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Author Topic: Adara  (Read 3591 times)

Offline St Oz

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« on: May 04, 2007, 12:36:19 AM »
"Mama, expelotative!" cried little Adara. Her eyes were wide as explosions around her were heard through her ear. The smell of burning and ash was in the air as her hand was grabbed from her and moved across the room. The explosions ringed into her head as her hearing was sensitive to everything that surrounded her. Her black hair flew in her face and got into her Purple pupils eyes.

"Petrov dev Cillian nor!" shouted her mother. She wasn't talking to Adara but to another person.

A male responded, "Reliave Dira!" She immediately felt two hands, perhaps two people said it, Adara was confused about what was going on, another explosion rocked the temple and she heard much of the glassware breaking throughout the room.

When they ran down a flight of stairs and out the door Adara immediately felt the gusts of the winds blow against her face. The guards who talked earlier yelled, "Gilon!" (Take Cover!). A hand grabbed her and pressed her against the floor and wall and so hard that she could barely breathe. The shots of a rifle were heard and then a splatter of liquid was felt on her self. The sound of the gagging Ozian filled her heart. The other man let go of her and she heard him also shoot shots. Adara got up and sprinted from the wall she was pressed to and ran to the door of the building. She searched for the door on the building and twisted it. Immediately jumping in and shutting behind her.

A faint amount of foot steps and random yelling of "Pracessi! Praecessi!"

Translated from Ozian
"Adara?" the woman shook the girl by the shoulders as she looked her in the eye, "Adara!"

Adara woke up to the sound of her guardian, "Adara you were having badly dreams again." Adara rubbed her itchy eyes and located her guardian and tried to make eye contact with her. Her Guardian Laisha Hanah Varish still couldn't get past the fact she had an adopted daughter with no pupils. Her blindness was ineffective for her shop work but she was great with Numbers and new ideas. The broom boy had a second job and a second wage for keeping an eye on her adopted daughter. Zei Freinav Heile walked into the room with a cup of tea. Warm and sensuous throughout the room

He said gently, "Are you alright arctic Flower?" She hated when he called her that but at the same time she admired the him because he did not cringe or frighten when he saw her eyes. It almost felt like he paid no attention at all to them. Her guardian's shop was a small grocery. Only once did anyone cause any serious trouble when they thought Adara was an evil spirit and started to pull on her hair. They lived in St Oz City; all Adara remembers of her old family was the distant orders of her mother. That's when the Moaci Street Gang Hal-Zhu and the Ozi Pol Pai Pas were in a street fight near her house. She had excelled in her own practice though. She was practically a human calculator and excelled high in math by doing it all in her head. Thought books were limited, they were her best friend. Braille made it possible for her to read such texts. She must of blanked out from the conversation, "What?"

"Are you ok?" asked Zei.

Adara sighed and said, "I'm fine Zei, I'm sure Domi Varish doesn't like you prancing on the job asking blind people how they feel."

Her guardian looked at Zei with a gaze and Adara continued, "Remember what your first wage is!" just then a strange knock came on the door, "Who would come at this early in the morning?"

"Sweet Adara you only woke up, the time is 31:43" explained her guardian. Zei walked downstairs to get the door and opened it. At the door was a man a little older than Adara and Zei but younger than the Domi. He walked in and said, “Is there an Adara Revia Oz in this household?”

The Domi turned pale, to an extent that she was frightened of some information. “No, no, no Adara here. Why would we have an Adara?”

Adara upstairs started to hear this and was confused on what she was talking about, she yelled out, “Why does he think my family names are Revia and Oz? I’m Adara Frielen Patasca.”

The man stared at the Guardian and pushed her aside, holding up his badge for STIA, “Step aside.” He walked upstairs, Adara memorizing his step rythem and the breathing. He was obviously calm from his breathing rate. She pointed her head at the direction of the sound and looked out and beyond with her pupil less purple eyes at him. The man cringed inside for such an abnormal sight. The man looked at her, and her figure and was impressed. Adara had a feeling he was doing so, she was used to the Domi’s customers who would pause to look at her. She had been told her stare was almost beautiful and cruel, they had said the feeling is like her essence looked directly into your spirit and knew everything, exposing the heart and mind.

