News: Let this region resound with the song of the Kitten Paw Happy-time, and be permeated with the smell of catnip and pine!
BUSTOSyou make fun, yet im the one attempting to do some good. or do you rell want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoopevery night. Bohemia bohemias, a vallacy in your hand. this is calcutta bohemia is dead.PURdearly beloved, we gather here to say our she lies, noone knew her works. the late great daughter of mother earth. on these nights when we celebrate the that little town of bethlahem we raise our glass you bet your ass to la vie boheme.ALL(la vie boheme)la vie bohemela vie bohemela vie bohemePUR the days of inspiration playin hookey makin somethin out of nothin.(la vie boheme) the need to express to communicate.(lavie boheme) goin against the grain going insane,(la vie boheme) goin mad.(la vie boheme)to loving tension no pension to morethan one dimmension (la vie boheme) to striving for attention. hating convention hating convention.(la vie boheme) not tomension of course hating dear old (la vie boheme) mom and dad ( la vie boheme) to riding your bike mid-day past the three (lavie boheme) peice suits, to fruits, to no absolutes. (la vie boheme)to absolute to choice, to the village voice (la vieboheme) to any passing being an us for once, instead of a them.ALLla vie bohemela vie bohemeWAITERso thats five miso, four seaweed salad three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter, and one pasta with meatless ballsRYAZewGCit tastes the sameSOLYif you close your eyesWAITERand thirteen orders of fries. is that it here?ALLwine and beer!SOLY AND TALMANNto hand-crafted beers made in localbreweries. to yoga to yogurt to rice and beans and cheese. to leather to dildos to curry vindaloo. to huevos rancheros andmaya angelou. OTUS AND GCemotion devotion to causing a comotion creation vacationPURmucho masterbationOTUS AND GCcompasion to fasion to passion when its newGCto suntagTALMANNto sondheimFOUR GIRLSto anything tabbooGC AND RYAZgingsberg, dylan, cunningham, and cageGClenny bruceRYAZlangston hughesOTUSto the stageGIRLto utaBOYto buhdaCOUPLE PEOPLEpablo neruda tooPUR AND ALLAMAwhy dorthey and toto went over the rainbow to blow off aunty emALLla vie bohemePUR, TALMANN, ALLAMA, THREE OTHERSbisexuals, trisexuals, homosapians,carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, peewee herman. germen wine, terpentine, gertrude stein,antonioni, bertolucci, kurosawa, Carmina Burana ALLto apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstacy. vaclev havel, the sex pistols, 8bc. to no shame, never playing the fame game.GCto marijuana!ALLto sodomy, its between god and me, to us in hellBUSTOSwaiter, waiter, waiter!ALL(la vie boheme)GCin honor of the death of bohemia and impromtu sallon will comence ammediatly following dinner. OTUS, just backfrom his spectacular one night engagement at the 11th street lot, will perform native american tribal chants, backwardsthrough his vocoder, while accompanying himself on the electric cello. wich he aint neva studied. RYAZand PUR will preveiw her new documentary about her inability to get off on the high holy days.PURand ALLAMA clad only in bubblewrap will perform her famous lawnchair-handcuff dance to the sounds of iced-tea beingstirred. and RYAZ will attempt to write a bitter sweet amocative song...that doesnt remind us of muzzeta's waltz.GCTALMANN will model his latest fall fasions from paris while accompanying himself on a ten gallon plastics pickeltub.TALMANNand GC will recount his exploits as an anarchist, including the deligates successful reprogramming of the M.I.T. retroreality equipment to self distruct as it broadcasts the words!ALLactual reality, act up, fight aids!ALLAMAa way to make a living, masacism, pain perfection, muscle spazums, cyropracters,short careers, eating disorders!ALLbillPURa centur, tedium, no family, boring locations,dark rooms,perfect faces, eagles, money, hollywood and sleepALLmusic!TALMANNboy of loving motion, mathematics, isolation, rythm, power, feeling, harmony and heavy competition!ALLenergy!OTUS AND GCrevelution, justice screaming for solutions, forcing changes, risking danger, making noise and making plea!ALLto faggets, legesdites, cross dressers tooOTUS to me!PURto me!ALLto me, to you and you and you, you, and you. to people living with living with living with not dying from disease. the keyamong us without sin be the first to calm down! GIRLwooh! ALLla vie boheme, la vie boheme, la vie bohemePURis anyone out of a main streetALLla vie bohemePURis anyone in the main streetALLla vie boheme PURanyone alive with a sex driveALLla vie bohemePURtear down the walls, arent we all. the opposite of war isnt peace.AMYwhat is?!PURits creationALLwooh! la vie boheme, viva la vie boheme!
