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Author Topic: The Taijitu Tavern  (Read 242340 times)

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2760 on: September 11, 2007, 05:50:25 AM »
*While walking into the tavern, looks over and sees a building explode.

"Musta been onna the odda ones."

(Did you notice my slang?  :h:)
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Bialy Rycesz

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2761 on: September 11, 2007, 10:07:04 AM »
I did! glad to see you calmed down a little there panda guess what i got!
*pulls out bamboo shoot knowing it is a bad idea but since bar is gone WTF*
thats a good panda here you go!
"The threat is more powerful than its execution"-Emmanuel Lasker
"My vengeance is awake and she is a falcon that slumbers not till fully gorged"-Ivanhoe
"Come,the croaking raven doth bellow for revenge"-Hamlet
"It is always better to sacrifice your opponents men"-Savielly Tartakower
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Offline Allama

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2762 on: September 11, 2007, 03:43:29 PM »
"The Tavern is right there, silly goose," Alana says, pointing around at the newly-rebuilt structure. "It rebuilds automatically when destroyed, right around the patrons!  It's a fancy bit of magic, yeah?"

Offline Pachamama

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2763 on: September 11, 2007, 04:45:09 PM »
Brushes the dust off "Aah here it is" *Cough, cough*
"Sorry for being late I had some work to do. I hope you all are fine."
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

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but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Towlie

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2764 on: September 11, 2007, 07:00:52 PM »
oo you know same old thing , some one loses it and blows up the bar
kills the bottle of jim
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2765 on: September 11, 2007, 07:30:20 PM »
Just like forest fires allow new growth, atomic blasts refresh the tavern. Otherwise think of how many bullet holes would be in everything, how many portals burn and eye beam marks there would be....

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Towlie

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2766 on: September 11, 2007, 08:34:44 PM »
it was getting kinda drafty in there from the holes
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline Bara

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2767 on: September 11, 2007, 10:50:16 PM »
"The Tavern is right there, silly goose," Alana says, pointing around at the newly-rebuilt structure. "It rebuilds automatically when destroyed, right around the patrons!  It's a fancy bit of magic, yeah?"

I'll give you a demo

*Sets expolsive charges all around the traven*

Fire in the hole!

*presses the button and a littile spark comes out*

well that sucks.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Towlie

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2768 on: September 12, 2007, 01:15:31 AM »
wow if this wasnt a new building i would shoot you but since it is i will show mercy this one time
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2769 on: September 12, 2007, 05:02:14 AM »
Why we can always just blow up the tavern (and Bara with it) and have it rebuilt *Taco shoots Bara in the knees and proceeds to kick him a few times in the face before putting a bullet square between his eyes*

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Towlie

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2770 on: September 12, 2007, 05:13:30 AM »
well in that case
shoot bara and rigs explosives around all doors and windows for his return
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2771 on: September 12, 2007, 06:24:36 AM »
*Takes the bamboo shoot and begins to smack Al' on the head repeatedly.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Allama

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2772 on: September 12, 2007, 04:34:39 PM »
Wondering what on earth is going on, Alana grabs the bamboo shoot and stir-fries it with some water chestnuts, bok-choy, and those adorable tiny corncobs.  After adding a spicy fish sauce, she dumps the lot on Alger's head and watches him try to keep it out of his eyes.

Offline Pachamama

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2773 on: September 12, 2007, 04:55:38 PM »
Watches the proceedings around him.
"Poor Mister Barakarin. That must have hurt.Also I don`t think this is how you eat that. Smells quite good by the way"
"Ah, Lady Allama I believe I still owe you a glass of wine. Allow me to renew my invitation . Also to the gentlemen and ... aah gentlepanda... a drink on me"
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Allama

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Re: The Taijitu Tavern
« Reply #2774 on: September 12, 2007, 05:05:02 PM »
"Why thank you, Pacha!  What a kind gesture," Alana says, smiling and ignoring the panda washing his fur out in the sink.  "Care to share a bottle?"

She offers a second glass, and beckons Neil to join them with a third.  "Methinks it's about time for a drinking song, neh?"