“Adara.” said the man

“Yes?” she asked back
“What do you remember of your parents?” he asked with a studious voice.

Adara moved around in her seat, she never thought about her mother and father so much, she had been an orphan when she was six and only remembered vague voices.

“Not much, I just remember my mother telling me to run with her.” Adara gulped and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable about a total stranger asking her about her family. Except she committed an answer anyway and the man almost seemed surprised that she answered this, “What did you say you were from?”

“Oh My name’s Agent Iacle of STIA, now that we have that down, do you remember what your full name is?”

“No I do not… I only know my birthday is the 5th night before Sateri of Iuliaen and of the year 1304 and I’m 20 years old (April 22, 1985 CE).”

“Do you know what the days of Sateri are?” asked the Agent.

“Yes, a festival in the births of Sanctae and Sancti.”

The agent smiled as she said this, it only confirmed everything, the Guardian looked flushed with anger and regret, he looked at her and asked, “You never told her about her true past? It took me a hell of a long time to find her and now I have.”

The Guardian sighed and frowned, “I was going to tell her…”

“When? When you die? She needs to know she’s the link to Sancte Oz line! It’s about time our country regained back its former Theocracy. People grieved when the line broke!”

“She’s perfectly capable with her life here!” yelled the Guardian, pulling out a pistol and aiming it at the Agent, “Now get out and never come back.”

“Big mistake Mommy Dearest…” he calmly walked downstairs and exited the door way. The Domi was shaking her hands that had held up the pistol and she dropped into a seat.

Adara asked her, “What was the Agent talking about Domi?”
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 12:48:10 AM by St Oz »

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Re: Adara
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 11:27:49 PM »
It was long ago since the STIA agent came in last, thought Adara. She worked on some of the finances; Zei told her the numbers and wrote down all the numbers. So far she was what held up her Domi’s business in Glass Vases. The ancient art of glass blowing was still kept sacred for the family which she was the thirty-second generation of glass blower. Except she was barren and was an only child in her family and her husband divorced her when he found out she was barren. She adopted Adara when she was found in her shop, so far her presence had brought good charm to the shop and she praises to this day that she kept her as her child.

Except since the day that STIA agent had come to the house, the shop had been failing. Not as many customers came, when people came in they only browsed and left, and when the Domi was trying to form the glass she dropped more than she had in as long as she could remember. The only thing that kept it up was her father’s savings account.

After Adara finished she said, “Well Zei, though the numbers are depressing, I need to get to sleep, it’s getting late.”

Zei smiled at her even though she couldn’t see him and said, “Take care, I’ll be going to my room also.” Zei walked to the basement stairway where he lived, she had been down there only twice in her life, once as a hiding spot and the second time because her Domi had to put her in there for some reason, she was talking to a group of people about her parents but that’s all she remembers and heard. As Zei was walking away, Adara grabbed her cane and felt around the room to go upstairs to her room.

Adara walked from study to the kitchen to the stairway where she walked up to the building’s third story. She walked down the hallway with her cane, feeling around the place, though it was useless, she’s walked around this area so much that it didn’t matter. Suddenly there was slight movement she sensed. Somebody was walking towards her; she talked to the person, “Domi? Zei?”

The person didn’t say anything, he or she did not have the pattern of breathing of Zei and the Domi, this was a breath behind a cloth as well, like a scarf, the voice was male, and finally said, “iev Sancta!”

Adara knew who this was, he must be from STIA, She tried to run but missed her doorway and was snatched by them. She didn’t know where she was being taken but she struggled and tried to get loose from the stranger. She yelled out "ZEI ZEI! ASIPAPO! ASIPAPEI!"

He clasped her mouth started speaking into his radio and muttering commands and questions. She was only wearing her inside clothing, she had no Pai’hulu coat and only the feeble clothe that froze her skin. She found it useless to struggle, he was much too powerful and the more she struggle the slower they went and she had to get out of this cold. She could hear her door open. The man stopped and turned around. A whisp was heard an yelling in the background, the yelling of Zei.