alright everyone heres a version of a rent song i edited for us i expect everyone to sing.* PUR hands out the followingQuoteBUSTOSyou make fun, yet im the one attempting to do some good. or do you rell want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoopevery night. Bohemia bohemias, a vallacy in your hand. this is calcutta bohemia is dead.PURdearly beloved, we gather here to say our she lies, noone knew her works. the late great daughter of mother earth. on these nights when we celebrate the that little town of bethlahem we raise our glass you bet your ass to la vie boheme.ALL(la vie boheme)la vie bohemela vie bohemela vie bohemePUR the days of inspiration playin hookey makin somethin out of nothin.(la vie boheme) the need to express to communicate.(lavie boheme) goin against the grain going insane,(la vie boheme) goin mad.(la vie boheme)to loving tension no pension to morethan one dimmension (la vie boheme) to striving for attention. hating convention hating convention.(la vie boheme) not tomension of course hating dear old (la vie boheme) mom and dad ( la vie boheme) to riding your bike mid-day past the three (lavie boheme) peice suits, to fruits, to no absolutes. (la vie boheme)to absolute to choice, to the village voice (la vieboheme) to any passing being an us for once, instead of a them.ALLla vie bohemela vie bohemeWAITERso thats five miso, four seaweed salad three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter, and one pasta with meatless ballsRYAZewGCit tastes the sameSOLYif you close your eyesWAITERand thirteen orders of fries. is that it here?ALLwine and beer!SOLY AND TALMANNto hand-crafted beers made in localbreweries. to yoga to yogurt to rice and beans and cheese. to leather to dildos to curry vindaloo. to huevos rancheros andmaya angelou. OTUS AND GCemotion devotion to causing a comotion creation vacationPURmucho masterbationOTUS AND GCcompasion to fasion to passion when its newGCto suntagTALMANNto sondheimFOUR GIRLSto anything tabbooGC AND RYAZgingsberg, dylan, cunningham, and cageGClenny bruceRYAZlangston hughesOTUSto the stageGIRLto utaBOYto buhdaCOUPLE PEOPLEpablo neruda tooPUR AND ALLAMAwhy dorthey and toto went over the rainbow to blow off aunty emALLla vie bohemePUR, TALMANN, ALLAMA, THREE OTHERSbisexuals, trisexuals, homosapians,carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, peewee herman. germen wine, terpentine, gertrude stein,antonioni, bertolucci, kurosawa, Carmina Burana ALLto apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstacy. vaclev havel, the sex pistols, 8bc. to no shame, never playing the fame game.GCto marijuana!ALLto sodomy, its between god and me, to us in hellBUSTOSwaiter, waiter, waiter!ALL(la vie boheme)GCin honor of the death of bohemia and impromtu sallon will comence ammediatly following dinner. OTUS, just backfrom his spectacular one night engagement at the 11th street lot, will perform native american tribal chants, backwardsthrough his vocoder, while accompanying himself on the electric cello. wich he aint neva studied. RYAZand PUR will preveiw her new documentary about her inability to get off on the high holy days.PURand ALLAMA clad only in bubblewrap will perform her famous lawnchair-handcuff dance to the sounds of iced-tea beingstirred. and RYAZ will attempt to write a bitter sweet amocative song...that doesnt remind us of muzzeta's waltz.GCTALMANN will model his latest fall fasions from paris while accompanying himself on a ten gallon plastics pickeltub.TALMANNand GC will recount his exploits as an anarchist, including the deligates successful reprogramming of the M.I.T. retroreality equipment to self distruct as it broadcasts the words!ALLactual reality, act up, fight aids!ALLAMAa way to make a living, masacism, pain perfection, muscle spazums, cyropracters,short careers, eating disorders!ALLbillPURa centur, tedium, no family, boring locations,dark rooms,perfect faces, eagles, money, hollywood and sleepALLmusic!TALMANNboy of loving motion, mathematics, isolation, rythm, power, feeling, harmony and heavy competition!ALLenergy!OTUS AND GCrevelution, justice screaming for solutions, forcing changes, risking danger, making noise and making plea!ALLto faggets, legesdites, cross dressers tooOTUS to me!PURto me!ALLto me, to you and you and you, you, and you. to people living with living with living with not dying from disease. the keyamong us without sin be the first to calm down! GIRLwooh! ALLla vie boheme, la vie boheme, la vie bohemePURis anyone out of a main streetALLla vie bohemePURis anyone in the main streetALLla vie boheme PURanyone alive with a sex driveALLla vie bohemePURtear down the walls, arent we all. the opposite of war isnt peace.AMYwhat is?!PURits creationALLwooh! la vie boheme, viva la vie boheme!