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Author Topic: OOPS  (Read 2757 times)

Offline Mahasoor

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« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2011, 10:12:52 PM »
christ, it is farrrrrrrr too much fun to taunt Gov
GMT: i`m a princess

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« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2011, 06:30:36 AM »
haha tell me about it. i'm sikritly plannin a 2nd expedishun  :-P
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2011, 06:43:08 AM »
So, uh, is #taijitu2 still liberated?

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« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2011, 08:50:58 AM »
In the meantime, a group of valiant scientist and hunters arrive in the unfriendly atmosphere (or rather lack thereof) of #taijitu2:

* Topic is 'specimin testing/observation in progress'
* Set by Towlie!~NOU@cpe-72-184-197-80.tampabay.res.rr.com on Fri Jul 01 10:10:11
<GMT> omg OP me
* Towlie sets mode: +o GMT
* @GMT puts spaecesuit on
<@GMT> ty
<@GMT> gffhhh gfhhh *breathing*
* @Towlie prepairs the tools
* @Towlie checks to see if the vi*umm im mean test subject is ready
<@GMT> wtf is that
<@Towlie> what
* @GMT smacks a carnivorous plant in the head using a golf club
<@GMT> vi*umm
<@Towlie> victim/ test subject
<@GMT> omg teh Govind has mutated!
* @GMT takes snapshots
* Towlie sets mode: +m
<@GMT> its a Trevelyan nao!
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (TrevelyanL85A2)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (it seems safe)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (omg mutationz!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (lets talk like this)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @GMT takes note: mutated being also suffers from auto-join virus
<@GMT> lol
<@Towlie> haha
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (ok!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (more kick dont seem to control this virus)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (hm...yeah. we should assume harder measures)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* Flemingovia (Mibbit@cpc1-oxfd4-0-0-cust141.4-3.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (agreed what treatment do you have in mind)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (welcome Flem! hm what about some vodka shots)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Towlie sets mode: +o Flemingovia
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (oops im a idiot)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@Flemingovia> So. Can I post now I am an op?
<@Flemingovia> Yes
<@Flemingovia> hmm
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (i didnt notice you here)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

@Flemingovia> So is this the channel where we are discussing "operation rogue coup" or is that somewhere else?
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (we can do that too)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@Flemingovia> ah. This channel is obviously not secure.
<@Towlie> that can be discused too
* Gulliver (~Gulliver@c-24-34-76-113.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #taijitu2
* Towlie sets mode: +o Gulliver

<@Gulliver> What is this
<@Gulliver> I don't even.
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (this is all i have been doing in here)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (HELLO GULLIVER! :D)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (omg this is almost a real channel)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (haha yeah! we should export this method to other channels)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Gulliver was kicked by GMT (damn sorry wrong language)
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by Towlie (we did last time we unbanned gov)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (oh yeah. right. so, what are you suggesting, dr?)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @GMT slaps TrevelyanL85A2 around a bit with a large trout
* @GMT takes notes: no reaction to trout cure
* @GMT slaps Flemingovia around a bit with a large trout
* @Towlie writes down some notes
* @GMT looks over Towlie's shoulder

<@GMT> wtf porn sketches.
* TrevelyanL85A2 is now known as Govindia
* @Towlie changes the page
* @GMT takes snapshots
* @Towlie draws some more
* @GMT becomes horny
* @Towlie runs
* @GMT snorts
* @GMT removes banana from his pants

* Govindia was kicked by GMT (checking mutation)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @Towlie slowly returns
<@GMT> :P
<@GMT> I have a feeling this will be greatly appreciated by the scientific community back home in Taijitu
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (rechecks the autojoin virus)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by GMT (works like magic, goddamnit!)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (we musst take sampels)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (i think not)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (also its too much fun)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @GMT scratches some scales off Govindia using a razor
* @Towlie gathers blood
* Towlie sets mode: -m
* @GMT pokes Govindia

<@GMT> I wonder if he can speak
<@Flemingovia> ouch @ the trout-slapping
* @GMT pets the flem
<@GMT> you had a huge orange insect on your nose, I had feared for you life
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (slap)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by GMT (speak, damnit!)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (we must know if the drugs have worn off)

* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* @Towlie writes more notes down
* GMT sets mode: +o Govindia
* GMT sets mode: -o Govindia
* @GMT grins

<@Towlie> lol
<@GMT> his reflexes are very slow
<@Towlie> quite
* Towlie sets mode: -o Govindia
<@Towlie> nothing
<@GMT> hm
<@Towlie> interesting
<@GMT> ?
* @GMT lights a cigar then realizes he cannot smoke with the biosuit on
<@Towlie> it seems to lost the ability to react
<@GMT> damn the lack of atmoshere
* @GMT puts cigar off on Govindia's left foot
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (slap slap)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> yeah totally numb
<@Towlie> nothing we might have over done this one
* @Flemingovia (Mibbit@cpc1-oxfd4-0-0-cust141.4-3.cable.virginmedia.com) has left #taijitu2
* @Towlie sip on some whisky

<@GMT> how the fuck did you do that
<@Towlie> there is nothing getting in the way of me drinking
<@GMT> true
* @GMT unzips biosuit and helps himself to some vodka
<@Towlie> ada boy
<@GMT> :D

A wave of thought irradiating from the test subject reaches GMT...must be that the subject is  telepathic ...