She was put into a car and they started to move, This time there were two other voices, a woman’s voice and a man’s voice. She couldn’t figure out what they were saying because she felt a plastic material that rounded her mouth, she was blacked out for some time.

When she woke up she woke up into an empty room but someone else was in there, the breathing was awake, “Who’s there?”

“Call me Eaquaevifri”

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Re: Adara
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2007, 02:17:57 AM »
Eaquaevifri focused her eyes on Adara's mystical Iris. She didn't know where to look at her eye. Adara asked her "Eaquaevifri, why am I here?" she did not tear she only waited patiently for an answer, her eyes seemed as if she was looking inside her soul. Pulling out something deep inside, Eaquaevifri felt vulnerable around her.

Eaquaevifri swallowed a glass of water and put the glass back on the table, A little too hard that water spilled over. She closed her eyes in angst and answered, "You are the Sancta, Rightful Highness of Ozia, The reason we got you here is actually for my selfishness. I apologize for that but if STIA or the Mafia got you, I was afraid they might have killed you by order of the Res'shev. You are dangerous, you are most divine, you are descended by the Greatest Ozian who ever lived. The Divine Ozian, Sancte dev Oz, And you Sancta Adara Revia Oz" Eaquaevifri bowed and kissed her hand, she added, "We plan to bring you to a higher power."

Adara held her patience, the woman's kiss was slobbery and almost acidic feeling. She started to itch the area she kissed. She said, "Take me back."

"Oh but we will take you back when we need to,"

"Take me back," she said in a more stern tone, "I've dealt with you people before, I'm not your Sancta, I can't be, it's impossible!"

Eaquaevifri sighed and snapped her fingers, "It's not our fault if she decides not to be with us, Gaea must tell her more than we know.

Adara felt a slight breeze in the air, sort of pointing toward Eaquaevifri's voice. She thought she heard, "Daisce" (Stay(imperitive))

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Re: Adara
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2007, 01:59:21 AM »
STIA Headquarters
"Dielpov, we lost her," said Lt. Rovir of their Domestic Unit, "We don't know where she went, the Glassworker and the boy who worked for her have been taken custody and their shop has been closed. They're under harsh questioning."

Dielpov sighed and stabbed the table with the knife he was sharpening, "What Ice prevented you from getting her!? Iacle was supposed to get her! You were supposed to coordinate a capture last night!"

Lt. Rovir stepped back slowly, "Well when we went to the house and looked for her, she went missing, where she went we don't know. We have some theories though."

Dielpov snapped, "What are these theories?"

Lt. Rovir looked to his top left and started to remember, "well... One person speculated that she left to a relative of the shop owner or the boy. But it is almost impossible, we saw her just that day. Another one is Blue April."

Dielpov winced at the name, "Blue April? What do they want with her? How did they find her? Do we have a mole in our STIA Lt. Rovir?"

Lt. Rovir winced as well, "Yes I thought the same thing sir. We're doing all we can. Some of us haven't slept in 36 hours but we're working round the clock."

Dielpov calmed and said, "Don't tire yourselves, sleep, drink, and have some fun. Just make this a usual day and make it Top Priority. Don't make the families speculate anything."

"Yes sir."
Blue April Hideout
Adara heard scrapping and chopping in the other room. The smell in the air smelled of fish and there was steam throughout the building. Eaquaevifri loaded her mp3 player to some speakers and played some OzPop. Adara wasn't a fan of such music, she preferred the more traditional music and more percussive Music. She herself was a singer and percussionist. A guard or one of Eaquaevifri's henchmen bumped into something. A glass object fell but hit a sound she hadn't heard in awhile, a Marimba. She jumped up when she heard the sound but ignored the  shattering glass. Other Henchmen cursed him and Eaquaevifri demanded to clean the mess up.

Adara walked towards the area. When feeling around she felt the wooden bars of the Marimba. She started feel the texture of the bars. The Marimba was old, seemed almost ancient and traditional. Eaquaevifri ignored the clumsy Henchman and the mess but rather on Adara. She asked, "You play?"

