yes and ninjas can only make movement sounds with their voice *sffft!* *zaaap!* *blah!* *YAH!*

chose pirates but i don't fancy any. Chose them because when i watch a movie i rather pirates movie i guess...or if i play a game i rather pirate games. But good ninja movies, chinese and japanese, kick pirates' ass....hmmm, I've seen more and better movies from ninjas than pirates, let me refrain!
House of the Flying Daggers
Warriors of the Earth and Sky/Heaven?
The crouching tiger and the whatever dragon
O Ninja das Caldas <-LOL serie B portuguese ninja movie.
erm....let me think of more.
some from Akira Kurosawa, specially that classic, The Seven Samurai.
Also seen both Pirate and Ninja Anime, Ninja animes are much better...maybe because of cultural heritage? Samurai X being the best. <- that's samurai, not ninja, but it's ninja style.
But from a ninja to pirate, i rather pirate, make more and better pirate movies for pirates sake! YARRR!