News: Let's promote the adoption of the Revolutionary Calendar to advance the scientific timekeeping of the region!
<Soly> Hey Ryaz. <Taiji013> You Finnish bastard <The_Empire> ahh *** Taiji013 is now known as Ryazania <Soly> IP memorization! <Ryazania> Is it possible for a name to become unregistered? <Korinna> yes <Korinna> time <Ryazania> Because mine wont recognize anymore <The_Empire> meow <Ryazania> Oh <Korinna> reregister <Ryazania> Nah <Korinna> ok <The_Empire> I am hungry <Ryazania> I hope Khab doesn't kill me today * The_Empire eats Ryaz <Korinna> Khab, Get him! <The_Empire> too late <Ryazania> I am skinny, not enough meat <The_Empire> I don't care, I eat bones too <Ryazania> just wiry muscle and bones <Ryazania> Does anyone else have a contracted bicep? <The_Empire> all dissolves in a dragon's gullet <The_Empire> wich bicep? <Ryazania> what do you mean which? <ofcrazed> an hour and a half of work left woot <ofcrazed> Ryaz! <Ryazania> OC! <The_Empire> the huma body has several if I remember correctly <Soly> My my my. <ofcrazed> Nice to see you again <Soly> I'm afraid my nick is misleading. <Ryazania> Only 2 I know of <Soly> Apparently, Max has calmed down. <Ryazania> On either arm <Ryazania> Max? <Soly> Max. <The_Empire> I think the others are quite small <Ryazania> xaM? * Khab is back. <Ryazania> But both of my biceps, instead of spreading out, contract in one place and look like a potato *** ZetaOne has left #taijitu * The_Empire eats some of Khab's cookies * Khab grins. <Ryazania> Anyone else have that problem? <The_Empire> I havn't heard of it <Soly> Zeta left without the dreadful exit message! <Khab> yay lol <ofcrazed> Im to lazy to work out, so no I dont have that problem <Soly> Ryaz, where are these "biceps" of yours? * Khab is a girl so doesn't have anyting potato-ish on her arms. <Ryazania> On my arms? <The_Empire> But I can solve the problem for you... for a fee <Khab> lol <Khab> would that be a painful solution, Emp? <The_Empire> it just might *** Limi is now known as Limi|away <The_Empire> MUAHAHAHAHAHahahah.... <Ryazania> lol <Khab> <Ryazania> I also have eggs in my forearms <Khab> fascinating <Ryazania> I know <Korinna> Why would you put eggs on your forearms <Ryazania> To eat them, of course <The_Empire> yeah, THAT is a biological function Ihaven't heard of before <Khab> So the potatoes won't be lonely. <Korinna> lol <Ryazania> lol <Ryazania> I guess my muscles want to look like foodstuffs <Ryazania> <The_Empire> well, my theory is that they do that because you are the result of a failed secret experiment to create an animal that held all the nutrients needed from both plants and animals <Ryazania> D: <The_Empire> And when they botched it they kidnapped your mother and implanted her with you before altering her and your father's memory <The_Empire> And altering all records to make it undetectable of course <The_Empire> see, perfectly reasonable... if you don't examine it too closely... or preferrably not at all <Khab> because if you know the truth, then they have to kill you <The_Empire> exactly <Ryazania> lol <The_Empire> that's why I live in a cellar <Khab> so you're harder to find? <The_Empire> and so that I can sneak away in my secret tunnel network if they locate the house <Soly> And safer when the Bomb falls. <The_Empire> yes yes <The_Empire> Plenty of bombs... nice little button <The_Empire> pretty pretty glass bubble <Khab> lol * The_Empire giggles <The_Empire> oups... <Soly> Hmm? <The_Empire> shouldn't have done that <The_Empire> baad kitty <The_Empire> shouldn't haunt master <Soly> Ghost kitty? <The_Empire> ummm... yes? <The_Empire> made master slip <Khab> well people I have to head out for awhile <The_Empire> watch out for the bombs * Khab will do that! * Khab passes cookis and hugs around. <Soly> Have fun, Khab! <St_Oz> bye khaby <The_Empire> remember, duck and cover *** Khab has quit (Quit: Khab) <Soly> Uh oh, she didn't get that message. <The_Empire> sniff... poor Khab... who are now going to make out cookies? <Soly> Flem, you here?
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.