Adara smiled, "Yes I do."

Eaquaevifri shut off the music with a click and was searching through a bag. She pulled out mallets and said, "Play me something."

Adara's smile wore off as she thought about the idea of playing again, but she accepted the mallets and agreed to her demand. She gave her only two mallets, "You have another pair?"

Eaquaevifri sounded surprised, "I didn't know you knew four mallet technique." She gave Adara another pair of mallets. Adara fitted the two pairs of mallets in each of her hands. She tucked one mallet in the middle of the palm and suspending the mallet on the index and the other held by the pinky and ring finger for each hand. She started the song with a soft roll and gradually growing in the song. Eaquaevifri asked, "What's this song called?"

"Meditations the fourth by myself."

Eaquaevifri nodded but realized she was blind and awkwardly acknowledged, "Oh."
Adara started to switch from chord to chord, progressing them, and alternating rhythms. The music reminded Eaquaevifri of the traditional music her mother used to play. Adara started to sing, Vielsi dev paeroma diamiriev. Sielpa Mia, dosta mielivi sha. Gaeanzi pourzeltov zeilpiel sata aer Zepedavi.

She continued to sing softly and play with the constant chord. The Henchmen from around the hideout crowded around to hear her and after 20 minutes of playing she stopped and the men and women were silent for a second. When they came back to their brains they clapped for her cheered her on.

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Re: Adara
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 12:32:47 AM »
"Why do you keep me here?" asked Adara, she was sitting on the couch and Eaquaevifri was on the other end of the room leaning against the wall. Adara was motionless and was only staring forward and attentive to every sound, every heart beat change in Eaquaevifri.

She answered Adara with a sigh and replied, "Do you know who your parents were?"

Adara paused, softly muttering, "No, I didn't know who they were."

"There was a great battle in the Res'shev complex. At the Grande Temple and Tower of Oz the Mafia and the Moacian Terrorist Groups fought each other. The Gaean Spears, whom my father was a part of, tried to hold off all the swarms from both sides. The Old Mafia tried to take the Res'shev for money, the Moacians for liberty and power, and the Gaean Spears held the Res'shev to protect the Divine Family. Adara Revia Oz, is your real name. You are true Heiress to the Power of Ozia, not that Mafia Slug Amelio Parpaski."

Adara had remembered what the STIA Agent had told her in her house, she thought he was making it up, but now if more people believe this, "And what do you want to do with me? Why have you taken me?"

"This is my next point, we are Blue April, an Ozian organization, built to bring down tyranny in the world, bring down Amelio Parpaski and his 50 Res'shev tyrants, and to Give the power of Ozia to its true wielder, the line of Oz. You Adara Revia Oz, are the truest and most divine of Ozia, Gaea speaks with you and your ancestors, your wisdom and honor guides every Ozian in their hearts. Ozia is now a Wasteland of Criminals, an Anarchy of Merchants, and dishonor fills our hearts. We, Blue April, the Remnants of the Gaean Spears are your servants.."

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Re: Adara
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2007, 02:50:54 PM »
After a few weeks Adara had grown accustomed to living the house which she was kidnapped to. She soon forgot of her old life, and she grew to enjoy the presence of the Blue April people. Eaquaevifri woke Adara up from her couch and she was closely wrapped in the traditional blanket. Adara quickly asked, "Is something wrong?"

Eaquaevifri gently padded her shoulder, "No, no Sancta, I wanted to," she almost awkwardly said show but caught herself to say, "take you somewhere this morning, get dressed."

Adara asked, "Where's my day clothes?" Eaquaevifri gave her the clothes that were folded up on the table and Adara walked and felt her way to the changing room."

Inside she started to change and get out of her night robes. She felt the cool air chill across her body but she heard something strange that she hadn't heard before. The sound had the texture of breath but it wasn't breath, It was far too slow to be a breath or so she thought.