<Govindia> you will treat me with respect.
<Govindia> Show me some respect if you dare call yourself a civlised human being
* GMT acts all hypnotized
<GMT> yes
<GMT> i will
<Govindia> I'm fucking serious
<Govindia> Knock your fucking trolling off
<GMT> you are fucking serious
<Govindia> Remove the moderation on the channel and please unban me from #taijitu
* GMT knocks his trolling off
<Govindia> I don't care, who did it, I should be unbanned.
<Govindia> as well as allowed to speak and have ops on #taijitu 2 like you all do
<GMT> you are a test subject. you are allowed to shut up and suffer.

The two Taijituan scientist are switching off to telepathy also...

<Towlie> lol he thinks you banned him from taijitu now
<GMT> haha yeah
<Towlie> lol he will never leave you alone about this
<GMT> i don't give a fuck lol I have an ignore button
<Towlie> its more fun to troll him though
<GMT> yeah
<GMT> true
<GMT> I'll never put him on ignore lol
<Towlie> :D

Back in #taijitu2 there rules a festive mood...

* Flemingovia (Mibbit@cpc1-oxfd4-0-0-cust141.4-3.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Towlie sets mode: +o Flemingovia
* @Flemingovia (Mibbit@cpc1-oxfd4-0-0-cust141.4-3.cable.virginmedia.com) has left #taijitu2

<@GMT> lol Flem is a shy scientist
<@Towlie> this is some scary things we are working with
<@GMT> hell yeah.
<@GMT> logs are almost ready to post
<@GMT> wanna add something?
<@Towlie> lol no
* @GMT lifts his glass
<@GMT> cheers, Dr. Towlie
<@GMT> this has been yet another successful mission
<@Towlie> cheers
<@Towlie> it has been another success!
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (me trys a cattle prod)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> lmao
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (trys again with a higher voltage)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @GMT gives Towlie a tesla gun
* @Towlie charges it up
* Govindia was kicked by Towlie (zap)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

* @GMT gives Dr. Towlie some marshmellows
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

Offline Towlie

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« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2011, 09:01:03 AM »
Yes we have learned much on our journeys.
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2011, 10:31:27 AM »
We definitely have. A few journeys more and the profile of the creature will be complete!
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

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« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2011, 08:21:26 AM »
* Now talking in #taijitu2
* @towlie pokes at the clone
<@GMT> :)
<@GMT> hm
<@GMT> you think they have both suffered the auto-join mutation of the original eukaryotic cell?
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (TEST 1)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> oh this is the dominant chromosome feature of the virus
* Govindia was kicked by GMT (TEST 2)
<@towlie> damn you
<@GMT> oh so the clone has not inherited it
<@towlie> i thought that was the clone
<@GMT> it was.
<@GMT> not sure if it was a clone but had it also suffered the auto-join mutation it would have greatly upgraded our testing range
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (no this one)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> that's the original alright
<@GMT> i wonder what caused it to multiply
<@towlie> oh im backwards
* @GMT checks temperature and humidity readings
<@GMT> you're backwards? teleporting is broken again?
<@towlie> it is unknown but the clone seems dead
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (DIVIDE AGAIN, DAMNIT!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> maybe if we sing it a song
<@GMT> Sooooooooooooomeeeeewheeeeeeereeeeee
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (ill let you handle that test)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> ooooooooooooooveeeeeer teeeeeeeeeeeh raaaaaaainboooooooooooooooooooooooow
<@GMT> oh I bet you have a great voice
<@GMT> c'mon, try it
<@towlie> i sound like a cat strangling parade
<@GMT> lol what the hell did we do different last time it mutated?
<@towlie> hmmm it did seem to do it some time when we left
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (I WANNA SEE 2 NUCLEI RIGHT NOW, DAMNIT!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (START THE MITOTIC PHASE, U FUNGUS!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> hm
<@GMT> it wasn't violent shouting
<@GMT> temp and humidity have been constant
<@GMT> we could organize a contest on the forums and have people suggest us what to try next
<@towlie> it could be in some type of hibernation
<@GMT> a bear fungus, hm?
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (FREE HONEY)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@towlie> could be or something in its enviroment has changed
<@GMT> perhaps its feed
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (WHAT WERE YOU EATING, FUNGUS?)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (SHOW ME YOUR GENOME!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (wtf are you)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> no use ;(
<@GMT> try the torch?
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (plasma burn)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> that didn't work but it was fun to watch
<@towlie> :D
<@GMT> smells like pasta ala bolognese in here now
<@towlie> lol
<@GMT> maybe its still tired after having produced the clone and is resting
<@towlie> this is possible
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (applying high voltage)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> electricity is its friend!
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (DO SMTH OR WE SELL U TO TEH ZOO!)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2

