as the police brutally laid down the law in efforts to keep the peace.  Many Bustian residents and citizens are crying out to close the northern border, for the Dysaniians are bringing crime and poverty.  BNN is already calling it the "Dysaniian Crime Wave."

    Bustian businesses, however, are taking full advantage of the influx of available labor, hiring Dysanii refugees at low wages for blue collar jobs.  It is becoming common to see a Dysaniian gardener, factory worker, housekeeper, janitor, car mechanic, plumber, etc in the north.  Another complaint made by Bustian residents and citizens was the loss of jobs to Dysaniian refugees.

    Some learned about the Bustian Military and opted for that route; each for their own reasons.  A full time job to support oneself and/or the family; to become citizens in their new home, forever abandoning Dysanii; to learn military skills and return home to support their favored faction; and many more.

    The Chairperson maintained military readiness at DEFCON FOUR for risk of Dysanii's infighting spilling across the northern border.  Border security was increased to ensure border protection.  All foreign military units were advised to keep their battles clear of the Bustian-Dysaniian border, or risk being fired upon.
    « Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 05:04:08 PM by Bustos »
    Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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    Offline Dysanii

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 04:40:14 PM »
    The Provisional Government could no longer avoid the emigrations; Bustian news continually publicized the 'Dysaniian Crime Wave'. In an effort to curb this, the Provisional Government dispatched a force of Aemilian soldiers - men which could not really be spared - to the border to tighten it up and prevent anymore undesirables entering the Bustian homeland.

    In the West, the I Corps eagerly engaged the Acadian Third Army; although grossly outnumbered, they were able to maintain their position mainly due to the experience and equipment of their Moacian allies. The I Corps had suffered 1,202 casulties, which were mounting steadily. Without word from the DYSFOR forces, it would be up to III Corps to reinforce their bretheren, bringing a menacing 100,000 personnel into the Acadian conflict - although this greatly weakened the preparations for the assault on the Fens to the North.

    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 08:23:12 PM »
    The Doctor Lykes, a container ship was slowly making it's way to Aemillia. The Canadian flag flew above it. General Carcorov of the Acadian Army was smiling inside. The Aemillians were fighting now to regain their lost homeland, but now they left their precious island nearly undefended. For the past few days, container ships from either Canada or the Democratic States of America have been arriving in port....Ha, those are actually ships each carrying a battalion of Acadian soldiers. Soon the entire brigade will break out and the invasion will begin. The Great Lake was not usually this strong. The grey sky matched the the surface of the inland sea. The soldiers in the ship were obviously seasick. They were not used to this weather. Oh well, they will be ready for war. His troops were the finest Acadia had....and the most loyal. The seas comed andthe Doctor Lykes could came into view of the Aemillian coast. A city was there. The capital of the Aemillian Free State. The ship went to port. A civilian radio operator came to the general.

    "Sir. The Aemillians are asking where we came from and who we are."

    Carcorov looked at him with a grin. He picked up the radio and gave the best eastern Canadian accent he could. It was the same as the Acadian accent. "This is Captain Gillian, what seems to be a problem?"

    A voice came over the radio. "Captain, we are just windering what your ship is doing here?"

    Carcorov smiled as he lied. "We came out of Toronto and was able to get free passage past New Beaconsfield. The siege there is terrifying. It is nearly impossible to trade with you because of the Acadian Great Lake Fleet. They are hunting container ships bound for Canada or Free Dysanii."

    "Alright captain, welcome to Aemillia. What is the word on the lake?"

    "New Beaconsfield is still under siege, but they are keeping those treachorous bastards from entering the eastern half of the Lake. Our lake fleet is already dueling with the Acadian navy. But other then that, we have nothing." The voice thanked him and ordered the ship to Pier 14...right next to one of the fake DSA container ships. Only a few more hours.

    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #9 on: February 15, 2008, 11:00:26 PM »
    General Carcorov looked at his watch. It's time. He picked up the radio. "This is General Carcorov, to all Acadian units. Blue Falcon! I repeat, Blue Falcon!" The container ships lowered their planks and waiting Acadian troops charged onto the port. Some container ships opened up their cargo holds and attack copters would sprout from them and gain air control. Hovercraft carrying troops and tanks landed on the populated beaches. The civilians began to flee from the beaches into the city. General Carcorov left the Doctor Lykes while the Acadian advance began. Three objectives were needed to be taken. The airport, city hall, and the rest of the city. Carcorov kept his radio near so he could hear how the operation is going.

    <Running into mostly police officers and national guard units. They are holding on a defensive position four blocks around city hall. Request air support to shake them up.>

    <Colonel, the soldiers have virtually taken over the city. The Aemillian reservists and mercenaires are putting up a strong defense at the airport.> A few explosions were heard. <Thanks, air cavalry. The rest of you go, take the airport.>

    Within an hour of small skirmishes, Carcorov controlled the capital of the Aemillian Free State, and now he was moving for the smaller cities. He looked at his watch. "Alright, I want those fighters and bombers to start landing at the airport. How about reinforcements?"

    Colonel Norman, the officer who lead the attack on the airport handed him a report. "The airborne division will be landing soon. They will be arriving in an hour with paratroopers and more tanks, APCs, and artillery."

    "Good, when they arrive, we will launch our invasion on the rest of the island. There are not alot of troops here, so we will have light resistance. After that, then we can move onto Phase II."

    Offline Dysanii

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #10 on: February 15, 2008, 11:25:41 PM »
    I'm going to have to let you take the island, I can't find time to defend it currently. Oh, and Robert Murphy is in the capital, Béal na mBláth, on the island.

    Offline Aquatoria

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    Re: Back Again....Different Side
    « Reply #11 on: February 15, 2008, 11:31:37 PM »
     ;D sweet!!!!
    Article II: The Legislative

    4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

    "YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007