He located the building, STIA had given him the address and under direct orders of Pri'mav Amelio Parpaski, he was to capture her and bring her before the Res'shev. His rusted car drove into a house next to the 'safe house' of Blue April. He had an Ozian short blade and a silenced IYN-5 (uzi). He concealed the Uzi in his long black trench coat and walked out of the car. He got the key that he recieved from STIA, apparently they were on vacation, but it seemed the neighbors were taking care of pets when he walked inside. Before they said anything the Ozian man put his finger of his mouth and made a very quiet "shhhh" sound. The Mother covered the daughter's eyes as he watched the man walk past. He showed his STIA badge, which she immediatly sat down and didn't say anything, waiting for him to pass by. The Ozian went to the emergency door that lead to the underground of the city. He opened the hatch and went down in the pipes. He heard some kids starting to scurry away once he came down. He shined his flashlight in their direction and gave a short laugh, "kids..."

He traveled the tunnels until he found the address labeled, climbing the cold metal stairs he opened the hatch door and walked in. He slowly closed it and he found himself in a closet full of women's clothing, he must of been in the changing room. He slowly edged the door open and slipped out.

As he was examining the room a woman came in and started to shut the door behind him. He covered his face with a black cloth to hid his appearance quickly but He noticed, she didn't notice him at all. In fact she started to change he clothes as if he wasn't even there. He looked in the mirror that was in front of her, at first glancing at her body but then he noticed the eyes, this was Adara!

The wood of the floor creaked, Adara immediatly slipped her robe on and tried to hide her body, "Who's there? Eaquaevifri?"

She heard an arm move and a swish in the air. She grabbed the hand before it grabbed her, twisting the arm until it could twist no more, the person screamed but muffled their sound in the cloth. He pushed her down to break free of his arm, muttering "Vilzhin..." (whore)

He swung out his sword, grabbed her again and restrained her this time using what he was trained to fight people normally. This was no average blind person. He drew the sword and sketched her skin with the blade. Letting her understand who was in control. Adara consented and stopped moving, she didn't want to die. Though the door opened and Adara yelled, "Eaquaevifri!"

The man let go of Adara and let her drop to the ground. She heard a stream of muffled pings, she wondered what that sound was, she never heard it before. There was a crash on the floor and then the door was slammed shut. The same muffled breath was in the room, alive.

He saw Eaquaevifri in the eye, her eyes widened and she ran out the door. Iacle dropped the young woman and pulled out his Uzi, spraying her down to the ground. He slammed the door shut and locked it. He walked back to the girl who's eyes were looking at him. The eyes that lacked pupils, surely Gaea was her pupil of sight if she could manage to hurt him. He nonetheless grabbed her and led her to the tunnel passage. He walked to the other  house, exited the hatch but this time there was no neighbors in the house. He walked out the door with Adara and led her to the car. Once he got her into the car He heard a buzz of bullet go past him. Apparently there were henchmen of Blue April in there. He shot at them in the window as they shot back with pistols. He ran into the car and drove off. Adara was clenching her legs in the chair and crying, screaming infact.

Adara screamed at the man "a'zhi reataevi! A'zhi reataevi!"

The man hushed her, "Iacer!"

Adara then realized who this muffled voice was, it was Agent Iacle from a few weeks ago, she didn't feel anymore comfortable, "A'zhi reataevi!!! iuvo Gali!! IUVO!!! IUVO!"

Adara started to grab him by the neck now and shouting death threats, crashed into the ditch of the road. He managed to let go and pulled the seat belt all the way out and locked her into her seat. After more screaming and cursing, Adara started to calm down when she knew that it was futile for her to struggle.

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Re: Adara
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2007, 12:31:08 AM »
2 weeks later
Streets went into Uproar, houses became filled with chatter, those who once remembered the Dominance of the Divine Oz and Revia rejoiced. Except in the room of the Res'shev Parpaski pulled down the screen and showed the Ozian news story.

A woman in Ozian silk started to speak, "Today we got word from unknown sources that the myth of Adara has come true, the Ozian Sancta is alive! What will this mean for the Ozian people? What will be of the Res'shev that replaced the Theocracy years ago. Those who remember Sancte Sier and his mate Revia remember their legacies and have told their offspring of such stories of courage and might. Except on that fateful day when the Moacians killed the Theocratic family and thought to be Adara. Poor little Adara grew up in solitude without knowing who she truly was. STIA has apparently claimed responsibility in finding her and the ones who kidnapped her are being punished. It is said that Adara will speak with the Res'shev today. What a great day for the land St Oz!"

