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News: The counter-revolution will soon be as dead as the Q Society!

Author Topic: Shadow  (Read 875 times)

Offline Prydania

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« on: April 24, 2007, 06:49:18 PM »
Ian West sat in a dark room at a cherry wood table. A bright light above the table provided the room's only illumination.
West heard the sound of a door open across the table, but he couldn't see it.
Suddenly a man dressed in the traditional black suite/white shirt/red "V" lapel sat down opposite of him.

"Good afternoon Agent West" the newly arrived man said.
"Likewise Sir" West responded to his superior, CSIS Directory Gregory Klien.

A flame quickly got West's eye, as he turned to the corner of the room, now the faint glow of a cigarette the only thing illuminating the Consul of Foreign Affairs, Erik Destler.
West returned his attention to the CSIS Director.

"Agent West" Klien continued, "I have here an assignment of the utmost secrecy and importance. The contents of which are so heavily guarded that the Lord Protector himself only has the basics of said assignment.
Speak up now if you do not wish to carry out this assignment. You can walk away right now. Once you accept, however, there's no turning back."
As if on cue a puff of smoke left the lungs of the Consul standing in the corner.

West smirked.
"I'll do it" he said, offering his commitment. He didn't try to twist the Director's arm for a raise or a higher clearance level. That was what Klien liked about West. He was cocky, he had every reason to be, and he was loyal. He never asked questions, he just did what he told. Walking away now would be to take the coward's way out.

The Director opened a file on the table, revealing a map of the large continent south Inglo-Scotia.
"This" Klien instructed, pointing to a circled region on the map, "is Northern Ryazania, it constitutes the majority of what was once the nation of Ryazania. Now it's a Myrorian colony.
We already share our western boarder with a hostile monarchy, the Kingdom of Gaulasia. A Myrorian presence in Ryazania can not be tolerated.
Your mission is to sneak into Ryazania. There you will contact various members of your team who have been contacted and dropped off previously. Your team will consist of Ryazanian freedom fighters and CSIS specialists.
Your mission will be to foster dissent among the Ryazanian people. Stir the pot. A full rebellion against the Myrorians isn't necessary. Just rock the boat enough to keep the Myrorian military units there busy with internal strife.
Should a revolt break out you and your CSIS members will be airlifted out of the country over the cover of night.

All contact with the Commonwealth and her allies will be cut off. If you are caught you will be alone, the Commonwealth will disavow all knowledge of your activities in Ryazania.
Do you understand agent?"

"Yes sir" West replied as he stood up.

"Long Live the Victorious Revolution Agent."
"Long Live the Victorious Revolution Director."

As West made his way to the door he looked in Consul Destler's Direction again, giving him the Commonwealth salute.
The Consul, holding his cigarette in his mouth, replied in kind.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Shadow
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 05:54:35 PM »
West sat outside of a coffee shop sipping a latte. His fake Gaulasian passport had worked wonders at customs. An other man took the seat next to him.

"The sun rises over Rolland in the evening."
"Only when it snows in July."
The contact had been made.
The man slipped him a piece of paper, got up, and left.

634 Harrisburg, room 87 it said. West memorized the information, rolled it into a ball, and washed it down his gullet with his latte.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Shadow
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2007, 08:30:10 PM »
634 Harrisburg, room 87
White took the letter, closing the door quickly.

To: White
From: Superiors

Situation has changed. You and team-mates abandon project ASAP.