<@GMT> I mean we give u away for free...
<@towlie> how bout we pay someone to take it
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

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« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2011, 02:24:22 PM »
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<Govindia> GMT you are a disgrace to Romania
<Govindia> Even Ceaucescu wouldn't have behaved as childish.
<Govindia> Then again, all you probably know how to behave is in a childish trolling manner.  If you ever met me, God forbid in real life, you would probably run for cover behind some Russians
<Govindia> lol
<Govindia> fearing the Americanski, da?
* towlie (~chatzilla@cpe-72-184-197-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* ChanServ sets mode: +o towlie
<@GMT> hey!!!!
<@GMT> it has split again!
<@GMT> and it knows names of dictators and all even if it spells them wrong!
<@towlie> it has i wounder what cause this
<TrevelyanL85A2> Hey look, it's a Taijituan moron.  You really need to grow up, skinny white boy
<@towlie> lol
<@GMT> hm
<TrevelyanL85A2> Ceaucescu is spelled properly in English form.
<TrevelyanL85A2> You seriously need to get over whatever personal crap you have with me
<@towlie> oh shit its trying to communicate
<@GMT> since when does a person's name have an "English form" >_<
<TrevelyanL85A2> it's old and makes penguins cry
<@GMT> omg i could understand it!
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (TEST !)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<@towlie> omg
<TrevelyanL85A2> even my 11 year old cats are more mature than you white boy
<@GMT> this seems to have kept the autojoin mutation
<@GMT> you test the clone, Dr T
* Govindia was kicked by towlie (TEST 2)
<@GMT> very interesting
<@towlie> hmm still nothing with the cone
<@towlie> clone
<@GMT> it used both entities to communicate
<@GMT> but only one has the autojoin mutation
<@towlie> wow i missed this
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by towlie (reapplying high voltage)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* @GMT records diverse data
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<Govindia> Both have Autojoin, you liberal moron
<@towlie> OMG IT CLONED
* @towlie write down some data
<@GMT> its growling but I can't quite make it out
* @towlie take a blood sample from the clone
* Govindia stabs towlie
* @GMT looks over towlie's shoulder
<@GMT> eeeew
* Govindia stabs GMT in the crotch
* Govindia bites hard onto GMT
<@GMT> it tocuhed us with a tentacle
<@GMT> full of mucus
<@GMT> thank Pha for biosuits
* Govindia slashes the suit open
<@towlie> hmm some fetal defense mecanisum
* Govindia was kicked by GMT (weee)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
* Govindia stabs GMT hard
<Govindia> with his own knife
<@GMT> i think it has become horny
* Govindia stabs GMT with a knife procured from the lab table
<@GMT> its glands are all swallowed and shit
<@GMT> pardon my English
<@towlie> oh shit we need to find a mate for it
<Govindia> Your English was crap anyway
<@GMT> swollen
<@GMT> maybe it can fuck itself
* Govindia stabs Towlie with a knife repeatedly
* @GMT slaps TrevelyanL85A2 around a bit with a large trout
* Govindia slaps GMT around a bit with a large trout
<@towlie> oh that is an iteresting idea
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (MATE WITH YOURSELF DAMNIT)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<@GMT> thanks :)
* Govindia stabs GMT repeatedly with a knife
* Govindia was kicked by towlie (or with you clone would work)
* Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<@GMT> this experiment is very dynamic
* Govindia stabs Towlie repeatedly with a knife
* Govindia was kicked by GMT (DIRTY BEAST)
* TrevelyanL85A2 stabs GMT and Towlie with knives
<@towlie> much data is being gathered in this series of experiments
<@towlie> the scientific community will be quite excited
<@GMT> I do hope we get the Rolls-Royce Science Prize
* TrevelyanL85A2 was kicked by GMT (THIS IS THE ORIGINAL FUNGUS)
* TrevelyanL85A2 (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<@towlie> it is a possibility
<@GMT> the clone seems to have again lost the autojoin mutation
<@GMT> very chaotic behaviour
* @towlie takes a sample of the fungi
* @GMT scribles observations on a chalk board
<@towlie> hmmm we need more data of this auto-join gene
<@GMT> are you thinking what I'm thinking?
<@towlie> its a posibility
<@GMT> lol
<@GMT> we could mutate it further and then transplant it onto Taijis
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<@towlie> do we want to take the risk of damaging other genes in the receiver
<@GMT> as long as we win the Rolls-Royce Science Prize I don't really care
<@towlie> good point
* @GMT grins
<@GMT> all for science!
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« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2011, 05:23:20 PM »
Why do we keep on doing this?

Offline Towlie

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« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2011, 06:25:23 PM »
We find it entertaining.
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Offline Myroria

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« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2011, 06:26:55 PM »
Viruses don't have chromosomes.
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« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2011, 09:23:22 AM »
But the Autojoin virus does use the host's chromosomes as it has its own genome that got incorporated into human DNA and whenever Govindia divides, the viral genome of Autojoin is also replicated. This and more will be featured in "On Govindian Replication - A Treaty on Proviruses" signed by Dr. T and myself.
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