Amelio Parpaski turned off the screen and yelled, "Who the hell told the damn nation about that witch!?" The 50 other members all looked at each other, trying to find the culprit or even hint anyone who had any sort of guilt.

Parpaski then muttered into his microphone, "It must of been Eaquaevifri's men, People, if our STIA can't do anything right anymore, We won't have any sort power anymore. Now our fates are questionable! I find you all incompetent fools, Little rats of the Mafia! You all can't do anything right. Guards! Bring in the most Divine already!"

The Sancta was escorted in by a hooded servant, She removed her shoes in respect of the divine entity of the building. She was escorted to the podium in her silk robes where she heard the breaths of each of the Res'shev. Amelio Parpaski must be the one who first spoke, "Hello there Sancta, We never expected such an occasion, we've thought the line has been broken."

The Sancta's eyes were directed at him, "Parpaski, if you expect me to believe such words then why did your STIA Agents kidnap me?"

Amelio laughed, "You silly, silly girl."

"You tried to get rid of me didn't you?"

Amelio snapped, "Such harsh accusations from you. Why would we kill you? Aren't we all Ozians?"

Sancta Adara however didn't laugh, "I know who really killed my family, You idiots only used the Moacians as an excuse. The Mafia really killed my parents and you and your Cousin now own Ozia. You fat weasel"

Amelio yelled through the microphone, "How dare you say such a thing to the Pri'mav of Ozia! We took your family's place when Ozia was on the brink of civil war you inconsiderate girl! We can't kill you now though, why don't we be friends? Everyone knows you're alive, that you exist. Thanks to Eaquaevifri. I heard you met her, she must of tried to seduce you with her Blue April crap, saying she's an offspring of a Gaean Spear, why her father was a shoe mender, and a lousy one at that. She only played you."

Adara smiled for the first time in the room, "You sound nervous Amelio."

Amelio smashed his desk and pointed at her, "Shut up you if you know what's good for you! We're going to make you the head of state but you're not going to have any powers until you 'learn leadership' which means when the Res'shev feels like. If you don't know we wrote in our agreement we would be the main voice of Ozia and not some silly girl who can't even see anything. Except we do have a diplomatic session we need you to attend."

Adara calmed down, it seemed her spirit was calmed by something, she bowed, "I apologise for my rude behavior, what is it that you need me to do?"

Amelio smiled, "Well... It's good that you're now compatable," he waved a sheet of paper and spoke, "I have here a letter from Sovereign Dixie, we need you to attend his Pax Imperium Conference as a observant. Meet with the new rebel group, We think they might be useful trading partners..."

Adara said, "Next time I come in here I expect you to show me with more respect," she blindly stood up, "After all, I am the Sancta, the head of Ozia. While you're the Pri'mav, show your country's Sancta some respect."

Her aide walked her out where she was being prepared to leave for Sovereign Dixie.

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Re: Adara
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2007, 07:32:42 PM »
Translated from Ozian
Vendecci put the Zuavka bud in the cigar dish and looked at his panal of Generals with a close look, "That damn witch has been discovered, my cousin can't put her down once and for all. This damn Theocracy has been putting us down and they'll do it again. Under this Oligarchic Meritocracy we've managed to weasel ourselves around St Oz especially with our mole in the Res'shev. Now that the Sancta is probably going to take power we need to come up with something quick. We need to run, I don't want our vast network to go to waste. We'll make the Sancta suffer by this massive job loss for the people." he smirked and lit another Zuavka, "I say we need to get another nation for our operations, we need to use our mobilized Army to attack and invade somewhere, isolated for the time being. What does anyone suggest?"

One of the Generals nodded, "Mercantilist Dominion?"

Vendecci turn his head to him, "No, no, too many people have relations with them."

Another suggested, "Morthia?"

