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Author Topic: YouTube comment converter: "Who can get forum warned the quickest"  (Read 9056 times)

Offline St Oz

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This is like an opposite version of the Joss Whedon game, someone states an opinion or observation and tries to make the most offensive comment for the above statement then they post their own statement. Bonus points if you get warned by a badmin.

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Offline Funkadelia

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Re: YouTube comment converter: "Who can get forum warned the quickest"
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 03:39:41 AM »
And this is getting locked.
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The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
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Re: YouTube comment converter: "Who can get forum warned the quickest"
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 01:26:38 PM »
Note: A reply by AwesomeSaucer was removed by moderators after first causing this topic to be locked.
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