i thought i wasnt doing tooo bad till looked at yours
You got some good trades. However, you could build up your military a bit more. Your alliance seems decently strong to help you against unprovoked attacks, but you also may have to defend yourself at times.
Currently I have a level 6 air force and a decently sized military and good taxes coming in. Once my final trade goes through I'll get 3 more bonus resources
From what I can see, the affects of your trades show the following:
Initial infrastructure cost: -21%
Infrastructure upkeep: -18%
Population increase: 16.5%
Citizen income increase: $6.5
Population happiness increase: 12
Initial land cost: -20%
Purchased land area increase: 25%
Natural growth increase: 0%
Technology cost decrease: 0%
Environment increase: 10%
Environment decrease: 0
Soldier increase: 35%
Soldier cost decrease: $3
Soldier upkeep cost: $-1
Tank cost decrease: -13%
Tank upkeep cost: -13%
Aircraft cost decrease: -12%
Aircraft upkeep: -20%
Aircraft limit increase: 0
Cruise missle cost decrease: -20%
Cruise missle upkeep: -20%
Nuke cost decrease: -20%
Nuke upkeep: -20%