There are very many people in my generation in the U.S. who mooch off of their parents for years and years after getting out of school, as well, most not even paying rent/contributing to the household. Point in fact: of all of my offline friends between 22-27, I am the only one who has ever lived alone. Most of them live/lived with their parents at least until 24-25, and those who have moved out live with roomies. There's nothing wrong with roomies, of course, but it struck me as very odd when I found out I was the only one who chose to do it by herself. Maybe my generation is lazy and scared, or maybe our parents' generation is overly indulgent... either way, it seems wrong for a 26-year-old man employed full-time and making plenty of money to still be living off of Mommy and Daddy's dime.
Oh, and don't worry about not having gone through this stage, yet; the human mind is capable of imaging and even understanding a great many things foreign to its own experience.