"No, too far... And I don't want to take chances,"

Then someone smiled and said, "I've got it, the Kingdom of Yadak."

"What the fuck is that place?"

"Some Isolated Archipelago of Islands, It's perfect. Our Tanks will slaughter them."

Vendecci nodded and pulled out a map, "Indeed, I see it here, Begin your Strategy Think tank, it's what I pay you for, I'm going to order the mobilization of the full Ozi Pol Pai Pas army. The Mafia will mass migrate to this little island chain, it's no longer safe in Ozia, We should sell all the shops, all the factories, all the rails, all the airports, everything. We'll crush this little kingdom and gain a foot hold and an immortal base of operations. Ozia has failed us boys, time to find a new paradise, or hell..."

The Generals gave a chuckle at the last comment.

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Re: Adara
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2007, 02:51:07 AM »
Translated from Ozian
"The Moacian Labor camps don't need as much food Pri'mav, more and more people leave everyday because they've paid off their debts to Ozia, I saw we keep some food for the people who actually need it in the Army," said Mav Iseltov. The plain evening was starting to bore Parpaski, he still hadn't heard any word from his cousin in awhile. He kept on wondering on his campaign in the Yadak Isles. 

As Parpaski dozed off and he started to ominously hear a familiar voice, the voice grew louder and the spirit (wind) around the building began to pick up violently. The voice then didn't sound artificial and was a real voice. A screech was heard toward him and then he thought, "Is this real?" He turned his head and saw Sancta Adara standing there with her empty eyes gazing deeply into him.

He jumped in his chair and shivers ran down his bag, "Zha!!!"

"Parpaski! You only sent me to that condemned shit hole to get me away from whatever you're doing. If I find out you're sabotaging Ozia some way in 3 months when I get my power, I swear I'll find you and grind you into Frozen dust!!!"

Her eyes looked more like a Reddish Purple at this light and her shadow made a large effigy of a phantom from the Morning sunlight. The Pri'mav collected himself and withheld himself from swearing at the top of his lungs at her, "Why would I sabotage glorious St Oz? I'm its caretaker!" The Res'shev laughed at his comment as and then abridged the length of their laughter when they noticed the look of the Sancta's face. Her Face was unforgiving, ruthless, and not moving. Staring into all their souls, it was almost like Gaea herself was going inside them. The Pri'mav noticed her power to sway the Res'shev, they were standing silent, cold as if they were outside. They were afraid of her.

Parpaski stood, jumped off his podium and went at equal ground with her clapping his hands, "Adara, Adara, congradulations... Who remembers that Adara died in a plane crash back from Dixie? Or perhaps a shipwreck?"

He silently and maliciously nodded to Guards who drew their swords and came closer to her. Other members of the Res'shev intently watched and the spirit of the room grew. Adara sensed what was happening, she looked back at the guards who suddenly stopped walking out of fright. They creeped closer, and closer until the two lunged for her. Adara heard the position of the blades and dodged the metals. Suddenly glass broke and those bearing Blue April uniforms came in with I-19s. Adara yelled, "Stop Everyone! In heart of Gaea Stop this madness."

The Blue April soldiers bowed and stood ready in unison. The Guards stood back and those in the Res'shev stared at the Sancta, Parpaski stood straight. His eyes blinking at just what happened. Was this his end?

"Zelia... Parpaski..."

One woman from the robot of soldiers came foreward. Her petite figure strolling across the room of the Res'shev in her Blue April uniform. She wore the blue Band over the head which beared a Gaean Prayer in Ozian Calligraphy on her head. The writing was written in blood from her pricked finger. She came closer to Parpaski and fixed her rifle to his direction. Parpaski's heart stopped and he gulped. He was breathing hard as he tried to give his last words.

Zelia pulled the trigger and unloaded half her clip on the Pri'mav. Streams of bullet holes were evident in the wooden wall behind him with streaks of Blood stains everywhere. He dropped to the ground where the holes on his body created rivers of his depraved blood stream across the shined wooden floor.

Adara raised her voice, "I catch any other mavs of the Res'shev try a similar stunt and this will be your fate!"